[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: buppor.4827


Really warriors don´t need it for be a good class, only check the number of mace/shield greatsowrd in game, change this trait or reduce the stun time of f1 mace.

No sense for others classplay vs warrior with this epc atm, is tanky, very big dps, and when break stun ends can kill you really easy.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


It only increase crit chance when the target is stunned.

Nope, doesn’t need a nerf.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


With fury I sit at 62% critical hit chance. When they’re stunned I get 100%!

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: buppor.4827


50% more of crit, you arrive with fury to 100% crit, can make 20k easy to no tank class with 100b, is pure skill.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Iscariot.4876


50% more of crit, you arrive with fury to 100% crit, can make 20k easy to no tank class with 100b, is pure skill.

This ability is necessary or PVT warriors would just die slower while being 0 threat. It’s an awesome trait that allows for build diversity.

It’s funny you are complaining about this when most pvp hero classes have the VTCondi, and Shaman’s gear tanks with massive EHP and single stat (condi) damage source…

They don’t even have to set up their damage with a condition state, but I guess throwing up aoe condi circles just takes more skill. /sarcasm

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: raudence.7961


From what the release notes have said. They’re fixing Sigil of Paralysis to round to the nearest .25 instead of rounding up to the next full second. Which means 4s skullcrack will turn into a 3.5s skullcrack, which is still than more than kitten enough imo to still do what we gotta do. And Anet, imo, is done with nerfing – they’re going to bring more runes and sigils to bring on the diversity. They’re not going to nerf perplexity, but I can’t wait to see what other things they’ll bring. Chance for condition to reapply itself after timing out? Chance for stun on crit? 5% chance to cause a blowout effect when hit? No more nerfing, moar OP stuff I say. Moar OP for everyone!

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Doesn’t need to be nerfed, it needs to be moved to the Master tier instead of the Adept tier so the MS/GS build can’t gain +50% crit chance on HB for the duration of HB.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


No more nerfing, moar OP stuff I say. Moar OP for everyone!

Oh they’re still nerfing. Thieves are getting hit on the 15th with a Flanking Strike nerf, a main hand pistol nerf, and the introduction of anti-stealth. Warriors will be right behind them in the regen department. They’re just waiting on gathering data.

Nerfs still happen my friend, they’re a healthy part of game balance.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: buppor.4827


Anet only need check the population of warrios than use mace/shield in wvw/pvp, then check why, check spec and nerf it.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051


IMO Unsuspecting foe issue is only with the greatsword. It’s fine with the others weapons.

Heiann – NSP

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Daniel Warren.4968

Daniel Warren.4968

The crit chance isn’t really whats killing people, it’s the frequency of CC. Targetting a single trait won’t fix this.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

It’s 50% against stunned foes (not knocked down, dazed, knocked back, etc.). We only have 3 skills that stun. Earthshaker has a big animation, and Shield Bash only lasts 1 second

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Jereme.1840


Learn to dodge roll or maybe use stun breakers. People cry about hammer war’s and they are easy as hell to counter. Earth shaker has one of the slowest animations, kitten stun breaker + stability= kitten hammer War

(edited by Jereme.1840)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


AGREE with the op completly.This only trait is actually the only cause for the avalanche of qq threads regarding warrior and to be honest a bunky pvt build should be punished not rewarded.A berserker build using mace/whatever weapon(also non gs) can do very well (actually more than well) in every 1v1 scenario and in skilled hands makes arguably the best 1v1 proffesion even though the skill cap would be higher than most faceroll classes.Yet at the same time it is punished quite hard for any mistake and by droping zerk equipment his dps would be considerably lower therefore not a real threat.
However “unsuspecting foe” gives you the opportunity to stack full survavibility while mantaining the high dps with basicly no tradeoffs at all resulting in a very low skill cap dps class wirh zero risks involved for a mistake(miss, blindand so on).The full survavibility this trait allows you to stack makes tanking until the cooldowns are up again almost afk easy while the 10ish seconds would be a nightmare if constrained in dps gear.
Long story short this trait turns warriors into the power version of the broken condi bunkering meta where mantaining full survavibility with maximized damage by allowing to dismiss stats you would otherwise have to invest in damage.

(edited by mini.6018)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


mini nails it. it was suggested to move this to tier 3 which would force some nice tradeoffs. mace/gs would be kind of unaffected though, thats why mace stun needs to go back to 2 seconds and some other mace stuff needs a buff instead – burst mastery makes all the stunning OP enough – just compare it with what other classes get.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

STABILITY. Completely negates the WHOLE THING. How’s that for a trade off? One boon counters the entire build?

You can also try evade, block, dodge, blind, stun break and range. Toughness, vitality and protection help as well. Anything really, other than standing there in glass with no defensive abilities.

I have to devote 6 runes, 2 traits, food, and a utility slot just to hope to survive condition damage, but you don’t hear me whining.

These warrior nerf threads are seriously getting to be draining. And it IS a learn to play issue. Ask any good 1v1 player.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

(edited by Uncle Shags.9017)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


STABILITY. Completely negates the WHOLE THING. How’s that for a trade off? One boon counters the entire build?

You can also try evade, block, dodge, blind, stun break and range. Toughness, vitality and protection help as well. Anything really, other than standing there in glass with no defensive abilities.

I have to devote 6 runes, 2 traits, food, and a utility slot just to hope to survive condition damage, but you don’t hear me whining.

These warrior nerf threads are seriously getting to be draining. And it IS a learn to play issue. Ask any good 1v1 player.

Think about it from a logical perspective .In zerk gear healing signet is not op, people can burst you down if you make mistakes.Of consequence less whining about warr being op except from very bad opponents.Stun duration will not be a instawin since you woyld need to race on who kills who and actually use your skills wisely against a say mesmer engie or thief instead of just sitting there semi afk and tank all the spike.And cleansing ire would not be op if power spike could still get you down fast.This only trait makes everything about wars op where otherwise without it would be really ballanced depending on role.Full tank = low threat while full dps = high threat but also high risk.“unsuspecting foe” allows you to keep both wich breaks the ballance.

Also warriors already have the huge advantage of easy access to perma fury so they already have the innate ability to go high in crit chance without sacrificing too much on defense.

It is not a l2p issue when you can tank 3 players (in wvw) because you can go FULL tank gear and laugh at players trying to take you down while waiting for 10 15 20 30 (you name it)seconds of stabity to wear off, with your own 20 -30 seconds of stability up.And aftet that just jump 1 player and do full crit dps like you would use dps gear.The trait is broken and all real warriors know it.I main war since over a year and right now war is very good in zerk.You don’t need the trait and tanky gear to kill ppl unless you are really bad player imo.Warrior atm has all the tools to go head to head with every proffesion in this game if played decently and 3V1 tanking and killing is too much reward for a lower skillcap than heartseeker spamming thieves back on release.Please don’ t try the " use stability" card on a veteran warrior who actually knows what’s up and not afraid to admit it.It is way to easy to tank any ammount of it until it’s gone and it wouldn’t be so trading one defensive stat for precision.
Also if the trait is not fixed or moved higher, reworked or decreased the crit% soon people will keep whining about the wrong stuff for example stun durations or cond removal or healing and inconseqvently will get the class rendered useless again , and all thx to no skill faceroll wanabees that can only get a 1v1 kill if on full dps and three times the armor, healing and hitpoints of their squishy opponent.

A zerk warrior using mace should have no excuse in killing a necro without the slightest problem and all that without the extra health a pvt gear adds.I can only say the real l2p issue lies with you since you need to use foods and whatever whatnots and still struggle like you stated.Tbh necro is the freekill for a war with both hands nowdays and not using the infamous trait at all.

(edited by mini.6018)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

It is not a l2p issue when you can tank 3 players (in wvw) because you can go FULL tank gear….
…full dps and three times the armor, healing and hitpoints of their squishy opponent.

You suggest logic? Yeah. Your “logic” proves that either you have no idea what you’re talking about or, like the rest of the whiners, you’re talking about the 30/30/30/30/30 build that runs with 6 weapon slots and 8 utilities…

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Setun.4368


STABILITY. Completely negates the WHOLE THING. How’s that for a trade off? One boon counters the entire build?

You can also try evade, block, dodge, blind, stun break and range. Toughness, vitality and protection help as well. Anything really, other than standing there in glass with no defensive abilities.

I have to devote 6 runes, 2 traits, food, and a utility slot just to hope to survive condition damage, but you don’t hear me whining.

These warrior nerf threads are seriously getting to be draining. And it IS a learn to play issue. Ask any good 1v1 player.

Think about it from a logical perspective .In zerk gear healing signet is not op, people can burt you down if you make mistakes.Of consequence less whining about warr being op except from very bad opponents.Stun duration will not be a instawin since you woyld need to race on who kills who and actually use your skills wisely against a say mesmer engie or thief instead of just sitting there semi afk and tank all the spike.And cleansing ire would not be op if power spike could still get you down fast.This only trait makes everything about wars op where otherwise without it would be really ballanced depending on role.Full tank = low threat while full dps = high threat but also high risk.“unsuspecting foe” e both wich breaks the ballance.

Also warriors already have the huge advantage of easy access to perma fury so they already have the innate ability to go high in crit chance without sacrificing too much on defense.

It is not a l2p issue when you can tank 3 players (in wvw) because you can go FULL tank gear and laugh at players trying to take you down while waiting for 10 15 20 30 (you name it)seconds of stabity to wear off, with your own 20 -30 seconds of stability up.And aftet thqt just jump 1 player and do full crit dps like you would use dps gear.The trait is broken and all real warriors know it.I main war since over a year and right now war is very good in zerk.You don’t need the trait and tanky gear to kill ppl unless you are really bad player imo.Warrior atm has all the tools to go head to head with every proffesion in this game if played decently and 3V1 tanking and killing is too much reward for a lower skillcap than heartseeker spamming thieves back on release.Please don’ t try the " use stability" card on a veteran warrior who actually knows what’s up and not afraid to admit it.It is way to easy to tank any ammount of it until it’s gone and it wouldn’t be so trading one defensive stat for precision.
Also if the trait is not fixed or moved higher, reworked or decreased the crit% soon people will keep whining about the wrong stuff for example stun durations or cond removal or healing and inconseqvently will get the class rendered useless again , and all thx to no skill faceroll wanabees that fan only get a 1v1 kill if on full dps and three times the armor, healing and hitpoints of their squishy opponent.

It actually is a L2P issue broseph. Like Uncle Shags I made a build to directly counter that amount of conditions that are in this game (healing shouts + soldier runes.) If you’re going to tell me that using stability, blinds, snares / immobilizes, dodges, and stun breakers aren’t a valid argument, then your argument is biased and flawed. I use mace/shield as a movement control weapon set to keep my enemies from being able to freely go about doing their combo set. That’s where the magic of unsuspecting foe comes in; being able to punish your enemy when you catch them. So tell me again how it’s our fault that glasscannon ______ class is getting blown up when we pin them down with a stun? If they don’t want to get kittened so hard, then they should revise their gear / trait choices to be a little more well rounded as opposed to “lol MAXIMUM DAMAGE ALL DAY ERR DAY”

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Ahm.you do realize you can stun even without tanky gear right?It just means you would actually have to use it smart instead of just spamming it without any downside to being countered.Seriously pve warriors just discovered 1 op trait and now all think of being pro.Fyi i main warrior with over 3000 hours played in wvw and pvp only so please, tell me more cool stories.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Fyi i main warrior with over 3000 hours played in wvw and pvp only so please, tell me more cool stories.

As much as it’s fun reading you and the others going back and forth. This comment, honestly means very little.

3000 hours doesnt means 3000 good hours, you could be terabad for 3000, but you could be swifty naga merc out missing pinky great. either way Dropping “hours played” means nothing.

just saying :P

but you two continue.

I’m currently on the toilet atm. <3

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]


[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


It is not a l2p issue when you can tank 3 players (in wvw) because you can go FULL tank gear….
…full dps and three times the armor, healing and hitpoints of their squishy opponent.

You suggest logic? Yeah. Your “logic” proves that either you have no idea what you’re talking about or, like the rest of the whiners, you’re talking about the 30/30/30/30/30 build that runs with 6 weapon slots and 8 utilities…

Cool story.Since when you need 30 in power and precision or tactics(or anything tbh ) to tank anything?Also lost you on the part where you are confusing gear with traits/ builds.Nvm.Just drop it here and stop embarrasing warrior forums with such nonsense rabble.

(edited by mini.6018)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Fyi i main warrior with over 3000 hours played in wvw and pvp only so please, tell me more cool stories.

As much as it’s fun reading you and the others going back and forth. This comment, honestly means very little.

3000 hours doesnt means 3000 good hours, you could be terabad for 3000, but you could be swifty naga merc out missing pinky great. either way Dropping “hours played” means nothing.

just saying :P

but you two continue.

I’m currently on the toilet atm. <3

It does not in fact mean neither i suggested that at all.Also 3000 good hours on a war would imply that warrior was a competitive class since release and we all know that is not even remotely the case.But however a good ammount of dedicated hours in specific gamemodes and duels can suggest a better than average knowledge and understanding of game mechanics and overall class functionality and sinergy.: :p
Btw.hope you enjoy that toilet time xd.My favoueite forum time too.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

It is not a l2p issue when you can tank 3 players (in wvw) because you can go FULL tank gear….
…full dps and three times the armor, healing and hitpoints of their squishy opponent.

You suggest logic? Yeah. Your “logic” proves that either you have no idea what you’re talking about or, like the rest of the whiners, you’re talking about the 30/30/30/30/30 build that runs with 6 weapon slots and 8 utilities…

Cool story.Since when you need 30 in power and precision or tactics(or anything tbh ) to tank anything?Also lost you on the part where you are confusing gear with traits/ builds.Nvm.Just drop it here and stop embarrasing warrior forums with such nonsense rabble.

I’m sorry, you seem to have missed my point. I’ll try again. The statements you made and I quoted are indicative of either 1: You have no idea what you’re talking about, or 2: You are purposefully trying to pass off gross exaggerations as truth. Either way, you’re busted.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Your argument over op’s and my post were l2p and use stability.While i provided a fairly accurate description why that is not the case and given details why it is not even the tip of what one would need to qctually counter all that tankiness while being forced on the defensive side,with every utility you burn bringing the win more and more towards the warrior’s side where it wins on cd,you still continue to bring zero straight facts and arguments to this thread.There is no reason for you to keep posting here just for the sake of spamming.Your “oppinion” was greatly aprecciated but since you were proven wrong, unless you can actually counter with some real and concrete arguments , i am afraid you have no place in here.

Tbh i actually hope players like you keep lying themselves about how good they are and is nonsense that the trait has no place in adept or in the game at all, and the day anet will nerf everything else is not wrong about warrior just because of it, i will be sitting back laughing at you guys rerolling thieves and necros because you would have no clue how to play anything even remotely balanced.Have a good day

(edited by mini.6018)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: buppor.4827


STABILITY. Completely negates the WHOLE THING. How’s that for a trade off? One boon counters the entire build?

You can also try evade, block, dodge, blind, stun break and range. Toughness, vitality and protection help as well. Anything really, other than standing there in glass with no defensive abilities.

I have to devote 6 runes, 2 traits, food, and a utility slot just to hope to survive condition damage, but you don’t hear me whining.

These warrior nerf threads are seriously getting to be draining. And it IS a learn to play issue. Ask any good 1v1 player.

Then all warriors videos, hey i am a great player see my stun/100b greatsword damage! is always vs noobs.

Oh stability negate the spec? really? what char have perma stability? because you can try to stun each a bit less of 8 seconds. Yeah break stun and no damage of 100b, and the warrior change to shield counter block etc.. then they try again a stun f1, and in 8 seconds again, and again, and if they give you 1 stun you die.

I know the QQ about this hability is great, but is because atm is OP.

(i am a warrior and this kitten sucks)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


If u r so hard thinking about how to nerf gs+mace/shield..Ill give ya a tip

Make mace a knockdown. Tada done. Unaffected by sigil and unespecting foe.. 2 in 1.

Anything else?

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


I like the stun more.And hammer tanky build is cheesy too.There should be no reason for any class to go have such controlled good burst potential from pvt except based on lucky crits.Look what happened to eles for the exact same reason, they abused their bunker plus burst exactly like warriors are doing now, and even if guild raids used it in wvw for months on hammers, all this unnecesary attention flavour of the month players are bringing will end up screwing the class up.

Anyway the ideea is not that bad and should get rid of 90% of the signet pvt mace gs warriors .Or, since they are clearly so skilled and the trait had nothing to do with it they will still facerollother classes as easily right? ;)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

I have no problem with a mace or paralyzation nerf. It’s these putzes with their hilarious claims of “warrierz kill 10 peeple at 1nce! hIt me for 100k dmg!” that are out of control. The hyperbole and obvious lack of clarity in these threads is so bad I’m starting to think it’s trolling. “Fairly accurate” to tank 3 people at once and have 3x the health, healing and toughness? Using the tactics available to you = LTP? Entire paragraphs of unitelligible drivel? When the basics of communication/debate/sense aren’t an option, there is no point in arguing. I’m moving on.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Too OP, by doing this you would hurt hammer builds more than the stun lock build which is basically what you are QQing about. Unsuspecting doesn’t need a nerf. Stun duration sigil (which is getting it’s just nerf) and Skull crack animation (too fast and looks like an auto attack) is what needs to be fixed.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Trait is already being nerfed.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Trait is already being nerfed.

can we have a link to that statement?

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Trait is already being nerfed.

can we have a link to that statement?

Thanks guys!

We’re being very mindful about the way the Sigil of Para fix will hit Warriors. We’ve already got another balance patch brewing, and we’re being very careful to watch all the classes and see how they feel after we shave down the condition spam classes slightly.

As others have said, once we bring down the conditions that “hold down” some of the physical based classes, they will feel stronger. We’re aware of that!

Thanks again for the feedback!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


The level of comprehension and general lack of knowledge about this game, to include the warrior class in this thread is simply astounding.

To Daecollo,

Just stop.

Sincerely, everyone on planet earth.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Due to the amount of QQ we got on warrior section i am sure its just a matter of time when we will get a heavy nerf. The complains seems to be aimed at Skull crack, Unsuspecting foe, Healing signet, adrenal health with mace/shied+hammer.

Unsuspecting foetrait and skull crack burst:

Unsuspecting foe always felt as a trait to hammer/shield to combo it with earthshaker/evi,. This trait howered is fine where it is and nerf will most likely destroy hammer builds

Howered once we seen buff to sustain and skull crack its started to be abused by gs warriors wearing soldier/cavalier gear to stay relative tanky while still dealing decent burst damage on a short cd and many ppl found its unacceptable comparing us with pre nerf eles. It is also a fact that this build has low skill cap.

Skull crack on its own is fine, if we will reduce stun duration to 2sec its become useless again, my suggestion is to change skull crack from a stun to knockdown, keeping it 3sec stun.
Its won’t work with unespecting foe anymore as well sigil of para which getting nerfed today. It is also somehow a buff against melandru runes – they don’t reduce knockdown.

Healing signet and adrenal health:

I see people complaining about signet that its does heal too much for a passive skill. Some ppl says healing signet alone is fine howered paired with adrenal health makes it OP.

Other groups want to make it like signet of malice, others want to reduce its base and increase healing scale. Both sides are wrong as its will make the signet useless. We don’t have multiple fast hitting attacks so changing it to work the same way as signet of malice will destroy it. Nerfing its base will also rended its useless as no skill should be based on stats, healing power is here to boost the healing we receive, not to make skills viable.

My statement is healing signet is fine where it is now, as it has a lot of counters like poison, burst damage. As for Adrenal health its time to move it to GM trait like rest sitting on adrenaline traits to tone down the “omfg megazord regen beast” qq. Howered Cleansing ire should be put in place of adrenal health. Its will give a breath to many builds out here (mostly hammer) and will allow us to put traits somewhere else.


I think most issues in this setup comes from sigil of para, with today patch its should be fixed for good. It is easy build to counter due to the lack of mobility and telegraphed hammer skills.

Current state pre patch with sigil of para:
Shield bash – 2 sec
Skull crack – 2/3/4 sec
Earthshaker – 2/2/3 sec
Pommel bash (daze)- 2 sec

After patch:
Shield bash – 1,15sec
Skull crack -1,15/2,3/3,45 sec
Earthshaker -1,15/1,7/2,3 sec
Pommel bash (daze) – 1,15sec

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Already a thread for this.


Sigil of Para is already getting nerfed, and other classes are gaining soft counters to our AOE Stuns. (Look at Engineer.)

If you nerf to much at once you destroy the class and bring us back to where we were prebuffed, please think before asking for nerfs. We actually need a self-sustain healing trait Grandmaster along the lines of what other classes Receive, like Altruistic Healing for example.

Nerfing the Stun nerfs Unsuspecting Foe Significantly. Your basicly making the trait 2/3 of what it was.

We have some of the worst Minor Traits in the game, besides a few.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Don’t thank the forum qq but thank the easymode rerollers that abused the trait so hard.I will laugh so hard at everyone that leveled warriors just for this and para sigil abuse.Hopefully the Time to start googling for the new class to reroll for them will come soon enough.<3.im just curious wich class will they get nerfed next time.My money will be on necro

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


Trait is fine. It’s a circumstantial trait. If your stupid enough to get stunned without a stun break or a used stun break the warrior is playing a good game.

Sigil of para nerf will fix a lot of the issues as I do agree the mace/shield combo is too strong. Hammer is just fine however, as it has a huge tell. Mace doesn’t.

So in my eyes, the trait will stay as it is. Wait till the patch and then see what you think.

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Unsuspecting foe is only good when combined with Skullcrack, Bugged Para Sigil, and 100b.

100b is more of an issue than unsuspecting foe. There’s literally no way to land the move WITHOUT first stunning your target.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


^ bc HB is broken.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Unsuspecting foe is only good when combined with Skullcrack, Bugged Para Sigil, and 100b + against terrible players.

100b is more of an issue than unsuspecting foe. There’s literally no way to land the move WITHOUT first stunning your target.

Mace/shield and GS warriors are low mobility + melee range. It is a high risk build.

It requires players to know how to maneuver around warriors and dodge an attack every 7 second.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: NYRKKIPAULA.8051


Unsuspecting foe is only good when combined with Skullcrack, Bugged Para Sigil, and 100b + against terrible players.

100b is more of an issue than unsuspecting foe. There’s literally no way to land the move WITHOUT first stunning your target.

Mace/shield and GS warriors are low mobility + melee range. It is a high risk build.

It requires players to know how to maneuver around warriors and dodge an attack every 7 second.

Mace/shield & GS warrior is low mobility? ever heard of Rush and Whirl?

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Did someone say M+SH/GS warrior is low mobility?!!?!?!?

All is vain.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


I think someone said gs is low mobility.

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


NO.WAIT ! It said gs/ mace /shield is HIGH RISK !

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Chaosbroker.3860


People still complaining about mace/Shield + “whatever Weapon” …

Because counting to 5 after seeing the swap to Mace is so hard.

Callo Merlose – Revenant
Envy – Fort Aspenwood
“Believe in yourself … because the rest of us think you’re an idiot”

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Unsuspecting foe is only good when combined with Skullcrack, Bugged Para Sigil, and 100b + against terrible players.

100b is more of an issue than unsuspecting foe. There’s literally no way to land the move WITHOUT first stunning your target.

Mace/shield and GS warriors are low mobility + melee range. It is a high risk build.

The time has come and finally im able to say: ive seen it all.

Thanks u so much

[Merged] Please change or nerf Unsuspecting foe trait

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Mace/Shield and hammer as low mobility. Maybe that is what he wanted to write.

Heiann – NSP