Only High Level Warriors:

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


With a certain rank in SPVP or WvWvW should be allowed to post, its getting pretty bad, atleast make sure they have played atleast 450 hours at the minimum before they can post here.

I don’t like the level requirement much, but at least played 450-500 hours.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Yeah, because class mechanics and synergies are so hard to figure out in GW2.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: alamore.1974


So ppl who want to learn war or lets say some one who is good but doesnt play war that much at all. Oh oh or ppl like me who are decent pvpers ( thats the main reason i play anyy mmo.) but dont have alot of time to play games can post anything. Im rank 17 in spvp witch some ppl laugh at but i still do better then more ( usualy in the top 4. )

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


So ppl who want to learn war or lets say some one who is good but doesnt play war that much at all. Oh oh or ppl like me who are decent pvpers ( thats the main reason i play anyy mmo.) but dont have alot of time to play games can post anything. Im rank 17 in spvp witch some ppl laugh at but i still do better then more ( usualy in the top 4. )

It would keep people from coming on forums and going: “LOLTHATISOP!” when they played a level 11 warrior with 2 hours.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Puandro.3245


I rolled a warrior in sPvP and tanked the whole team on graveyard with healing signet with m/s + gs usjng zerk amulet, killed them all too. This is OP.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I rolled a warrior in sPvP and tanked the whole team on graveyard with healing signet with m/s + gs usjng zerk amulet, killed them all too. This is OP.

I rolled a warrior in real life and it summoned a Limousine where it took me to the play boy mansion and I got all the hottest chicks ever. This is OP.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


So ppl who want to learn war or lets say some one who is good but doesnt play war that much at all. Oh oh or ppl like me who are decent pvpers ( thats the main reason i play anyy mmo.) but dont have alot of time to play games can post anything. Im rank 17 in spvp witch some ppl laugh at but i still do better then more ( usualy in the top 4. )

It would keep people from coming on forums and going: “LOLTHATISOP!” when they played a level 11 warrior with 2 hours.

Yeah, I think you should have left that part out.

Because that just makes it seem like you’re kitten ed about people not agreeing with your warrior improvement suggestions.

After all, you’ve told me three times that I don’t play a Warrior. And I have 700 hours on one.

Also, WvW rank doesn’t mean much at all considering that you can get a load of ranks just by following a zerg that is capping places.

And what about new players? Someone who’s just picked up the game and decided on a Warrior wouldn’t be able to come here and ask about stuff. Not to mention that I think it would be kinda kittened up that a non-Warrior player couldn’t discuss Warriors. Because I sure don’t need to be playing on my Thief to get killed by one.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Ok, and on top of that, if someone complains about other classes, or wants to give feedback on other classes abilities, they should also have played that class.

I am sick of posts like:
Guardian has so much defense and does not have to give up anything for it.


Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Derren.8724


Anyone can put in the time to browse threads, look up class information, and think it all over in order to post something constructive and intelligent about a class, regardless of their personal experience.

Yes, personal experience does help, but feeling too strongly about a class can be as bad as not knowing how the class works.

If there was going to be any ‘restriction’ on posting, it would make more sense to restrict it to people who have researched the class they wish to talk about, and are prepared to discuss it in an intelligent manner… which does not always include those who have played 400+ hours of sPvP or WvW.

“The Court of Winter” [WIN] – Sea of Sorrows

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Acotje.5689


This guy is the biggest joke on the Warrior Forums.

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Anyone can put in the time to browse threads, look up class information, and think it all over in order to post something constructive and intelligent about a class, regardless of their personal experience.

Yes, personal experience does help, but feeling too strongly about a class can be as bad as not knowing how the class works.

If there was going to be any ‘restriction’ on posting, it would make more sense to restrict it to people who have researched the class they wish to talk about, and are prepared to discuss it in an intelligent manner… which does not always include those who have played 400+ hours of sPvP or WvW.

Engineers are overpowered, I looked up all their skills and I know the class by heart. I never even played one but I know it. They need nerfed obviously.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: alamore.1974


I never even played one but I know it. .

haha you’re serious?? lol

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

So, I who have played almost 1500 hours on my Warrior shouldn’t be able to post here because I don’t WvW or do PvP much at all? Or all the new Warriors who have questions shouldn’t post here?

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Derren.8724


Engineers are overpowered, I looked up all their skills and I know the class by heart. I never even played one but I know it. They need nerfed obviously.

Not exactly what I meant, though it’s a good example of how hard it would be to try and enforce such an edict.

Ideally, if you research a class’ mechanics, read the threads on their class forum, see the class in action (either by playing as one, playing against one, or playing alongside one), you should be able to A ) make a statement and B ) back it up with evidence.

It’s the ‘B’ part that’s important. You can say “Warriors are terrible, I know because I’ve played for 500 hours” or you can say “Engineers are OP, I know because I read their abilities”. But if you can’t back up either statement any more than that… well you aren’t saying very much, are you?

If you said, for example:

“Engineers are OP. Between static shot, bomb kit, and trait options they can chain blinds against multiple opponents. Include a strong heal on a short CD that also gives them a water field for finishers (Healing Turret), a bunker engineer focusing on conditions can put out too much damage for how hard they are to kill.”

At least with that you’d have an argument – something other posters could look at and either agree or disagree with, promoting discussion- as opposed to just a statement that shows your opinion and little to back it up.

“The Court of Winter” [WIN] – Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Derren.8724)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Assassin.7890


he is sick! Dont be a Hitler -please

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Derps.7421


After seeing your post history and some of your ideas for warriors i think you should stop offering ideas and suggestions.
or at least think them out well

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


I guess he won’t continue posting in this thread, as I am one of those players, that will tell him anyday of the week if something is overpowered, yet I showed him that screenshot with age.
In the same time, I completely turned around his argument, as he loves to use classes like guardian, saying what they all have by default, which is basically always wrong. Guess he won’t provide us with a screenshot showing his guardian.
Same with basically any other classes.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


This is dumb, we should clearly go by achievement points. 10k and up, scrubs, see yourselves out.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Molch.2078


I think we should judge players by the color of their armor. No purple? No right to talk…

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


It is a forum wide problem not just warrior specific or even game mode preference specific. This goes on in all games not just GW2.

There are many different sides to all the arguments about what is OP what is not OP etc etc. You have the people that love their class with passion and pride they will always defend their class to their last drop of blood. Purist who have been playing their favorite class since BWE 1.

Of course the usual I made a post person just off of gut reaction.

I post in all the class forums that I play, I read other class forums and I read WvW and occasionally sPvP forums.

Personally I always felt the Warrior forums had the best theorycrafting of all the classes I play. Puandro’s post about dps on runes etc. I love those kind of posts. So I use to come here before I even made my warrior. Alot of the theorycrafting has been figured out for most classes as far as what is optimal and what isn’t. Now it’s novelty builds, I changed a trait so my build is called super gorilla and it’s different than the build you made. Of people just thinking about new idea’s. It all ramps up again when new armor stats come out, new weapon stats, balance changes etc.

Anyway the problem will never really go away it is a public open forum. You can ignore posts, disagree or agree or just not visit the forums at all that really is the only options.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I recommend assassination.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Chipster.6713


With a certain rank in SPVP or WvWvW should be allowed to post, its getting pretty bad, atleast make sure they have played atleast 450 hours at the minimum before they can post here.

I don’t like the level requirement much, but at least played 450-500 hours.

No, YOU shouldn’t be allowed to post.
By your logic, players who are trying to learn the game and need guidance from other should not be able to do so?

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


Remember, this is the lemongrass guy – the one who honestly thinks a ranger’s bear pet is stronger in every way than a warrior. Recently he posted in the guardian forums, complaining about how guardians have too much healing to offset their 10k HP.

Stop feeding the troll.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: apt.9184


After seeing your post history and some of your ideas for warriors i think you should stop offering ideas and suggestions.
or at least think them out well

He needs to be QQing less and actually trying to L2P. Warriors are in a pretty good state right now.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

(edited by apt.9184)

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Wait! rank in spvp/wvw means something? ROFL

Rank = time

time does not = skill.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Wait! rank in spvp/wvw means something? ROFL

Rank = time

time does not = skill.

But dude, you need time to understand that Warriors need Protection to bunker. Because no one can bunker without protection and everyone should be able to bunker.

Only High Level Warriors:

in Warrior

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Wait! rank in spvp/wvw means something? ROFL

Rank = time

time does not = skill.

But dude, you need time to understand that Warriors need Protection to bunker. Because no one can bunker without protection and everyone should be able to bunker.

Sarcasm: Don’t forget, we need to be able to heal ~1k+ per sec with healing signet because we have such a high health pool.

Serious: I really want to think you’re trying to help, but you give incredibly unbalanced suggestions. ~3 days ago you tried to force all warriors into tactics with some crazy minor stats, which were stronger than most major ones (or give a buff to a build that you play). When I wasted my time to rebuttal all of your points with a couple of pages of text you didn’t even bother to address any of the (what I think were) valid points I made on why everything you suggested was crazy and just made one final post before you abandoned that thread to come up with another overpowered suggestion.

To be fair, every now and then you come up with a decent idea, I just don’t think you understand how to share it and actually keep it in scope with other things in the game (both warrior profession and others).

Edit: Also you’re somewhat offensive comments on trying to exclude a large portion of our player base kinda crosses the line.

(edited by Wallace MacBix.2089)