Mace + Shield in sPVP

Mace + Shield in sPVP

in Warrior

Posted by: LONGA.1652


I’ve been running mace + shield warrior with traits that reflect projectile and give might on block with a combo of getting berserker stance at 5 might stack .With longbow for catching escaping enemy and fire field AOE

I use knight gear and rune of Melandru so that my melee attack still a threat and not going down easily with conditions overload

So far I can hold myself with 2 on 1 but if there are any fast melee class like thief or D/D ele , engi who spec at control I usually fall in 15 sec even with extra stability from balanced stance

Against popular classes build this is what i can see

D/D ele I use some guide from this topic

Take some practice till you get the hang of it.So if an Elementalist charge you wait till he shift to fire element then land your daze/stun combo follow by a bolas and have a happy whack away till ele pop the can trip to escape.This could take very long if that Elementalist spec for tank.

Mugging , Basilisk venom , back stab thief.This could be a mind game.If you see a thief popping Basilisk stay away a bit so thief have to use steal to get close.when he stoned you break the stun and block his autoattack or cloak and dagger.when you got enough might from block do the stun combo.Thief usually drop blinding powder. At this point
start whacking at direction where thief might run or use Counterblow to defend against backstab.When thief fail at this point he usually run.
But if thief is good he might just dance around you applying blind on stealth from trait and you are pretty much have no defense.

Mark spamming Necro.This one you are not going to go close have to force Necro out of comfort zone.If he use minions bash them away first they are stupid and not dodging to cut necro DPS.If necro is tanker who use utility that gainlife force from getting hit.Safe your daze,stun still he pop the Shroud ,block his life balst ,stun when channeling drain move.You are pretty much owning the necro.

Ranger.If he forget his melee weapon you are pretty much win .Both counter blow and shield block reflect missile so all of ranger spam go back at him.Just look out for melee pet that will break counter blow.

Mesmer this one is tricky. Because you have to get close.So you might eat a lot of damge getting shattered.Also shield bash is pretty bad at stoping mesmer because any clone in the way you will not hit the real one.So avoid fighting clone spamming mesmer even 1 on 1.

Engineer same as ranger just besure to avoid overcharge shot never stay 1 place too long,try getting in and out of range swapping melee,range weapon.Trash net turret if Engi deploy .

Warrior,Guardain. just Basic block and counter and you going to win as for guardians save skullcrack for finishing him off.

(edited by LONGA.1652)

Mace + Shield in sPVP

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Underrated. Way better than Axe/Shield overall simply because you bait out stun breaks easily and make other characters seek and kill easier (I.E another Warrior or a Thief).

Would NEVER use Mace with a Long Bow though. You have got to be fighting casuals to even make Mace and Long Bow work as a weapon set. Prefer Mace + GS or Mace + Axe/Mace.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Mace + Shield in sPVP

in Warrior

Posted by: LONGA.1652


Yeah I notice that I lackof the movement options using longbow for sub weapon.
Maybe you could help detail the advantage for using other sub weapon

(edited by LONGA.1652)

Mace + Shield in sPVP

in Warrior

Posted by: Ackfu.8407


I like to run a Mace/Mace and Sword/Shield build

I try to use sword and shield to catch up and slow people down and then pummel them with the maces.

Mace + Shield in sPVP

in Warrior

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

I’m not an experienced warrior, but wouldn’t a warhorn traited with “Quick Breathing” be a better option?
Mace & Warhorn
You get +2 condition to boon options!