Offensive Sword and Shield Build

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Flurry is useless? Must be really hard to understand that you’re not the only one who can make use of the immobilize when setting up kills for yourself and other people.

Shake it off over Signet of Stamina? Your guide is counter-productive and a noob trap. Understand that you get wrecked by condition damage if you don’t use Signet of Stamina or Rune of Lyssa with your “Tanky condition build” which will fail at tanking since you recommend runes with zero synchronization with the Warrior class.

Giving your build a 4/10, other Warrior builds out-class it in terms of damage or team utility.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Lol… Carrion armor… stopped reading.
You should just do a condition necro.

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: CoaxialMazer.9140


Don’t worry about Schwahrheit, he normally analyzes builds and picks at any negative point he can, doesn’t really compliment anyone on any good aspects and replies quite rudely.

I applaud you for playing your warrior in a different way than more common builds. Its nice to see different builds, as long as it works for you. Im keen to ask why you choose physical training if you only use one physical ability, where i think 10 into tactics to get leg specialist might be better for your build since you seem to deal more sustain dmg, so having an immobilize on hamstring may be effective, Although you do use longbow that has built in immob. Also feel 10 more into arms might be more beneficial to grab 10% more crit chance for sword and the 100 condition dmg. Could u explain your reasoning for your traits, personally I am interested in why you chose that set up.

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


I know, sword/shield is quite rare. But not that rare. It’s a very viable weapon choice in wvw.

Anyways, if you want your build to actually be more effective i’d start with spending more points into arms. Either 20 or 25, where as 25 is prefered because you’ll do 10% more damage to bleeding foes. And all your foes will bleed.

To get 25 arms, you can easily lose 10 points from strength. The 10% more damage will make up for it big time. As for defend tree, i’d lower it to 25 atleast. So that would give you 15 points needed to get arms to 25.

Also i’d consider swapping your long bow for rifle. A rifle is a lot more effective with your build (rifle has bleed as well), and with atleast 20 points into arms, you can have Crack Shot which is great for rifle.

Also i would drop the carrion armor. You need precision to get those bleeds off, power is always nice and condition damage is welcome. Vitality is one of the stats you need the least. Toughness is a lot better if you want to stock up on survivability. Maybe get a mix of rampagers and knight armor/accessories?

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

(edited by Retsuko.2035)

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Amargein.1569


I’ve considered using Guardian runes on my sword/shield warrior, too, but for PvE mainly. I don’t know if the weird stats (although Toughness primary is a good bonus from my perspective) will be offset by the ~600 damage per block. I do like to Savage Leap into a pack of mobs and use Shield Stance, but the rune bonus won’t proc on reflected ranged attacks.

Right now I’m just using Emerald Orbs, so I would be gaining about 50 toughness and healing power at the cost of 84 power and precision. Not sure it’d be worth it, but it may be more fun to burn things on blocks.

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


I like very much these “think out of the box” builds and sick of 100b GS spamming masses…

i am kind of puzzled at the following points:
why 30 points in strength and taking physical training only for single bull rush?
you said that you don’t use flurry, and then walk away from another constant 12% damage in favor of some occasional confusion only when you shield bash once in 20 seconds…

I think (might be wrong, as this is on paper and not tested) that going deeper in arms tree will bring you more DPS

something like this 20/25/25/0/0
restorative str, berserkers power
deep cuts, opportunist/blademaster (depend if you use flurry and gain fury but lose regen and 12% damage or always keep adrenaline and stay with flat 10% crit with sword)
missile deflection, shield master.

you lose 100 power from strength tree but gain 10% damage via attack of opportunity. gain and better crit chance (which means more bleeds and more damage)
gain 150 condition damage

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


From my personal experience fire block is amazing. As well as burning is my main atk condition.

Shouldn’t expect much from burning condition as a warrior.

Blocking can only be done every 24 seconds, and the damage(including burning) from a long bow isn’t exactly great, so how do you expect to beat people in PvP ?

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


i run a sword and board build with 30 points in the arms tree. a huge amount of my killing power comes from the trait last stance.

really in WvW i’ve only ever put 10 points in the strength tree, and that’s just for the death from above trait.

also it’s my personal opinion that bolas are better then bulls rush.

Offensive Sword and Shield Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


From my personal experience fire block is amazing. As well as burning is my main atk condition.

Shouldn’t expect much from burning condition as a warrior.

Blocking can only be done every 24 seconds, and the damage(including burning) from a long bow isn’t exactly great, so how do you expect to beat people in PvP ?

The dmg from a longbow is actually quite nice, combustive shot does 6k burning alone, arcing arrow gives might and does 2-3.5k dmg, and fan of fire if used like a shotgun, is 3 atks in one which comes out to 1-1.5k + 3.7k burning on a 6 sec CD. The longbow’s default atk is meant for stacking conditions through fields.

And the long CD block is why u save it for high atk speed skills, as it doesn’t matter what is blocked, it will still do the same amount of burning. And when you’re blocking, your not taking damage either, so it’s free dmg on the other person. (generally when you finish your rotation and swap back, your block is ready to be used again, but you usually finish the fight before that happens)

It actually works very well in pvp, the only classes i have a problem with killing are stealth thieves, cause stealth and blind, and fights with regen eles and crit rifle engies are 50/50. The rifle engies are a problem cause low atk spd, high dmg, but that’s only if the engie can keep his distance, and even then it’s about 50/50.

This asks for fraps :P

There are surely people who let themself die on a burning condition, and in pvp you’re not alone. So aslong you stay ranged and keep yourself safe, you could say you contributed to a fight. Would love to see you stand your ground in a 1vs1 tbh, and how that works out.

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square