Need help on where to buy armor set upgrades?

Need help on where to buy armor set upgrades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ruocal.2970


I am a level 23 Norn Warrior (Main). What area/vendor should I visit to upgrade my armor? I am finding armor here and there off mobs/chest/ map completion but I want a nice set for my level. I have Should I craft, use karma points or am I too low level for this? Any recomendations would be helpful. I have 5300 Karma.

Also should I just try and save up and buy when I get closer to 80? Sorry for the Noob question but still fairly new to the game. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance

Need help on where to buy armor set upgrades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Corteaz.3582


If you’re rather game to buy some items, head to Kessex Hills, south of Queensdale. Should have some level 23+ heavy armour for you. However, it’s rather recommended that you save up karma and just buy the cheap armour from the trading post-because you’ll need a lot of karma when you’re 80!

Need help on where to buy armor set upgrades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bambi Is Strong.6083

Bambi Is Strong.6083

Dont worry about low level armor you out level them so fast

Need help on where to buy armor set upgrades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Odrahn.8407


The inexpensive route is to use drops and rewards as you level while choosing your battles wisely. You can always check the trading post for inexpensive armor and weapon upgrades. I would advise you not to spend all of your money purchasing new gear for every level you attain. If you absolutely have to have new gear, you should only do so every 5 levels or more to keep from going broke.
Going by actual play time, you will level too fast for most purchased upgrades to be worth the expense. However, after you achieve level 40, if you have a strong, consistant income you may look into purchasing rare (yellow) gear from the trading post as they have much higher stats and will be more effective for more levels than fine or masterwork gear. Most people are selling rare gear on the trading post for only a few copper more than what they’d get by selling it to a vendor.