Let's band together and demand a change!
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
Asking for changes after the overall performance I don’t think is a bad thing, do you feel warrior is in a good spot right now?
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
Asking for changes after the overall performance I don’t think is a bad thing, do you feel warrior is in a good spot right now?
The only reason I play warrior is inertia.
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
Asking for changes after the overall performance I don’t think is a bad thing, do you feel warrior is in a good spot right now?
The only reason I play warrior is inertia.
We need change.
I fully support this.
BUT, this has to be about not only the elite trait line- it has to be about warrior as a whole.
I fully support this.
BUT, this has to be about not only the elite trait line- it has to be about warrior as a whole.
Agreed! If you folllow the link you’ll see that I talk about the profession as a whole, not just it’s elite spec. I also state I am not aiming to make warrior the dominate class or anything like that, but our goal here is to assure the warrior’s place on any team. Bring back the versatility!
Warriors are a heavy class and should be honorable, durable and most importantly, reliable. Seeing the profession stuck as a frail second choice does not seem fitting, but you’ll find the rest of of the info on that forum in the pvp section.
agree 100% my main MAIN is my hardcore asura warrior !
& holy kitten i’m kinda frustrated of it ATM we went from being ‘’meta builds’’ with PS/zerk warior build solo’ing arah bringing the team 1 of the best support’s also (especialy with the PS build i’m running) but now being absolutely @ the bottom of the barrel :‘(
even our elite spec is ………..horrible …… yes sorry but i main a warrior for 3 years now & kitten the elite spec is horrible(compared to the other ones oke ! rly) .
i’m not saying buff warrior soooo hardcore that we are NO°1 or we are the best dps in game etc etc , nonono not saying that @ all , but this just feels like being pushed from the top (like meta team builds etc etc) to the absolute bottom & that’s horrible to say
& play also ., i just want my WARRIOR back !
ANET pls pls pls look into the warrior comunity & their frustrations with the elite spec & place it is ATM & try to fix it pretty pls
thank you for your time devvvvvvz now go & fix our proud asura’n warriors !
Guild Leader of : Final Nightmare (FIN).
aurora glade server ^^
I especially see a problem with the fact that we can’t really be competitive without taking taking 2 vulnerability skills. Which are also completely passive and boring.
All classes have their own mechanics that let’s them play defensively when they need defense. Warrior on the other hand has to rely all his survivability on a passive, boring stances, that fill up his utility bar, so there’s nothing really exciting that you can do with your utilities either.
I have always been saying that adrenaline mechanics should serve wider warrior’s needs, like it did in GW1. F1-F5, give us skills that let us use our adrenaline based on the situation. Let us use adrenaline to reduce incoming damage, increase attack speed, cleanse conditions,… or whatever, by consuming our adrenaline. That’s my humble opinion. That would make the class so much more fun and active experience to play.
But whatever…
Well you said it in that thread and everyone’s been saying the same thing for a long time.
“We have a profession that is shoehorned into two traitlines and two utilities, requiring very specific trait choices with not enough options.”
Stuck with stances and you pick even more passive traits that trigger……. guess what? – STANCES again. And even with all that you’re still at the bottom of the food chain. They need to rework the warrior before they even start considering fixing the berserker. And lots of reasonable suggestions have been said in this forum, if devs need feedback or ideas.
And really what’s up, several patch notes and nothing about war/berserker? And no changes from BWE3 to the berserker? Are they reworking the elite spec? What about the core class? Complete reworks or a bunch of tiny fixes? Any news?
Dorry.. its pretty clear that anet considers warriors the dummy class.
The classnppl should use only while they are learning the game.. when they are done learning.. its time to pick a real class.. and that is not a warrior..
I was main warrior for 2 years… but after so many nerfs.. im on the proccess of choosing a new class.
Trying rev now.
Anet made berzerker just because every class must have an elite.. so they went like “ah kitten it.. just add some poor mechanic and whatever… do it fast so we can get back to discussing the other classes and stop wasting time with this dummy thing”
agree 100% my main MAIN is my hardcore asura warrior !
& holy kitten i’m kinda frustrated of it ATMwe went from being ‘’meta builds’’ with PS/zerk warior build solo’ing arah bringing the team 1 of the best support’s also (especialy with the PS build i’m running) but now being absolutely @ the bottom of the barrel :‘(
even our elite spec is ………..horrible …… yes sorry but i main a warrior for 3 years now & kitten the elite spec is horrible(compared to the other ones oke ! rly) .
i’m not saying buff warrior soooo hardcore that we are NO°1 or we are the best dps in game etc etc , nonono not saying that @ all , but this just feels like being pushed from the top (like meta team builds etc etc) to the absolute bottom& that’s horrible to say
& play also ., i just want my WARRIOR back !
ANET pls pls pls look into the warrior comunity & their frustrations with the elite spec & place it is ATM & try to fix it pretty plsthank you for your time devvvvvvz
now go & fix our proud asura’n warriors !
I see three of you repleid since last night, share more thoughts on the link in this thread to the pvp forum!
Warrior has always been a class with a simple mechanic, but could do great things so it appealed to both new players and veterans. I’ve been playing warrior three years now and it is not deserving of being labeled as the “beginner” class, it should have just as much of a chance in competitive as other professions.
The strength of warrior has always been it’s versatility, I don’t even play warrior in other mmos but Arenanet has done a fantastic job taking such a traditional class and making it engaging and satisfying. I have the sexiest chinese dragon charr warrior nad the idea of him going berserk and applying burning just the most kitten thing they could’ve done, all we need now is to make it viable The berserker (and warrior overall) maybe underpowered right now, but I love the idea of berserker!
The developer of Reaper is also the one who made Berserker.I kinda believe he can and will be fix it.Mostly need to buff core warrior and not berserker(make some discipline traits baseline and add some new on that line)
Plus other specs gonna get nerfed for sure.
He also made chronomancer. My guess is that he either ran out of time or idea. He/they might be on vacation this week. I’m also a game developer and I understand how you feel post launch.
It’s just with a MMO there is really no end.
warrior is still very strong, other classes might indeed be better. but i think warrior has its niches and thats fine. no need to change, i mean necro, ranger have a hard time even after 3 yrs.
warrior is still very strong, other classes might indeed be better. but i think warrior has its niches and thats fine. no need to change, i mean necro, ranger have a hard time even after 3 yrs.
“other classes might be better” that is exactly the problem, they do not have a niche.
I have no problems with necros or rangers im glad they get played, but shifting the uselessness to another profession is not the solution. No berserkers were played competitively, that kind of tells people something lol
“other classes might be better” that is exactly the problem, they do not have a niche.
I have no problems with necros or rangers im glad they get played, but shifting the uselessness to another profession is not the solution. No berserkers were played competitively, that kind of tells people something lol
My thoughts exactly.
It sort of reminds me of a time years ago when I played WoW and a fellow Paladin wore a dress to a raid because it gave her the best healing setup. And I thought, “What a sad state of our class.”
Warrior feels like that now.
Things changed then; maybe they will soon for us.
It sort of reminds me of a time years ago when I played WoW and a fellow Paladin wore a dress to a raid because it gave her the best healing setup. And I thought, “What a sad state of our class.”
Warrior feels like that now.
Things changed then; maybe they will soon for us.
Aye brother, feels like WoW all over again =/
They really need to fix this issue, I main my warrior for 3yrs now, I literally had to abandon the profession and go to another one just to be able to kill anyone in spvp.
It feels like fighting a raid boss that requires 20+ people on a 1v1 scenario when you’re up against any profession in spvp, excluding another berserk/warrior.
As if warriors had enough problems by being force to use specific trait lines to be useful.
Only way I see warriors able to come back is by
Improving healing, Adrenal Health(minor trait)
Fast Hands baseline can be nice as it would let you abandon the Discipline trait line and use better traits, opening more doors for your build as I like to call it.
Lowering the CD from berserker burst skills(while in berserk), bar fills up quickly but force to wait out the CD regardless to use it again, even with Smash Brawler trait.
Head Butt needs range increase from 180 to 300 or slightly little more as every profession has insane mobility now, they can just simply kite the kitten out of you,
aside from all that, I still feel like we’re force to either use the same stance skills or typical shout skill setup to even stand a small chance in a team fight, and even then a druid is a lot more useful than a shout build warrior, heck, every profession is better than warrior in every possible thing that they can do.
I just want my warrior back, to be viable, not some bubble walking to a pin party.
They really need to fix this issue, I main my warrior for 3yrs now, I literally had to abandon the profession and go to another one just to be able to kill anyone in spvp.
It feels like fighting a raid boss that requires 20+ people on a 1v1 scenario when you’re up against any profession in spvp, excluding another berserk/warrior.
As if warriors had enough problems by being force to use specific trait lines to be useful.Only way I see warriors able to come back is by
Improving healing, Adrenal Health(minor trait)
Fast Hands baseline can be nice as it would let you abandon the Discipline trait line and use better traits, opening more doors for your build as I like to call it.
Lowering the CD from berserker burst skills(while in berserk), bar fills up quickly but force to wait out the CD regardless to use it again, even with Smash Brawler trait.
Head Butt needs range increase from 180 to 300 or slightly little more as every profession has insane mobility now, they can just simply kite the kitten out of you,
aside from all that, I still feel like we’re force to either use the same stance skills or typical shout skill setup to even stand a small chance in a team fight, and even then a druid is a lot more useful than a shout build warrior, heck, every profession is better than warrior in every possible thing that they can do.I just want my warrior back, to be viable, not some bubble walking to a pin party.
They will notice, in competitive there were 0 berserker’s played for the first big event this week, the only elite spec to not be played at all. Berserker could be deadly with the right adjustments, burning is very potent and the overall playstyle of berserker I really enjoy.
The issues lie within the traitlines, lots of things being needed baseline or adjusting. Before the june patch conditions were not as viable, afterwards not only did the condition damage increase, but overall power spike damage went up too. SHoutbow had a weakness to very high spike damage, but the warhorn could sometimes compensate for this with more regen and protection which was removed. Warriors then essentially became rampage bots, warriors themselves weren’t great, but popping rampage was a game changer and thus people brought warriors. Warriors cannot be a reliable tank or damage dealer, why would you take a melee gs warrior as your dps when you can have a dragonhunter that has both range, aoe via trapts and more options? Why would I take a tank warrior when chronomancers have more crowd control and options for survivability? A warrior’s tankiness comes down to their double endure pain.