(edited by Romgaard.1965)
Offhand- burst
I would like that.
Even in Street Fighter which the burst is loosely based on, you often can choose from 2 to 3 supers in fight.
Shield burst? Warhorn burst? I just can’t figure out what those would be like.
Shield burst? Warhorn burst? I just can’t figure out what those would be like.
wouldnt be to hard to come up with something usefull
( but not doing it, since all the doom and gloom boys would come running and screaming OP, no matter how useless the suggestion would be)
Shield burst? Warhorn burst? I just can’t figure out what those would be like.
wouldnt be to hard to come up with something usefull
( but not doing it, since all the doom and gloom boys would come running and screaming OP, no matter how useless the suggestion would be)
Can’t come up with any fancy name for it, but shield burst skill could be something like “Spin around and hit yourself in the face with your shield, stunning yourself for 3 seconds and granting Fury and Might to all nearby enemies.”.
On the other hand that could be considered OP as well so nwm.
Probably wasn’t implemented due to 2h weapon users QQing about only getting 1 burst.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
might be ok if it shares the same adrenaline bar. we have been asking for just 2ndry bursts for mainhand for ages and it looks like its not going to happen. good idea though. too bad chances are what we would get if we got this would be useless.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
If they add an offhand burst, then 2handers need two burst skills as well
Testudo Formation – Shield offhand burst. You become immobilized for 5 seconds. You become immune to all sources of direct damage for 3 seconds. (can still be effected by conditions). You gain 1 second of retaliation for every attack you block (max 5).
Sonic boom – warhorn offhand burst. Blast a sonic boom from your warhorn to foes around you (max 5). Foes nearby suffer from confusion, daze, torment and bleeding and lose all endurance. Foes farther away (10-600) suffer from confusion torment and bleed and lose 50% endurance. Foes farther (600-800) suffer from bleeding (from the ears). (no endurence loss).
If they add an offhand burst, then 2handers need two burst skills as well
But the river of tears will drown all warriors.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
I would love this to be honest. Would make warrior a bit more active which a lot of people are whining about that we are too passive at the moment.
Shield burst – Touch me, gently. Give 4 – 6 – 8 seconds of retaliation to yourself and allies around you.
Horn burst – Mating time. Make very sexistist sound from your warhorn mesmerizing every enemy who is opposite sex for 4 – 6 – 10 seconds. Mesmerized enemy will become a minion for you.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
If they add an offhand burst, then 2handers need two burst skills as well
But the river of tears will drown all warriors.
There’s no real problem with that. Two bursts for 2handers, perhaps one offensive one defensive. Or what ever really.
A bit of re-balancing might be in order, but considering both bursts would share the same resource (which gets completely drained on use), I don’t think it would be that big a deal. Might actually make Signet of Fury’s active useful for a build or two.
If nothing else, it would make our profession ability a lot less brain-dead boring.
I would need a lot of balance, because your giving the warrior a choice.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
I would need a lot of balance, because your giving the warrior a choice.
Ehh.. Some damage tweaks across most of the weapon abilities would probably be needed, and MAYBE a few cooldown changes depending on the redundancy cause by the added abilities.
For example: if GS got a defensive burst ability, perhaps they’d add a second or two to whirlwind’s cooldown to compensate.
Shield Burst:
Shield slam – Damages and launches the foe, with a 1-second block (Shields are and have always been weapons, and the idea of them being piddly defensive things strictly for blocking is an atrocity I’m blaming on ignorant fantasy/medieval wargame developers. The best place for a shield to be to stop attacks is in your enemy’s face as hard and fast as you can get it there.)
Warhorn burst – Can’t think of a name, but a damaging sonic blast in a cone in front of the player, possibly dazes (Similar to one of the Dredge sonic abilities).
Greatsword 2nd Burst:
Parry – Short window for a block, followed by a punishing counterattack. Or just a heavy attack that blocks during the animation.
Hammer 2nd Burst… not sure whether to go for a Super Mario Hammer Bros or M.C. Hammer joke here. But it should definitely be one of the two.
Not “burst”.
Actual defense adrenaline use. Then we can think about removing passive play from the warrior and facerolling.
Having to decide if you want to put some pressure or turn defensive is a first, major step.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144