(edited by Latinkuro.9420)
Nov 15th patch warrior dreams
Fast Hands fix above all.
Fast Hands, first and foremost. I love that trait when it works.
Discipline’s second statistic not being useless would be nice as well.
Longbow viability.
Weapon changes across the board.
I’d like to see the trait fixes mentioned even though I don’t use them. I think our utility skills are fine, only thing I’d like to see is a Banner Adrenaline skill to give em some flavor.
Main thing I’d like to see though is someway to get Protection, although Superior Runes of Earth are nice
Edit: I want Endure Pain to last it’s full 5 seconds too
Added some of your great suggestions to the original post, I specially like the access to the protection boon.
I would like to see a buff to the Longbow and a fix for Fast Hands. That’s all, really. I’m mostly satisfied with my Warrior.
Buff longbow plx. I want to make a kudzu.
Id like mace to become 0.25 rather than 0.50 per swing or at least the first two swings on 0.25.
I`d love to see that Anet will nerf Warris Rifle Burst
I’d take mobility over high damage anyday. I’d rather have a smooth fight movement-wise than be kited around until my head hurts, while my only chance of winning is getting off some high burst crit (frenzy HB…). That gets old fast.
I’d like Shield Stance to be renamed to something like Shield Wall or Shield Cover, because it’s not a stance by the game’s mechanics. I find that very misleading.
I’d like something to be done with Shield Bash. Even if you have good timing, Shield Bash, as a stun, makes it very hard to interrupt anything with, because there is a ~1 second charge animation that plays even if you’re at point-blank range. Considering it has a 25 second cooldown, I think the least it could be is a reliable interrupt. Failing that, make Shield Bash block all attacks during the charge animation. That way, if you miss the interrupt because of the animation, you still avoided the attack.
Also, I’m not a fan of the harpoon gun skills. They seem overly weak compared to the spear, and often lead the monsters to glitch and become invulnerable. I’m not sure what could be done to improve it
my wishlist:
- correct bugs in general, ofc
- free hammer from standing-still effects, make its all abilities be able to use on-the-move
- on the defense line I minor trait, make it to give extra armor when health is under 50% instead of when health is over 90%
- decrease stance cooldowns a bit
Then I would be happy
In addition to those already mentioned:
Cancle vengeance debuff at resurection at a waypoint. Dying twice is not fun.
Make untraited Vengeance more usefull by either making the treit baseline or at least add full health at resurection. The trait could add a Bonus like 5 additional seconds or mightbuffs.
Increase Longbow damage a bit. Increase travelspeed of the projectiles (at least of Arching and combust) Change the Longbowtrait “10% damage at burning foes” to something more usefull
Decrease shieldblock CD
Rename “Forcefull Greatsword” to something else and let the trait work with all weaponsets.
(edited by Monki.5012)
Rename “Forcefull Greatsword” to something else and let the trait work with all weaponsets.
Would be overpowered. Sure the guardian has a trait that does the same and also grants to allies, but it is not in the line that gives precision stat, nor does the Guardian have easy access to fury.
Personally I’d like Kill Shot toned down (yes, I said it) and I’d like the greatsword reduced in it’s performance in exchange for other weapons being tweaked up a touch. I don’t use the greatsword very often but every time I do it’s because I feel like I am hurting myself to NOT use it. Highest burst damage, a very reasonable autoattack and high mobility, with not bad survival either due to Whirlwind evading.
On a more extreme scale I’d like to see stances returned to (what I understand to be) their original design – toggle skills that drain your adrenaline while active. Giving increased usefulness to all the adrenaline gaining traits and stances at once, and providing some more depth to the class in terms of balancing your adrenaline. Endure Pain would have to be tweaked in this case however, as it could potentially last forever if you had enough adrenaline gain.
I enjoy the ‘brawler’ gameplay the most yet the warrior classes are always the ones with the least depth or skill ceiling due to their survival being entirely stat based, rather than based around making sure you keep boons up etc. In it’s current state the stat survival is not enough so Endure Pain/Shield Stance provide the bulk of damage mitigation, which is where I believe the majority of complaints about ‘glass cannon’ warriors not being glass comes from – you get in, kill, and get out whilst still immune to damage. Anything to add more depth to the class would make me happy, and some way of gaining protection boon that required a big of juggling would suit this. For comparison there is the elementalist, which is weaker at base level but with good play can become far stronger, by proper dancing of the attunements and managing cooldowns.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
my wishlist:
1. fix Crackshot to reduce Volley cooldown properly
2. fix Fast Hands
3. fix Last Stand
4. fix all the other bugs
MH Mace. Not bad, but the third hit of the 1 chain could use a bit of a speed up for PvP viability. Counterblow should be AoE at least, like Guardian’s mace block skill.
OH Mace. It’s not bad at all. It’s just that Shield is usually better.
MH Sword. It’s a weird mix between a DD weapon and a condition weapon, but instead of offering the best of both worlds it just sucks at both. The skillset is nice, but Flurry could use a boost in it’s direct damage part and Final Thrust should include a bleed component. Right now it’s only used for the Leap and Flurry into 100b with an immediate swap.
OH Sword: Long cooldowns harm this set. Impale is nice in concept, it’s supposed to offest Warrior’s vulnerability to condition removal, but it’s just not strong enough and if you miss, you have a long cooldown to go with it.
The block is just difficult to land in the chaotic PvP environment, so difficult it’s just not worth it. I don’t know how it should be changed, but it could sure use a little buff in usability.
MH Axe: Triple Chop deals less DPS than Chop and Double Chop and with the recent change you can interrupt it by pressing 1 again, which is exactly what you should be doing. Why is it made so?
Otherwise, it’s a great weapon. Straightforward, but nice.
OH Axe: Just buff Dual Strike, it’s downright bad. Short buff duration, low damage and long cast time.
Whirling Axe is… I understand that it’s supposed to be our “mobile AoE” skill, but really, it’s not that useful considering it’s pitiful damage and the abundance of AoE skills that we have already. Could certainly use a buff of some sort.
Greatsword: It’s good. Yeah, big surprise. Except Arcing Slice. Signet of Rage is mostly enough. Not only that, but it deals low damage and it’s so SLOW. And it’s not an uppercut, kitten Well, Bladetrail could use an uplift in animation quality. Make it a wave of wind or something.
Hammer: Mostly good, but Staggering Blow is so slow it hurts. Still, it’s alright.
Longbow: Again, it’s a hybrid of condition and direct damage. Which means that half of it’s skillset sucks if you spec into one side deeply and it just turns into a mediocre weapon if you spec into a balanced build. Well, it’s mediocre when you can hit your target with all the awkward skills, which is not always the case, and then it turns into total misery. I’d rather be throwing rocks from a downed state than use this thing against, say, a Shortbow Range or Unicorn Thief or D/D Elementalist with perma Swiftness. Either make it a powerful area denial weapon (as in, buff the damage) or make it more usable as a general purpose weapon (up the speed of projectiles/lower cooldowns).
Shield: Well, it’s fine, but Shield Bash is a bit weak. Again, it’s not BAD, and that’s ok.
Rifle: Using this weapon is like trying to shoot pigeons with a Howitzer. It surely packs a punch, but good luck with shooting down any pigeons. It’s slow and while the numbers are good, the actual DPS isn’t and you can get easily Adrenaline starved if you mess up your Volley. Brutal Shot lowers your DPS if you’re alone, and yeah, it’s a group ability, but considering we only get 5 skills as it is, shouldn’t we be able to use all of them in all given situations, one way or another? The 1 attack could use a little speed increase, that will increase the damage and offset the Adrenaline problem. Otherwise, it’s not bad, but it just fails to find it’s way into our weapon sets, since we’re limited to 100b + Axe or some other weapon to set up 100b, which is Sword, Mace, Hammer or even Longbow. It would be nice if your brought back the old “charge up” mechanic and made Kill Shot chargeable, so we can either charge it up fully or release the buttons early for less, but more reliable damage.
Warhorn: It’s not bad at all. Wish the skills would cast faster, but I like it. It’s just mostly ignored since we spend most of our time Hundred Blading away.
Kick can now be used while moving and dazes the target for 1 seconds instead of pushing it back.
Stomp now stuns all targets for 2 seconds instead of blowing them out of the melee range.
Warbanner now grants Stability with each pulse instead of Swiftness.
New trait: Vanguard
Your Equipped Banner skills now take up your utility slots, leaving the weapon skills usable.
Dolyak Signet should be changed. The passive is worthless and Stability is way to useful anyway, it’s never a decision between the passive and the active, you just MUST use it when stomping and Balanced Stance is so much better.
Make it grant Protection. Yeah, why not? Would that make Warriors OP? I really don’t think so, we’re far from the toughest class on the battlefield.
Passive: 10% damage reduction, like the Guardian Signet
Active: Protection for 8-10 seconds.
New trait: Shield Wall
Shield Stance now blocks for all allies standing behind you. (Say, in a 300-400 range cone)
Signet of Stamina: This one isn’t bad, actually, but it just doesn’t have a place in the currect meta. You MUST have Balanced Stance in any build, and then it’s either a choice between Shouts for healing or Frenzy/BC/Bolas for the glass cannon twirly whirly GS roamer.
Rename “Forcefull Greatsword” to something else and let the trait work with all weaponsets.
Would be overpowered. Sure the guardian has a trait that does the same and also grants to allies, but it is not in the line that gives precision stat, nor does the Guardian have easy access to fury.
Why would it be overpowered? Its in the game so Devs must think its OK to use and its for the most OP weapon available. Right now Gsword offers everything that hits hard: vulnability, fury on burst with 90% uptime and traited might on crit… (thats OP yes)
I do not like GS but with this trait you can gain Might very easily. I just want my favored weaponcombination to be a bit more on par with the heavenly almighty
Greatsword. If its too OP in PvP (Which I am not interested in at all) then maybe add a reduced procchance on players or something..
(edited by Monki.5012)
Warriors don’t really need a buff. We are powerfull allready. I would only want ANet right now to fix bugs and replace stupid traits with something different, just as you said.
Our utilities are great, and elites are good enough (guardians have worse elites then us).
At least Tomes are sometimes useful and are actually good with Runes of Lyssa. Rampage is just total kitten
Rename “Forcefull Greatsword” to something else and let the trait work with all weaponsets.
Would be overpowered. Sure the guardian has a trait that does the same and also grants to allies, but it is not in the line that gives precision stat, nor does the Guardian have easy access to fury.
Why would it be overpowered? Its in the game so Devs must think its OK to use and its for the most OP weapon available. Right now Gsword offers everything that hits hard: vulnability, fury on burst with 90% uptime and traited might on crit… (thats OP yes)
I do not like GS but with this trait you can gain Might very easily. I just want my favored weaponcombination to be a bit more on par with the heavenly almighty
Greatsword. If its too OP in PvP (Which I am not interested in at all) then maybe add a reduced procchance on players or something..
To be honest you are probably right, I too dislike the GS and wish I had something similar available for other weapon. My main thought that made me quickly jump to the “It would be OP” response was that it would be now used for every weapon and anything that becomes a must in any build is normally so. It retrospect it would be no more overpowered than it is currently, but it would make every weapon than GS more restricted in builds than they already are.
Come to think of it, the GS is the most OP weapon to have it on already other than axes due to it’s fast attack speed giving more opportunities for crits. Something like the hammer would be far less powerful with it as you do not crit anywhere near as frequently.
So yeah… gut reaction but on deeper thought I agree All I can say is maybe they think that other (more mobile) weapons with constant might build up ontop of their alternate benefits may be too much. Who knows though.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
I`d love to see that Anet will nerf Warris Rifle Burst
I’d love you to a get a clue.
Warriors don’t really need a buff. We are powerfull allready. I would only want ANet right now to fix bugs and replace stupid traits with something different, just as you said.
Our utilities are great, and elites are good enough (guardians have worse elites then us).
Just that some classes needs to get nerfed to the ground like Engi and Mesmer. Everything would be fine easily.
One of the main problems I see with the other warrior weapons (besides GS) is a lack of direction. Instead of having weapons like the sword and bow be useless in every build. I would like to see them changed into stronger weapons for non-crit+burst builds.
For example: Switch around the mechanics of Bleeding Shot (rifle 1) with Dual Shot (bow 1). So I’m not stacking bleeds with a rifle, and doing rapid “white” damage with a bow.
Changes like these can help define weapons, and give more weapon sets a spot in the meta.
(Yes, I described the sword as useless. If you replaced all 4 of the MH sword abilities with Bull’s Charge, 9/10 people would not know the difference. The sword is a lackluster utility skill… not a weapon) although, the 8sec cooldown is nice
(edited by Recklessone.7142)
- Add some bleeds to the sword burst skill, Flurry.
It already does bleed.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
It already does bleed.
Thanks for that. The skills app I was referring to for information needs to be updated. I’ll correct my post.
(edited by Recklessone.7142)