Making the warrior more viable
While I agree, first Anet must take balancing more seriously. Their inching philosophy is not enough when balance is so badly “tangled”. There are plenty of things they should have adjusted by now. Every “balance” patch seems as if they try and reach a certain amount of bullets for each class, regardless how minor or unnoticed some bullets are. Instead of trying to untangle this mess.
Like for underwater combat. While players may like those changes, underwater combat should be very low on the priority list. We know they are looking to change greatsword burst skill, but why? The weapon already is by far the greatest thing since sliced bread for a warrior. The other weapons fall very short when compared.
Toughness is also still a joke compared to damage yet warrior still doesn’t have protection or any effective damage mitigation..
The list can seriously carry on and on and not just for Warrior either, yet Anet still moves at a snails pace while they focus on the wrong things. So, 3 months later more and more players are leaving the game and playing something else.
(edited by Akumu.7238)
I love my warrior. I love being so versatile. I ran a ranged built, respeccedto a sword/axe condition built, respect to a dual axe critbuilt and now I am going to play a offensive hammerbuilt Iput together. If somethings boring I just respecc and play a “different class.”
Eles as kings of versatility? lol. Ok they are master of all tricks.. yes they can heal they can CC and they have speedboosts and stuff. But they can not tank (very long) melee is dangerous and attunment swapping is not everyones flavor.
I doubt that another weaponset would solve the problems warriors have currently. But I could imagine a additional Burst ability for each weapon.. maybe something more defensive. so you can actually choose what suits the situation best. “Do I need to zerk this down or does my teammate need help in some way”
Tanking: Ok Warrior have more health than other classes but imo Toughness is better for a melee. Speccing defense lets you last longer but you have less options to top you off again. Guardians have less health but more armor which lowers the spikes. And for onehitkillers they have their getoutofjail card “Aegis” What I lack is more healing. Something like:
“Heals you for X depending on adrenalin used after using a burst ability. 5 sec CD. "Steady income of healing and encourages people to use their burst.
If you want max DPS you need to go Greatsword. Simply because one little trait: “Forceful Greatword” without that trait GS wouldnt be that superior.
I hate GS. To make other sets more viable forceful GS should be renamed to “Forceful steel” or “forcefull Blade” or something like that and let every weapon generate might on crits. This would make GS less superior to other sets and make other sets on par with the superior role GS has right now.
Another one “Merciless Hammer” looks kinda odd. 25% to disabled foes. If you use a full adrenalin burst on a target you get one maybe two swings on that target if you are lucky. 25% increase for 1,5 swings feels kinda low. There are not much options to increase the window of stun to use the 25% more. Imo they should either increase stunduartion (at least in pvE) or (even better) roll back to 10% or 15% flat damage increase with hammer.
Support is fine imo. There are Might stacking specs involving Longbow, there are shouthealing specs, banner specs, Hammer CC specs. And Warriors are the fastes reviver as far as I know.
Healing: Aside from banner or shoutheal warriors have no real option to heal people. Not even themselves. There could be a trait like this:
“Everytime you heal via burstskill you will heal 3 most wounded party or event member within 400 range.”
This would encourage people even more to use burst.. and it would feel like a Battlemonk healing people in melee
(edited by Monki.5012)
How2make Warrior Viable
Give it triple swap. Because if Mesmers are allowed to be broken in PvP, why can’t Warrior or anyone else for that matter?
More suggestions to increase viability
The 3rd sword ability is a melee cripple that doesn’t do much damage. The axe and great sword’s cripple is a distance attack with comparable or better damage. Make the second attack in the swords 1st attack also cripple like the ranger’s set. A possible replacement for the 3rd attack does little damage but blinds, poisons, or burns the target. This would help in pvp against removing conditions, a huge problem with warriors because of the fact that they inflict too few conditions in a condition spec, as opposed to other classes that can stack conditions like they were going out of style making them nearly impossible to remove.
Offhand sword is not as good as other offhands. Make the block continuous and give the boon reflect damage instead of a single counter.
And please make the sound effect for the sword satisfying. Please ?
Increase the range to the same as rifle. Remove the useless trait to increase the longbow distance.
The 4th skill takes too long to charge for 5 stacks of vulnerability that lasts such a short time. Make the stacks last longer or decrease the charge. Otherwise the rifle is just fine. This suggestion isn’t as necessary like the sword or longbow.
Increase Back breaker by one second.
Decrease the damage from rush, and give a 2 sec knock down.
I feel that these are just fine.
Remove Bull’s Charge. Give a signet of speed buff.
Increase speed buff of Warrior’s Sprint
Increase banner area of effect.
Instead of having separate abilities that buff weapons, make a single ability that increases a weapon type. For example all single handed melee weapons recharge 20% faster and gain might with a critical hit. Or all double handed melee weapons gain +10% damage. This would help out with diversability of weapon use, and even the playing field of all weapon options for the warrior. Weapons like the sword don’t have a damage increase or a speed increase, and the axe does not have a damage increase but the great sword has both.
In terms of balance, the warrior is fine IMO.
The problem is that certain builds on other classes need to be brought in line. Bunker builds especially. Since a large part of tPvP revolves around them, the list of viable builds will likely change quite a bit once those are made less effective.
(edited by Gorge Express.7163)
Warriors are fine. Heck, I laughed when I saw the condition removal note in the patch notes. Really? Shake It Off for AoE Condition removal, a low-ish cooldown signet that removes ALL conditions, a heal on a low cooldown that heals 2 conditions and, if you don’t wanna use Utility slots for it, a Warhorn trait that CONVERTS CONDITIONS INTO BOONS. Warriors have EXCELLENT condition removal, we just don’t have any passive condition removal like some classes do.
As far as balance is concerned, I’d like to see more options for different weapons encorporated into their traits or design (maybe sword crits grant vigor, axe crits grant retaliation, hammer crits grant prot, all at a % chance on crit, of course) which would allow warriors to plan around using different weapons for different builds, instead of defaulting to different roles based solely on weapon skills.
With the above suggestions, you could see an odd, retaliation stacking Axe warrior, or a Crit-based hammer warrior, or a sword-shield warrior that has blocks and crazy endurance uptime (i.e., a sword/board warrior that can be a somewhat effective tanky character).
Warriors are fine. Heck, I laughed when I saw the condition removal note in the patch notes. Really? Shake It Off for AoE Condition removal, a low-ish cooldown signet that removes ALL conditions, a heal on a low cooldown that heals 2 conditions and, if you don’t wanna use Utility slots for it, a Warhorn trait that CONVERTS CONDITIONS INTO BOONS. Warriors have EXCELLENT condition removal, we just don’t have any passive condition removal like some classes do.
Which makes it fairly sub-par.
Also shout warriors are in the tourney meta? That’s new… Warhorn traited wars too?
Funny how we can’t find any of them in any of the paid tourney streams.
Yaks Bend
Funny how I don’t see Braxxus in frees or paids either. Don’t know why you’re even talking when you don’t even have the guts to show yourself.
Ofc I do agree that Shouts need a rework and should just not take utility slots. But yeah I don’t know why you talk about tPvP when you don’t even show yourself either.
IIRC last time I saw you, you called GS users scrubs while not being able to fight back.
(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)
You really are a napoleon complex suffering idiot. Delusional too. /eyeroll
Yaks Bend
(edited by Braxxus.2904)
Warriors are fine. Heck, I laughed when I saw the condition removal note in the patch notes. Really? Shake It Off for AoE Condition removal, a low-ish cooldown signet that removes ALL conditions, a heal on a low cooldown that heals 2 conditions and, if you don’t wanna use Utility slots for it, a Warhorn trait that CONVERTS CONDITIONS INTO BOONS. Warriors have EXCELLENT condition removal, we just don’t have any passive condition removal like some classes do.
As far as balance is concerned, I’d like to see more options for different weapons encorporated into their traits or design (maybe sword crits grant vigor, axe crits grant retaliation, hammer crits grant prot, all at a % chance on crit, of course) which would allow warriors to plan around using different weapons for different builds, instead of defaulting to different roles based solely on weapon skills.
With the above suggestions, you could see an odd, retaliation stacking Axe warrior, or a Crit-based hammer warrior, or a sword-shield warrior that has blocks and crazy endurance uptime (i.e., a sword/board warrior that can be a somewhat effective tanky character).
Warriors have excellent condition removal, it’s the heals that are a bit weak, since you choose either between condition removal healing or slightly more powerful healing (which is perfectly fair). But considering that we have 18k HP even while being a glass cannon (like my warrior, lol), I’d say that is fine. As long as I stack plenty of toughness using Knight-type gear and don’t attempt to face-tank stuff, it’s ridiculously hard to take me down even with my Signet build (which lacks stun breakers).
In sPVP, I use a completely different build. I go for a tanky Power/Toughness/Vitality build with Mace/Shield + Greatsword.
On a complete side note, in WvW a kiting Rifle Warrior with AoE buffing and condition removing shouts can be very difficult to deal with, assuming he/she is decently skilled. When I run in WvW I use a shout build, and I love it. Being able to support teammates with your relatively shouts helps a lot in zergs when you’re on the frontline.
Warriors are fine. Heck, I laughed when I saw the condition removal note in the patch notes. Really? Shake It Off for AoE Condition removal, a low-ish cooldown signet that removes ALL conditions, a heal on a low cooldown that heals 2 conditions and, if you don’t wanna use Utility slots for it, a Warhorn trait that CONVERTS CONDITIONS INTO BOONS. Warriors have EXCELLENT condition removal, we just don’t have any passive condition removal like some classes do.
As far as balance is concerned, I’d like to see more options for different weapons encorporated into their traits or design (maybe sword crits grant vigor, axe crits grant retaliation, hammer crits grant prot, all at a % chance on crit, of course) which would allow warriors to plan around using different weapons for different builds, instead of defaulting to different roles based solely on weapon skills.
With the above suggestions, you could see an odd, retaliation stacking Axe warrior, or a Crit-based hammer warrior, or a sword-shield warrior that has blocks and crazy endurance uptime (i.e., a sword/board warrior that can be a somewhat effective tanky character).
Warriors have excellent condition removal, it’s the heals that are a bit weak, since you choose either between condition removal healing or slightly more powerful healing (which is perfectly fair). But considering that we have 18k HP even while being a glass cannon (like my warrior, lol), I’d say that is fine. As long as I stack plenty of toughness using Knight-type gear and don’t attempt to face-tank stuff, it’s ridiculously hard to take me down even with my Signet build (which lacks stun breakers).
In sPVP, I use a completely different build. I go for a tanky Power/Toughness/Vitality build with Mace/Shield + Greatsword.
On a complete side note, in WvW a kiting Rifle Warrior with AoE buffing and condition removing shouts can be very difficult to deal with, assuming he/she is decently skilled. When I run in WvW I use a shout build, and I love it. Being able to support teammates with your relatively shouts helps a lot in zergs when you’re on the frontline.
I just want to correct you on something…….
Warriors don’t have an excellent condition removal system and even with shouts runes it is nothing comparable to a guardian condition removal system. Guardians can use shout runes as well and have passive conditions remove off every 10seconds along with a 20second cool down skill called Smite Condition. It is an AoE attack that does more damage if their is any condition removed off the guardian.
The developer even gives you brief information about how they view warriors.
We want the Warrior to be capable of good melee damage in a sturdy body. They can still do some decent damage at range, but they aren’t as good at it as the Ranger (with their pet). They have a hard time taking enemy boons down, and instead, have to just go through them with raw force. They may have a hard time with enemy conditions, and may need to ask for ally help in order to keep themselves free of hampering conditions.
(edited by Brutalistik.6473)
That means nothing to the delusional ones. I guess even the devs are the “whiners” and “bads”. Clearly we are among the greatest players ever and no dev reference will ever compare to their skills.
lmao I seriously can’t help but laugh at these forums now. It’s just as bad as the SWTOR forums flaming people for saying the f2p model is terrible. They actually DEFEND having to PAY for a skill bar and the hide head slot option.
(edited by Akumu.7238)
I just want to correct you something…….
Warriors don’t have an excellent condition removal system and even with shouts runes it is nothing comparable to a guardian condition removal system. Guardians can use shout runes as well and have passive conditions remove off every 10seconds along with a 20second cool down skill called Smite Condition. It is an AoE attack that does more damage if their is any condition removed off the guardian.
The developer even gives you brief information about how they view warriors.
We want the Warrior to be capable of good melee damage in a sturdy body. They can still do some decent damage at range, but they aren’t as good at it as the Ranger (with their pet). They have a hard time taking enemy boons down, and instead, have to just go through them with raw force. They may have a hard time with enemy conditions, and may need to ask for ally help in order to keep themselves free of hampering conditions.
I don’t care what Anet says. And you clearly don’t understand the class. Warriors have excellent condition removal. You just have to use Superior Runes of the Soldier. Condition removal problem solved. Not to mention they have Signet of Stamina which when activated removes ALL conditions, and also the healing skill Mending, which removes 2 conditions. So when you use shouts, you have AT LEAST 3 condition removing skills at hand, 4 if you use Mending.
Best part of that condition removal is you don’t necessarily need to spec for it to be effective. You just need Runes of the Soldier, which are always useful for a Warrior because of the +toughness and vitality stats. I run a 10/30/0/0/30 glass cannon warrior and I do fine even in WvW as long as I’m paying attention to what’s going on around me and don’t get stomped by a zerg or something equally foolish.
DPS Guardians melt when they face me. Their tiny bit of Aegis and passive healing doesn’t help them when I can stack bleeding on them and get 14k bursts from my Rifle 3 ability. Unless they stack lots of vitality and toughness and control skills, DPS Guardians go down fast against DPS Warriors.
Now tank Guardians give me trouble when I use my warrior, because they’ve got healing and tons of boons, and if I try to glass cannon them they’re wear me out through attrition.
Ok I respect your view on how great you think warriors condition removal are even though it is on a disadvantage comparing them to other professions that can remove them much easier than a warrior.
You have to understand that not every warrior wants to use shout runes to remove conditions constantly for this occasion knowing good and well conditions can be reapplied again pretty quick.
If anything warriors with shout runes are just limiting themselves ignoring the fact that warriors have no passive traits ability to remove conditions. If warriors had traits like that which they should especially in the tactics / defense tree….then I can say it is worth to spec into shout runes. Otherwise I’m just nerfing myself to stay alive longer because every fight I enter into won’t be 1 vs 1 case especially if I want to try to hold a base by myself which I can’t because warriors can’t be bunkers in this game.