Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: EdSterling.5264


So yeah, pretty much what the title says. I know this question has been made a lot of times before but I wanna hear more opinions about these professions, especially which one is more versatile overall at the moment. I’m talking about comparing them in WvW, PvP, PvE, etc. I just decided that I wanna main a soldier profession but I can’t decide. So I would apreciate if anyone of you could help me giving me some opinions and thoughts from your expierences with these classes

Thank you for reading.

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gutts.8791


I have level 80 both. Before we got buffed I would generally always lose to guardians in a 1v1. Now I generally either draw or win.

Even before the buffs I never played the guardian. He just feels like a slow slug crawling accross the map. I apologise because I’m talking from a WvW perspective here, that’s all I play.

The warrior can get across the map faster than anything in game in my opinion. The skills feel powerful and more fun. Having half the weapon swap cooldown to everyone else also makes the combat and flow of the game feel much much better.

You can trait a warrior so that if he falls of a height (like the top of a tower in WvW to the enemies at the gate below), everyone flies off their feet because of the impact you make, so you feel like a Hulk.

Guardians can give their team more boons and be a good “support” person. Who the hell wants to do that? I want to be a soldier, not a nurse.

If you have a properly formed team in WvW I guess guardians would be better at some stuff like placing barriers in front of broken down gates to deny entry to enemies etc.

I had 2 guardians in WvW chasing me last night. I trolled them. Ran right up their faces, let them hit me a bit, Greatsword rush and savage leaped away from them. typed in /dance and let that go for a little bit, and then escaped again.

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: dani.1956


Warrior 100% ! Asura warrior : good for wvw , perfect for tpvp , who cares for pve

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: EdSterling.5264


Warrior 100% ! Asura warrior : good for wvw , perfect for tpvp , who cares for pve

Well, I actually do enjoy playing PvE

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


If we are talking about pvp where all things are “BALANCED” (lol yeah) , i mean you dont get armor bonuses or foods etc… i think a well played guardian still beats a well played warrior, you see, warriors require very high skill to perfom well, while guardians for example require skill too but not as much as warrior because they have some very good ways to mitigate damage even going berserker.

I recently start fighting in pvp some guardians with their spectral weapons i think they are called and 2 handed sword, they do tons of burning and raw damage also they endure damage a lot no matter if they are glass cannons.

But i need to say this, for me warrior is very fun, very frustrating in pvp but i prefer the overall skills and feel and taste of the warrior than the guardian, but thats just PERSONAL oppinion, some guardian love would say otherwise, try them both in pvp you only need to be lvl 2 to enter pvp and at the same conditions.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Overall: Warrior or Guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Both are good classes in PvE and WvW.

Guardian has lower base HP than warriors, lower mobility, lower physical damage output potential and much lower condition damage potential. Guardian also lacks viable ranged damage. On the other hand, guardian is able to avoid a lot of damage with blocking, blinds and high projection uptime, which means guards typically have better sustain than warriors. Guardian is probably a better zerg fighter than a warrior as it brings many useful abilities to large fights like aoe condi removals, aoe stability, aoe retal and wards/walls that block/reflect movement and projectiles. In WvW I’d say they are about even. Warrior is better for PvE.

Maid Of The Coast