Never warrior again for pvp.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Never again warrior for pvp.

Can’t compete with kite heavy Mesmers who run around in circles infi-kiting warriors who even have traited immobilize breakers and several cripple breakers and stun breakers and can turn stealth if all other failsafes fall, or just turn you into a moa.

So best recommendation is to pick up a ranged weapon and beat them at their own game? Warrior ranged is extremely weak, the 2 significant sources of rifle’s damage volley and killshot can be dodged more easily than anything i can think of. Longbow is a powerful contender but a mesmer just walks like a jogger in a park out of the fire to continue the ranged bombing on you.
Or they can just set up a projectile reflecting field just to troll you, but most often will win the damage race by relying on stealth as long as possible to stay hidden and let copies bomb you down.

Thieves who at the drop of a hat and out of nowhere mega combo you for 30k+ health who can just as easily stealth out of a fight if their burst fails or is faulted. Feel sorry for 100b warriors which is the only burst we have in the game, who A, can’t even come close to thief burst, and B. dont have a fallback/escape mechanic if their burst fails, so they end up perishing soon after.

Solution? Roll 1 of the 2 classes who can escape any situation with ease and have extremely powerful and sometimes broken builds/abilities to abuse. Choose a mesmer if you want some skillcap that can handle ANY situation and any build with ease, or a thief if you just want to roam around exploding 1 person every minute and have good insurance against being downed.

If you want to be a warrior in pvp, roll a guardian,at least they can bunker.

P.S. , am a Longbow Shout build who can do massive burst in short time with burning+arcing arrow. I can make short work of all engineers and rangers i’ve encountered, but never mesmers. They almost kill me with every engagement unless they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing, or can just use one of their infinite number of escape mechanics in their toolbags to leave the fight if things get hairy.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


So you suck at a warrior is what you are saying? Didn’t need a wall of text for that ya know.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Morzul.4625


Even the OP’s post is full of cry, it has some merits. Mesmers, thiefs and guardians in some extent are clearly superior to the others, especially to the warrior in WvWvW and PvP environment. There is a reason that the majority of the classes I meet in WvWvW are from these three.

But this does not mean warrior is not viable in WvWvW, PvP environment, far from it. I love my warrior and never change it to an ezmode class like mesmer. Op just need to overcome the disadvantages and know when to rush in when don’t, when to engage, when don’t.

However, I respect every warrior players, friend and foe who stick with it, especially in WvWvW. I admit sometimes it can be frustrating, but overall it is good and fun.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Being a warrior in WvW is awesome, even though it seems like half the people I kill are other warriors. Well, maybe not half, but I do target them a lot since I’m more familiar with what they can do.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


We know. Give it time. Warrior is more or less where it should be, aside from some build viability problems. It’s some of the other classes that are extremely overpowered, at the moment.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


We know. Give it time. Warrior is more or less where it should be, aside from some build viability problems. It’s some of the other classes that are extremely overpowered, at the moment.

And by “some builds” you mean pretty much all of them, right?

MH Mace? Not viable, since bunker Wars are not viable. Longbow? No. Rifle? No. Sword? No, since condi builds don’t work with the Warrior. OH Axe? No. OH Shield is pretty much universally better than OH Mace for those rare occasions we swap to block focus fire or finish with Evis.

It’s all about GS/Axe or rarely GS/Mace or GS/Sword. We are required to run Frenzy and Balanced Stance, two out of three of our Elites pretty much suck in PvP (Rampage is supposed to be our CC lockdown Elite, but too bad it’s so easy to kite a huge melee piece of meat, not to mention that there’s stability). Shouts? Bad, unless you’re running the angry medic build and even then Warrior is not that great of a support class.

Banners? Bad. Stomp, Kick, Bolas? Mostly bad. Most Signets? Bad. Viability of heals? Only Mending is worth something.

There’s too much wrong and broken about the Warrior, it’s beyond repair now that the game’s released. Maybe in a year, if the game is still running, they will fix half of the skills and builds that nobody even considers taking into PvP, but for now, it’s either GS/Substitute or nothing. If you’re ok with having one viable build for next months upon months that’s mostly a 1-trick pony, play the Warrior, by all means.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


whats your gear stats? and longbow / shout .. may not be the most viable build ever >.< i mean you really want to kill someone with just fire and autoattacks? im not surprised they all just walk away..

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


When a warrior uses frenzy on you, move out of the way, heal up, and stomp him while he’s a utility down. If you’re lucky you’ll get a few hits for 0 damage, and then you know he’s two utilities down.

You prefer this over shouts?!

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


For some reason I just can’t get into the HB/frenzy combo I never play that build. And the fact that HB forces your character to stand still is such a turn off. Same with sword burst.

I play a balanced sword/horn axe/shield build and yeah those OP build mesmers and thieves are annoying as kitten. Even stealth engineers are lame.

My reactions have really improved over time tho. When I find my self shield blocking a frenzy thief spam 100% of it (not out of luck either) I am pretty proud. But these times are far and few when you have so many of them running around and they do so much damage. and I hope PVP gets better…NOV 15…fingers crossed

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cycloney.2640


If you are relating to WvW, then it out of the question. Gear DOES matters if you are going 1v1 with any other professions. The only thing i dislike fighting certain professions like Guardian or Thief is that i have to change my skills asap before they or i engage in combat. It like i am getting forced to spec into certain skills/weapons just to defeat a over-rated profession in 1v1.

Axe/Shield for thieves, shield and endure pain should outlast it beginning burst, becareful of skilled one tho, they can just trick you. Once he used all his burst, use bullrush + frenzy along with greatsword and good game

Tho i do need some tips against Guardians and Mesmers.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Weren’t you the guy with the unstoppable physical traits warrior build?

Longbow really? and Shouts? I’m honestly suprised you win any encounters.

You will never win against mesmers like that.

My guide to beating mesmers: (i run GS + sword/shield) (i’m rank 30+ btw..but meh, just means lots of time played i suppose, but I always go for 1v1’s if i can instead of going for objectives…..)

1) Save Gs whirl or blade trail to destroy illusions/phantasms.
2)Never use bullsrush+frenzy combo until he’s blown all his tricks or hes <30 percent health.
3) If all the illusions etc start making a beeline for you he’s trying for a shatter combo, save endure pain/shield/dodge roll for this.
4) If he uses sword 2 just dodge roll it or move away. (blurred frenzy)
5) Keep hacking away at illusions as you go past to get to him + phantasms, that is honestly 70 percent of his damage.
6) Sword 2 on you is nice to close gaps quickly followed by shield 4 for a quick stun, he’ll blow an escape just to get away from you.
7)If you get moad (which sadly you will if he has it up), just dodge and try and gain distance/break los, nothing you can do, it’s a bs ability.
8) Stay out of purple fields.

They’re alot of work and waiting for him to use all his abilities. I find 30 in defence line is great for stability and spiked armour. I also run runes which give me protection at 50 percent health for 10 seconds.

Guardians :

1) 2 types – bunkers or offence ones.
2) Bunkers are annoying, just take a long time to get down.
3) Watch for buffs – if you see retaliation up don’t hit them/ Guardians don’t actually hit hard (their button 1), it’s their retaliation/zealots flame/gs spin circle of wrath which does the damage, they don’t even need to target you to do damage as all their stuff is effective in a small circle around them.
4) If they are hitting hard then it means you can hit them hard. This means wait until retaliation is down and until stability is down and when their protection is down (learn what the buffs look like!) then go for the HB+frenzy routine.
5) Use GS whirl/blade to just do damage to them without staying too close, just poke them down whilst they use abilities.
6) Don’t attack when they;re using.
7) If they cast that small dome (not the big one), you can actually stand at the edge and Hb them inside.
8) Do not attack when they have retaliation up. Watch their buffs at all times.

Moderator edit: removed excess caps

(edited by Moderator)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I have never had a problem with thiefs or guardians or even mesmers in WvW one on vs them, I’m talking about full 80 in full exotics. Now in Spvp you will see the massive ganging thief tend to do with each other and due to the size of the maps and the very limited amount of tactics you can actually use to your advantage mesmers tend to over kill most warriors, if it wasn’t because they got more control over the battle than any other class they would fall easily. Yet stealth + massive kiting + massive conditional damage makes them over powered in spvp.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


WvW and sPvP are 2 completely different animals.

Warrior’s completely fine in WvW, maybe even on the strong side. In sPvP though, they are pretty weak. You really only have a few options, and none of them are strong: Some sort of GS/glass cannon build (gimmicky), a shouts heal/cc build (usually with hammer/mace – meh) or tanky/cc (so-so build, usually with some combination of mace/axe/shield). There’s no real viable bunker build either; Its possible to stalemate a 1on1 as a warrior, but there is not enough tools/survival to drag out a 2v1 long enough to play an effective bunker role. So your basically gotta go as part of the attacking group and play some sort of cc/support role (or a gimmicky glass cannon build)

We really need a good elite for sPvP. Signet of rage is good for everything else, but doesn’t cut it in sPvP where you want a powerful, fight-changing effect immediately. Rampage was supposed to fill that roll, but its a terrible skill. Cast Animations on hammers skills need to be sped up or the roots removed, and the base damage needs to be increased (barely hits for more than an axe, with a much slower attack speed)

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


So you’re using long bow and shouts and you blame the class? Bad players blaming the class they play but not blaming themselves, nothing new here. If its legit your fault that Warrior isn’t cutting it for you and you can’t admit it, YOU ARE WEAK.

And why are you worked up about Mesmers? Its a class where people hide their lack of skill anyways because Mesmer looks like it takes skill but it doesn’t. They’re going to get nerfed if ANET cares.

Anyways, November 16th-18th is judgement day. Either its nerf to balance or buff to balance. I prefer the former.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Not using anything but GS rush combo is an indication of a bad player and not poor design, which rendered all other options useless? Great frieaking logic, mate. Kindly go to hell.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


Alternative build warriors – i melt their faces with my GS.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


I don’t know why people use anything but the GS. It’s far and away better than every other weapon we have.

More damage, more mobility, escape tools, ranged snare which hits multiples.

When coupled with frenzy gives the highest single ability burst in the game.

This pretty much shows that the ‘wide choice of weaponry’ for a warrior is a bit of a joke in spvp.

It’s Gs or go home imho

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Longbow/Banner build > GS.


tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


I heard a scrub died in PvP confirm/deny.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ath.2531


I don’t know why people use anything but the GS. It’s far and away better than every other weapon we have.

More damage, more mobility, escape tools, ranged snare which hits multiples.

When coupled with frenzy gives the highest single ability burst in the game.

This pretty much shows that the ‘wide choice of weaponry’ for a warrior is a bit of a joke in spvp.

It’s Gs or go home imho

When coupled with frenzy gives the highest probability (that you will get 2-shotted) in the game…If you manage to land it.

Apart from that, let me analyze your statement

“More damage, more mobility, escape tools, ranged snare which hits multiples.”

1. Your 1 ability swings way too slow for it to be considered effective damage.
2. Your ranged snare hits multiple people when they are very close or aligned, a very situational ability that misses more than often when the enemy player is strafing.
3. Your 5 ability cannot be cancelled mid-cast. (Correct me if i’m wrong)If you miss your target, you are open to ranged fire, while being unable to act, until its done.
4. For a GS build to be effective you have to run glass cannon. Add that while being under frenzy.
5) You have no effective condition removals, heals or defensive abilities

I could keep going but i think i get the point across. But let me ask you a question: Are you defending your point around Bulls rush+frenzy+100B? Because really, it hardly justifies the effectiveness of a GS warrior. How are you going to fare against

1) Bunker builds
2) kiters/condition spammers
3) Toughness/vitality builds

when that combo is on cd?

Also, for the record, i rock 31.5k HP s/wh – rifle or s/sh – rifle heavily invested in vit/tough. I’ve been hit from this combo several times before, for around 12-13k tops(from exotic geared warriors). You know what i did right after? I proceeded in destroying the GS warrior. Heck, sometimes i even solo them with just the rifle and stomping them while i have 100% hp.

TLTR: My personal opinion is that GS in its current state is lackluster and situational, effective against inexperienced opponents and mass wv3 when you are in a zerg. But out of curiosity, please do share a link with your build/sigils etc

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Alternative build warriors – i melt their faces with my GS.

Only the bad ones, My hammer mace/shield warrior would annihilate you.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


I don’t know why people use anything but the GS. It’s far and away better than every other weapon we have.

More damage, more mobility, escape tools, ranged snare which hits multiples.

When coupled with frenzy gives the highest single ability burst in the game.

This pretty much shows that the ‘wide choice of weaponry’ for a warrior is a bit of a joke in spvp.

It’s Gs or go home imho

If a person has any form of CC or just knows how to dodge then they completely negate a GS warriors damage. I never get killed by them.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Koop.4602


In wvw nothing beats the greatsword for mobility. You cant kill what you cant catch and how often are you going to 1v1. Glass cannon GS is instant kills on many classes and thats not even with HB. Full tank has crap dps and half tank is = to full GC for defence. It all or nothing for toughness, your better off stacking Vit.

I have tried every build from GC to full Toughness/Vit. In order to get enough toughness to even matter you end up with almost 0% critrate.

Even with a half and half build back stab hits for the exact same damage as full GC.

Great sword and GC are a blast to play you have play smart. BTW arch arrow crits for 10k on GC builds, great for wall defence.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


What is a GC build?

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Koop.4602


What is a GC build?

Glass cannon or full precision/crit damage

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ath.2531


In wvw nothing beats the greatsword for mobility. You cant kill what you cant catch and how often are you going to 1v1. Glass cannon GS is instant kills on many classes and thats not even with HB. Full tank has crap dps and half tank is = to full GC for defence. It all or nothing for toughness, your better off stacking Vit.

I have tried every build from GC to full Toughness/Vit. In order to get enough toughness to even matter you end up with almost 0% critrate.

Even with a half and half build back stab hits for the exact same damage as full GC.

Great sword and GC are a blast to play you have play smart. BTW arch arrow crits for 10k on GC builds, great for wall defence.

Your statements clearly show you have little experience with the warrior class or the game in general. Some reasons why:
1) Backstabs hit tanks as hard as they hit glass cannons? Oh really…
2) You incline to the idea that critrate is a must have for all builds.
3) Full tank has crap dps??? There is no dps in pvp. There is control, survivability and good timing. As you said, the game is not all about 1v1. That’s why you should provide more than situational burst in pvp, in your group.
4) Any spec is a blast to play with, if you are smart but intelligence has nothing to do with having fun. Honestly, nothing in your comments shows high level thinking skills, so implying that you have fun therefore you are smart is an overkill and makes you look silly.

What you say above will pretty much work in a zerg where your opponents are either

1) running for their lives and you pick on easy targets
2) inside a keep aoeing with your longbow
3) your target is stationary, a practice golem, or inexperienced.

If you want to give us some insight about the viability of the GS, provide a link to your build, a video and tactics that you use that make it great. Until then, you fit perfectly into the full signet 100b+frenzy GS warrior noob stereotype

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Koop.4602


In wvw nothing beats the greatsword for mobility. You cant kill what you cant catch and how often are you going to 1v1. Glass cannon GS is instant kills on many classes and thats not even with HB. Full tank has crap dps and half tank is = to full GC for defence. It all or nothing for toughness, your better off stacking Vit.

I have tried every build from GC to full Toughness/Vit. In order to get enough toughness to even matter you end up with almost 0% critrate.

Even with a half and half build back stab hits for the exact same damage as full GC.

Great sword and GC are a blast to play you have play smart. BTW arch arrow crits for 10k on GC builds, great for wall defence.

Your statements clearly show you have little experience with the warrior class or the game in general. Some reasons why:
1) Backstabs hit tanks as hard as they hit glass cannons? Oh really…
2) You incline to the idea that critrate is a must have for all builds.
3) Full tank has crap dps??? There is no dps in pvp. There is control, survivability and good timing. As you said, the game is not all about 1v1. That’s why you should provide more than situational burst in pvp, in your group.
4) Any spec is a blast to play with, if you are smart but intelligence has nothing to do with having fun. Honestly, nothing in your comments shows high level thinking skills, so implying that you have fun therefore you are smart is an overkill and makes you look silly.

What you say above will pretty much work in a zerg where your opponents are either

1) running for their lives and you pick on easy targets
2) inside a keep aoeing with your longbow
3) your target is stationary, a practice golem, or inexperienced.

If you want to give us some insight about the viability of the GS, provide a link to your build, a video and tactics that you use that make it great. Until then, you fit perfectly into the full signet 100b+frenzy GS warrior noob stereotype

Without crit you have no procs and and no spike. GL killing any class in the game.

MH GS with axe/mace or rifle OH. Long bow is better for walls, you need the aoe to overcome the line of sight issues. Axe and mace is a great combo OH, you get a great spike and knockdown.

Almost never run in the zerg, always 2-5 man groups. Its all about mobility and spike. If you take 30sec to kill a taget you will get stomped by the zerg.

Ive seen your type beating on a checkpoint for 30 seconds with your sword and shield. You take so long your asking to get stomped.

How do you expect to kill anyone before the zerg shows up. I know you cripple them with your sword then trow rock till your buddys come to zerg them down.

BTW: I didnt say tank i said half/half. Please chech your facts before you go on a QQ rant.

(edited by Koop.4602)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zera.8907


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

(edited by Zera.8907)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I remember a post that said it how it was with the current state of Warriors.
“Jack of all trades but master of none”.

You will never see a warrior outperforming other classes in what they do best.

Conditions, we surrender to Necromancers, Engineers, and lessly Condition Thieves and Guardians.

Raw damage, we surrender to the thieves.

Survivability, we once again surrender to Guardians, Mesmers, and lessly Engineers. One can say thieves also beat us at this with their dodging condition builds and stealthing.
-While it is true warriors can take punishment for awhile with our high defense and hp modifier and good heals, we can’t keep it up forever. Guardians and mesmers have entire rows of survival based skills in their builds, ours are restricted to shield stance and endure pain, temporary alleviations.

Only class we can relate to is Rangers who also aren’t superiorly strong in any one area. But rangers do have the advantage of significantly more development in their ranged arsenal so that one can say that they hold more of a niche in pvp.

P.S. I beleive a large problem in warriors is that we never can take full advantage of our Class ability. Some builds have a hard time building adrenaline decently unless they sacrifice utility slots.
Our discipline tree has been forever kittened at leaving us with 3% more burst damage with 30 points in. Only Axe Eviscerate, Longbow Combustive Shot and Hammer Eartshaker are even regularly useful in PvP. We are just a class with cooldowns with nothing special about us.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I’m glad you used at least 2 english words in your trolling. But sitting on a ledge waiting for people to come close to you while your mates are off supporting the game, is just kittening your team. Killshot only will kill squishy thieves, other classes have too much health or basic defense, and only stupid thieves that cannot learn to dodge.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Weren’t you the guy with the unstoppable physical traits warrior build?

Longbow really? and Shouts? I’m honestly suprised you win any encounters.

You will never win against mesmers like that.

My guide to beating mesmers: (i run GS + sword/shield) (i’m rank 30+ btw..but meh, just means lots of time played i suppose, but I always go for 1v1’s if i can instead of going for objectives…..)

1) Save Gs whirl or blade trail to destroy illusions/phantasms.
2)Never use bullsrush+frenzy combo until he’s blown all his tricks or hes <30 percent health.
3) If all the illusions etc start making a beeline for you he’s trying for a shatter combo, save endure pain/shield/dodge roll for this.
4) If he uses sword 2 just dodge roll it or move away. (blurred frenzy)
5) Keep hacking away at illusions as you go past to get to him + phantasms, that is honestly 70 percent of his damage.
6) Sword 2 on you is nice to close gaps quickly followed by shield 4 for a quick stun, he’ll blow an escape just to get away from you.
7)If you get moad (which sadly you will if he has it up), just dodge and try and gain distance/break los, nothing you can do, it’s a bs ability.
8) Stay out of purple fields.

They’re alot of work and waiting for him to use all his abilities. I find 30 in defence line is great for stability and spiked armour. I also run runes which give me protection at 50 percent health for 10 seconds.

Guardians :

1) 2 types – bunkers or offence ones.
2) Bunkers are annoying, just take a long time to get down.
3) Watch for buffs – if you see retaliation up don’t hit them/ Guardians don’t actually hit hard (their button 1), it’s their retaliation/zealots flame/gs spin circle of wrath which does the damage, they don’t even need to target you to do damage as all their stuff is effective in a small circle around them.
4) If they are hitting hard then it means you can hit them hard. This means wait until retaliation is down and until stability is down and when their protection is down (learn what the buffs look like!) then go for the HB+frenzy routine.
5) Use GS whirl/blade to just do damage to them without staying too close, just poke them down whilst they use abilities.
6) Don’t attack when they;re using.
7) If they cast that small dome (not the big one), you can actually stand at the edge and Hb them inside.
8) Do not attack when they have retaliation up. Watch their buffs at all times.

Moderator edit: removed excess caps

having 30k hp with 2k toughness, infinite adrenaline supplies and superior heals and condition removal creates alot of problem for any build that is burst/condition based.

Look beyond numbers for viability.

And yes burst is one way to kill mesmers, catch them with their pants down. But i chose a warrior for variety, not to be stuck with an ages old meta.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: monepipi.5160


@ AlfredKlios.9657

Correctly traited, rangers excel really, really well in conditions. With traps and the correct weapons, they have access to fast bleeds (can stack 13+ in seconds), poison, chill, burning… And all these are AOE.

Warriors have very good burst and damage, thats the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Warriors.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


@ AlfredKlios.9657

Correctly traited, rangers excel really, really well in conditions. With traps and the correct weapons, they have access to fast bleeds (can stack 13+ in seconds), poison, chill, burning… And all these are AOE.

Warriors have very good burst and damage, thats the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Warriors.

Yea i was playing around with some ranger sword dagger or axe dagger and traps. They have interesting mechanics, i really love the end traits for their health tree and the 5 point traits in their defense. Warriors only have 2 options for conditions (i wont even mention rifle since its a sad excuse for a condition weapon and was only thrown in the crit tree because of its high raw damage); Longbow and Sword. Longbow is a weird buggy support weapon that has a combination of raw and condition damage, with significantly more damage being raw.

The sword has a mix of high raw damage with Rip and Final thrust trying to take advantage of the crit tree and slowly applying conditions, with a burst move that will never connect or will be interrupted or out damaged.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zera.8907


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

It’s ok bro. Do what ever you have to do to sleep easy at night. This damage is perfectly justified, no need to investigate lol…….

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

It’s ok bro. Do what ever you have to do to sleep easy at night. This damage is perfectly justified, no need to investigate lol…….

justified damage? go look at the screenshots of thieves doing 30k+ damage to stunned helpless people while they remain in stealth, without 25 stacks of might.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

It’s ok bro. Do what ever you have to do to sleep easy at night. This damage is perfectly justified, no need to investigate lol…….

Yes, a normally 11k crit turns to 20k crit when you give a target 25 stacks of vulnerability and you yourself have +900 power from 25 stacks of might. I think the only broken thing here is boon/condition stacking if you even want to make an argument of that

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zera.8907


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

It’s ok bro. Do what ever you have to do to sleep easy at night. This damage is perfectly justified, no need to investigate lol…….

justified damage? go look at the screenshots of thieves doing 30k+ damage to stunned helpless people while they remain in stealth, without 25 stacks of might.

I provided proof of my case. Where’s yours?

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


OP watch this video and rethink your decision.!

I see a rifle warrior being carried by his teammates with impressive stacks of might using Kill Shot on crappy enemy players with so much warrior vision they can’t tell theyve been volleyed 3 times.

It’s ok bro. Do what ever you have to do to sleep easy at night. This damage is perfectly justified, no need to investigate lol…….

justified damage? go look at the screenshots of thieves doing 30k+ damage to stunned helpless people while they remain in stealth, without 25 stacks of might.

I provided proof of my case. Where’s yours?

The post was circulating in both thief and warrior forums for days and it might still be there. I’m not going to have a lawyer debate with you on its existence because it was there, but thats aside from the fact you’re being a kitten troll just spamming up my page.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zera.8907


Watch the video again. Perhaps you may learn a thing or two. The guy in it does very well lol. Your mileage on the spec may vary.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


This is ridiculously dramatic, I picked up a warrior today, decided I wanted to play rifle, axe and shield, hammer tossed in every once in a while and within 3 games was pug stomping. It’s a blast, this class is a ton of fun. Made up my own build. Damage and some defensive, shield 5 plus endure pain utility, equals a very long time to getwhat needs to be done, done. The rifle butstroke knockback is a great cc, and same with shield bash. I tossed fear me into my utility for Aoe scenarios, and the used the signet that removes conditions on activate (endurance I believe) I was eating mesmers and thieves (but stroke when they stealth on you is hilarious) for breakfast. Eviscerate is a great gap closer, and rifle butt, or fear me is a great way to set up kill shot, which is hitting like a train , guardians were really the only “difficult” fight and they were just prolonged. Time fear me, rifle but, or shield bash to interrupt their heal and you are golden.

This class is tons of fun to play and extremely deadly.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Shilian.5873


hey wait all, bunker warrior suck in WvW? wtf i am having a blast playing with hammer/greatsword

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Stanholo.5394


Never again warrior for pvp.

Can’t compete with kite heavy Mesmers who run around in circles infi-kiting warriors who even have traited immobilize breakers and several cripple breakers and stun breakers and can turn stealth if all other failsafes fall, or just turn you into a moa.

So best recommendation is to pick up a ranged weapon and beat them at their own game? Warrior ranged is extremely weak, the 2 significant sources of rifle’s damage volley and killshot can be dodged more easily than anything i can think of. Longbow is a powerful contender but a mesmer just walks like a jogger in a park out of the fire to continue the ranged bombing on you.
Or they can just set up a projectile reflecting field just to troll you, but most often will win the damage race by relying on stealth as long as possible to stay hidden and let copies bomb you down.

Thieves who at the drop of a hat and out of nowhere mega combo you for 30k+ health who can just as easily stealth out of a fight if their burst fails or is faulted. Feel sorry for 100b warriors which is the only burst we have in the game, who A, can’t even come close to thief burst, and B. dont have a fallback/escape mechanic if their burst fails, so they end up perishing soon after.

Solution? Roll 1 of the 2 classes who can escape any situation with ease and have extremely powerful and sometimes broken builds/abilities to abuse. Choose a mesmer if you want some skillcap that can handle ANY situation and any build with ease, or a thief if you just want to roam around exploding 1 person every minute and have good insurance against being downed.

If you want to be a warrior in pvp, roll a guardian,at least they can bunker.

P.S. , am a Longbow Shout build who can do massive burst in short time with burning+arcing arrow. I can make short work of all engineers and rangers i’ve encountered, but never mesmers. They almost kill me with every engagement unless they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing, or can just use one of their infinite number of escape mechanics in their toolbags to leave the fight if things get hairy.

Here are some truism I’ve discovered while eating dirt as a DPS warrior:

Damage done is an algorithm that primarily compares the attacker’s Attack (weapon damage + Power) to the target’s Armor (gear defense + Toughness). Pretty much every range character is going to stack Power, Precision and Crit Damage which, with exotics, will give them around 3000 Attack. So, when a warrior goes into melee range with 5 signets, Berserker armor, Crit Damage runes and 2000 Armor, you’re going to end up like everyone jumping off the landing craft on D-Day who isn’t Tom Hanks.

If you’re running with a solid group, with a lot of support abilities, a melee GC build can work. Otherwise, it’s Toughness. And when you think you’ve overdone the Toughness, keep adding Toughness. Your Crit Rating is going to be low, but you’ll do more damage than you would have done running back from the rally point. Also, all Toughness gear has Power too, so your damage won’t be kitten (I typed ‘kitten’. I like it.)

A ranged GC warrior build can work (and is a lot of fun), but understand that you’re a sniper – if a Thief jumps you, you’re going to die, and you’re probably not going to out duel a Mesmer. No hard feelings, it’s the way of things. Try to die dramatically.

If you’ve decided to go Toughness and melee it up, you MUST have some form of Stability, and you SHOULD have a stun-breaking ability, Ignore Pain and a gap closing ability.

Your choice for offhand weapon(s) shouldn’t be random, and should complement your main hand setup for fighting and/or be used as escape kit. Personally, I like Sword/Warhorn offhand (no-target Leap, Quickness, Weakness and movement condition remover).

That all I got. Carry on.

Kastagyr 80 Warrior
Kastigir 80 Guardian
Ascalon’s Requiem [END] – Blackgate

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Koop.4602


Your 100% on the correct. I think alot of people dont understand the armor/toughness in relation to attack.

Unless you max your trougness it will have almost 0% effect against a 3000+ attack warrior or theif. Your only buffer will be yoru vitality.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekuja.6318


Tell you one thing… He’s right about Mesmers.

Every high-end PvP player right now knows that Mesmers are broken, hence why they are all playing them.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Shilian.5873


Stanholo.5394 100% agree

but yesterday i had a fight that made me feel useless.

I am using an Hammer/GS 0/0/20/30/20 build, stat priority: pow/tou/vit.

The fight occurred on Spvp 1vs1. war vs thief.

it was frustrating I am usually able to kill thief. managed a 2vs1 too.(but that’s because the majority of thief follow a FOTM train and don’t know how to play)

But this guy literally made my jaw drop.

I could not hit him, he was constantly going in and out of stealth, but seriously every 3 second for about 4 minute of fight.

Then when he finally come out of stealth i had all of my skill on a sort of global CD (including weapon swap and auto-attack like i was interrupted) he did that several time.

When i managed to lock him down with the hammer f1/knockback i finally did some good damage.
But guess what? he got stealth-ed again, and when he appeared my action bar was again on a global CD.

whiteout mentioning that every-time he was coming out of stealth his life was at 100%, like he had some sort of crazy regeneration.

It was a very interesting fight, i never had my character locked that hard before. do anyone know which build is able to do that? i would like to study it to see if it has any flaw.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lysico.4906


The thief was working with a heal while stealth build. Not big damage, but war by attrition (as your 4 min fight showed).

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: Koop.4602


They have a stealth heal that is a pain in the kitten (i think its 800 a tic).

I have a friend that runs a condition build version. Its is next to impossible to kill him on a warrior. Your only chance is to get him knocked down asap. If you dont they will kite and bleed you out in 30 seconds. Having a warhorn to convert conditions helps alot and gives you the speed boost.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Then when he finally come out of stealth i had all of my skill on a sort of global CD (including weapon swap and auto-attack like i was interrupted) he did that several time.

Might be basilisk venom (thief elite). It can get down to a relatively low c/d traited, although it doesn’t really do anything besides what you mentioned.

Never warrior again for pvp.

in Warrior

Posted by: blurps.2340


That build is built around Cloak and Dagger ( dagger 5 ). Basically the move puts the thief into stealth and gives him access to Tactical Strike ( Sword 1 while in stealth ), a full 2 sec daze – that’s the “global cooldown” you experienced. With the right trait setup you can get the initiative cost down, so you can use it quite frequently.

Everytime when in stealth you’ll get some crazy regen and condition removal too.

Pretty OP build in my book as well, but at least you get a chance to actually react.