Looking for a Build...

Looking for a Build...

in Warrior

Posted by: StygSec.7163


I’m currently a Support focused Warrior using a slapped together build with a Mace and shield. Granted I switched to this from a GS focused build and found it fun, but now I find it lacking.

So! I’ve come here asking for a build that’s damage centric, but stays away from the Greatsword. I want to be mobile while damaging my enemies instead of rooted in one spot for a 3 second channel ability.

So, anyone have suggestions?

Looking for a Build...

in Warrior

Posted by: StygSec.7163



I would like a damage build that I can have more damage than Survivability, but stay away from the GreatSword.

Looking for a Build...

in Warrior

Posted by: Winter.6091



Read what my friend ended up doing. he uses Axe/Shield and GS.
but if you want to move more I would use Axe/shield and then Longbow.
Use the 10-20-30-10 build but change your traits accordingly.

Excellent build for survivability and dmg

Looking for a Build...

in Warrior

Posted by: StygSec.7163


Ah-ha! Thank you kind gentleperson!

And.. I don’t have to change my gear, much.