Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: google.3709



Lets do some tPvP together tomorrow

and hahahahahah everyone misses the little dodge the tiny asuran does hehe


oh, i have do it, its awesome! i stand right behind them with the sniper rifle aimin at their neck.. pretty nasty result :|

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


didnt he say these were tpvp matches? ultimately for those trying it i’d recommend playing more than 4 hours…..for google upload more videos and show fights where you lose as well as win like a lot of em…i only say this because the losses can show where the weaknesses are and help people determine their own opinions about the build rather than ASSUMING the players your killing are bads.

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851



Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


6, 11, 17, 21…….

The people in your video are obvious noobs to the game, or at least PvP.

I mean at 7:00ish that ele LITERALLY ran at you in a straight line while you were charging kill shot….. no decent player would do that, especially an ele who can zoom at you and knock you down.

On top of that earlier in the vid that freaking p/p thief could’ve killed you but she ran away and let you cap the base while you killed her elite thief buddies.

Remember, I did say “LEGIT” tourney team, which those guys were not.

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


I’m pretty kitten sure I’ve played better players than that in random non tourny. I run rifle+axe/shield and only time I snipe the way you do is when I’m way high on a cliff so they don’t see me.

Also your build is so glass cannon you’ll almost die to 1 burst from anyone. You straight up won’t beat anyone 1v1 even if you caught em off guard. If you miss ur Kill shot or get blinded it’s GG.

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Mijo.3274


very nice! Gonna try this

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!