Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

in Warrior

Posted by: ceno.1584


Just wondering what the general consensus is on dps warrior stats on gear. I’ve saved up a little over 700 tokens from CoF and I would like to put together a nice damage set.

The 2 gear sets I’m looking at are Power/Precision/Crit or Power/Precision/Condition.
I started off building a tanky set from running AC because when I was a fresh 80 , my experience running dungeons was low and survivability was my top priority. After running dungeons the past few months I’ve become much better at avoiding damage, so I want to start moving away from being more tanky to doing higher damage.

Any help will be appreciated.

Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bullwinkel.7839


For PvE, any gear that adds + condition damage is a complete waste. You’ll want to find you’re favorite mix of (mostly) Zerkers (power, precision, crit dmg), knights and soldiers armor. I would first start with adding exquisite ruby jewels to all your amulets, rings, back piece and accessories. After that, I would get the shoulders, gloves, and boots in zerker. If you still want more damage after that, get your weapon in zerker as well. If you are doing fractals as well, get the zerker rings (red ring of death etc…) and amulet when it becomes available to you.

Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Full berserker and don’t look back.
Rampager is pretty useless as you’d be a jack of all trades master of none, aka both your raw damage and condition damage would be sub-par.

If you use SoR I suggest slotting runes 2x sup monk 2x sup water 2x major sanct so you get a near 100% uptime on 5might/fury which means perma 175 power/20% crit; they also help keeping might you stacked in other ways up (i.e. Sigil of Strength/GS trait).
If you run AC you should have enough tokens for the monk runes already.

Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

in Warrior

Posted by: ceno.1584


Cool, thanks for the info. I picked up 4 pieces of pow/prec/crit from the CoF vendor. I will continue to get the rest when I save up more tokens. Much appreciated

Need help warrior gear stats for dungeon dps.

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Straight up berserker with ruby. Scholar when you can afford.