Official Dev Stance on the New Blind?

Official Dev Stance on the New Blind?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



So, would you please confront us with your opinion of the blind akittens current state? I truly would love to hear why you have not changed it back yet. My second day in wvw post patch and you’d never guess what I saw. There on the hills, sat a team of 3 theives who ran the pistol dagger build. Let me tell you, I know they had a jolly time fighting that 3v10 not having to worry about being damaged.

I’m wondering if there’s ever the possibility that you would change it back to the old blind. I would much rather prefer that. I felt it was fine then, and that it’s just dumb now.

I understand you are trying to promote build variety, but by adding this odd remove while in range mechanic to the blind, you have essentially destroyed any melee build. I would rather not have to spec melandru runes and run some weird gimmick build to keep just blind away if that was what you intended for us.