if u wanna go leeroy Jenkins, then go all zerker gear and then whirl with axes + frenzy for Leroy
Runes of the Scholar under the assumption that Leeroy will never be hit. But, you have the “rush into combat” correct.
Im not sure im playing warr right. 30 def, 30 atck ,10 vit. I uassually rush into combat spinning around with my axes. Well, i use runes of the dolyak and stuff and i made my build myself
. but is my playstyle correct???
Kind of like what I did with my new warrior… 30/5/30/5/0 with full zerker armor and dual axes/long bow.
3684 attack, 2739 defense, 51% crit chance, 80% crit damage, 21k health.
I have no idea what stats are considered ideal, however this setup is a hell of a lot of fun to play.
For a proper Leeroy build, you need to run shouts (to properly shout LEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOYYYYY JEEEEEEENKIIIIINGS) and you must trait for “Warrior’s Sprint” to run faster. You must also complete the Out of Cluck achievement to at least get your chicken.
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD