Need a Guru of this game

Need a Guru of this game

in Warrior

Posted by: Klaus.8326


4 days now i cant figure out whats the solution.
1st day : 30969 health
2nd day: 31275 health
3rd day: 31582 health
Thats my health in hp red ball in last 3 days. I am lvl 80 i didnt change anything at all (Traits, stats, weapons, equip, sigils, runes, everything whatever i wear are same ). And i had no buff cause i checked in different times in different cities or areas lvl 80.
The only that happens these 3 days is that i completed every day one area on 100%.
I try to understand what can makes my health grow up but cant.
Pls help me

(edited by Klaus.8326)

Need a Guru of this game

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Are you in WvW?

That is because if your server has orbs, they dramatically increase your hp.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Need a Guru of this game

in Warrior

Posted by: Rengaru.4730


It’s one of the WvW buffs you get for scoring.
Press “b” and look at the perk called “Robust”.