New warrior looking for gearing advice.

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: splidow.9514


Hey I just started gw2 a week ago. I used the level 80 boost on a warrior, and I feel as if I am starting to get the hang of things. I am just completely lost when it comes to stats for various activities. wvw/pve. I really cant find too much going on about what stats to go for. The ones I do find I feel they are really outdated 1yr +. Is anyone able to give me some tips. What weapon/stats to look for? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


ZErk zerk zerk zerk zerk

Werk werk werk werk werk

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New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


It really depends on your playstyle and what content you engage in.

Personally I love Knight stats due to the huge synergy with the Defense trait line. Adrenal Health, Armored Attack and Cleansing Ire especially. It works well for me in PvE and WvW due to being very tough. But it won’t be very useful in raids or fractals I suppose, since there only DPS matters.

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


It really depends on your playstyle and what content you engage in.

^Pretty much this ^.

I’ve only been playing my warrior as a main for a few months, and I’m mostly a PvEer. So far I’ve toyed around with Zerker’s, Soldier’s, Zealot’s, Cleric’s, Settler’s, and now I’m investing in Celestial (go ahead and laugh at me everyone. :P )… Atm I really enjoy celestial, but I’ve enjoyed all the others too.

Perhaps switch pieces out as you’re deciding what you need to improve your build… need more dps, and don’t mind losing defense? Then swap out a couple pieces of zerk. Want to get more healing from AH? Consider a few pieces of clerics. Trying a hybrid dps build to take advantage of Berserking? Try Carrion.

There are plenty of build links here in this sub-forum… dig around a bit, and you’ll probably find a build or three that’ll work as a jumping-off point for you.


New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


zerk if not condi.

not sure what condi gear is best tho…..rampager mbe.

weapon: gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs
regardless of ur build the gs is always 1 of ur weapons.

offhand axe and sword and warhorn are dumb.
offhand mace only for dungeons and pve party stuff.
hammer subpar on the dmg. i think its dumb but some still use and says its awesome.
might is primary damage source of all power warriors…..condi idk
rifle only good for gunflame
bow only good for condi
mace for duels and small group fights
axe for cleave
sword for mobility and condi
shield for everything

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Personal Preferences

Conditions Warrior

  • Vipers gear
  • Sword/torch, Longbow (if berserker) If not, Mace/Sheild, sword/sword
  • melandru or Balthazar Runes
  • Smoldering, Generosity sigils

Hybrid Warrior

  • Vipers gear
  • Mace/Sheild, Longbow or Hammer, or sword/torch, or sword/sheild
  • Melandru’s runes or Krait,
  • Agony, Smoldering, Generosity, or hydromancy, leashing sigils

Power Warrior

  • Berserkers or murauders stats
  • GS, Axe/Sheild
  • Rune of Air
  • Leaching, Generosity, Hydromancy, Force, there are others. but these are what i use.

or you can just do what i do in WVW and run a hybrid warrior with full celestial.

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Personal Preferences

Power Warrior

  • Berserkers or murauders stats
  • GS, Axe/Sheild
  • Rune of Air
  • Leaching, Generosity, Hydromancy, Force, there are others. but these are what i use.

or you can just do what i do in WVW and run a hybrid warrior with full celestial.

Rune of Air? definitely No. Power > ferocity for pretty much everyone except dungeon and 25 might stack crew where you are dealing with over 3500 power.
Not force or generosity. And leeching is still bugged i think, so don’t use that if it is.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

To get started…Thsi is a PvE non-berserker build…

Strength runes are pricey, so Holbrak(almost as bad) or maybe Pack would work. I think Rune of Fire is a good starting option and its cheap to get you going.

Make tweaks that work for you.

WvW and PvE are 2 totally different beasts, IMO…but opinions vary. This is PvE…I’m still trying to find builds I enjoy in WvW…I don’t even like the metas for WvW for the most part because certain things are still buggy…

I do because I can
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t

New warrior looking for gearing advice.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cambeul.3719


Runes of the Scholar is another option over Strength Runes

And for Sigils I would go with Force, and either Accuracy, Air, or Fire