LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


So I decided to level a warrior again and been looking into build options, I like planning things. And I haven’t tested out nor read every trait and utility skill yet, so I’m totally clueless on what’s most viable and what’s not.

  • I’m a fan of huge crits but without being too glassy.
  • I’m not really into high end PvE nor Zerg fighting.
  • I mostly PvE with friends for fun, roam in WvW, do events and stuff.
  • The weapons I wanna use and switch between is: GS, Axe, Mace, Shield, Rifle and possibly longbow, and I want to do so without going to a class trainer and respec.
  • I want great mobility to get around the map quickly.
  • I want to be able to switch between anti-condition or something else awesome while in the field, through traits or utility.
  • And I repeat! I’m not searching for a zergling build nor a zerker max dps build, I want something versatile.

Here’s my own build I’ve been looking into, 30/10/0/10/20

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


0/20/20/0/30 is a set of traits that would fit most of those weapons.

- GS buff/Rifle buff and Unsuspecting Foe (or something else if you’re not running stuns) in Arms
- Dogged March and Cleansing Ire in Defense (at the moment, DM is pretty important. CI is less so, depending on your build)
- Discipline’s a bit more pick and choose. I’ve always taken Warrior’s Sprint, even when it was only +10%, but you could pick a number of things. Signet recharge, boon hate, Sweet Revenge, axe buff, Mobile Strikes.. And either Burst Mastery or Heightened Focus depending on if you’re gonna use your bursts or not (like in a GS/Rifle build.. But you’re not optimized for that with this trait setup)

Basically, if you run GS and take the GS buff, you’ll be very mobile. None of your other weapon options are mobile at all, so if you like your mobility, take GS. Food is up to you, but the -condition duration food helps a lot with immobilize (running Melandru/Hoelbrak + DM, of course).

This trait setup happens to be a good setup for the current skullcrack build, but that’s not really the point. For a decent DPS build, this setup will fit most of your needs without having to retrait. It won’t always optimize, but it’ll work. Play around, though. You may like some traits more than others.

As far as gear goes, I’m sure you don’t want to spend too much, so a decent setup is Zerker armor + Melandru and a mix of Cavalier’s and Zerker trinkets.

As for utilities.. Healing Signet is really strong right now paired with Adrenal Health. 6-7-8 honestly are a little constrained between Berserker’s Stance, Balanced Stance, Dolyak Signet, and Endure Pain for survivability with this trait setup. And almost always you’ll want to take Signet of Rage as an elite. As always, though, play around and see what you like.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Thanks for your reply, really helpful.

Dogged march and Cleansing Ire seems like amazing option.

As for healing signet I’m still unsure, I’ve always preferred having utility with my heal adding more versatility and situational improvisation to my builds.

For now I’m considering 30/0/20/0/20, it has everything I want, except high enough critical strike chance, which would force me into using Assassin/Knight equipment and lose power or lose other dmg modifiers.

My playstyle is based around keeping sustained dmg and building adrenaline with greatsword and then unloading with axe, so it’s leaning more towards making the best out of a few strikes and burst opponents, rather than performing a high amount of critical hits and do more sustained dps.

I was unable to keep more than 3800 power and 110% crit damage, and at the same time have more than 37% crit chance without fury, so I’ll need to look further into this and find out what my options are.


full zerk and runes of melandru

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)

LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’d go with this:


When you unload Evis your E.Power will be over 9000 and you’ll hit like a truck.
Also pretty much guaranteed crit on Evis (very important).

Dogged March/Cleansing Ire are good if you plan on your opponent lasting a lot (i.e. anti-bunker), but if you want to blow up people you don’t need them.
At most grab SoS instead of SoM. SoS does the same without wasting 20 traits and a ton of dmg.

LF well-rounded Warrior CD Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


I’d go with this:


When you unload Evis your E.Power will be over 9000 and you’ll hit like a truck.
Also pretty much guaranteed crit on Evis (very important).

Dogged March/Cleansing Ire are good if you plan on your opponent lasting a lot (i.e. anti-bunker), but if you want to blow up people you don’t need them.
At most grab SoS instead of SoM. SoS does the same without wasting 20 traits and a ton of dmg.

Looks powerful indeed, thanks.

Didn’t know about the SoS cond removal, seems I have many options,
It has a bit long cooldown though.

I’ve played thief for about 1300 hours, and had 15k hp and 2500 armor most of the time and that felt really glassy even with stealth and lots of dodging,
what will it feel like on warrior having around 2.2k armor and 19k hp?

Edit: Final build, I’ll try this one out.


5 415k EP
27 435k EHP
32% dmg reduction

5 850k EP
28 050k EHP
33% dmg reduction

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)