Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


Warriors are awesome, so many weapons and so many viable builds. I have all weapons in my chest and switching between 6 weapons in my bag regularly.

So, with the next patch I have to grind for at least 6 ascended weapons, just to not be subpar in WvW where other professions have to grind for 1 (e.g. staff ele).

I’m a casual player, playing an average of 1h per day. Dunno much about the ascended weapons but I’m afraid it will take me forever to farm all of them.

Warriors are the master of weapons, and now the master of ascended grind. Awesome!

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


… Since when was a Warrior able to wield 6 weapons at the same time?

Warriors do have the most possible weapon combinations, but that sure doesn’t mean you have to use all of them. That part is a choice on your part. Your choice, your consequences.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

… Since when was a Warrior able to wield 6 weapons at the same time?

True Warriors can hexa-wield.


Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


… Since when was a Warrior able to wield 6 weapons at the same time?

Open bag → right click a weapon → equip (while out of combat)

Was that so hard to figure out?

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Just get the legendaries.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: DuhGeneral.8940


You are going to craft ascended weapons so if you have the mats to get to 500 it won’t be so much of a grind as you think it will be

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: maladikt.2180


Everybody uses more than 1 weapon, so you’re in the same boat as the rest of us.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Hmm..not a big deal, they won’t be like 100x better than exotics. I got every weapon type ingame for warrior but i barely use for example axe or warhorn. I think damage of weapons will be increased by 100 but thats about it (10% increase from exotic).

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Open bag -> right click a weapon -> equip (while out of combat)

Was that so hard to figure out?

at the same time?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


^ lol

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: sinzer.4018


I’ll just keep my less used weapons as exotics. It’s what i did when i get to 80 but with rares due to my then lack of money.

I do have alot of weapons though. I carry every single one we can use.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You don’t really have to “grind” them… You actually don’t have to grind anything in this game, yet some people will still grind because they are stuck in that mentality.
Do your dailies etc, you will eventually get them all.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


You don’t really have to “grind” them… You actually don’t have to grind anything in this game, yet some people will still grind because they are stuck in that mentality.
Do your dailies etc, you will eventually get them all.

Wait.. so 2k t6 mats, 120g (fixed amount), 100 x lodestones, 500+ ecto, precurson arent a grind? I don’t think anyone would have legendary yet if everyone was playing at slow pace without buying anything off tp..

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Xhean.3452


You don’t really have to “grind” them… You actually don’t have to grind anything in this game, yet some people will still grind because they are stuck in that mentality.
Do your dailies etc, you will eventually get them all.

Wait.. so 2k t6 mats, 120g (fixed amount), 100 x lodestones, 500+ ecto, precurson arent a grind? I don’t think anyone would have legendary yet if everyone was playing at slow pace without buying anything off tp..

as he said, you don’t really HAVE to grind… you don’t HAVE to have a legendary so no, you don’t have to grind…

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Yeah, just have fun being at a distinct disadvantage, statistically. You don’t have to be on equal footing as other players! Hurr hurr hurr.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


You don’t really have to “grind” them… You actually don’t have to grind anything in this game, yet some people will still grind because they are stuck in that mentality.
Do your dailies etc, you will eventually get them all.

Wait.. so 2k t6 mats, 120g (fixed amount), 100 x lodestones, 500+ ecto, precurson arent a grind? I don’t think anyone would have legendary yet if everyone was playing at slow pace without buying anything off tp..

as he said, you don’t really HAVE to grind… you don’t HAVE to have a legendary so no, you don’t have to grind…

U don’t have to play this game.. If u want something u have to grind. Even archievements are huge grind

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Hmmm, guess I’ll have to craft an ascended hammer for my warrior. i hope we can get them through wvw. ahahah. else, kitten the system. GRINDING GRINDING EVERYWHERE.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


(G)rind (W)ars 2.

Master of (grinding ascended) Weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: Xhean.3452


You don’t really have to “grind” them… You actually don’t have to grind anything in this game, yet some people will still grind because they are stuck in that mentality.
Do your dailies etc, you will eventually get them all.

Wait.. so 2k t6 mats, 120g (fixed amount), 100 x lodestones, 500+ ecto, precurson arent a grind? I don’t think anyone would have legendary yet if everyone was playing at slow pace without buying anything off tp..

as he said, you don’t really HAVE to grind… you don’t HAVE to have a legendary so no, you don’t have to grind…

U don’t have to play this game.. If u want something u have to grind. Even archievements are huge grind

Indeed you have to do it if you want something, but that’s an option you have not something that’s forced upon you. In the end it always comes to personal choice.