(edited by google.3709)
Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)
Can you tell me more on that build (traits especially)?
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)
Strength & Discipline : V
Tactics: VI
Rest are optional and really dont matter.
No video wtf bro? Get on it bro!!! Bequeethf your knowledge upon us bro. Let us float upon the knowledge clouds you are about to bequeethf us bro.
Idk what program to use to record or how to edit! gw1&2 are the only games i’ve ever really played forreal! Teach me your ways, i’ll teach you mine!
Maybe just post more combat logs for the time being.
that’s what i just did! i didnt think you would want to see the clutter from being hit by the down player or x1000 number from mesmers and their illusions, etc. full logs are lengthy, i just wanted to show the killshot hits hehe
(edited by google.3709)
it’s ok we want to see more of them and don’t worry about the length of the full log. The longer the better the log that is.
there is a limit how to much the chat log can show, but if you wanted to see the entire picture cause you suspect I edited numbers, you coulda just ask for it
that one is kinda funny btw
- Rifle / LongBow
Yes of course! Now I get it! Kings of melee combat should use range weapons to win – anet logic.
Don’t get me wrong, google. I’m not hating on you or your build, but on this cruel irony.
hehe i know :P but yea it’s irony! its also kinda ironic how Warrior’s rifle and bow have way more damage than Enginner or ranger!
i heard a ranger once hit a 10k and then he woke up..
but yea, even with 100B, warrior had to play like thief and sneak up behind with that bulls strike
there’s 7 ppl on your team that’s strange
this one i took on sPvP while trying out build at first 8v8 max works the same in tPvP tho
(edited by google.3709)
Warriors have never been in a difficult place in hotjoin maps.
people who complaining that warrior’s are the wost PvP class are baddies! so let me teach you
- 30 0 0 10 30!
- berserker amulet
- Scholar runes
- Rifle / LongBow
Long bow because, 4-5s immobalize x6 15s+ bleeds, perma burning and #3 Crits for around 9k, which is enough to take a gc thief out on a date and never call him back!
every 10s! same with mesmers!
also, you get rewarded for every kill on map pretty much cause of AoE from longbow! so you will be top score most of them time..
keep in mind that the channel on killshot follows stealthed targets/teleports, and just immobalize so they don’t dodge
this is what you get:
This build is only good in hotjoins, and in hotjoins you can almost play any build you want and still perform well cause the majority of players in those rooms are bads.
Use this build in a tourney against any half-decent team and you’ll be instantly squished and you won’t be able to land very many attacks. Period.
people who complaining that warrior’s are the wost PvP class are baddies! so let me teach you
- 30 0 0 10 30!
- berserker amulet
- Scholar runes
- Rifle / LongBow
Long bow because, 4-5s immobalize x6 15s+ bleeds, perma burning and #3 Crits for around 9k, which is enough to take a gc thief out on a date and never call him back!
every 10s! same with mesmers!
also, you get rewarded for every kill on map pretty much cause of AoE from longbow! so you will be top score most of them time..
keep in mind that the channel on killshot follows stealthed targets/teleports, and just immobalize so they don’t dodge
this is what you get:
Idk what’s the point when you introduce a build, and then fail to provide the trait you pick, as well as the utility you’ve chosen.
W/o these info, there’s no-way people can judge whether your build would be of offensive oriented or survival oriented
Anyway, I’d enjoy slaughtering this kind of build with my ranger :P
No defensive power and mobility whatsoever~~
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I dont even need my mesmer or ele or guardian… hell, my dagger necro alone would self-corrected IN YOUR MOUTH! Get real, before you post. Warrior’s are so bad it’s completely laughable atm. Anyone who thinks otherwise has NO IDEA what they’re talking about.
Either 1) play a different class than the only warrior class you’ve ever played.
2) play against GOOD teams with good team mates and watch how you bring nothing viable to the table.
3) L2P
i believe your 14k & 15k killshot, the other two higher then that though is very suspect.. to be able to reach that much you would need to be running bloodlust, more vulnerability then on my mark gives ( you are not arms traited here) and lots o buffs from teammates. All this is granted on you not dieing the whole time while you prepare all this.
(edited by Scotto.3609)
Tested this build and to confirm, it IS possible to reach 17k crits. But in order to do so you need:
1) A medium or light wearing opponent (haven’t tested on heavy so not sure yet)
2) Rifle’s vuln shot to be added as well as On My Mark
3) A clear shot of the opponents back. I don’t know if its just me, but shots seem to do more damage to the back than the front of the opponent.
I managed to hit 17k on a theif the other day. It was hard, but needless to say it was very, very, very enjoyable.
On a side note, it sucks in tPvP. lol.
My Longbow tPvP Guide: http://tinyurl.com/Longbow-tPvP (out of date)
I feel the OP is trolling.
Killshot Warriors are obviously not viable in any serious tPvP setting.
Tested. I’d do 15/25/0/0/30 or 25/25/0/0/20 or 10/25/0/10/25 instead.
You don’t lose much damage because of the +10% vs bleed trait and you gain much more crit. chance esp. with the +10% increased crit. chance on burst skills.
I’m critting for anywhere between 10-16k.
Utilities are
For Great Justice
Signet of Might
On my mark
Use all of the above during f1 .
:/ Single target damage thats less than other classes.
I’ll pass.
Traits were kinda obvious hehe :P
and yea, highest damage so far was 17.937k On a ranger
and I honestly don’t know what to say, but in my personal experience, i’m have 0 diffuculty on tPvP, maybe it’s just my play style since im so used to running with glassy low survival builds
and @Empiren.6401 LB offers lots of AoE damage.
not trolling, if you want give the build a change, you will see the kind of damage it has! you won’t be disappointed, if not. it’s cool too
edit: update highest damage hit 18,842 mesmer, 0 bloodlust 13 might 10 vul, 100%-0
(edited by google.3709)
Ow, poor sacapoontos
we want a video we want a video we want a video we want a video we want a video
Find me the name of the recording program gw2 players usually use to record their gameplay and i will :P
btw, another tip, if you think you’re gonna lose a match, use combulsive shot & 5# if avaible and spam down attack, most of the times, the other person will go down as well, and then you can just vengeance and finisher while invulnerable.. you can chose the trait that 100% revive chance if you kill someone on vengeance
U cannot kill necromancer in this build.
Traits were kinda obvious hehe :P
and yea, highest damage so far was 17.937k On a ranger
and I honestly don’t know what to say, but in my personal experience, i’m have 0 diffuculty on tPvP, maybe it’s just my play style since im so used to running with glassy low survival builds
and @Empiren.6401 LB offers lots of AoE damage.
not trolling, if you want give the build a change, you will see the kind of damage it has! you won’t be disappointed, if not. it’s cool too
edit: update highest damage hit 18,842 mesmer, 0 bloodlust 13 might 10 vul, 100%-0
-_- I’ve tried dual range with warrior. Either way its a bad idea.
Anyone cc’s you or focuses you and your done. LB’s aoe is mediocre since its burn damage, and to be honest the entire idea is just better on rangers or thieves.
I already made a sniper build, but just to re-iterate, its not going to be anything but a joke-burst build for warriors at range.
(also, killshot is so easy to dodge)
Just play kill shot like a mug CnD thief, but with bulls charge , point blank killshot then rifle butt them away with a volley afterwards
Just play kill shot like a mug CnD thief, but with bulls charge , point blank killshot then rifle butt them away with a volley afterwards
In hotjoins you can always hit an unsuspecting target with it. But the problem is that its not going to do ridiculous amounts of damage or anything.
You won’t get past 10k without a buff of some sorts.
Thing is that Killshot is really easy to dodge for any experienced player and they will most likely interrupt you in middle of charging it with cc or what not. Ofc there’s nothing wrong with this build if nobody pays attention to you, but once that happens, you’re done. The longbow is a great weapon, but sadly the rifle is not. The warrior is not in a workable solo state, which is more emphasized in tPvP than hotjoin.
Eles and guards which are a large part of the current tPvP meta will give you a whole lot of trouble.
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling
(edited by Raptured.9307)
Find me the name of the recording program gw2 players usually use to record their gameplay and i will :P
btw, another tip, if you think you’re gonna lose a match, use combulsive shot & 5# if avaible and spam down attack, most of the times, the other person will go down as well, and then you can just vengeance and finisher while invulnerable.. you can chose the trait that 100% revive chance if you kill someone on vengeance
You can use this very easy to use. http://www.enjin.com/client
I think I found the OP rifle warr pvp vid online guys?
starts at 6:06
Sorry but I have personally tried many rifle builds, especially since 100B is no longer viable, and THAT’S why I’m claiming it’s an absolutely horrible build idea for tourneys.
I was running rifle/LB with bolas, kick, and stomp in hotjoins for a while cause most those people can’t seem to react accordingly and you can kite for years.
But in tourneys bolas won’t hit, kick isn’t enough, and everyone and their mother will dodge stomp (or just stability through stomp and kick). In these situations there is literally zero ways for you to keep distance on any decent players.
Until I see a video of yours where you’re playing a legit TOURNEY team in this spec and do well on a consistant basis then my opinion based off of my own experiences will not change.
Find me the name of the recording program gw2 players usually use to record their gameplay and i will :P
btw, another tip, if you think you’re gonna lose a match, use combulsive shot & 5# if avaible and spam down attack, most of the times, the other person will go down as well, and then you can just vengeance and finisher while invulnerable.. you can chose the trait that 100% revive chance if you kill someone on vengeance
You can use this very easy to use. http://www.enjin.com/client
Finally got around to it but… takes forever to upload!! LOL!!! Left it alone for a while, then played 5 tPvP and it’s still uploading >.>
Sorry but I have personally tried many rifle builds, especially since 100B is no longer viable, and THAT’S why I’m claiming it’s an absolutely horrible build idea for tourneys.
I was running rifle/LB with bolas, kick, and stomp in hotjoins for a while cause most those people can’t seem to react accordingly and you can kite for years.
But in tourneys bolas won’t hit, kick isn’t enough, and everyone and their mother will dodge stomp (or just stability through stomp and kick). In these situations there is literally zero ways for you to keep distance on any decent players.
Until I see a video of yours where you’re playing a legit TOURNEY team in this spec and do well on a consistant basis then my opinion based off of my own experiences will not change.
yee yee! hopefully vid finish uploading soon so you can see my play style, in the vid you will see top score, a couple of 1v1, some 1 shoots and some decent sniping! this was my first match too! while waiting for upload i’ve won 5 consecutive TPvP. js
Try my spec and you will feel like God in tPvP! i’ll try to upload more vids after this one but… won’t be doing too many due to the long upload times :\!! i could download tho short clips of people being 1 shooted tho
but yea, try my spec with my runes and you will feel better about tPvP : )
Video posted! check on main post for link!!
I think you faced the best Ele’s Guildwars 2 has to offer bravo good Sir.
people who complaining that warrior’s are the wost PvP class are baddies! so let me teach you
- 30 0 0 10 30!
- berserker amulet
- Scholar runes
- Rifle / LongBow
Long bow because, 4-5s immobalize x6 15s+ bleeds, perma burning and #3 Crits for around 9k, which is enough to take a gc thief out on a date and never call him back!
every 10s! same with mesmers!
also, you get rewarded for every kill on map pretty much cause of AoE from longbow! so you will be top score most of them time..
keep in mind that the channel on killshot follows stealthed targets/teleports, and just immobalize so they don’t dodge
this is what you get:
tPvP Rifle/Bow! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWPd3cJu2uM
top score, some 1v1, some 1 shot and decent sniping!!go to 7:00 to see what happens to meta ele’s when they don’t get lucky with non-crits
1st of all the people in that video are complete trash. They never dodged/blocked kill shot once, except by random chance when they weren’t even facing you. Secondly, your a glass cannon with no mobility outside of swiftness, no stun breaks, and no condition removal…. If you ever get focused by a even half competent team you won’t last 5 seconds. Thirdly, you have no support options other then FGJ. You can’t stomp worth a kitten i fail to see what you bring to the team that someone else wouldn’t bring better.
I’m sorry but apart from thrashing noobs, this build has no place in competitive pvp.
Shots Fired. How will the best and most dominating warrior Guildwars 2 has ever seen respond? Only time will tell. Tune in a find out but now a word from a our sponsor.
Sadly that’s the same “trash” we’re ALL playing tourneys with
I was sneaky caught them when they weren’t expecting it!
but yea, its sad that when someone wants to hate, they will find any reason to do so. and since when was 100B not glassy or provided party support ? and endure pain was mostly used to counter the downside from frenzy and not as a stun breaker
- I’m not a bunker to try and tank “half competent teams”.
- I fight range, sneaky and i kill fast, conditions are not a big deal
- I just down people & End fights. Let the bunkers/point holders do the stomping
- People can freely tweak the build if they feel they need condiR/ stun breakers :P
It’s a different play style that has been owning on tPvP! and so far mostly wins and quick kill, that’s all! Also I posted here for the people who are looking to do PvP with their warrior! but if you’re happy with the current 50B that’s great, best of luck
PS: I’ll try to post more vids later, wanna feature some 17k’s!
(edited by google.3709)
Great idea turn the warrior into a ranger!
this build looks stale, id have more fun playing with an invaders bum fluff
Sadly that’s the same “trash” we’re ALL playing tourneys with
I was sneaky
caught them when they weren’t expecting it!
but yea, its sad that when someone wants to hate, they will find any reason to do so. and since when was 100B not glassy or provided party support ? and endure pain was mostly used to counter the downside from frenzy and not as a stun breaker
- I’m not a bunker to try and tank “half competent teams”.
- I fight range, sneaky and i kill fast, conditions are not a big deal
- I just down people & End fights. Let the bunkers/point holders do the stomping
- People can freely tweak the build if they feel they need condiR/ stun breakers :P
It’s a different play style that has been owning on tPvP! and so far mostly wins and quick kill, that’s all! Also I posted here for the people who are looking to do PvP with their warrior!
but if you’re happy with the current 50B that’s great, best of luck
PS: I’ll try to post more vids later, wanna feature some 17k’s!
We all don’t play against trash like that, only people who are low on the ladder. Half the kills were in no way shape or form “sneaky” they were just oblivious, Its not hard to notice the long animation and prepare for it accordingly. Never saw an ele mist to absorb it, nor did i see the warrior shield block/reflect it. They were clueless, and it was obvious. Hb didn’t have much team support either, nor was it a high tier build. They could however pressure ressers a lot better then this build can. They also carried endure pain/balanced stance which they made them decent stomp/resers, something you lack. They also had excelent point to point mobility which is crucial in current high level play as its nothing but an organized zerg in disguise.
It has nothing to do with being a bunker, a COMPETENT team will focus you, and you have no way to disengage or pull them off of you. You will not escape and you will be trained the whole match. They can put on BS thief on you and you’ll never get a shot off. They can put an Ele on you and you wont get a killshot off as they have plenty of rupts and you have no stability to “guarantee” the shot will even go off. People always focus warriors first as they have no sustain period, you are no exception.
Tell that to a necro or a trap ranger, their marks/traps will auto gib you and you cant do anything about it. I could also drop BiP on you for 45 seconds of bleeds and watch as you can’t leave combat….ever….
So if your teammates down your just gonna let him get stomped? Sounds pro.
Wouldn’t make much of a difference, the build has waaaaay to many weaknesses atm, especially in the current meta.
The builds fun, im not gonna lie, and im sure it rolls face in 8v8 and low tier tournies, but just like void ray rushes it aint gonna do kitten against someone who knows what they are doing (bonus points if you get the reference)
Great idea turn the warrior into a ranger!
this build looks stale, id have more fun playing with an invaders bum fluff
What is bum fluff?
Low on ladder or only people available at the current time
If you didn’t notice, i don’t go and flash the animation on their face
Advantage of the build.. not one of expects to be 1 shotted! and the good players don’t waste mist on a hunch also, that was only 1 game!
You saw what happened the meta ele. BS thief dies a lot faster. js
If you’re forced to use stability to get 1 skill off then maybe tPvP isnt the place for you.
If the meta is full of condi builds that day, I can just fix the build! no biggie
If it’s 2 players ganking a teammate, i can easily down one and have time to res. if it is 3+ players ganking, improved 4s endure pain will NOT make a difference. its ignorant just to think it would.
It’s only a weakness to players who are so used to #1 bull strike #2 frenzy #3 100B and also to players who haven’t taken the time to try the build.
and how about if the player using the build also happen to know what they are doing ?
people talk alot of imaginary theory about the build without having actually played it or taking in consideration the skill of the player who might be using it, this is just a sign
of a player who’s been beat up enough on PvP, and then rolled mesmer for tPvP while continuing to main warrior for CoF p1 Farm.
but feel free to prove me wrong, instead of trying to argue and point out everything that’s wrong with the build. provide the build that the top 1% warriors are using! help you fellow warriors feel more useful on PvP! if this build is soo bad, then give us a better one!! what build do you use? link/upload your own videos!
and warrior’s bow hit a lot harder than the ranger’s! why can’t we be the new rangers! lol!!
lets keep this a constructive thread! take the negative criticism somewhere else
(edited by google.3709)
Low on ladder or only people available at the current time
If you didn’t notice, i don’t go and flash the animation on their faceAdvantage of the build.. not one of expects to be 1 shotted! and the good players don’t waste mist on a hunch
also, that was only 1 game!
You saw what happened the meta ele. BS thief dies a lot faster. js
If you’re forced to use stability to get 1 skill off then maybe tPvP isnt the place for you.
If the meta is full of condi builds that day, I can just fix the build! no biggie
If it’s 2 players ganking a teammate, i can easily down one and have time to res. if it is 3+ players ganking, improved 4s endure pain will NOT make a difference. its ignorant just to think it would.
It’s only a weakness to players who are so used to #1 bull strike #2 frenzy #3 100B and also to players who haven’t taken the time to try the build.
and how about if the player using the build also happen to know what they are doing
people talk alot of imaginary theory about the build without having actually played it or taking in consideration the skill of the player who might be using it, this is just a sign
of a player who’s been beat up enough on PvP, and then rolled mesmer for tPvP while continuing to main warrior for CoF p1 Farm.but feel free to prove me wrong, instead of trying to argue and point out everything that’s wrong with the build. provide the build that the top 1% warriors are using! help you fellow warriors feel more useful on PvP! if this build is soo bad, then give us a better one!! what build do you use? link/upload your own videos!
and warrior’s bow hit a lot harder than the ranger’s! why can’t we be the new rangers! lol!!
lets keep this a constructive thread! take the negative criticism somewhere else
The 7 min mark says all there is to say about the quality of your opponent. its a 3v1 and only he engages while the other TWO stand on point. You OPEN with kill shot, and he does nothing to stop it even tho it has a 2 second animation. He gets one shot and no one comes to res him. Its obvious they are terrible/clueless players. How you can disagree with this is beyond me.
I saw what happened to a bad meta ele yes. And if a BS thief dies to this build they have serious issues unless u can completely catch them off guard. You have no answer to Basilisk venom, not to mention all of your abilities are counters by the ability they steal from you.
Sigh….. requirement no, but if you’ve ever been trained by a decent meta ele or mesmer you will never get your kill shot off. Your only chance of landing it would be stability, if your lucky it may even catch them off guard cause you didn’t get rupted.
Don’t know how you can fix it to be good against conditions, that’s more a warrior problem in general then with your build.
and what about if two plus players gank you? there’s nothing u can do about it except for dodges and if you get cc’ed/immob u can even do that. The reason endure pain is used it so it gives your teammates ample time to support you, not to win 3v1’s or anything else.
Idk why u keep bringing up HB either, that build was the best of a bad situation, but was still pretty bad and had no place in the meta, well maybe the EU meta. lol
Not even gonna comment on you knowing what your doing. That’s not my place to say, however i will say that as a warrior if you win, its cause your opponent messed up. Period.
You do realize your talking imaginary theory too right? " I’m not a bunker, i won’t get focused" “I’ll let the bunker’s stomp” ect ect. Those are all things you may like to do but aren’t always possible. In theory your build is great cause you don’t get focused, or have to stomp but that’s not reality. See what i did there?
I don’t even have 100 games played on my mesmer, but NT…. >.>. As far as personal skill goes, If you can make this build work well in high level tourney play, not 5v5 pug fest, then if you played an ele you could prolly 5v1, cause clearly you are god.
I have no builds to post or add cause they’ve all been gone over and its clear to everyone (except you i guess) that warriors are currently in a terrible state that have no place in high lv play. They’re still they best noob killer, they are still the best pver, hell they even have a decent niche in wvw, but they do not have a place in high lv tpvp. That’s just fact. Until anet gives us the tools we need, that wont change no matter how good you are (or claim to be)
Watch the video again Ele did try to dodge, but messed up timing it. also, i was able to finish off the ele before the thief could Infiltrator arrow in. they did not expect a meta ele to die so fast, so they did not come before.
I bring up 100B because it was the main warrior sPvP build.
and thanks for the complement, and i guess i must be god cause i don’t face the difficulties you do.
I don’t even know how to reply anymore lol. you continue to talk about high level tourneys while at the same time spreading the hot-joint QQ of how these classes are so strong, can’t be beat unless you’re … or play… any real experienced player would tell you otherwise.
but anyways, this is enough :P
I’ll see if i can post another vid soon with more “experienced players” getting their kitten kicked by someone who tries to PvP with warrior rather than do the usual PvE Tank&Spank and expect things to just die. Also i will post some tips and tricks
(edited by google.3709)
Watch the video again
Ele did try to dodge, but messed up timing it. also, i was able to finish off the ele before the thief could Infiltrator arrow in. they did not expect a meta ele to die so fast, so they did not come before.
I bring up 100B because it was the main warrior sPvP build.
and thanks for the complement, and i guess i must be god cause i don’t face the difficulties you do.
I don’t even know how to reply anymore lol. you continue to talk about high level tourneys while at the same time spreading the hot-joint QQ of how these classes are so strong, can’t be beat unless you’re … or play… any real experienced player would tell you otherwise.
but anyways, this is enough :P
I’ll see if i can post another vid soon with more “experienced players” getting their kitten kicked by someone who tries to PvP with warrior rather than do the usual PvE Tank&Spank and expect things to just die. Also i will post some tips and tricks
still takes some1 screwing up for you do anything productive. fail to see how that helps your point. don’t recall him misforming away or anything anyway. nor did his teammates do anything productive anyway.
Or your just lucky…. I’ve been playing this build for the past 4 hours. and it trolls kids, but when u run into someone who knows what they are doing, you are absolutely helpless. strafing your volley shots/kills shots even while they are engaged with someone else ect.
Not sure what hotjoin QQ i’m spreading. I’m just saying this build offers nothing compared to other bursts builds. Not saying this can’t beat someone as your video proves it owns scrubs all day.
guess i’ll just go run back to pve like you say i should, cause its clear thats ALL i do….
I love the way the Elementalists in that video walks into your “Kill Shot”. Doesn’t strife, try to dodge, or interrupt you… sad.
They are not very good at the game so I have to agree with Hobo, this is far from a demonstration of the build but rather showing you how bad a Elementalist has to be for a Warrior to win.
You might get lucky in hot join with it, but in a tPvP environment it has no place. I am fairly certain that you could kill those Elementalists with any build >.>, including the Warrior bleed build.
get some thief to stealth you(preferrably blinding powder, shadow refuge is too obvious, or get him to drop a smoke field and just use any blast finisher), so you can charge up killshot :>
Probably works once or twice…
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.