Offense/Defense Build?

Offense/Defense Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silver.4798


I do mainly PvE, dungeons, and very rarely dabble in wvw. The warrior is an alt I main a guard and thief, I’m trying to get this warrior to lvl 80 but I’ve been running into some issues. Warriors tend to do very well in fotm and dungeons which is why I am making one in the first place.

A lot of my guildmates have been telling me that they have full zerker warriors and they have no trouble whatsoever doing dungeons and fotm. Their main defense seems to be expert dodging, and while I’m quite used to dodging often I still end up dying quite a bit with my level 62 full zerker warrior. (The recommended build was 30/25/0/0/15, GS and axe/axe wapons, shake it off, for great justice and signet of endurance utility, with the healing that removes 2 condi)

I guess my playstyle is a little more defensive instead of going balls to the wall on offense. Are there any builds out there that are viable in dungeons and fotm that DOESN’T feature a full zerker warrior and still kicks butt? Please let me know, and the more details you can give the happier I am!

EDIT: I am enjoying the high offensive output, I don’t want to sacrifice too much offense but I’m just having a lot of trouble playing this 100% offense variant of a warrior.

(edited by Silver.4798)

Offense/Defense Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silver.4798


To be specific, how will a build like this fare in general PvE and dungeon content? (In terms of having high offensive output while having some defense, I was going for a 75/25 split between offense and defense but I don’t think I succeeded… looking for suggestions!)|1.1g.h4|7.1g.a7.7.1g.a7|1g.7x.1g.7x.1g.7x.1g.7x.1g.7x.1g.7x|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|u39c.0.a6.u68c.0|0.0|5y.69.6a.6b.0|e

Offense/Defense Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Try eating a Mango Pie. 44c last I checked. If that isn’t enough, then I’d start thinking about adjusting your build.

Also, if you are running 2 melee sets without someone in the group speced to provide some heals, things can get hairy. Maybe try bringing something ranged.

I run full serker with 15 in Defense and mango pie. The only time I have trouble staying alive is when the rest of my group is dead.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Offense/Defense Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Hey its me.3064

Hey its me.3064

Well,if you want an offence/defence build,I can suggest the Sonic boon build. This focuses on shouts for healing and as your main source of damage.You can trust me on this cause i run it on my warrior as well.Take note that this is for PVE. I’ve yet to test this on WVW though.

Build is:
For the Tactics trait,you should take the Vigourous shouts,Lung capacity and Empowered/Empower allies/Desperate power.

For the strength trait,since the patch,i’ve decided to take the trait Restorative strength for the Chilled,Immobilize,Cripple removals.

The Arms trait,Take either Deep cuts or Rending strikes and Forceful greatsword.(I don’t have to explain this bit).

The Discipline Trait,Since the patch,Take signet mastery.

Alt build:
This build sacrifices the 5 points in strength for Arms for the 10% extra damage from attack of opportunity but does’nt really effect the overall survivability of the build.

For this build i would reccomend that you take Healing surge,FGJ,SIO,OMM/Signet of Fury and lastly Signet of rage. You can also swap out Healing surge for Mending for extra condition removal and run with a GS/Rifle with Superior rune of strength and Superior rune of bloodlust or that 15% Bleed duration rune.

Your armour should be either a mix of knights and zerkers or full soldiers with soldier runes for some pretty good survivability because of the nature of this build,You can remove up to 4 conditions and heal for about 1k per shout while dealing some pretty good damage in my opinion.

Your ascended stuff should consist of this. Your amulet should be soldiers for the added survivability or zerk for the added extra punch in your damage. The rest should either be zerks,valk or cavaliers.You can also use all exotics with ruby orb upgrades for more damage. It’s up to you but i rather go with the ascended.

My build is a variation of the original and i hope it works for you!

(edited by Hey its me.3064)