New warrior builds June 23rd

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


I thought about the placement of hammer mastery in discipline. I know for sure I wont be using this trait because i rather be using burst mastery for constant pressure against enemies.

When new traits come out, I will use : 60606,
Peak performance, GS mastery, berserker power
dogged march, armored attack, cleansing ire
warrior sprint, Destruction of empowered, burst mastery

Can replace DoE for brawler recovery if too many incoming condis.

Compared to my last build, this will ensure more dps from our gs and since im always using burst skills in my hammer/gs roaming builds, I will always have uptime of the berserker power boost. I will be just missing the cooldown of my skills for hammer but I can live with that.

balance stance, endure pain and bulls charge

Zerkers + melandru or hoelbrak
New longbow/gs build idea:

Peak performance, GS mastery, berserker power
Leg specialist, Burning arrows, vigorous focus
Warrior sprint, Brawler recovery and Heightened focus

Have 1 cleansing sigil on longbow

Mix of celestial and zerkers armor + hoelbrak or strength

Or a standard 60606 build for gs/longbow with double endure pain and CI

i cant wait to test these builds out.

This is for WvWvW purposes

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437



I am going to run gs/ham soon also (coming from gs/lb.. but lb issnt really needed anymore if the change to CI is real… and LB dmg i nerfed for power users)

Also gs/ham both benefit from the new “warrior sprint” and movement change…

About “burst mastery” vs “Merci Ham”
If the change to adrenaline is true then you really dont need burst mastery anymore and i think the hammer trait will perform better in the long term.

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


Hmm I roam with 62006 or 60206 builds atm in wvw with longbow and gs. I like longbows aoe fire and aoe dmg it gives with its burst. I dont really care for CI. Thats why I will be going with brawler recovery + 1 cleansing sigil on my longbow gs builds and CI for my hammer build(to build up the adrenaline from being hit more easily to use for extra pressure).

Axe + gs builds will be even more viable though, maybe time to take out my frost fang lol(CI proc’ing on on burst and not on hit)

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


If i dont like the condition damage(Autos giving burn on attack while traited in tactics), ill go for 60606 for lb/gs build)

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Peak Performance is obviously only useful if Rampage becomes a Physical skill, because all other physical skills deal low damage and are basically useless with the exception of Bull’s Charge, maybe.

Heightened Focus seems pretty dope. Spammable semi-controllable Haste may turn Warriors into dangerous damage dealers.

60606 seems like the go to setup for a funzie Zerker.


Peak Performance if Rampage is a Physical skill, otherwise Restorative Strength if Healing Signet becomes worth clicking. If not… I dunno, close your eyes and select a random trait because all three of them are totally useless.

Forceful Greatsword. Too much good stuff for a Zerker to take Body Blow over it.

Berserker’s Power. No comment.


Dogged March seems like a natural choice, but Cull the Weak is virtually endless Weakness on wounded opponents, which can be really useful. Or not. Gonna test Cull the Weak, but probably pick Dogged March.

Defy Pain. Losing Armored Attack sucks, but not a big deal for an sPvP Warrior. Defy Pain will save your kitten from a burst and allow you to Rush/WW away. And can I please laugh at how pathetic Sundering Mace is? Ha.


Warrior’s Sprint. No contest there.

A toss up. This is interesting. Probably Destruction of the Empowered, but Brawler’s Recovery is really strong. In fact, this change may allow Warriors to survive without Cleansing Ire somewhat. That’s important to note, since we will have to sacrifice one line for the Elite Spec and Defense seems the only line that we may possibly give up.

Heightened Focus. While Burst Mastery is obviously powerful, especially for a GS Warrior that sometimes needs extra Adrenaline to squeeze out that Arcing Slice, 15s ICD 4s Quickness is just great. BC-Frenzy-100b is back, except you don’t have to run Frenzy now. Catch your opponent with that GS1 under 50% health and then use your lightning fast 100b without any CC and you just may land it. A fun, skillful and powerful trait, at least in my opinion.

If the change to Cleansing Ire is real and Burning nerfs for non-condi builds are significant, I will be running GS/Hammer. Heightened Focus with Hammer is also pretty good. Dodging a sped up Earthshaker is not going to be very easy.

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Kalendraf.9521


Axe + gs builds will be even more viable though, maybe time to take out my frost fang lol(CI proc’ing on on burst and not on hit)

I have been running axe builds, but with these changes, those builds look like they’ll be too nerfed to continue running them now. Overall, axe builds seem to be less viable, not more viable with these changes.

HoD – [CV] Charter Vanguard

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Nordicman.7641


I was thinking of running a sword/shield build with bow (or whatever)on swap.

6 in Arms: Bloodlust, Signet Mastery, Blademaster and Furious.

6 in Defense: Adrenal Health, Shield Master, Defy Pain, and Cleansing Ire.

6 in Discipline: Fast hands, Warrior Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery or Destruction of the Empowered (for wvw) and Burst Mastery.

This seems like a decent roaming toon. I’d definitely run a few signets like Dolyak and Stamina (condi cleanse will be at a premium and the extra vigor helps). This is a selfish build but it’s not shoutbow or hambow and may do ok.

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I’m also thinking of doing a 60606 build, but I might end up switching it to GS/Hammer… haven’t quite decided yet. I’ll possibly do Mace+shield/Hammer, but then my mobility would be quite poopy.

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


This thread is already a wall of text. Can’t even talk about builds like this.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


This thread is already a wall of text. Can’t even talk about builds like this.

THAT’S a wall of text? I guess you must be a bit new to Internet forums, eh? XD

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Just like before some traits are obviously better. Take one look and know what to pick for each tier depending on what weapons u are using.

Id like to talk about new builds not ones we already have.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: OMGimAnoobLOLOL.4730


The same might stacking we love with some huge damage modifiers added on it.

Cele Shoutbow,
Yo dawg, I heard you like stats, so we put more stats on stats so you can have more stats on your most stats.

New warrior builds June 23rd

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


Axe + gs builds will be even more viable though, maybe time to take out my frost fang lol(CI proc’ing on on burst and not on hit)

I have been running axe builds, but with these changes, those builds look like they’ll be too nerfed to continue running them now. Overall, axe builds seem to be less viable, not more viable with these changes.

im from hod too well used to be for 3 years..till last month.. that dragonbrand take over yo

Hmm if ur saying they are less viable because of how axe mastery is being positioned, then I am not too worried as I mostly used slashing power + berserker power for my current axe build. So I will be fine without axe mastery and will take berserker power.

Also I think I might just take heightened focus over burst mastery too. That internal cool down is very low and very interesting!