Outsustaining condi dmg
I guess I am looking for the same thing, I have tried a lot of things and nothing is working. I have 4 level 80 warriors.
I really have problems when my Resistance or Clears are interrupted, its pretty much an auto loss for me if that happens at the wrong time. The cast times leave a lot to be desired, and they also are very visually obvious.
Not to mention the cool downs are incredibly long by todays combat standards.
I usually cannot recover in time because there is so much damage getting stacked by condis these days. They usually can get 2 full rotations off before my main clear is off cooldown. It’s very lopsided, my main counters to their damage are so easily negated.
When you throw in the ranged aspect of some of the classes we can fight it becomes even worse as their kiting can deny Adrenal Health and Cleansing Ire due to a lack of hits as they are out of melee range, virutally the whole time. That’s actually what compounds the first problems I laid out earlier.
Mesmers and Druids are the main culprits for me.
The stealth aspects that some of these builds can have only put the final nail in the coffin.
Finally they can stack crazy amounts of toughness and health in their gear choices. They only need one mofo stat for their damage. They do not make sacrifices like physical builds have to.
It almost seems to much, and I am starting to think that’s because it is.
The answer is one that you don’t want to hear so I am sure whatever I say will be ignored.
Option 1
Run a condi build yourself with longbow and CI.
Option 2
Run a power build that stacks boon duration and hope that you can keep good resistance rotations and land bursts with CI.
Option 3
Run longbow and CI on a power build in adition to suggestions in Option 2
Option 4
Use a rifle
Option 5
try using cleansing sigils and generocity
Option 6
Get better at the game by adapting, instead of being determine to use the build that you use and wondering why it doesn’t work.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
I beat Druids using 2 differn’t builds.
1. Build is a trailblazer/Balth with viper weapon. Longbow with burning arrows sword shield or mace shield. Tactics/Def/Berserker
2. Build is a Mara/zerk/Defender. Rifle Mace/shield
3. Build is Mara/zerk/Dura with sigil of concentration and mussels gnashblade
Those are the only builds I have been successful with beating highly skilled druids with.
The condi build works really good vs Mesmer and Thiefs also,
Most of the builds you find on here and meta battle are trash compared to mine.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
This is why i have 2 greatswords. 1 with cleans sigil instead of hydro, combined with brawlers recovery, is 2 condi clear on weaponswap to gs. the small condi’s you can cleanse. For the big condi bombs I use beserkerstance and healing signet (not at he same time ofc) Signet of stamina instead of endure is also a option but I think thats overkill, i do fine vs pure condi without that signet. Vs hybrids Im not always active healingsignet for resist boon cause adrenaline health only gives not the needed sustain for my feeling.
W v W-r o a m e r
(edited by Hoaxintelligence.4628)
It would help if you would post your build, Calli. Knowing what traits and utilities you are running would make helping you a lot easier.
For the sake of mentioning it, the “Cleansing Ire” trait is excellent for clearing conditions when you use your F1 burst skills. I clear more conditions while using my burst skills than any other time. The other thing is that you should be running “Berserker Stance” and using it when you’re condi loaded, not just randomly in a fight. Save it for when you need it to save you. I also run the trait for cleansing a condition on weapon swap for my power warrior.
I also run Durability runes on my power warrior, this increases how long your resistance from berserker stance will last which is a pretty big help to sustaining conditions.
Here is the build I run when I run power warrior: http://xtremetheory.com/wvw-roaming-warrior-build/ – it runs Axe/Shield and GS as you stated and sustains against conditions and ranged attacks very well.
If you plan on playing power warrior, that is what I would recommend. Personally, I primarily play condi warrior because it is over all stronger than power warrior. Both are fun to play, but the condi warrior deals more damage and has better sustain over all. The condi warrior build is also listed on that page if you wanted to ever try it.
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at XtremeTheory.com
Warriors have NO ROOM to complain about sustain…you can pick up the meta build and face roll to victory due to the insane sustainability with warriors
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There is a large gap between Vanilla and Elite specs for sustain. So there is actually room to complain.
Not everyone wants to play cookie cutter meta boyz.