Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Someone already explained why this a bad idea in the original thread. Besides that being tanky doesn’t equal sustain. This is something a lot of people mix up although it’s not the same.

I would vote for no. There are better ideas to fix the problems warriors have out there.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Someone already explained why this a bad idea in the original thread. Besides that being tanky doesn’t equal sustain. This is something a lot of people mix up although it’s not the same.

I would vote for no. There are better ideas to fix the problems warriors have out there.

For me its decent idea. Protection is definitely over the top, with weakness its just overkill.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


I think warriors should get a signet like the one eles use , per strike you heal.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Protection really is over the top. I’d love to see a blanket nerf to the boon and increased usefulness of armor itself.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


Part of the reason toughness sucks is because it stacks with armor. It should work exactly like power, as a separate damage reduction.

Protection is too powerful though. 20% is far more realistic (and much closer to the offensive version, fury).

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I disagree. Protection has been 33% reduction since guild wars 1 and they never changed it. I don’t think they ever should. There should instead be better balances… yeah I know right? around the idea of heavy armor. I have seen this thread and it makes a lot of sense. The problem would be with guardian as it would only add more to their survival.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


I think warriors should get a signet like the one eles use , per strike you heal.

Actually, the Eles it’s per spell. That is, per skill use.

Thieves get the per hit heal. And let’s be honest, that could end up being a bit too powerful.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Nerfing Protection and buffing Toughness would improve the situation for warriors slightly but at the same time it would cause a lot of new problems (if implemented like the OP said).

  • If it reduces conditon damage as well, Guardians would be the new OP profession against condition builds since they got both – high Toughness and good condition removal.
  • If it reduces critical chance and critical damage burst builds would be nerfed even more. Most burst builds are already in a bad spot right now, nerfing them even further would only hurt build diversity (yes, this also includes Warrior builds).
  • Especially light armor professions would be nerfed a lot since they already need Protection to survive. If you nerf that boon they are basically a free kill unless they use a bunker build (again, hurts the build diversity).

All that to make warriors a little more tanky?

Besides that I don’t think being tanky is huge problem for warriors. They are already somewhat tanky. They need more reliable sustain though, reliable being the important word.

Currently the sustain would be ok if the warrior would be able to constantly hit the opponent. This doesn’t happen though since they are being kited until they die. Why? Because the condition removal also relies on hitting your opponent. So what happens is this:

Warrior attacks opponent
=> enemy starts kiting
=> warrior can’t hit opponent
=> warrior wants to use condition removal traits but can’t
=> warrior still can’t hit opponent
=> traits for sustain don’t work because of that
=> warrior dies
=> enemy is happy

If you make the condition removal traits less reliant on hitting your opponent this is what happens:

Warrior attacks opponent
=> enemy starts kiting
=> warrior can’t hit opponent
=> warrior uses condition removal traits
=> warrior hits opponent
=> traits for sustain work
=> warrior hits opponent even more
=> warrior wins

If the sustain still isn’t enough after changing the condition removal traits we could talk about buffs for that as well. I do think that the idea I mentioned above would solve way more problems without causing new ones.

Nerfing protection and buffing Toughness doesn’t solve the conditon removal/sustain problem warriors currently have, it only makes them more tanky which means you kite them a few more seconds and in the end they still die.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Just a short idea which came to my mind after looking at some ele traits:

Stop Drop and Roll
Dodge rolling removes burning and chilled. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Changed to:

Dodge rolling removes crippled and chilled. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)

=> Warriors aren’t as vulnerable to kiting anymore. Simply dodge and you’re able to move properly again.

=> Hit your opponent

=> Sustain traits work again

I know this may not be enough but it’s a small idea to start with.

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: natsos.3692


If a nerf is going to be ever applied on Protection it should not be on the damage reduction, but on the application and the duration.
33% damage reduction is huge if uptime is big.
I would say that protection actually needs a Buff(also warriors need some access to it …)
But protection duration and the ability to apply protection needs to be brought down a bit. Same goes for blinds and weaknesses.
I would say:
50% damage reduction is fine if the uptime is low, it increases skill ceiling by not promote the spam of a “classic” boon.
Again , same works for blind and weakness.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Nerf protection / Buff toughness!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


I disagree. Protection has been 33% reduction since guild wars 1 and they never changed it. I don’t think they ever should. There should instead be better balances… yeah I know right? around the idea of heavy armor. I have seen this thread and it makes a lot of sense. The problem would be with guardian as it would only add more to their survival.

So balance a game around another game? Different game, different rules.