My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: petespri.6548


I think that the biggest issue with warriors right now is staying alive under focus. While there are some recent changes to help (healing buffs), I think that there is something that is missing from a warriors arsenal.

Here is my solution: add an F2 ability (similar to the F1 adrenaline bar for burst) to activate a defensive “stance” that I will affectionately name “Bunker”.

F2 Skill: Bunker (10 sec Recharge). Reduce damage received and dealt by 10% per level of Rage spent for the next 3.5 seconds (boon duration would not increase this).

Implementing this could be done one of 2 ways.
1. Adrenaline would be gained, and then you would pick between using it for F1 offense or F2 for defense.
2. Adrenaline could be split up. F1 would use Adrenaline: gained by using skills. F2 would use Rage: gained by taking damage or dodge/rolling

Obviously there are many permutations that could be done to tweak this, but I really think this would be a nice option to make warriors be smart about when to use D or O abilities.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


The solution for warrior sustain was the new healing signet..


My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: petespri.6548


Ha! I hardly think so…

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


I already said it, warrior needs to be the retaliation class.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


I already said it, warrior needs to be the retaliation class.

Doesn’t that go to guardians? A few of Guards builds only kill anything because of retal why they can get away with running lower power than warriors.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

Warriors have sustain.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Arajal.5438


I don’t like the idea of an F2 ability (neither here, nor anywhere else it’s been suggested). While I can see the opportunities a second function ability would offer, I feel it would add too much baggage to the warrior as a profession. Having only one Burst skill for the profession allows the warrior to remain a simple character type for new players to the game to pick up and learn combat with. As far as I’m concerned, if someone would rather have multiple function skills on a heavy-armor profession, the guardian is the way to go.

I am perfectly happy with the way warrior Burst skills work as a whole.

My two cents.

Streaming warrior play of every aspect of the game:

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Warriors have sustain.

The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….

Seriously warriors are still bad.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Mijo.3274


Warriors have sustain.

We’re not the best sustain class for sure, but we’re not bad at all.
Here is my solution for warrior sustain:
change the godkitten Berserker Amulet
You cant go in the riot full berserk and ask for sustain, but most of the guys do, that’s just stupid, just equip something else

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I don’t like the idea of an F2 ability (neither here, nor anywhere else it’s been suggested). While I can see the opportunities a second function ability would offer, I feel it would add too much baggage to the warrior as a profession. Having only one Burst skill for the profession allows the warrior to remain a simple character type for new players to the game to pick up and learn combat with. As far as I’m concerned, if someone would rather have multiple function skills on a heavy-armor profession, the guardian is the way to go.

I am perfectly happy with the way warrior Burst skills work as a whole.

My two cents.

To be fair since they’d use the same resource you’d only be able to use one at a time, greatly reducing the complexity as opposed to say engi or mesmer.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

Warriors have sustain.

The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….

Seriously warriors are still bad.

No.. youre still bad. Man.. why are you making me be a kitten.

Sorry man, but we got plenty of sustain now. And we can definitely keep up with guardians as far as surviving burst and condition protection. You have the tools, now its time to learn them.

The developers just gave you everything you could ask for. Condition protection? Here’s a ton of it!! Increased healing?? NP have a boost! I don’t even know why I come back to these warrior forums.. it’s just a cess pool of garbage players whining because they don’t know how to utilize the tools they are given.

PS don’t bother with a witty retort because I wont be back to read it.

TLDR: You got the tools, time to learn your class.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: petespri.6548


Warriors have sustain.

The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….

Seriously warriors are still bad.

No.. youre still bad. Man.. why are you making me be a kitten.

Sorry man, but we got plenty of sustain now. And we can definitely keep up with guardians as far as surviving burst and condition protection. You have the tools, now its time to learn them.

The developers just gave you everything you could ask for. Condition protection? Here’s a ton of it!! Increased healing?? NP have a boost! I don’t even know why I come back to these warrior forums.. it’s just a cess pool of garbage players whining because they don’t know how to utilize the tools they are given.

PS don’t bother with a witty retort because I wont be back to read it.

TLDR: You got the tools, time to learn your class.

What sustain do we have exactly? I’d really love to hear, because so far, I count 2 utility skills. You say healing skills and a condition removal trait provide sustain? Really?

Hey, I love warrior, it’s my only 80 and I don’t run Berserker. I enjoy playing my class. But if I get focused for any length of time, it’s game over and there is nothing to be done after using the 2 skills available.

I think having some complexity to use Adrenaline to either be offensive or defensive makes sense for a warrior. Of any class, warrior should be able to hunker down behind that armor and reduce some damage.

On a side note, I could see maybe doing something less severe by adding something to the Shield Trait in defense. Something like “after completing a shield skill, gain 3 seconds of Protection”. But again, this forces the issue that only one of our weapons is defense oriented and you have no choice.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Wars were just given a sustain buff, not two days ago.

Maybe just settle down and see how the meta evolves, let the dust settle, etc.

If Warrior sustain is still not quite up to par, adjustments can, and obviously will be made in time.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Warriors have sustain.

The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….

Seriously warriors are still bad.

No.. youre still bad. Man.. why are you making me be a kitten.

Sorry man, but we got plenty of sustain now. And we can definitely keep up with guardians as far as surviving burst and condition protection. You have the tools, now its time to learn them.

The developers just gave you everything you could ask for. Condition protection? Here’s a ton of it!! Increased healing?? NP have a boost! I don’t even know why I come back to these warrior forums.. it’s just a cess pool of garbage players whining because they don’t know how to utilize the tools they are given.

PS don’t bother with a witty retort because I wont be back to read it.

TLDR: You got the tools, time to learn your class.

Sure man, whatever your fanboyism is telling you.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Alphard.4308


Seriously? people still crying about warrior sustain??! what’s it take people? they come up with a perma invuln trait and people would still whine

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Seriously? people still crying about warrior sustain??! what’s it take people? they come up with a perma invuln trait and people would still whine

WHAT?! You mean I have to TRAIT for perma invul?! Should be baseline kitten ANet!


My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Lol, people complaining about sustain on a warrior? You got to fix your build bro. A warrior can be build to be invulnerable to conditions. He can block direct damage for a pretty long time, 2 times endure/shield. Not that I will ever use endure pain.

Warriors can walk through enemy zergs like they are the boss.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Warriors have sustain.

The healing improvement is not equivalent to sustain, they still get focused and get all the damage all day, and all other classes have a way to mitigate/negate that focus constantly, while warrior has what?, 4 sec endure pain on 60 sec cd?, and shield block….

Seriously warriors are still bad.

No.. youre still bad. Man.. why are you making me be a kitten.

Sorry man, but we got plenty of sustain now. And we can definitely keep up with guardians as far as surviving burst and condition protection. You have the tools, now its time to learn them.

The developers just gave you everything you could ask for. Condition protection? Here’s a ton of it!! Increased healing?? NP have a boost! I don’t even know why I come back to these warrior forums.. it’s just a cess pool of garbage players whining because they don’t know how to utilize the tools they are given.

PS don’t bother with a witty retort because I wont be back to read it.

TLDR: You got the tools, time to learn your class.

What sustain do we have exactly? I’d really love to hear, because so far, I count 2 utility skills. You say healing skills and a condition removal trait provide sustain? Really?

Hey, I love warrior, it’s my only 80 and I don’t run Berserker. I enjoy playing my class. But if I get focused for any length of time, it’s game over and there is nothing to be done after using the 2 skills available.

I think having some complexity to use Adrenaline to either be offensive or defensive makes sense for a warrior. Of any class, warrior should be able to hunker down behind that armor and reduce some damage.

On a side note, I could see maybe doing something less severe by adding something to the Shield Trait in defense. Something like “after completing a shield skill, gain 3 seconds of Protection”. But again, this forces the issue that only one of our weapons is defense oriented and you have no choice.

If they are bursting you down, you use shield stance + endure pain to survive the burst.

If they are still pressuring you after failing, you use your mobility skills, Savage leap, Rush, or Whirlwind attack to get out of the pressure + Berserker stance.

SS and EP are burst surviving skill, Berserker stance and mobility are pressure surviving skill.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Warriors will never have enough sustain as long as they don’t have any clones, stealth, invul while being kitted so easily

fix = better skill with larger range then kitten 130 range that gets avoided so easily, faster movement to stick up with other classes.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Velron.3729


Some of you seriously need to just reroll and stop flooding the forum with your negativity.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


The only good solution without step out of warrior theme are fisical atribute like high health and/or armor, or skill like evasion.

- The good thing are give more evasion to warrior, because as was said, warrior don’t count with summons, stealth of easy access to invul.

Grants 1 evasion in each weapon can resolve warrior sustain.
- Greatsword: Whirlwind Attack
- Hammer: Fierce Blow
- Longbow: Arcing Arrow
- Rifle: Brutal Shot
- Axe: Cyclone Axe
- Mace: Pommel Bash
- Sword: Savage Leap
-Off hand weapons and skills don’t need.
I think this can help to resolve sustain by players skill and plain during fight, without turn warrior op.

My elegant solution to warrior sustain!

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


warrior should get a trait that makes all movement skill evasion.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”