New Warrior

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Crazeplosion.7083


I’m new to Guild Wars 2 in general, and I’ve started a warrior.

I’ve found warrior a great all round profession. From the high DPS, to being able to take quite an amount of damage before going down. They have an enormous amount of weapon choice, from range to meele. Being able to jump into the fray and whip out a devastating combo to destroy an enemy in seconds. I’ve found this really good.

In my opinion. Maybe warrior is less fancy as thief or other professions being able to have special effects such as cloning (Mesmer), but no other profession (Including Guardian) can do what a warrior does. No other profession can sponge up massive amounts of damage and still stay in the fray and swiftly destroy your enemy. Banners can be great help and have special abilities when picked up. That doesn’t mean other professions are weaker than warrior! Just stating that I’m loving warrior.

However my experience is tiny, and I would love to hear some suggestions from other warriors out there. Suggestions in PvE, PvP, WvW, Dungeon… anything! Also I would like to see things to be aware of, stuff that warriors are not the best at so new warriors such as I can be careful of. Thanks! Craze.

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Warriors can not soak up a lot of damage towards end-game. No class can.
That being said, the Guardian does it 10x better than any other glass. With access to permanent vigor relatively easily and easy access to the protection boon, the guardian is the only class that can soak some damage.

Warriors can survive a few hits from mobs with proper gearing. What warriors truly excel at is dishing out damage (both ranged and melee) while providing offensive support. Dodging and invulnerability are the primary sources of sustainability while decent armor (Knight’s armor for example) will provide a cushion against trash mobs without sacrificing much DPS.

Warriors are overall a very fun class

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Crazeplosion.7083


Yes, I agree with the fun I’m having off warrior. Also agree with the large amount of damage. Perhaps end-game Guardian can tank hits more than warrior can, but I with strong offense hopefully I will be able to take down enemies before taking too much damage.
Thanks for the armor tips, I will definitely give Knight armor a go.

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Yes, I agree with the fun I’m having off warrior. Also agree with the large amount of damage. Perhaps end-game Guardian can tank hits more than warrior can, but I with strong offense hopefully I will be able to take down enemies before taking too much damage.
Thanks for the armor tips, I will definitely give Knight armor a go.

If you are talking about normal mobs, warriors can tank them just fine with Berserker armor and take them down fast. Just don’t pull groups that you can not handle.

In instances (harder ones, not mindless CoF runs) Knight’s armor is often a savior. I use it for high level fractals to great success

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Rym.1469


Necromancer is best class for “soaking up damage” of all classes. Maybe not in sustain, because it’s rocked by Guardians and Elems, but for raw “take most hits” they’re incredible and no warrior can reach their point. Tanky specced, they have over 30k base hp, another 30k in Death Shroud, and Plague Form for extreme situations, basiclly untouchable in melee without conditions. So yeah, warriors atm excell at one thing. It’s called “LFM CoF P1 speedrun farming, 4 zerk warriors 1 mesmer, link your gear!”

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

New Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Isslair.4908


It’s called “LFM CoF P1 speedrun farming, 4 zerk warriors 1 mesmer, link your gear!”

Outside of cof, you just need to swap 1 warrior for tanky\supportish guardian.

EU Aurora Glade