Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

Hey guys, here is a gameplay video of decent use of the mace weapon. A weapon long forgotten. Hope you guys like it, enjoy!

Pros of the Build: Hight Burst, CC, Decent defense, Reflection, Decent ability to disengage from or chase down enemies.

Cons: low damage unless enemy is stunned. No active condition removers or stun breakers.
Traits 0/20/20/0/30

Arms: IV (50% crit to stunned foes) and X (Might on GS crit, 20% recharge speed on GS skills)

Defense: II (dogged march) and V (reflect missiles when blocking)

Discipline: (your preference), V (hightened focus), XI (burst mastery)

Gear: PVT with superior runes of Melendru, Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry food(sooo expensive). PVT ascended trinkets.

Weapons: PVT Mace (Superior Sigil of Paralyzation) /Shield (your preference). Zerker Stats exotic Greatsword.

There is a variation to this build with Runes of Lyssa, and going for signet recharge speed. Best to use in spvp due to lack of food buffs.

(edited by Night Sentry.3902)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I’m a fan of M/Sh+GS but it doesn’t hold in wvw because it affects one target not many but in spvp it is fun. The mace only affects one target and should be increased to affect multiple targets. Also, you rely on 100b for bursts, repeatedly. Every time you use the stupid long kitten channel on 100b you are open to being damaged/cced by other targets. Nice play and very enjoyable video.

Just a few points from watching your video:

No stability.

You don’t need dogged march with melandru and the food. Mobile strikes is much better than dogged march ,imho , because it is instant removal.

You wait too long while 100b to use whirl wind. Use it like 2/3 of the way in before the stun wears off. I saw one fight where you would have won if you used it. I tend to underestimate how hard it hits, too.

You don’t use GS 5 or GS 3/5 a lot to kite people around -which you should since you have short cooldowns-. Don’t be afraid to use GS5 to move away, mesmers and thieves abuse their teleport hacks all the time.

I’d drop the dogged march and use embrace the pain to gurantee your adrenaline is always up every 7 seconds for the mace burst.

I’d drop the arrow reflection since any good player will stop spamming arrows etc once they see the 1st one flying towards them. I don’t think this ability is worth taking till they do the reasonable thing and combine it with shield mastery. Get reactive stability. It is much more valuable than a slotted one -but unfortunately the 90s cool down is just silly-. Smart players -few are around- will make you blow it with a weak cc before using their long one.

Use bolas instead of fear.

(edited by XII.9401)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

Just a few points from watching your video:

No stability.

You don’t need dogged march with melandru and the food. Mobile strikes is much better than dogged march ,imho , because it is instant removal.

I’d drop the dogged march and use embrace the pain to gurantee your adrenaline is always up every 7 seconds for the mace burst.

I’d drop the arrow reflection since any good player will stop spamming arrows etc once they see the 1st one flying towards them. I don’t think this ability is worth taking till they do the reasonable thing and combine it with shield mastery. Get reactive stability. It is much more valuable than a slotted one -but unfortunately the 90s cool down is just silly-. Smart players -few are around- will make you blow it with a weak cc before using their long one.

Use bolas instead of fear.

Thanks for watching!

I think there might be some confusion. Mobile strike cannot replace dogged as it is not in the same tree. Plus I don’t have food up at all times as I am poor :[ so I’d prob keep dogged march.

But yes good ideas!

Question though, what counts as movement skills? Cause I swear one time i was immobilized and gs 3 did not proc mobile strike.

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: iBlasiannn.4279


Nice video and interesting build! I like how you showed fights against different classes. I just think that you should explain your tactics more when commentating, explain why you did a certain attack and/or what you were thinking. Otherwise awesome job for your first time!

Februaryy – That one thief on Blackgate
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Puandro.3245


2:50, its a game that happens with every class in WvW due to lag hiccups. Basically the engineer got KD by bull rush too far away from your character for the HB, like a rubber band effect. 2:52 you see him stand up at the correct spot he has KD.

11:53, waste of fear me, could had just blocked the CE from the Ele or Dazed him.

Overall ive always liked M+S/GS but i don’t like that it doesnt do that great 1vX and it has weaknesses vs mesmers. I much prefer using the Hammer stuns and having less surviveability but thats just my 2 cents. also not a fan of PVT on a warrior.

Good video though, nice to see other solo people in T1.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Thanks for watching!

I think there might be some confusion. Mobile strike cannot replace dogged as it is not in the same tree. Plus I don’t have food up at all times as I am poor :[ so I’d prob keep dogged march.

But yes good ideas!

Question though, what counts as movement skills? Cause I swear one time i was immobilized and gs 3 did not proc mobile strike.

Again, great skills imho in the video and please keep them coming.

just as a reply to your reply =p:

Mobile Strikes:
-Nope. No confusion. Your going 30 in discipline that is why I mentioned mobile strikes as an option. Also, you are using bulls charge, shield 4, GS3 and 5 which all benefit from it. I mostly use GS 3 and 5 for mobile strikes as the other 2 are too valuable to waste but I might use them if I’m focused hard to break away.

In reply to mobile strikes not working at times: there are two problems with mobile strikes:
1.It doesn’t remove chill. That is silly. Chill impairs movements and thus should be affected -there is some agreement to this as you see dogged march affects chill because that is logic-.
2. Skills using mobile strikes can be Immobilized WHILE doing them..which is broken and stupid and negates its benefit.
I posted a thread about it and am currently battling the trolls/terribad pve warriors/carry-me-class players (thieves) so lend your support! :

Anti condition Food:
-As for the food..sigh..I didn’t want to mention it but the lvl 65 version is just as good as the 80 one and is much cheaper.
You have 61% condition duration reduction. That along with the Health from PVT armor+ascendant trinkets is more than enough.

Additional points about the video:
Also, I always post long boring posts so I didn’t want to mention this earlier but:

-You blew frenzy 100b on an engy before he used Elixir S. I’m guessing you did it just like me coz you got a bit eager. I would suggest you Fake GS5 charge-burns mesmers staff teleport or blink. too- and that might blow the elixir S. If not, set up a regular 100b, most ppl blow elixir S. Then you can frenzy 100b safely.
If they have elixir S -lots don’t use the reactive S because it takes away other more useful abilities- then you can’t do anything about it. You can always save your frenzy for when they are low on health but I’m too impatient for that, honestly.

Sigils on GS+M/Sh:
-Use sigil of impact on the GS for the 100b post Mace burst. It was removed from spvp but not from pve/wvw because it was too OP. It is also cheap.
Apparently the mace burst is increased from 2 to 3 seconds using sigil of paralyation – see this discussion: . That should give you time to GS 2 then 3. Make sure to get whirlwind out before the stun wears off. It is way more dps than continuing with 100b.
—Hydromancy on your shield or another sigil of impact since it will affect the mace 3 and burst. I prefer hydromancy as you can switch to it when your on the target for nice extra cc. Also works when you are already in combat and a thief is about to re-open again on you. I tend to use hydromancy as an extra immediate damage to finish off ppl with low health or to finish off a 100b or hammer burst.

Damage output:
You spent a lot on the trinkets (asc) and Armor (melandru) so you should try and increase your damage output without exchanging those -I’m poor too from the stupid food/oil-:
-Use a zerker GS -you already did that-.
-remove 20 points out of defense, put 20 into strength for zerker power and slashing power since your dps is mostly in GS. OR put 10 into strength for zerker power and 10 more into Arms for say..furious reaction.
Keep in mind that slotted stability is a must if you don’t have a reactive one. Another option is to tough out the cc with your PVT gear/condition duration reduction and possibly using:

Finally, it isn’t the thread for it but try Sword/Shield with GS with the above mentioned suggestions with some adjustments in sigils. The reason being is targets have a harder time getting out of immobilize -4sec on burst- since it isn’t a stun -not talking about broken classes like thieves and mesmers- and you also have a nice leap on short cooldown which also benefits from mobile strikes.
GS3+GS5+Sword 2+bulls charge=hard time for kiters
Remember, you lost the fight if you were doing well and your target managed to get away robbing you of a badge.

(edited by XII.9401)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

Thank you for taking the time to reply so in depth!
I need to work on my timing for mace f1 and gs2 and gs3, my key binding is a bit weird for switching weapons, so at times I get butter finger moments lol. But yah I gotta keep in mind to use gs3 b4 stun is over.
A lot of Great suggestions there, will definitely help this build get better. I might make a short video with the changes. Would totally like some volunteers for some duels!

edit* Saffron Bread!!!! that would go great with no stab on this build and sooo cheap too!

(edited by Night Sentry.3902)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Haziq.3907


Wow , my main is a warrior , even for PvP and it always makes me feel better when i see someone who is good as i can learn from the person. Traits , Gear , Strategy , etc , coz i seriously do suck at PvP and reading lots of “warriors suck in PvP” threads does not help.
Thanks for the video

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: rorosupra.7603


Stupid question but what is PVT mean?

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Stupid question but what is PVT mean?

Power Vitality Toughness, the stats on gear.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Rooks Zaer.5846

Rooks Zaer.5846

Is Soldier’s (PVT) a better choice than Sentinel’s (VPT)?

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Haziq.3907


Hello , i was thinking if its viable to use hammer instead of GS for even more CCs ?

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

To Haziq.3907: With hammer u won’t have mobility, and damage is a bit low. good for team fights i guess. But if things goes south u won’t be able to run or chase someone down. But try it, let me know if it works out.

To Rooks Zaer.5846: well this build has enough vitality and toughness, don’t really need to be more tank. Could use more damage, so for this specific build I would use VPT over VPT.

(edited by Night Sentry.3902)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

LF people from JQ or Dragonband to test out build for next vid, send me in game mail if interested.

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Opynn.2936


Imo Hammer/Gs combo is better. You get mobilty from gs and hammer.
I rather invest 10 points in tactisc to take leg specialis since you are full mele and could benefit from Bladetail double immobilze (when the sword hits and when he comes back)
Skull crack is nice becasue its instant.
Hammer damage is not low. Hammer “1” is at the same speed as greatsword “1” but damage is bigger.
Nice fights there.
BTW Idea of dueling not in equal gear is ridiculous. You play more so you need to be better? And where in GW2 you work hard to get gear?

Opyrr[GoT] Warrior

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I pretty much 100% disagree on the dueling and gear points you brought up.

GW2 isn’t balanced on a 1v1 basis, meaning that certain builds are simply going to be stronger than you in single combat. GW2 is a TEAM game, same as GW1. It isn’t about being a 1 man wreaking ball – it’s about what you bring to the team. Dueling doesn’t jive with ANets vision of the game.

As for gear, just please no. If I want to grind for gear I would play 1 of the other MMOs out there. GW1 had the same idea that it isn’t about grinding for months for moderate stat increases, it’s about your build and how you use it. I for one don’t play other MMOs BECAUSE of the massive gear grinding involved. I want to play a game where the gameplay keeps me coming back and where strategy = power, not time = power. What’s great about GW2 is that I don’t have to dedicate all my game time playing it to remain competitive.

Too many gear tiers is just a lazy way to lengthen gameplay. It’s the same thing CoD does, feed you just enough new stuff that you feel you HAVE to keep playing to get it – then you prestige to get a few different pixels by your name.

As for the build itself, I’ve run GS/Mace + Shield in S/TPvP and it is for sure the strongest 1v1 spec you can run, but like I said that isn’t always that important because winning teamfights to hold points is how you win PvP. Often being glass is actually more helpful for bursting down a bunker. Mace shield with Deflection is awesome though and running something like this will make bunkers cry as you interrupt their heals.

As for Opynn.2936 claiming Hammer is better, maybe so in team fights and zergs but in 1v1 the big hits are too easy to dodge and it also have NO UTILITY, while shield does. Not to mention Skull Crack is way easier to land than Earthshaker. Hammer 3 with leg specialist is fun though.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I pretty much 100% disagree on the dueling and gear points you brought up.

GW2 isn’t balanced on a 1v1 basis, meaning that certain builds are simply going to be stronger than you in single combat. GW2 is a TEAM game, same as GW1. It isn’t about being a 1 man wreaking ball – it’s about what you bring to the team. Dueling doesn’t jive with ANets vision of the game.

As for gear, just please no. If I want to grind for gear I would play 1 of the other MMOs out there. GW1 had the same idea that it isn’t about grinding for months for moderate stat increases, it’s about your build and how you use it. I for one don’t play other MMOs BECAUSE of the massive gear grinding involved. I want to play a game where the gameplay keeps me coming back and where strategy = power, not time = power. What’s great about GW2 is that I don’t have to dedicate all my game time playing it to remain competitive.

Too many gear tiers is just a lazy way to lengthen gameplay. It’s the same thing CoD does, feed you just enough new stuff that you feel you HAVE to keep playing to get it – then you prestige to get a few different pixels by your name.

As for the build itself, I’ve run GS/Mace + Shield in S/TPvP and it is for sure the strongest 1v1 spec you can run, but like I said that isn’t always that important because winning teamfights to hold points is how you win PvP. Often being glass is actually more helpful for bursting down a bunker. Mace shield with Deflection is awesome though and running something like this will make bunkers cry as you interrupt their heals.

As for Opynn.2936 claiming Hammer is better, maybe so in team fights and zergs but in 1v1 the big hits are too easy to dodge and it also have NO UTILITY, while shield does. Not to mention Skull Crack is way easier to land than Earthshaker. Hammer 3 with leg specialist is fun though.

GW2 is a team Game? That’s a joke.

Taking out the healer class resulted in two things:
1.Lack of group synergy since everyone has heals etc. This is evident by any valid build in high end tourneys. Hot join trash matches don’t count.
2.OP classes such as the mesmer/guardian/thief.

Even the way sPvP is laid out encourages solos or duos max in order to control the points. You only encounter group zerging in hot joins.

How can there be group synergy when every class has dps/heals/cc/conditions/condition removal at their disposal? It was an interesting idea getting rid of healers but unfortunately it back fired as many of the pvpers got bored and left the game. Having healers in PVE is terrible as anyone who waited an hour for a priest etc to grace you with their presence in WoW/SWTOR etc remembers. I’m really glad they removed it from PVE. However, removing it from sPvP looked good on paper but backfired.

Anyone can tell you that the pvp and wvw player base in NA and EU servers has dwindled and continues to dwindle. The pvp players you see now are new players or people who switched to pvp after getting bored with repetitive dungeons or zergy wvw and even now are becoming bored themselves.

Just check the spvp and all you see is threads about pvp being boring due to the lack of group synergy and certain OP classes that literally win every time in the hands of a player who knows how to play the class. Don’t believe me about the numbers? Just check your followers list and see how many get online anymore. Very few since a lot left the game since launch.

Check the class forums, all the successful class builds in spvp are self reliant ones. You are pigeon holed into choosing a specific self reliant build to succeed in competitive tourneys. If you don’t and you find yourself thinking your the kitten its because you most likely join hot joins or a casual that plays so little it will take him quite the time to realize the lack of group synergy.

If I choose a full support class and tag along with someone that will leave nodes undefended/unchallenged etc. Even then you won’t benefit your team mates as they have their own heals etc.

Where is the group synergy? Even WvW discourages organized groups and smart play by crushing any skilled group with numbers/the terrible downed system and AOE limit that favors zerglings/casuals/pvers who think that zerging and sieging is mad skillz.

To the OP, Keep the vids coming!

(edited by XII.9401)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


In high end I certainly do not see any zerging, unless you count converging on a point to clear a point “zerging.” Typically, the side that zergs against any good team will just get back capped and lose terribly.

I never said that ANet had perfected their vision but that doesn’t change the fact that they don’t want this game to be a “1v1 me Bro” game.

As for WvW large guilds in higher tiers do actually try to have a bit of synergy going, people to lock them down, people to deal damage, Mesmers to portal bomb, etc.

As for team roles, why would you run a tough warrior when you are more useful running DPS. If everyone on your team is running psudo-bunkers and pure bunkers that isn’t optimal in TPvP. You want a mid bunker and a home bunker but you also need a roamer, support, teamfighter, and several other roles. THAT is what I mean by Teamwork. A team that actually has these roles will do better than a team rocking all bunkers. There are certainly some builds that are OP 1v1 but guess what? Those builds will still crumble if you focus them.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Opynn.2936


As for Opynn.2936 claiming Hammer is better, maybe so in team fights and zergs but in 1v1 the big hits are too easy to dodge and it also have NO UTILITY, while shield does. Not to mention Skull Crack is way easier to land than Earthshaker. Hammer 3 with leg specialist is fun though.

Im not claiming Hammer is better, see that “IMO” at the begingin of my post it stand for in my opinion. For me it works better, maybe because Im using hammer since lunch. And how on earth Skull Crack is way easier too land than Eathshaker when Eathshaker is leap with 600 range with 240 radius. If you ask me its easier to land than Skull Crack with 130 range in a game when everyone can move away from you by using dodge.

Opyrr[GoT] Warrior

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


LF people from JQ or Dragonband to test out build for next vid, send me in game mail if interested.

Anyway, aside from the blind fanboyism, you might wanna ask on the wvw forums for duelers. Someone might contact you.

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


As for Opynn.2936 claiming Hammer is better, maybe so in team fights and zergs but in 1v1 the big hits are too easy to dodge and it also have NO UTILITY, while shield does. Not to mention Skull Crack is way easier to land than Earthshaker. Hammer 3 with leg specialist is fun though.

Im not claiming Hammer is better, see that “IMO” at the begingin of my post it stand for in my opinion. For me it works better, maybe because Im using hammer since lunch. And how on earth Skull Crack is way easier too land than Eathshaker when Eathshaker is leap with 600 range with 240 radius. If you ask me its easier to land than Skull Crack with 130 range in a game when everyone can move away from you by using dodge.

Skull Cracker has a very quick animation that looks like a normal swing so they can’t see it coming, meanwhile anyone paying attention can dodge a Earthshaker, or apply a block, or aoe blind, or immobilize…and basically anything else. ES also has a nasty habit of bugging out, you leap but it shows you in a different location for a second or 2.

If you’re talking zerging is WvW then yes hammer is a good choice – but for roaming solo having mace/shield with 2 skills to reflect projectiles is way more useful because of how much less obvious the attacks are. Mace 3 and skull cracker are perfect for stopping heals and it can do it much more consistently than hammer. I wasn’t trying to be rude but just because something is your opinion doesn’t make it objectively true.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

I tried hammer/gs, f1 hammer skill is buggy and cast time is a little slow. Hammer is better in larger fights 6 or more as people don’t have time to pay attention to your cast animation, but as I’ve mentioned the larger the fight, the less you matter. Nothing beats mace/shield in smaller fights though. I may even dare to suggest that Hammer warrior can’t beat mace/shield warrior.

(edited by Night Sentry.3902)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I tried hammer/gs, f1 hammer skill is buggy and cast time is a little slow. Hammer is better in larger fights 6 or more as people don’t have time to pay attention to your cast animation, but as I’ve mentioned the larger the fight, the less you matter. Nothing beats mace/shield in smaller fights though. I may even dare to suggest that Hammer warrior can’t beat mace/shield warrior.

If they had similar builds/ skill level probably not, mace if timed correctly can block Back breaker or Earthshaker. I’ve also managed to land a Shield Bash mid Earthshaker leap several times now. If your team is lacking on the AoE side you may want to have hammer but if you have sayan engi on your team you’re better off with single target focusing.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Mace/Shield & GS Gameplay/Commentary Video

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


In high end I certainly do not see any zerging, unless you count converging on a point to clear a point “zerging.” Typically, the side that zergs against any good team will just get back capped and lose terribly.

I never said that ANet had perfected their vision but that doesn’t change the fact that they don’t want this game to be a “1v1 me Bro” game.

As for WvW large guilds in higher tiers do actually try to have a bit of synergy going, people to lock them down, people to deal damage, Mesmers to portal bomb, etc.

As for team roles, why would you run a tough warrior when you are more useful running DPS. If everyone on your team is running psudo-bunkers and pure bunkers that isn’t optimal in TPvP. You want a mid bunker and a home bunker but you also need a roamer, support, teamfighter, and several other roles. THAT is what I mean by Teamwork. A team that actually has these roles will do better than a team rocking all bunkers. There are certainly some builds that are OP 1v1 but guess what? Those builds will still crumble if you focus them.

Thanks for the repeated attempts to validate your opinions and stuff.

I think you should stop derailing the thread. This thread is about a specific build not listening to your fascinating opinions about spvp and wvw.

(edited by XII.9401)