(edited by Mattias.1236)
Nerfing the warrior?
The problem with nerfing/buffing Warriors in general is thus:
We’re great at PvE, sure, but we’re horrible in PvP.
Nerf us for our PvE performance and we become even worse at PvP.
Buff us because of our horrible PvP performance and we became even better at PvE.
Do you even lift, bro?
according to everything ever officially posted wars are working as intended.
also, stay away from my rifle.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
Yea i do understand this is would be an issue as moste warriors prefer the refile in PvP situations i guess this being a result of warriors having a lot of gapclosers , leaps ect.. yet they lack some real cc capability meaning as a warrior you can in moste cases keep up whit running opponents yet it’s hard to actually put some decent damage on them while they are running. ( I got the same problem whit my guardian regardless of its cc capability)
What they could do for example is if you hit whit lets say rush, you get a 2 sec stun or so, just as an example. As this would heavily increase warriors PvP capabilities without really effecting the PvE content. ( Considering bosses are usually imune to stun or you have multiple targets)
(edited by Mattias.1236)
i don’t know how is warriors good in PvE, just keep dying in front of bosses. dodged 2 attacks, blocked 1 attack, dodged another one with skill and wait there to get killed almost instantly…
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
It’s a myth that Warriors have no flaws, try playing one.
We have little condition removal unless specifically specced (in which case we lose a lot of other things).
We have little lasting power because high health/armor matters little in GW2 unlike much more powerful defensive tools (stealth, clones, ele’s self healing, necro DS).
Also rifle is pretty bad unless you target unaware people.
This thread sounds a lot like “I just got pwned in WvW by killshot” complaint that will get nowhere.
i do not really understand your point of wiev
but from what i understand you made some comparations :
warrior vs guard.
warior -high hp /high armor
guardian – low hp / high armor / boons (aegist + protection + regeneration )
thief kill tanky warrior in 10 seconds
thief don’t kill tanky guardian in 3 hours, because they can refill and mantain that low hp pool they got
1 more thing to add
warrior – horible, worst condition removal
guardians – 3 condition removal every 10 seconds
warrior vs eng –
both rifle both got good burst
warrior got better armor
eng can keep constant regeneration – wich is supperior in terms of pve or pvp
warrior can burst for more damaeg
eng can CC /imobilize for 10 + seconds in row
So i do not really understand your point.
warrior got a bit of everything , combined with high hp, but don’t shine in any point.
Red Lighter I*m aware that warriors have flaws (and i have not claimed otherwise) much like all other classes and before posting i would appreciate if you read the hole post even the last rows.
Lighter: That is a bit weird : )
If they nerf the warrior, Imma play a Guardian…. They got less hp and they tank 10x better and longer… Heck even dps wise they don’t even fall that short…. Starting to wonder why people even play warrior compared to a Guardian >.>
Well sadly i can never let my warrior go, cause i love face smashing with him, and guardians are too…. blue =D. Seriously though, if you want more reasons for warriors to go melee, give warriors more sustain to stay in melee without getting kited or insta-gibbed by aoe. All I ask for everyday, is for warriors to get a slight rework to our traits and profession system to be more useful, aside from maybe 2-3 burst skills, and some traits and skills, warrior seems so difficult to synergize with itself. I feel like its the one class that has the hardest time melding its skills/traits/abilities to make sense >.>, am i the only one?
Red Lighter I*m aware that warriors have flaws (and i have not claimed otherwise) much like all other classes and before posting i would appreciate if you read the hole post even the last rows.
Lighter: That is a bit weird : )
I read that, but what you’re saying is clearly “a Warrior oneshot me with rifle in WvW, plz remove rifle from the game”, and it’s a stupid statement.
Nothing is balanced in WvW, any class can surprise you with a mega burst while you’re doing something else, you gotta deal with it.
Though you make a valid point.
Guardians need to invest 30 points in Radiance (otherwise a bad trait line) to get the passive 3 removal every 10 seconds (otherwise 2)and this is depending on having signet of resolve(healing skill) not on cooldown and taking that into consideration if a warrior have his/her healing signet not on cd that generats 200+(healing power*0,033) health/sec in comparison to a guardians 84 every 3 seconds from the virtue.
For condition removal warriors have the ability much like the guardian to use soldier runes and apart from that guardians doesn’t really have that much condition removal eigthter apart from utility skills however close equivalent is offered to the warrior.
Stating that engineers are superior to warriors in PvE is just not true.
And on a final note if you wish to compare warriors to guardians you need to take dmg and the ability to create gaps in to consideration.
Red Lighter I*m aware that warriors have flaws (and i have not claimed otherwise) much like all other classes and before posting i would appreciate if you read the hole post even the last rows.
Lighter: That is a bit weird : )
I read that, but what you’re saying is clearly “a Warrior oneshot me with rifle in WvW, plz remove rifle from the game”, and it’s a stupid statement.
Nothing is balanced in WvW, any class can surprise you with a mega burst while you’re doing something else, you gotta deal with it.
I play my guardian whit 3k+ armor and 15k health making it impossible to “oneshot” me. Second im here to start the conversion not to argue whit someone ho make assumptions, and the reason why i put that at the end is because this is the response people get regardless of what class they criticize for one reason or an other.
Though I understand your point i don’t see what doing something els in WvW would be.
Mattias, no where in your rambling incoherent post did you come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all dumber for having read it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
You gave no reason as to why warriors should be nerfed other than you feel they are too good. You gave no reason as to why removing rifle would somehow fix this perceived imbalance other than it better fits your view of how a warrior was meant to be played. If I had to point to one thing that made warriors slightly too good in PVE it would be how easy it is to generate very high MELEE dps using little more than a cookie cutter build and having the skill of a trained monkey or better. Removing rifle wouldn’t change that, it would just limit our options in other areas.
Frankly your suggestion is like going to the doctor complaining of a headache and being told they need to amputate your leg to fix that. It makes no sense whatsoever.
200 +0.333 healing power is 230 hp at1000 healing power
so we could take it as flat 200
now considering that warrior signet heal for about 3700 at 300 healing power and guardian’s signet heal for 8700 at 300 healing power i would rather have guardian’s signet on warrior.
gap creation can be very situational for guardians, but if you got an target even at 3000 range, you can use JI / sword’s 2’nd skill and you are gone.
if you wish to take damage in consideration, you could take boons/heals and utility’s intro consideration, wich are mandatory in high lvl fractals and some pve areas.
I do not state eng are supperior to warriors intro pve, but again in some situations 5 warriors party would strugle , cause they lack constant defensive utility, wich guardians , eng, elementarists , etc.. have.
Your topic is exactly the opposite of the 50 topics on this forum, where warriors ask for protection and regeneration ability’s.
way i’f understood warriors from other peoples remarks over the months are we are the closest to exactly how anet wanted us and all the other classes are nerfed, buffed around us trying to move them in closer. why else have we had several patchs and warriors have been barely touched or skipped for nerfs or buffs.
No one is going to listen to a newbie’s opinion on balancing. You CLEARLY did not explore the game completely. So you don’t understand why you’re getting thrashed by Warriors.
TL;DR Learn to play and stop wasting time whining.
I don’t play PVP, so my comments will be limited to my experience at PVE
I need my rifle as a warrior in PVE. When I get chewed up too much I can switch to rifle and to some kiting until my health goes up, then I can charge in.
I’m not sure why warriors should be punished and forced to be more melee. If there is no holy trinity, I want a DPS person who can do melee or ranged. Might as well leave rangers using only one dagger for melee because they are the “ranged” class.
I end up dying quite a bit against the risen. Either buff warriors or nerf risen.
The passive healing for warriors really isn’t that much considering all the risen you end up fighting and it can quickly be overrun.
By the way, i choose Endure pain and Frenzy just to go in to mobs and put a huge burst without getting killed instantly like i was talking about earlier.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Judging from the title im sure some of you are already put in a bad mood but hear me out. There are 3 “main” categories of classes in this game, light armor ,medium armor and heavy armor. Now all classes have weaknesses and strengths but the warrior seems a little to good,(*note: I know warriors might struggle a little in wvw). However if you compare warriors whit guardians (both in the same armor class) i understand that the two classes are suppose to be played differently but whit the high armor and healthpool of the warrior you would assume that its meant to be played as a mele character, and usually it is. What separates the two classes are the tanking aspect where guardians are more relient on passive health regeneration and they have been provided whit such.To my main point, whit out putting the warrior in a bad spott and still balansing the game a little bit. My suggestion is to remove the refile from the warrior. This would leave warriors more relient on their mele combat while still giving them the option to use a bow when ranged is close to required. This would leave them in a simular position as the guardian and in my opinion that is how the class was meant to be played, as a mele character.
Furthermore this would mean that the rifle would become an engineer exclusive item. Engineers being a little underpowered in terms of dmg atm they could easily boost the base weapon strength of this weapon and in that way boost the class.
On a last note this would also remove a lot of warriors DoT capabilitys (regardless of traits) and in that way maybe leave more room for classes like necromancers in the PvE content.
I do realize that this suggestion will not be wellmet amongst warriors but i think that if you look at the big picture this could be an improvement.
Just to save a bit of hate, I do not play a necromancer nor an engineer, nor am i writing this because im struggling agenst bleed warriors in PvP situations even though they can be pesky : )
Note! English is not my native language
I think you just need to learn how to play.
Stop complaining because you suck. I’m not bashing on your b.c. you want warriors nerfed… I’m bashing on you because you’re covering the fact that you suck with this thread.
1. It seems
You didn’t play the classes to 80? It “Seems”
What, did you get all your information from other people’s posts?
2. Nor am I writing this because because I suffer against bleed warriors in PvP
I think you are. The fact that you mention it means you find them to be of some level of difficulty. Conditions warriors suck, period.
Warriors in PvP… for the most part… suck…
3. Remove the rifle from a warrior
Guessing you’re a ranger? If you want more damage, roll warrior as that is their role. The ranger is amazing in its own ways. I LOVE my ranger Traps are awesome to haha
4. Engineer’s are a little weak in terms of damage?
I think your problem is that you rank classes by damage.
This isn’t Maplestory
Nuuuuuu, my warrior isn’t that strong. >3< Nerf us not. Buff us yes.
Always Loyal
Dear Paper,
Nerf rock. He’s too OP.
Yours Truly,
A few reasons why warriors are far from OP in pvp/wvw:
- no protection
- no regeneration (lol @ banners)
- no aegis
- no blind
- no chill
- crappy condition removing
- crappy damage prevention
- builds are full of trade-offs because so many abilities are mutual exclusive
- no serious condition damage builds
If you take away warrior range capabilities and DPS you can just remove the entire profession.
If I had a better condition removal options, traits for less vulnerability to movement impairing effects and proper pathing on abilites I would be a content warrior.
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian
warriors are nothing but plated thieves…except thieves can be good with conditions as build as well.
Warriors don’t need a nerf, if anything other builds like DW needs a buff along with condition spec and their survivability.
Engineer elixir X: immune to all everything for 3 seconds and the cool down is 60 seconds. It can be activated another time when the hp is lower at certain % if traited.
Warriors Endure pain: can ignore only physical damage for 3 seconds and the cool down is 90 seconds. It can be activated another time when the hp is lower at certain % if traited.
Anet has lots of work to do and I know they’re aware of it if they want to reach their goal.
TL;DR Learn to play and stop wasting time whining.
Warriors Endure pain: can ignore only physical damage for 3 seconds and the cool down is 90 seconds. It can be activated another time when the hp is lower at certain % if traited.
No it cant. After using Endure Pain (active skill) the passive version is on cooldown and doesnt trigger. you have to wait for the passive version, then use the active version, which is kinda meh.