My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Safastak.4102



I’m about to start playing the game and was thinking of rolling a Warrior as my first character.

Is this a good choice? Are warriors fun to play?

Do they do well in end-game PVE and PVP?

Thanks in advance for your help

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


Hi, I wouldn’t say warrior is a bad choice. Currently it’s really bad in PvP, but since there’s a balance patch coming up, that will hopefully fix that. It also has one of the highest dps in PvE, if not the highest.
Warrior is a very straightforward class with easy to understand mechanics and ways of doing things, and in that sense it’s a good idea to start with it. Maybe wait with the PvP a little and get more into PvE if you’re new, that’s what most people do anyway, and you will do fine as a warrior. Whether it’s fun to play that’s up to you ofcourse, I think they’re very fun to play, but if you want something a bit more complicated or with more options then you should try out other classes as well. As a new player I would recommend that to you to begin with, try it all out!

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Warrior makes for a good exploratory class, so you can get used to the game. It’s simple to play, has ranged and melee options (though it prefers melee), and is reasonably effective in solo or group play, depending on your build.

Note Arddyn’s comment, of course. They’re in a bit of a rough spot in PvP, but overall, it’s still a solid enough class that will teach you until you’re ready to branch out.

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“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I agree with the other posts, though do know that you could get through the normal pve content with any class really. If warrior looks the most appealing to you, start with it. And if you don’t enjoy it much after the first few levels, try something else.

I started with a warrior, but for some reason didn’t enjoy melee combat at all. So at around level 8 I created an Engineer and took it through the entire storyline before coming back to my warrior and leveling it up. Since then, I’ve come to prefer my (double melee) warrior by quite a lot and have logged the most hours on it, largely in wvw.

As others have said, warriors do really well in higher level pve, and a balance patch is coming that will hopefully address their sorry state in pvp. Even if it doesn’t, you can do just fine in lower level pvp and in a lot of wvw, you’re just at a bit of a disadvantage compared with other classes.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Safastak.4102


Thanks a lot for the help guys

About the patch, when is it coming out?

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Thanks a lot for the help guys

About the patch, when is it coming out?

We think it might be today, though I haven’t yet seen patch notes. It’s schedule for sometime this month, though.

Scratch that. “January 26!”

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

(edited by Rauderi.8706)

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Nope,get a rev.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


yes, you should. if nothing else because it would be nice to see the new changes.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Wow terrible advice guys.

Don’t roll a warrior. It’s bad in the current state and we have no idea what will happen to it once patches come out. It’s also very simplistic, so it’s much better to pick it up as your second character….by then it might be patched so its win-win.

Nope,get a rev.

This. Revenant is this game’s warrior class.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Wow terrible advice guys.

Don’t roll a warrior. It’s bad in the current state and we have no idea what will happen to it once patches come out. It’s also very simplistic, so it’s much better to pick it up as your second character….by then it might be patched so its win-win.

Nope,get a rev.

This. Revenant is this game’s warrior class.

What if he ends up mostly doing pve and prefers playing a warrior? He has lots of character slots… there’s nothing wrong with trying them all to see what fits best.

I thought I’d like the thief a lot more than I did, and it was the opposite with mesmer, which I found intuitive. Yet I main warrior because I enjoy it the most and have since learned to be good with it.

There’s no reason to not try out the warrior if he’s looking for a character to level.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Choppy is correct. Besides, it takes time to get your world completion, craft accendeds and get your legendaries. by the time he gets all that, the ballance changes will have gone through.

Don’t listen to people who only play what is best. You will enjoy playing warrior in anything except for sPVP. this is a game, have fun. listen to competitive players when you want to win. follow your heart if you want to have fun.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: chibbi.3706


Choppy is correct. Besides, it takes time to get your world completion, craft accendeds and get your legendaries. by the time he gets all that, the ballance changes will have gone through.

Don’t listen to people who only play what is best. You will enjoy playing warrior in anything except for sPVP. this is a game, have fun. listen to competitive players when you want to win. follow your heart if you want to have fun.

Even in PvP, warriors are enjoyable to play, and although they’re not great, they’re not nearly as bad as people say on forums, people are just circlejerking.
Ive climbed all the way through diamond playing mostly warrior (about 80% warriot and 20% necro) soloQ only and I’m currently halfway to legendary, which I do intend to get as warrior.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Choppy is correct. Besides, it takes time to get your world completion, craft accendeds and get your legendaries. by the time he gets all that, the ballance changes will have gone through.

Don’t listen to people who only play what is best. You will enjoy playing warrior in anything except for sPVP. this is a game, have fun. listen to competitive players when you want to win. follow your heart if you want to have fun.

Even in PvP, warriors are enjoyable to play, and although they’re not great, they’re not nearly as bad as people say on forums, people are just circlejerking.
Ive climbed all the way through diamond playing mostly warrior (about 80% warriot and 20% necro) soloQ only and I’m currently halfway to legendary, which I do intend to get as warrior.

Im not circlejerking,i main a warr for 3 years..Atm i would not recommend a new player going for warr,rev would be the better most obvious pick to go for.They just have more to offer atm.

If it’s for pve only,then yeah it doesn’t matter much,think warr is pretty strong in pve still.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Im not circlejerking,i main a warr for 3 years..Atm i would not recommend a new player going for warr,rev would be the better most obvious pick to go for.They just have more to offer atm.

If it’s for pve only,then yeah it doesn’t matter much,think warr is pretty strong in pve still.

I think it’s bad advice. Rev is too easy and gives you bad habits (like wasting dodges, casting your skills anytime because they are channeled, etc.). Warrior is straight-forward, but at least gives you good mechanical reflexes.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Im not circlejerking,i main a warr for 3 years..Atm i would not recommend a new player going for warr,rev would be the better most obvious pick to go for.They just have more to offer atm.

If it’s for pve only,then yeah it doesn’t matter much,think warr is pretty strong in pve still.

I think it’s bad advice. Rev is too easy and gives you bad habits (like wasting dodges, casting your skills anytime because they are channeled, etc.). Warrior is straight-forward, but at least gives you good mechanical reflexes.

Must be why warr is loved in pvp atm.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: chibbi.3706


Choppy is correct. Besides, it takes time to get your world completion, craft accendeds and get your legendaries. by the time he gets all that, the ballance changes will have gone through.

Don’t listen to people who only play what is best. You will enjoy playing warrior in anything except for sPVP. this is a game, have fun. listen to competitive players when you want to win. follow your heart if you want to have fun.

Even in PvP, warriors are enjoyable to play, and although they’re not great, they’re not nearly as bad as people say on forums, people are just circlejerking.
Ive climbed all the way through diamond playing mostly warrior (about 80% warriot and 20% necro) soloQ only and I’m currently halfway to legendary, which I do intend to get as warrior.

Im not circlejerking,i main a warr for 3 years..Atm i would not recommend a new player going for warr,rev would be the better most obvious pick to go for.They just have more to offer atm.

If it’s for pve only,then yeah it doesn’t matter much,think warr is pretty strong in pve still.

Sure, rev is stronger. But warrior is completely payable, especially against beginners, and if you enjoy warrior’s gameplay more, then play warrior. It won’t prevent you from climbing, and after all, gw2 is a game, so play what you find the most fun, not what you read is op on metabattle.

My first character, should I roll a Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Wow terrible advice guys.

Don’t roll a warrior. It’s bad in the current state and we have no idea what will happen to it once patches come out. It’s also very simplistic, so it’s much better to pick it up as your second character….by then it might be patched so its win-win.

Nope,get a rev.

This. Revenant is this game’s warrior class.

What if he ends up mostly doing pve and prefers playing a warrior? He has lots of character slots… there’s nothing wrong with trying them all to see what fits best.

I thought I’d like the thief a lot more than I did, and it was the opposite with mesmer, which I found intuitive. Yet I main warrior because I enjoy it the most and have since learned to be good with it.

There’s no reason to not try out the warrior if he’s looking for a character to level.

There’s always a chance that out of all the classes he/she will find warrior the funnest and SHOULD main them. Lacking any information to determine this though it’s apparent, to me and others, that you should choose the a class that offers a high probability of giving you the funnest gaming experience.

If he’s willing to spend time to level out all the classes before deciding whether the game is fun or worth playing then sure! Start with warrior if you have that kind of patience. In terms of gw2 though my opinion is that your first class should be one that can do the most things in the game and do them well. You will have more fun that way. In alot of games its a case of deciding: pick warrior if I wanna melee, archer if I wanna fight at range, caster if I want to use spells and magics. In Gw2 the classes overlap eachother’s roles and you won’t be exluded from melee if you choose caster or range (and vice versa). So the goal becomes choosing the class that does the most things and the best at those things. This is not warrior.

What if he ends up doing mostly Pve? Well jeez, I would say the exact same thing to them! You don’t see warrior’s solo’ing 5 man dungeons. They go full glass cannon for high damage and take the hits straight on. If your party sucks you will suck. If the party is good you will help them breeze through it faster. Compared to a guardian who can mitigate bad party situations, and still do decent in helping you breeze the content, and has specific skills that make certain things (especially exploits…no shortage of those) easier/faster. I don’t see how +15% speed for dedicated speed runs should be considered vital components of fun. When you get to that stage where you grind things over and over you will likely have more character slots already.

Warrior meta has like 1-2 builds atm for all pvp and pve content…and they are all using full zerker glass cannon with strength or hoelbraek runes with a Gs. So if you want to be fast at doing things you won’t be using condition damage builds at all, just raw dps. It’s very generic after a while, and you will be frustrated at your lack of mobility/versatility using meta builds which are the only viable way to play the class for the difficult content.

If he/she doesn’t care about being viable or effective at playing the game to any extent then there are no reasons to not play warrior or anything at all…..but in this situation I’m not sure why they would even ask the question as to if they should or not. Thus I wouldn’t assume such a thing, nor should you.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)