New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike. Add to that the +180 Power and Unblockable status from Signet of Might and the Warrior is back where it belongs. It made this class feel like a WARRIOR again.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike. Add to that the +180 Power and Unblockable status from Signet of Might and the Warrior is back where it belongs. It made this class feel like a WARRIOR again.

Guardian: I can’t be invincible anymore, please nerf warrior.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Destruction of the Empowered will be a niche build orieneted for WvW and PvP to take down boon spammers. Otherwise the investment of 30 pts in Discipline will just be far too much for your average Warrior to accept. Due to the trait point cost, a DotE build will likely deal less damage in PvE than your standard dps Warrior and will have situational moments in all combat types (PvE / PvP / WvW) when it is remarkably deadly.

Now the Signet is really strong. The passive +Might is now very attractive and using the signet to get through blocking will be really useful in certain situations.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


Dude, guardians were never invincible – just had advantages to make up for having 10k base hp, and about 15k traited. Boon hate sucks balls, and warriors got a bunch of love this patch.

Most powerful (outside of pvp) class gets more powerful, everyone else stays the same. Whee.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Honestly I’m happier with Burst Mastery than Boon Hate

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


Honestly I’m happier with Burst Mastery than Boon Hate

I love how they did that also for the Rifle Warriors haha. Burst Master + Signet of Might (unblockable) + Kill Shot = Rifle Warriors!

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: graverr.6473


Honestly I’m happier with Burst Mastery than Boon Hate

I love how they did that also for the Rifle Warriors haha. Burst Master + Signet of Might (unblockable) + Kill Shot = Rifle Warriors!

dodge ?

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Godlike? Might be a bit of an exaggeration… enough to make warriors seriously viable in tPvP? Possibly, but probably not.

DoTE is interesting as it provides an alternative to berserker’s power (how many classes go any amount of time without a boon up). Most of the current meta classes have near 100% uptime on 4-6 boons. I see this as being a source of many cries in WvW though, so who knows if it will last.

Burst Master means a 20% reduced CD on all bust skills… That’s a 20% reduction on an AoE stun, a 20% reduction on eviscerate, a 20% reduction on longbow’s firefield. That’s a big buff.

Dogged march is… meh… most classes can reapply these conditions so often I’m not sure how much i will help. The regen seems to little to help all that much.

Might signet? Still trying to figure out what I can drop for this. It sounds quite nice anyways and might give us a role as a bunker buster.

On the other hand, we will still lack much in the way of sustain (I see the weakness to conditions as part of that, not an issue of its own).

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Dogged march is… meh… most classes can reapply these conditions so often I’m not sure how much i will help. The regen seems to little to help all that much.

What is so hard to give us a 10second passive condition removal trait? Warriors regen isn’t all that great anyway.

As I said before this is the carrot on the stick method until they can truly add some diversity in this game other wise its still the same result for warriors before patch.

They really do hold back on a lot of ideas they trying to make for a profession to feel comfortable to play in both fields.


New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


They can reapply the conditions so fast but they are almost wasting there time doing so. There is no cd on the reduction just the regen. Basically they can’t stop the warrior from reaching them now.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


Honestly I’m happier with Burst Mastery than Boon Hate

I love how they did that also for the Rifle Warriors haha. Burst Master + Signet of Might (unblockable) + Kill Shot = Rifle Warriors!

exactly !!!

love the new changes , thanks Anet

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike. Add to that the +180 Power and Unblockable status from Signet of Might and the Warrior is back where it belongs. It made this class feel like a WARRIOR again.

Signet of might:
Useless. CCs that go through will not knock back or down the blocking target. It will not interrupt the channeled guardian heal.
100b lands 1/3 of the way through, only.
Only reason I see it being used is for a big hit like Evis but even then..I usually check if someone is blocking before dropping it. I dunno if its worth it occupying one of my valuable traits just to make sure an ability goes through which it usually does.
Check out the thread: Warriors post patch for the rest of the traits discussion :o

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


They can reapply the conditions so fast but they are almost wasting there time doing so. There is no cd on the reduction just the regen. Basically they can’t stop the warrior from reaching them now.

Don’t they have increased condition duration on their condition builds?

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


They can reapply the conditions so fast but they are almost wasting there time doing so. There is no cd on the reduction just the regen. Basically they can’t stop the warrior from reaching them now.

Don’t they have increased condition duration on their condition builds?

Depends if we are referring to just cripple, chill, and immobilize. Immob durations arent long at all we messed with it earlier and bola’s which I believe has the longest base immobilization duration at 4secs lasted only 1 thats with the melandru grass setup though.

Most increase duration to 1 maybe 2 conditions and its usually damaging ones like bleed, confusion, burning. So they dont really matter. Then your looking at the +40% food they probably run for whatever it is they are trying to increase which probably only increases any of those conditions by 1 sec if they just specced the food for duration. I know there is a chill necro build but I havent really seen alot of it around. The 2 chills that ever bother me is the frost aura and the necro staff chill. The cripple is usually from other warriors or a SB thief. Immob is entangle from Rangers.

sPvP is obviously different there to get any of those durations up really high you would have to spec for it like some weird. 2x lyssa(10) 2x lich(10) 2 sigils of hobbling(20) kitten build with like 30 points in condition duration.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

To bad we can’t live long enough for it to matter, NO SUSTAIN!!!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

To bad we can’t live long enough for it to matter, NO SUSTAIN!!!

Say what?

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

To bad we can’t live long enough for it to matter, NO SUSTAIN!!!

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.
Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: jamesigall.5938


Lol did you look at the date on the top video? June 2012 – as in, before the game went live… basically not valid at all for discussions relating this patch. If anything the mesmer clones staying after the stomp should have shown you it was very old.

80 DPS War / 80 DPS Ranger / 80 Support Guard
Army of Devona [AoD]

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: darkace.8925


Dude, guardians were never invincible – just had advantages to make up for having 10k base hp, and about 15k traited. Boon hate sucks balls, and warriors got a bunch of love this patch.

Most powerful (outside of pvp) class gets more powerful, everyone else stays the same. Whee.

So you’re saying boon hate and three unblockable attacks are going to make a huge different in PvE?

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

To bad we can’t live long enough for it to matter, NO SUSTAIN!!!

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.
Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Lol I hope you’re not attributing that warrior’s survivability to pie.

Second video, watch it again. Carefully.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Holy crap did this guy just seriously link a beta video? That first vid I’m 100% sure was from back in the betas when weapon swap sigils didn’t have internal cooldowns right?

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Holy crap did this guy just seriously link a beta video? That first vid I’m 100% sure was from back in the betas when weapon swap sigils didn’t have internal cooldowns right?

Yes, yes he did.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Signet of Might paired “For Great Justice” makes for a fun stroll on the PvE map. It’s a fun signet to use now (before I couldn’t convince myself to use it most of the time vs almost any other skill), and while not that many PvE enemies block, useful in those very few situations. Of course one could use the Banner for a similar effect too, but the Signet is very convenient, at least while roaming solo around the world.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Really like to see this thread stay at the top of the warrior forum for instructional purposes.

This is what it’s like being a warrior in guildwars 2 come onto the forums express your concerns try to explain to people why you don’t see many warriors in decent tpvp teams and try to guide the community towards decent changes for the overall health of the game and then this happens.

A person who knows absolutely nothing comes in and posts videos from before the game was actually released to the public trying to to deter this class from getting decent changes.


New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike. Add to that the +180 Power and Unblockable status from Signet of Might and the Warrior is back where it belongs. It made this class feel like a WARRIOR again.

Signet of might:
Useless. CCs that go through will not knock back or down the blocking target. It will not interrupt the channeled guardian heal.
100b lands 1/3 of the way through, only.
Only reason I see it being used is for a big hit like Evis but even then..I usually check if someone is blocking before dropping it. I dunno if its worth it occupying one of my valuable traits just to make sure an ability goes through which it usually does.
Check out the thread: Warriors post patch for the rest of the traits discussion :o

CC doesn’t work through the block? That’s really, really disappointing…

I was planning on using this any time I ran into a ‘guard heavy’ team in place of bulls… guess I don’t have to waste my time trying it, thanks I guess.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike. Add to that the +180 Power and Unblockable status from Signet of Might and the Warrior is back where it belongs. It made this class feel like a WARRIOR again.

Signet of might:
Useless. CCs that go through will not knock back or down the blocking target. It will not interrupt the channeled guardian heal.
100b lands 1/3 of the way through, only.
Only reason I see it being used is for a big hit like Evis but even then..I usually check if someone is blocking before dropping it. I dunno if its worth it occupying one of my valuable traits just to make sure an ability goes through which it usually does.
Check out the thread: Warriors post patch for the rest of the traits discussion :o

CC doesn’t work through the block? That’s really, really disappointing…

I was planning on using this any time I ran into a ‘guard heavy’ team in place of bulls… guess I don’t have to waste my time trying it, thanks I guess.

It sort of makes sense though. It’s like the offensive version of Endure Pain, it basically produces damage despite the attack being blocked.

Do conditions make it through though? One could still land an immobilize or chill on a fleeing target who is blocking.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Or I could just wait out the block, it’s not worth dropping a 2s stun, 8s stability, or a full condi cleanse to me if I can’t interrupt through it.

Man that’s really disappointing… Could have really made us an effective bunker buster.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Spifnar.4712


I think the point of the active ability is not to make you an unstoppable cc machine. But rather to allow you to get that last 5k damage in through a block.

And that point might actually be useful if warriors could poison to limit healing.

The 180 power is ok all by itself as an extra 10% damage

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Chrissay.8931


Well the bright side kind of is that theres no cap on the ‘destroy the empowered’ trait.
IF someone has all boons and sustains them, then you have a perma 27% damage on them

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Ever heard of a boon called protection?

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


Ever heard of a boon called protection?

Yes, but they protection regardless of if you have boon hate or not. Any additional damage at least helps.


New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Ever heard of a boon called protection?

Yes, but they protection regardless of if you have boon hate or not. Any additional damage at least helps.

Protection lowers damage after all damage is done, so what if the target does 25% more damage, protection will lower all the damage after that by 33%, making it really powerful.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Stack Runes of Melandru on top of Dogged March for extra hilarity at watching slows and stuns slide right off of you.

Tried dueling good Necros today with that and appropriate utility/heal skills for condition removal. Even then it was close or it took too long -which is bad in spvp since you risk opponents coming to help them-. Meh will test it some more.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Well the bright side kind of is that theres no cap on the ‘destroy the empowered’ trait.
IF someone has all boons and sustains them, then you have a perma 27% damage on them

What class has all boons? That is highly situational. Guardians can have 7 boons up with their shout so that is 21% increased damage on them. However, they have protection as one of those so it is 33-21% damage so you get a total of 13% damage reduction on them. Also,retaliation is one of them so with your increased damage you are destroying yourself even faster.

Other classes don’t have as many boons on such as the eles -average of about 4?- so that is 12% damage with their protection up a lot of the time so that is 33-12%=21% damage reduction still persisting.

Having some extra damage is better than none is not a good argument. A necro or Mesmer can remove ALL the boons including protection thus removing 33% damage reduction, removing their regen, removing their retaliation etc etc.

The solution is very simple. Give us one boon removal per adrenaline bar. We don’t want complete boon removal like mesmers or necros..

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Well the bright side kind of is that theres no cap on the ‘destroy the empowered’ trait.
IF someone has all boons and sustains them, then you have a perma 27% damage on them

What class has all boons? That is highly situational. Guardians can have 7 boons up with their shout so that is 21% increased damage on them. However, they have protection as one of those so it is 33-21% damage so you get a total of 13% damage reduction on them. Also,retaliation is one of them so with your increased damage you are destroying yourself even faster.

Other classes don’t have as many boons on such as the eles -average of about 4?- so that is 12% damage with their protection up a lot of the time so that is 33-12%=21% damage reduction still persisting.

Having some extra damage is better than none is not a good argument. A necro or Mesmer can remove ALL the boons including protection thus removing 33% damage reduction, removing their regen, removing their retaliation etc etc.

The solution is very simple. Give us one boon removal per adrenaline bar. We don’t want complete boon removal like mesmers or necros..

You mean 18%, 3% per boon does not effect aegis.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Wow, the more we find out about our new “buffs”, the more they suck. I don’t know why I’d be surprised though.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: BCGiant.4307


I rather have the Might Bonus back from the Signet,three might every 25 sec. is way more useful for PVE. It might make sense for PVP, but it killed might stacking warriors.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Shotty.1902


The new traits on the discipline line suck. Who is going to put 30 in discipline ? If you are running a Warr and you put 30 points into discipline you are a noob.

Shottyzzz – Warrior – [Fin] – HoD

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

The new traits on the discipline line suck. Who is going to put 30 in discipline ? If you are running a Warr and you put 30 points into discipline you are a noob.

It depends on the build and the circumstances. For example, I’m looking to find something interesting for my healing shouts Warrior that I’ve shelved. By running something like Strength 10 / Tactics 30 / Discipline 30, you can have some interesting builds with the new traits. I’m planning on running the Rifle and switching off between Sword/Warhorn & Axe/Warhorn. There are enough interesting and potentially useful traits for a Berserker or Knight build that I could see this being used for PvE and WvW use.

However I do agree that it is still lacking for PvP. The damage increase from DotE is far too situational and sacrificing dps to get that trait is normally going to be a dumb choice.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


IMO, Destruction of the Empowered is just plain garbage at this point. You are better off investing 10 points in Strength line for Berserker’s Power (an Adept trait) or 10 points in Tactics line for Empowered (an Adept Trait) before investing 10 points further into a high Discipline line for a 30 point Grandmaster.

More bang for the buck with just plain superior/more accessible traits over DotE so it is really really low on the priority list for any build. Boons on target is also extremely variable and lacks severe synergy with any other class with Boon conversion to Conditions (Necro, Mesmer) which overrides the entire mechanic.

If it was baseline Discipline (Brawn) it would make sense only because Brawn’s up to 3% increased damage on Burst skills (only effects direct damage portion of abilities) is such a non-factor on damage output already that any improvement to Brawn would be better for a Warrior than this current stat.

EDIT: A second option (to add viability to the Discipline Grandmaster trait DotE) is to address the baseline 25-pt Discipline traits and relative balance if the 25-pt worked in conjunction with Boon Hate (i.e. chance to add a movement-impairing condition to the target based on number of targets Boons or something similar).

(edited by Artaz.3819)

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Dude, guardians were never invincible – just had advantages to make up for having 10k base hp, and about 15k traited. Boon hate sucks balls, and warriors got a bunch of love this patch.

Most powerful (outside of pvp) class gets more powerful, everyone else stays the same. Whee.

wait what? because the warriors got a pvp focused buff they must be op in pve now too? get your head out of your kitten and just leave. Id rather have 10k base hp and 2-3 invincibility, mass healing, protection and retaliation than 25-30k hp with bad heals, pigeonholed builds and zero survivability. I dont get where ppl get this notion of the warrior being the most “OP” pve character in the game because from the way I see it all they get is to farm crappy dungeons repetativly so their main (theif, guard, ele) can reap the rewards. I have both guardian and warrior and I dont think that I felt any worse on my guardian after the “buffs” to warrior

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike.

No they aren’t. They’re absolute crap “trap traits” for people who don’t know better.

Dogged March is only good when combined with another source of condition duration mitigation (like runes of Melandru), and the regen is absolutely pathetic.

Destruction of the Empowered loses to Berserker’s Power 9 out of 10 times. If you’re dumping 30 in discipline Burst Mastery is the trait to pick up.

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Dogged March and Destruction of the Empowered are godlike.

No they aren’t. They’re absolute crap “trap traits” for people who don’t know better.

Dogged March is only good when combined with another source of condition duration mitigation (like runes of Melandru), and the regen is absolutely pathetic.

Destruction of the Empowered loses to Berserker’s Power 9 out of 10 times. If you’re dumping 30 in discipline Burst Mastery is the trait to pick up.

I agree. Burst mastery is now a pretty good 30 trait skill. I have been playing a sort of burst master build for a while now. This is a huge boost for me.

Heiann – NSP

New traits and Signet of Might are too sexy.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Well the bright side kind of is that theres no cap on the ‘destroy the empowered’ trait.
IF someone has all boons and sustains them, then you have a perma 27% damage on them

What class has all boons? That is highly situational. Guardians can have 7 boons up with their shout so that is 21% increased damage on them. However, they have protection as one of those so it is 33-21% damage so you get a total of 13% damage reduction on them. Also,retaliation is one of them so with your increased damage you are destroying yourself even faster.

Other classes don’t have as many boons on such as the eles -average of about 4?- so that is 12% damage with their protection up a lot of the time so that is 33-12%=21% damage reduction still persisting.

Having some extra damage is better than none is not a good argument. A necro or Mesmer can remove ALL the boons including protection thus removing 33% damage reduction, removing their regen, removing their retaliation etc etc.

The solution is very simple. Give us one boon removal per adrenaline bar. We don’t want complete boon removal like mesmers or necros..

You mean 18%, 3% per boon does not effect aegis.

Yea You are right so its even worse.