My warrior @50. Is there any build better than Signet?
After 50 the benefits of doing signet + precision trait kind of tapers off. Try something like axe or greatsword with healing surge, for great justice, shake it off, frenzy or whatever, and rage signet and see if you find it more effective.
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)
I use sword/wh with rifle offset and it’s amazing. perma swiftness and good mobility, works in pve and pvp.
Everything works better than signets.
But it all really depends on your weapons of choice, personally I’m a fan of healing shouts and banners specs. Usually with shields or an axe in the off hand, sword or mace in the main had. But Dual axes is really good too. Healing shouts keep you going and can remove conditions and stuff near end game content. Healing banners give you many buffs and regeneration while being very useful for dungeon groups.
I like hammer with bull rush, bolas, and ’fear me’. Even without a hammer bull rush and bolas can do a ton of damage when combined with oh, say, hundred blades.
And fear me is fun for scaring folks away from someone while rezzing, or forcing them to grind their face into a wall while you do something big, damaging, and probably illegal in 90% of the world to their backside.
Signets are a solo build and offers nothing to a team.
Asura Warrior
Go with a Sword/Axe build that stacks vulnerability and bleed with healing shouts.
Kills slower, but has way more survivability, as well as being useful to a party.
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~