Make Shield Block an Active Skill

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Make shield block an active skill and make it share energy/stamina with dodge.

Would make this class a lot better (together with Guardians and Engineers)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Use a mace.

You can use it as an active block every 8 or 10 seconds.

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Mace’s number 2 only solves the adrenaline issue.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Wait… why? I can already dodge. Making block drain endurance would just give me less options than before. Though admittedly I do avoid shields on the warrior because of the awful cooldown even traited.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Orphexile.1042


Wait… why? I can already dodge. Making block drain endurance would just give me less options than before. Though admittedly I do avoid shields on the warrior because of the awful cooldown even traited.

Blocking should use less energy/per block then dodging if any of the rl mechanics apply to this game. How can a class in full heavy armor dodge without breaking their bones it’s beyond me anyway.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


What does rl have to do with a game anyway? And you can roll and do cartwheels in plate armor, no major problem there.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


the shield is an awesome offhand for warriors. and its not just defensive. nailing a kiter with shield bash is god.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Balsco.3682


Heavy armor would weight at most 15 kilograms on a human, doesn’t seem like anyone would break their bones rolling on the ground with a bit more weight…

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Cottonmouth.9846


Heavy armor would weight at most 15 kilograms on a human, doesn’t seem like anyone would break their bones rolling on the ground with a bit more weight…

I’m sorry but that’s not correct. A chainmail shirt alone can weight anywhere from 35lbs. to 45lbs. heavy armor is significantly more. You would not be rolling around like an acrobat in full plate if this game was based on real life.

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Mace’s number 2 only solves the adrenaline issue.

Not really.

The adrenaline gain is pretty bad with Mace’s 2 skill. However, spamming it like an aegis every 8 second makes mace pretty a good defensive weapon.

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Moderator.6437


Hey everyone

Please refrain from making posts that do not provide any meaningful contribution to the topic at hand.

Thank you

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


The benefits of Shield Block honestly don’t come up very much either way. Anything shield block can do, an evade can generally do, or some offensive moves can do. It can be good for blocking a lot of blows, all at once, but this really only comes up in PvE. So, Shield Block is honestly just a glorified Endure Pain in sPvP.

I’d like to see melee attackers automatically fall when they strike the shield, and possibily include retaliation within the move, somehow. Perhaps a trait, as the trait to reflect projectiles right now is very rare to actually see a benefit from. The ability to reflect projectiles may even need to be innate to the skill, as it’s not that big of a benefit to begin with. You don’t want to reduce the recharge on shield block too much, since it does grant invulnerability, so you’re left with assigning a couple of minor benefits.

(edited by Plague.5329)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Emrad.9260


A quick youtube search, and while I cannot be certain that it weighs what the video say it does, armour tends to distribute it’s weight across the body, so I don’t see tumbling as that unrealistic.

(edited by Emrad.9260)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

I’ve worn and fought in full steel plate head to toe. Sure you can try rolling if you want to and i don’t think it would break any bones due to the padding you wear with it and how its designed but good luck getting up fast and doing it again. :P

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Andrew.8572


A quick youtube search, and while I cannot be certain that it weighs what the video say it does, armour tends to distribute it’s weight across the body, so I don’t see tumbling as that unrealistic.

That’s not a full plate armour. That’s a chainmail with a breastplate on top + vambraces and leg armour.

PS: Though you can possibly make a roll in gothic armour. It was made for mobility in the first place yet it counts as full plate.

Blocking as an action like dodge would be too much. With lots of vigor+mace+shield+high tough and vit+banners a warrior would be impossible to kill.

Making block to provide a boon that lasts for X so that you could do damage would be much more appreciated. You could possibly increase it with boon duration and some runes/traits (increase block duration for 15-20%?)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049


Idea: Make shield stance grant the Warrior 1 second of retaliation per attack blocked while in shield stance. (Cap it at 10 seconds)

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Camagee.5391


Agree…shield should add some defensive perks other than just a cool down skill…c’mon..either retaliation or more armor…or a simple passive chance to dodge or block incoming attacks.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Make shield block an active skill and make it share energy/stamina with dodge.

Would make this class a lot better (together with Guardians and Engineers)

No it would not make the class better, it would mean we have to choose between blocking and dodging – as opposed to now where we can do both.

That’s not a full plate armour. That’s a chainmail with a breastplate on top + vambraces and leg armour.

That’s western European transitional armor from the latter half of the XIVth century – something that is as heavy as later plate armor but with poorer weight distribution. So your point is kind of null.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Novalight.7568


5 seconds protection after shield block ends would be nice to have.

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Monki.5012


Block would have a different mechanic than dodge. In my Vision Block acts like this:

Block all incoming attacks as long as you hold down the ability button. slowly drains endurance (like one bar every 2 secs)
So what does this mean? At full endurance you can block for 4 secs max or interrupt it at any point if you want to maintain endurance. Either has no CD or a very short one (2-3 sec). Increase this CD if the Skill is too OP to balance it more

So as a shield user you can decide: do you want to dodge like avoiding dot aoe you shouldnt be in or do you want to block the next attack(s) and maintain position. As a Melee mitigating damage without moving would be awesome.

Like this this skill would have more synergie with other traits like reflect missles or refill endurance with Burstkills. (encourages people to actually use adrenalin instead of maintaining it for bonus)

I cant think of a more “active mitigation” than this

(edited by Monki.5012)

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Bish.8627


I do wish there was a trait, or trait point cap where we gain a flat % to block attacks. Or that defense/toughness did so. Warrior tanking when out of end feeling a bit, self harming. No protection, not much regen. Sure you can go hammer and apply weakness, useless on bosses. Sure you can dodge, wear even signet of stamina, you are only then gaining a 3rd roll slightly faster.

In my opinion, dropping a flat % block rate of warriors would bring them up the tanking scales majorly.

Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

Warriors arent designed to be tanks in gw2. They are designed as dps.

That being said. I think it would be better if it lasted a little longer than its current duration of what 4-5 seconds? Maybe 7 seconds woukd Be ideal. The 25% duration tactic increases it by roughly 1 second but thats still not worth it. Not to mention the only good thing about the defense line is the adren regen 15 pt passive trait ability. And thats not all that great either.

When i feel “tanky” i usualy run a variant of yojack’s build and use regen banners with 0/25/15/30/0 with a warhorn to convert my condis to boons. Only thing i really use a shield for is the kite event in cof path 2 while magg is blowing up the door.

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Make Shield Block an Active Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Assassin X.8573

Warriors arent designed to be tanks in gw2. They are designed as dps.

Technically nobody is designed for tanking, no holy trinity, remember?

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.