Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Hey guys
I’m here to ask what do you guys think of this build that I’m thinking of using for WvW Roaming.
Here’s the build:

Now my thoughts
I know the Dogged March, Lemongrass and Hoelbrak combo is really strong vs condis, but Warrior right now isn’t my main tune and untill I decide either to go with it or not I didn’t want to spend much more money on it, and I already have Strenght runes os a armor set that I use for PvE. As I can’t afford that combo I decided to go with Berserker Stance instead of Endure Pain on my utility bar nad Sure-Footed so all my stances las longer.
For Trinkets, as I never roamed with Warrior yet, I decided to go with some Celestials to increase survivability without losing to much damage. My inicial option was 1 or 2 Soldiers but then I thought “why sacrifice so much Precision and Ferocity, Celestial gives me all stats, which help with the weapon combo (increase the burn damage and bleed, it’s not much but it’s welcome)” so I think the 4 Celestial go better. Once I’m more confortable with the class and character I might go full Zerker.
Food is where I had a bit of a doubt of what to choose since the Lemongrass combo is out of option. I can still go with Lemongrass, but it’s still worth it without the Hoelbrak? It might be, but Mango Pie is also so cheap, might as well try with it too and see from both foods wich I prefer.
And at last the Sigils. These I’m not to sure too. I like the on crit Fire and Air, so I think I’ll keep those, but I know on switch Sigil are also really strong on the Warrior because of Fast Hands. Leeching is really good on Warrior IMO, and since it’s also really cheap I don’t see why not try it at least, the other I think Battle goes well because of the might stacking. My doubt is where to place them. Keep them as it is? Switch Air/Fire to Bow and Leeching and Battle on GS? Or the opposite?

Anyway, I hope I can get your guys help. I kinda miss roaming, and have been going back to it on my Thief, since I don’t like it on my Guard (too slow), but I miss the GS on my hands, is my favourite weapon of the game since I’m a sucker for Swords :/

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


I started experimenting with a lb/gs build yesterday and i ended up running with a similar build as yours.

I like having air+fire sigil on the gs, as you want to squeeze out as much dmg out of a whirlwind as you can.
The one thing i would change in your build is switch DotE for mobile strikes, since youre not running hoelbrak+lemongrass.
Otherwise its fine.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: UnrequitedHope.6172


1) If you go 4 points into Strength instead of Arms, you actually end up with more DPS. The cooldown reduction on the greatsword is nice, but it is not a deal breaker per se.
2) I would get Mobile Strikes in the Discipline line. As a roaming warrior, immobilizes can really ruin your day. You can break away from long immobs with GS skill 3 & 5.
3) GS is a really difficult weapon to master. Most beginners fall into the trap of focusing on landing 100blades. This is the wrong way to implement the weapon.
4) You’re using 3 stances for utilities. GS is a tricky weapon. To enhance the greatsword’s performance you must sacrifice an utility slot – making you a lot more vulnerable compared to other warrior builds (that use all stances) – you must learn when to use GS for disengage in order to escape damage. Consider picking up Throw Bolas or Bull’s Charge for utilities to enhance the greatsword’s DPS.
5) GS 3 through 5 skills of GS has pretty high damage. Focus on landing those skills instead. Only use 100b when the best situation comes for you to use it: like, upon downed foe, or foe that comes you closer to do sonething and etc.
6) With #5 in mind, you should NEVER use GS 3 – 5 skills to engage your opponent. That’s just wasted DPS. I usually engage with the longbow, cast Pin Down then cancel the animation to bait my target to waste a dodge. Pew pew a bit with longbow while chasing target and swap to GS when target is in melee (circumstantial of course). If you’re initiating pre-emptively: Pin Down → Arcing Arrow if target is far or Pin Down → dodge towards target → 100blades.
7) Keep GS #5 off cooldown as that’s your get out of jail free card. Make sure to deselect target and you’re not crippled or chilled. If you have to use it, best to use it early as possible so it’ll be ready when you need to escape.

GS has a steep learn curve but worthwhile. It’s also fun due to high mobility you can disengage at will. Keep in mind that GS 3-5 skill is your bread and butter.

Web Developer IRL, GW2 guilty pleasure by night

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


1) If you go 4 points into Strength instead of Arms, you actually end up with more DPS. The cooldown reduction on the greatsword is nice, but it is not a deal breaker per se.
2) I would get Mobile Strikes in the Discipline line. As a roaming warrior, immobilizes can really ruin your day. You can break away from long immobs with GS skill 3 & 5.
3) GS is a really difficult weapon to master. Most beginners fall into the trap of focusing on landing 100blades. This is the wrong way to implement the weapon.
4) You’re using 3 stances for utilities. GS is a tricky weapon. To enhance the greatsword’s performance you must sacrifice an utility slot – making you a lot more vulnerable compared to other warrior builds (that use all stances) – you must learn when to use GS for disengage in order to escape damage. Consider picking up Throw Bolas or Bull’s Charge for utilities to enhance the greatsword’s DPS.
5) GS 3 through 5 skills of GS has pretty high damage. Focus on landing those skills instead. Only use 100b when the best situation comes for you to use it: like, upon downed foe, or foe that comes you closer to do sonething and etc.
6) With #5 in mind, you should NEVER use GS 3 – 5 skills to engage your opponent. That’s just wasted DPS. I usually engage with the longbow, cast Pin Down then cancel the animation to bait my target to waste a dodge. Pew pew a bit with longbow while chasing target and swap to GS when target is in melee (circumstantial of course). If you’re initiating pre-emptively: Pin Down -> Arcing Arrow if target is far or Pin Down -> dodge towards target -> 100blades.
7) Keep GS #5 off cooldown as that’s your get out of jail free card. Make sure to deselect target and you’re not crippled or chilled. If you have to use it, best to use it early as possible so it’ll be ready when you need to escape.

GS has a steep learn curve but worthwhile. It’s also fun due to high mobility you can disengage at will. Keep in mind that GS 3-5 skill is your bread and butter.

My build doesn’t use 3 stances.
While 4 into Strength might improve the overall DPS more than 4 in Arms, that would require a new rune set and new armor. I’m low on gold and with little time to farm, and thats one of the reasons I want to use a 4 into arms build with Strength runes over instead of the 4 into Strength. In the future I might do it, but not for now (since with 4 into Strength you lose precision I like to run it with Pack runes).

Also thanks for the advice of getting Mobile Strikes.

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I find 2/0/6/0/6 or 4/0/6/0/4 to be the best Longbow/GS builds. To get the most out of Longbow/GS you want to set up your build in a way where you can stack up lots of might. Longbow is a great hybrid weapon so why not make the most out of it. You can do this by taking 2 battle sigils and 6 in discipline through the grandmaster minor trait. It’s pretty much 4 stacks of might per swap.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


It’s pretty much 4 stacks of might per swap.

Nope, you’ll get the 1 stack from the minor trait per swap, but battle sigil has 9secs icd, so 1 sigil is enough.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


-ignore this 15 char-

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Since when do the same sigils on different weapon-sets use an own internal cd and dont share the same icd?
That would be news to me.

edit Just tested it with 2 battle sigils, just to be 100% sure, if you switch weapons on cd, which happens alot, you only get the 3 mightstacks on every second swap, just as you should.
There is no internal cd for sigil #1 and another one for sigil #2, they share the cd.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

(edited by Drizzy.1268)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


hmmm i could of sworn it worked like i said, lemme check again ill admit i haven’t checked it in awhile

- yeah my fault you are right.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


Im pretty much on the same page as you guys. Before investing gold into my WvW Set I experimented in PvP (I know its not the same thing but whatever). In fact I tried 3 roaming and 1 pvp build and decided to play LB/GS as it was more efficient overall.

About the sigil, now i like carrying bloodlust in WvW in one of the weapons so that is a must for me. The second sigil is sigil of rage (50% on crit to gain quickness for 3s) on GS which actually helps a HUGE deal when you immob with bow then switch to GS for 100b. They have so little reaction time to heal or stunbreak. Also works well with bulls charge as 2s knockdown will be enough as well to complete 100b. The third sigil is battle as it comes handy with fast hands and i guess the last is up to you. Im inbetween doom (posion= less heal) air and accuracy.

For the rune I go with pack because of the nice stats and swiftness. Combined with sigil of rage you will pretty much get perma swiftness without having to spend up a trait slot for 25% speed (swiftness cancels warriors spirit afaik)

And I find 4 in power line to be better than 4 in critical because of great fortitude and endurance on burst. But i think this is debatable depending on your playstyle.

I must say its not easy to master this build but being able to deal decent ranged damage combined with GS mobility + burst is very nice!

(edited by akaCryptic.2389)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Hey guys again
So after some testing with the build I posted I think I might test the other variant here mentioned. The 4/0/6/0/4. I also use this variant in PvP and overall I think it’s better than 0/4/6/0/4

What do you guys think?

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


Hey guys again
So after some testing with the build I posted I think I might test the other variant here mentioned. The 4/0/6/0/4. I also use this variant in PvP and overall I think it’s better than 0/4/6/0/4

What do you guys think?

Nice! Pretty much the build I use. Differences are:

Sigil of Rage instead of Sigil of Fire – for superior 100b combo
Endure Pain over Berserkers Stance – I do swap them often depending on my enemy
Sure Footed over Dogged March – Lemongrass Poulty + Cleansing Ire + Berserkers Stance are way enough against those condis
Vigorous Focus over Warriors Spirit – I’ve been told 25% speed gets written over by 33% swiftness. If this is the case WS is not a viable trait but I’m not 100% sure…
For food I’d prefer other things but theyre all expensive xD so anything will do I guess

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Sigil of Rage instead of Sigil of Fire – for superior 100b combo
Endure Pain over Berserkers Stance – I do swap them often depending on my enemy
Sure Footed over Dogged March – Lemongrass Poulty + Cleansing Ire + Berserkers Stance are way enough against those condis
Vigorous Focus over Warriors Spirit – I’ve been told 25% speed gets written over by 33% swiftness. If this is the case WS is not a viable trait but I’m not 100% sure…
For food I’d prefer other things but theyre all expensive xD so anything will do I guess

You are not entirely correct here.

Rage is not per se a superior HB, as HB with Air/Fire will have incredible increased damage when both sigils proc (and they will with such high crit chance). Rage might speed things up, but your opponent can still stunbreak. Chances are, Air/Fire have already procced before then without quickness. Thus, the damage is similar, whereas Air/Fire has better sustained DPS.

EP>BS on this build, I completely agree. It is already quite strong against condi’s thanks to reliable cleansing with longbow, whereas it has a glaring weakness to direct damage (0 blocks, only 1 blind and 1 evade, no hard CC). However, condi’s in WvW are insane, so one might do best taking all stances. Especially since Bull’s is broken.

You take dogged march to ensure escapability. 40+33 is a good decrease on mobility impairing condi’s, whereas 40% isn’t.

33% from swiftness does overwrite 25% from WS. This does not make WS a bad trait at all though. You still get the 25% at all times, making you travel faster. It is immune to boon stealing. Though, obviously, in combat, you would not need it if you go Pack runes+SoR.

Which brings me to runes of Hoelbrak, which I consider to be far superior on this build. Not only do you get another -20% on condi’s, you also get 30% might duration. 20 seconds of might will now be 26, which is in fact very important, as it allows you to maintain 6 stacks each from sigil of battle and longbow 3, for instance.

On a sidenote, I in fact do support 0/4/6/0/4 instead of 4/0/6/0/4, because it also nets you added Fury uptime. -20% cooldown on GS is huge, as it increases both mobility and Whirlwind uptime, which is where most GS damage comes from. Might on crit would then synergize very well with Hoelbrak. And your GS burst gets ~75% crit chance?

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Tested both now, 4/0/6/0/4 as well, but im gonna stick with 0/4/6/0/4.
Roaming as duo/trio mostly and for us the traited gs-cd`s and triple stance with vigorous focus are way better for all the chasing and blob surfing that we encounter during our roaming sessions.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


1) If you go 4 points into Strength instead of Arms, you actually end up with more DPS. The cooldown reduction on the greatsword is nice, but it is not a deal breaker per se.
2) I would get Mobile Strikes in the Discipline line. As a roaming warrior, immobilizes can really ruin your day. You can break away from long immobs with GS skill 3 & 5.
3) GS is a really difficult weapon to master. Most beginners fall into the trap of focusing on landing 100blades. This is the wrong way to implement the weapon.
4) You’re using 3 stances for utilities. GS is a tricky weapon. To enhance the greatsword’s performance you must sacrifice an utility slot – making you a lot more vulnerable compared to other warrior builds (that use all stances) – you must learn when to use GS for disengage in order to escape damage. Consider picking up Throw Bolas or Bull’s Charge for utilities to enhance the greatsword’s DPS.
5) GS 3 through 5 skills of GS has pretty high damage. Focus on landing those skills instead. Only use 100b when the best situation comes for you to use it: like, upon downed foe, or foe that comes you closer to do sonething and etc.
6) With #5 in mind, you should NEVER use GS 3 – 5 skills to engage your opponent. That’s just wasted DPS. I usually engage with the longbow, cast Pin Down then cancel the animation to bait my target to waste a dodge. Pew pew a bit with longbow while chasing target and swap to GS when target is in melee (circumstantial of course). If you’re initiating pre-emptively: Pin Down -> Arcing Arrow if target is far or Pin Down -> dodge towards target -> 100blades.
7) Keep GS #5 off cooldown as that’s your get out of jail free card. Make sure to deselect target and you’re not crippled or chilled. If you have to use it, best to use it early as possible so it’ll be ready when you need to escape.

GS has a steep learn curve but worthwhile. It’s also fun due to high mobility you can disengage at will. Keep in mind that GS 3-5 skill is your bread and butter.

This guy knows his stuff.

Also, Whirlwind Attack is one of the best skills on Warrior – damage, mobility, and defines.

GS/LB has a pretty low tolerance for whiffs/mistakes in general though.

5 useless class titles
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Zagerus.8675


I like your build, it seems like you could do well with it. For me I haven’t been able to find a build that matches the sustain of a Celestial/Might stacking shout heal warrior in Wvw. When you get guard buffs going it’s just nuts – not sure if you’ve tried it yet. I’d be curious to know how effective the lemongrass feels while roaming, I’ve only ever really ran + condi duration food not – duration.

(edited by Zagerus.8675)

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Use 04406 celestial geomancy / doom on longbow its pretty strong and the only gs build which is nearly as efficient as hambow

Grimkram [sS]

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


He asked for roaming stuff.
Doom sigil ok, but celestial and geomancy on lb for wvw, really?

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


He asked for roaming stuff.
Doom sigil ok, but celestial and geomancy on lb for wvw, really?

All aboard the easy application of 6 seconds of poison train.

Not useful in WvW, but hey, if the top twitchers use it in PvP…

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Need advice from the comunity! GS/Bow Build

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Oh then shame on me. play what ever you want there

Grimkram [sS]