Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


In my opinion the trait leg specialist should be moved into the adept selection in the strength line?

Currently I don’t see a scenario where a build, that benefits from leg specialist would go into tactics. And the adept traits in strength arent that attractive for the most parts, the fall dmg is pretty much worthless for combat, and the other two only benefit when u have physical abilities (restorative strength is sorta redundant if u get resistance. People will be forced to use physical abilities, or feel like they loose out on a trait like this, in my opinion. And as I said, leg specialist fits far better here, in strength line, and builds that benefit from leg specialist will likely go into strength anyways.

Note: This is just my opinion of course, I might be completely wrong and it would be bad, but I really want this to happen.

Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I believe that ANet wanted Sword users to go to Tactics because Powerful Synergy is there.

IMO, it should merge with Opportunist. Only 3 skills immobilize. If it merged with Opportunist, then that trait will benefit a lot.

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Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


Same issue with Unsuspecting Foe, you can’t have it all i guess.

Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gevinor.4503


TLDR at bottom

In my opinion, leg specialist was never a good fit for the tactics line. Tactics is largely a group support line, and leg specialist is generally a trait taken to land telegraphed skills for the user. Personally, I do not believe that I have ever seen a build with leg specialist that went further than 2 points into tactics. Now that a full trait line must be taken, I believe that any build that historically took the trait will no longer continue to do so due to the heightened opportunity cost.

As far as I can tell, the only builds that would possibly take leg specialist when the patch hits would be some kind of a hambow using shouts, or a sword + longbow build that doesn’t use warhorn. However, I don’t think that the tactics line competes with Arms, Defense, and Discipline for a sword + LB spec. Put simply, leg specialist where it is now probably won’t be utilized (this also means that the potent leg specialist + opportunist combo will likely go unused).

The question is where to move it to so that it will have the possibility of being taken.

A few possibilities:

As the OP stated, it could compete well in the adept tier. Alternatively, it could be a replacement for the very underpowered “building momentum.” Leg specialist fits the whole “aggressive dodging” theme of the minors in that line. If the name doesn’t seem fitting, perhaps it could be renamed to something such as “No Escape.”

Leg specialist would have great synergy in this line, but I am uncertain where it specifically should go. It may be too powerful if it were combined with opportunist.

Currently, it is very common to take a master tier trait over a GM in this line, post patch the GM options are no better. I would personally take leg specialist over any of the offered GM traits in this line if given the choice, don’t know if others feel similarly. Specifically, I would switch leg specialist with Sundering Mace. The tactics adept slot is likely the only spot that the mace trait would find any use (get more vulnerability and defiance ripping in dungeon builds).
Defense has the added bonus of allowing both condi and power builds a more equal opportunity to grab leg specialist (compared to Strength or Arms).

I don’t think that leg specialist would compete well in this line, too many powerful traits to compete with. Warrior’s Sprint would completely outshine it in adept tier (although the other options are very lackluster). One possibility would be to add it to Merciless Hammer. Merciless Hammer is the only weapon trait that will not be buffed by the patch, and leg specialist seems to be most often used with hammer. However, I don’t think its the ideal solution due to the fact that it would effectively shut out the possibility of leg specialist being used by anything but hammer. The upside is that it would still be better than leaving it in Tactics.

TLDR; After the patch, leg specialist will likely be underused (if not unused). It should be moved elsewhere so that warriors can take advantage of what is in my opinion one of the better designed warrior traits.

Possible locations:
Strength: adept, or master minor
Arms: somewhere (good synergy)
Defense: grandmaster (switch with sundering mace)
Discipline: merge with Merciless Hammer (not the ideal choice, but better than leaving it in tactics)

Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


Allot of hambow players (like me) needs leg specialist. Tactics is vey good for hambow and not just for the legspecialist (burning arrows, powerfull synergy) so Im glad that all these traits are in tactics.
You cant have it all I guess.

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

Leg Specialist Moved To Strength?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gevinor.4503


Allot of hambow players (like me) needs leg specialist. Tactics is vey good for hambow and not just for the legspecialist (burning arrows, powerfull synergy) so Im glad that all these traits are in tactics.
You cant have it all I guess.

Powerful synergy only works for leap finishers, earthshaker (which looks like a leap to me) is a blast finisher. Powerful synergy, is as far as I can tell, only useful for Sword + LB builds. So if you want leg specialist with hambow, your probably going to have to go into shouts or take phalanx strength (probably not that great even with hoelbrak runes, especialy after the boon duration loss).

In my opinion, hambow would be better off if leg specialist were moved to any of the places I sugested in my earlier post. If moved to Strength, the new zerk power, or interrupt traits could be taken. For Arms the build would get unsuspecting foe and alot of +adrenaline traits to make up for the loss of burst mastery. If moved to Defense, all of the key Hambow traits would now be in two lines allowing for choice betwean any of the remaining lines (or the new elite spec). Lastly if moved to discipline, hambow would effectively gain a free trait.

Whatever happens, happens, but I think it would be a shame for the only trait that helps to shore up one of warriors major weaknesses (slow obvious animations (aka easily dodged)) were to be left where it will largely go unused.

If it stays were it is, it will probably only be taken by hambows, and will be a trait that forces the build into more of a support role (unless the trait is given up). If leg specialist is moved, hambow potentially has alot to gain, along with any other warrior build who wishes to take it.

(edited by Gevinor.4503)