[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


I don’t care if you reduce the damage. I don’t care if you remove the stun from the charge. I don’t care of you knock it down to ‘50 blades’. I don’t even care if you beef up the other skills in order to compensate with Greatsword.

But if I kittening get stunned and one-shot for upwards of 12k damage by another cleaving insta-gib warrior running the saaaaaaaaaaaaaame spec I’m going to ragesplode.

Seriously. Besides FORCING every single person who enters PVP to HAVE to take a stun breaker utility (if they have one) this is the most kitten kitten no-talent build out there, period… and you HAVE to see that. I don’t care what class you are or spec, no one should be able to one-shot someone with 2 abilities that finish in 1.5 seconds with no means of escape.

I shouldnt even need to post this. Fix this spec. Fix pistol whip the same. And balance out the ludicrousness that is ‘glass cannon’ sPVP right now.

Signed, Frustrated with being one-shot R22 Engy

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Mates.8127


When playing pvp you:

Don’t HAVE to have a stun breaker.
Don’t HAVE to build for survival.

But it helps.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


If you don’t think running cc removal/stun breakers is mandatory for PvP, you probably never played a pvp game in your life.

The bulls rush > 100b combo is actually super easy to counter in 1on1 situations. Bull rush has a huge CD also, so once its down, hes boned; he shouldn’t be able to land 100b again unless your idea of pvp is standing still.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton.9460


I switched from axe/mace vun/crit to greatsword hb spam to see what all the fuss was about and after about 8 games I went back. Bullrush+quickness+hb is a very fail combo most of the time if you play anyone who knows what they are doing. I didnt like it for the following reasons

1. Bull rush has a long cooldown, can be dodge and everyone has some form of stun break.

2. HB being stationary means if it is hitting you most the time you are doing something wrong. A quick dodge away and bam, I am open for a massive counter attack. It does good burst but I like my glass cannons to be more mobile so that I dont get blown up instantly…speaking of which

3. This combo isnt complete without quickness, for a mobile damage dealer it is awesome and the extra 50% damage you take is tough but manageable. However it makes skills like HB suicidal. If they get out of the stun or have a buddy you are dead meat fast.

4. Only really good 1v1. GW2 is not a dueling type of game so some classes will be better at it than others, but HB wars seem to be good only good at dueling. They offer no group utility, and fail horribly in group settings. I prefer stacking vulnerability and stunning since it help my damage but still helps my party.

5. Its a one trick pony. I will admit when it connects it is amazing and does really good damage, but when it fails you are kittened. You just popped all of your skills, stunned yourself briefly until you can cancel HB , and you just ruined your survivability.

Maybe I played the HB wrong and it is insanely god tier but the concept seemed fairly simple, guess that is why it was so easy to counter. I’ll stick to Axe/mace, it is not as bursty but it gets the job done and isnt reliant on one move to make or break the entire build

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


@mates- I hear you man, but this is the same crap that marred WoW PVP. Build your DPS class like a tank to survive but do no damage. Or build them like a cannon, do mediocre damage, and have the survivability of a wet paper napkin in a stiff wind.

@Recently- Ive played enough PvP to get to level 22 Dolyak which is more than most. I won’t even begin to mention ‘other’ PvP going back all the way about 6 MMO’s to Ultima Online but yes, you clearly know me well enough to make a blanket statement like that…

Moving on..

I dont give a rats kitten if the cooldown is 10 days and a blind quadrapelgic goat can dodge it. If it kills you instantly (less than ~2 seconds) and the only means to escape it is an OPTIONAL ability, your kitten broken. Plain and simple.

Give me a free stun breaker that doesn’t use my utilities and lets me play my character the way I want to play it (and not being forced into a build in reaction to some other characters cheese) and I’ll gladly shut my pie-hole. Until then, this build is horse crap and needs to be whacked with the nerf bat so the 12 year olds who think they’re good because they can mash the I-Win key once every 60 seconds can kitten off and join the rest of us mediocre-at-best classes.

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


1. Bull rush has a long cooldown, can be dodge and everyone has some form of stun break.

I proved this is incorrect with a friend of mine. As soon as I saw the animation (big giant shoulder heading my way) I evaded. He literally turned, mid rush, and it still connected when I landed. Once it lands that’s it, you’re on the ground for at least a second if not longer when you factor in the ‘getting up’ animation, THEN you can evade. By this point youve already taken the whole meat of the damage and you’re up kitten creek.

On an unrelated side note…this build is so screwed up that I have, on a number of occassions, witness what I can only describe as a ‘self destruct’. A warrior will try this combo and quickness will kick in and the dude will just start hacking and swinging at mach 5 jumping twirling (whirlwind) etc….its like watching a robot explode in fast forward. Quite amusing. You’re actually acting so fast and cramming so many abilities into that window even the game doesnt know wtf to do…

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton.9460


I still dont understand how people say it kills them instantly. Are you a glass cannon yourself? The only class I was ever able to burst kill instantly was a glass cannon elementalist and the occasional thief. Other than that I would get them down to 40-30% health, which is kinda what pvp burst should do; you blow you wad too early and they live/you die. What is everyone doing that lets it bring down guards and the like down in two seconds?

I am not gonna roll a hb war agian( well I might since gs has 3 legendaries, instead of one joke skin) but I am interested in what I was doing wrong. I was str 30, Arms 30, Disc 30. Was speced for crit chance ( 90% with fury) and crit damage( +40%??I dont remember)

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


Colton: No and thats the thing that blows my mind is im not. Im specced FOR survivability (19.5k HP, 1600 toughness). God help me if I ran by base/burst spec with my ‘whopping’ 13k HP…

Point…again…it’s too easy and does too well for too little risk.

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


I was str 30, Arms 30, Disc 30.

You can’t have 90 trait points.

As for the thread, I feel 100b and bull rush are perfectly fine. Yes, I’m a warrior. The bull rush cool down of 40 seconds is pretty lengthy if you ask me, and the fact that you have to stand still for the duration of 100b makes the skill very avoidable.

That being said, I would be open to a slight damage nerf to 100b, as long as they also added the ability to move while using it. It’d be a trade off that I’d be okay with.

It says “incredible”.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: kyokara.1867


I’d be open for a 100b nerf if only they nerfed heartseeker and pistol whip
But kyokara, thieves are SUPPOSED to do insane amounts of damage in return for little survivability, that’s their role! Sorry that’s bullkitten, if there’s one class that can get itself out of a tight situation it’s a thief, and multiple thieves can chain stealth so they can kill you without you even seeing them.

Until this happens, it’s just too kittening fun to faceroll thieves with the same cheese that they faceroll every other class with. As for the other classes that get 100b, well, I feel for you, seeing as warriors are one of the most played classes warriors themselves are often the victim of GS/signet happy people as well. In a 1v1 situation it may be easy to dodge, but when it’s group vs group and there are stun assists or people coming at you from odd angles then you can theorycraft all you want but there is a much higher chance someone will catch you with 100b. I’ve been running GS lately and I use bola instead of bull but still more often than not if the bola lands the person is going down. And even if 100b misses, it’s on an 8 sec cooldown, and bola a 20 sec one.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

(edited by kyokara.1867)

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton.9460


str 30, arms 30, disc 10 sorry my bad, I run a similar set up with my axe/mace build. In my experience it wasnt that reliable of a combo and its damage wasnt as godly as many seem to make it out to be, but hey maybe it is just not my style and I just not good at it. I am still figuring builds and stats out when it comes to pvp but in my experience it seems fine when players know what you are up to with HB builds

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Krozzy.4608


Warrior here,

I carry a greatsword in my offhand just to use bullrush/quickness/hundredblades.

Yes it’s OP. I can sometimes hit for 16k+

But it’s the only way i can deal with Mesmers or any build that it good at kiting.

And on a side note, a lot of Thief builds do the exact same thing!

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Pirate.4631


Stun breakers and condition removal are and always has been required if you don’t want to get your kitten kicked.

Take them. Use them. Love them.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Olocan.5976


Whats with this kitten talk?

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

But-but-but-but-but-but the Warrior is just a Jack of All Trades with bad damage!

In seriousness, aren’t all classes technically overpowered like this?

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeki.7829


No stun Breaker = noob..sorry but um l2p..and yeah what the hell is all this kitten blah blah about?

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: sigmapsicharlie.5349


This is a bullkitten crybaby WoW player. He cries because he has to deal with a spec that he can’t beat. I don’t run it, but it works for some people. This kid sounds like he runs a glass cannon spec too, then dies from this mediocre combo. I guess if you are an Ele or Necro this can “1 shot” you, but most other classes can take it easily. You have to adapt or die, thats it. Don’t cry because you don’t like a spec that beats yours. This combo has so many disadvantages its kitten but if the person doing it wants to use it, so what. Warriors are easily interrupted in the middle of the charge so If you can’t dodge then interrupt or get over it.

Have a nice day

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


and lets me play my character the way I want to play it (and not being forced into a build in reaction to some other characters cheese)

Oh, you mean like warriors being forced into running that terrible terrible cheese spec because it’s the only one that is even REMOTELY viable because the class as a whole is subpar at every single role when compared to another class that can fulfill the same function? Hell as an engi you outperform them as a bunker, as a roamer, as support and as a condi build if you so choose, but go ahead and kitten about the “ganker” spec’d warriors… Hell it’s the only game I can recall where “warriors” were the ganker class whose key to success was either catching noobs or people who were already occupied and defenseless to fight back, because it’s their only option for success.

You don’t HAVE to run with a stun breaker btw. Dodge is your freely given anti-CC maneuver. However if you WANT to you can run with even more anti-CC on your utility bar.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Snafoo.2869


I find it weird everyone complains about hundred blades and/or pistol whip, etc. and rarely about quickness.
Since that is the real culprit in these insane burst builds imo.
They realized it was powerful so they gave it a drawback, only the drawbacks are too little.
I don’t think they realized what an increase in potential quickness would give to builds that completely min/max for it.

Also: they made it an effect instead of a boon and as such completely un-removable. A major mistake imo.

I’ve built my engie at least in part specifically to counter that and I think I can say 8 times out of 10 I get away and at least give myself a fighting chance, that said I also think it is ridiculous I have to build specifically to counter this one mechanic from a very specific build in only a couple of classes.

tldr; quickness is responsible for so many of these ridiculous situations:
- overcharged golems taking out doors in no time? check
- 100b warriors ripping your health before most people know what’s happening? check
- same deal with pistol whip thieves? check

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


1) dodge bull’s rush
2) use stability
3) use a teleport/shadowstep
4) block it
5) use a stun breaker
6) use blinds

etc. Winning in any PvP is not about speccing about how you want to play (that’s what PUG matches are for, and that’s where you face 100 blade Warriors doing the same thing). It’s about coordinating specs with your team to be able to take on all comers. If you’re refusing to take/use the things that counter stuns (which are one of the most dangerous CC in the game) then that’s your issue. If you don’t spec to deal with burst damage (evades, blocks, etc) then that’s your issue.

The thief has plenty of options for dealing with this tactic. That you failed to use a single one of them does not warrant the combo being nerfed.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


19.5k HP and 1600 toughness = not really though. 23.5k HP and 2300 toughness still struggling to survive.

100B only good to finish the downed players

lol bull rush is not good as GW1, I guess it was bull’s charge (25 sec CD, 3 sec knockdown etc.).

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


I think the combo should be nerfed, but the warrior needs other things buffed to compensate – there’s a reason it’s the main build used now.

However, there are far more damaging things out there (I’m looking at you thieves).

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


What in the nine hells… they give you ways to break stuns, but you complain because you can choose not to use them?

Wow. Now I realize why a healing skill of some kind is mandatory.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurie.2340


Learn to dodge. Dodge a bull rush > destroy a warrior. Simple as that. No nerf needed as it is probably the easiest combo to spot and avoid. If you can’t dodge it, take a stun break. Warriors are so hard…

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Bish.8627


Please review Meteor, Cluster bombs, theives in general, mesmers spawning mobs on tower walls, rangers bursting, guardians surviving……

Every class has its dark horse, I dont even use greatswords, think they are far too situational and its rare you get someone still for HB.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Johnson.3874


Some remarks on OP’s complaint :

1/ I play as a warrior myself, more in a support way (but not very good stuff, only 3k toughness and 22k Hp), and I’m sick and tired of seeing those warriors hanging around in the bus with their greatsword on the shoulder, waiting for a good opportunity to land a quickness+bull rush+HB combos. So yeah, I feel you.

2/ Still, not choosing a stun break ability is a bad idea, because even if you’re not against a warrior, having such skills ready among your utilities skills is mandatory. It’s always useful, and a lifesaver.
That being said, even with a stun breaker equipped, against a warrior using quickness, taking in account the latency from server, you simply don’t have enough time to activate your stun break and roll away from HB. Or if you do, you’re so low on health that it’s a matter of seconds before getting downed by someone else around.

Because let’s face it, in a WvW situation, it’s very rare to be 1v1 against such warriors. They know they’re made of glass, and so they always hang around other players in case things turn bad. When I meet a GS warrior alone, most of the time I kick his a**, but I scarcely had such an opportunity.

3/ In the end, eventhough I’m bored by such template, I’m not so sure “nerfing” is the only way. It would be better to change something about the way those skills works together, rather than just nerfing each skills and render them useless.

edit : Swear words being replaced by “kitten”… now I understand why this word comes up in so many people’s post. Hell, I was thinking it was some weird trend again.

(edited by Johnson.3874)

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomas Valheru.3065

Tomas Valheru.3065

1. Bull rush has a long cooldown, can be dodge and everyone has some form of stun break.

I proved this is incorrect with a friend of mine. As soon as I saw the animation (big giant shoulder heading my way) I evaded. He literally turned, mid rush, and it still connected when I landed. Once it lands that’s it, you’re on the ground for at least a second if not longer when you factor in the ‘getting up’ animation, THEN you can evade. By this point youve already taken the whole meat of the damage and you’re up kitten creek.

On an unrelated side note…this build is so screwed up that I have, on a number of occassions, witness what I can only describe as a ‘self destruct’. A warrior will try this combo and quickness will kick in and the dude will just start hacking and swinging at mach 5 jumping twirling (whirlwind) etc….its like watching a robot explode in fast forward. Quite amusing. You’re actually acting so fast and cramming so many abilities into that window even the game doesnt know wtf to do…

You proved that you made a mistake when you dodged. The skill speeds you to the target but if you dodge right when you see them coming it will continue along the path assuming that the distance the entire time was longer. Thats why you got hit by the skill. There is a split second when they bulls charge you that they will stop and the hit will connect. That’s the point where you need to dodge and where you will get the evade. If you dodge right when they start bulls or close to half way through, the game will think you were farther away and will continue along its path following you as long as you don’t surpass its finite distance that the skill can travel in a straight line, which you won’t do in a dodge.

So this skill can be dodged without the need of an extra skill, and you are mad because people are capable of spiking you down. Relax, learn the mechanic (you should already know this info since you are so high in the pvp rankings) and quit crying nerf when people clearly give you a counter that requires nothing but twitch reflex at the appropriate moment.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: EntropicTempest.2759


It’s ridiculously easy to avoid and it leaves them near-useless until everything is off cooldown again. Don’t change it, I love rolling FOTM specs

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Sure why not?

I mean it’s not as if warriors arn’t bottom pick already in tpvp, why not make them even more pointless.

Also….you’ve never been on the end of a mesmer mindwrack phantom burst i assume?

A thief backstab/steal/haste+heartseeker/pistol whip spam?

A guardian flame combo?

A shortbow ranger haste crossfire spam?

Oh…they’re ok though right?

You should play tpvp, there arn’t any warriors at all in 5v5. Just don’t come crying when mesmers finish you in <5 seconds whilst they remain on full health. Makes no difference how you spec or if you can dodge or not.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


First of all, Bull’s Rush is the worst possible skill you want to use in order to start off your HB combo. Its the “Here I come, dodge this and I’m done!” skill.

Secondly, Quickness is the only reason this even hurts at all. HB takes about 3.6 seconds to complete and there’s no way you can’t react to being CC’d in 3.6 seconds unless you’ve got some sort of problem (And I mean that in the nicest way possible. If you have a disability, its going to be hard for you to play regardless).

Thirdly, unless you’re a ‘glass cannon’ build attacking another ‘glass cannon’ build, HB is not going to down you. Most warriors are throwing in WW immediately after HB simply because it’s not enough to kill the target.

Anet, PLEASE get rid of quickness…tired of seeing these troll posts by people who get roflstomped by a quickness build.

Especially since the warrior’s version of quickness makes him cry like a little girl when hit.

[PVP] Please review warrior hundred blades/bull rush combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


I proved this is incorrect with a friend of mine. As soon as I saw the animation (big giant shoulder heading my way) I evaded. He literally turned, mid rush, and it still connected when I landed. Once it lands that’s it, you’re on the ground for at least a second if not longer when you factor in the ‘getting up’ animation, THEN you can evade. By this point youve already taken the whole meat of the damage and you’re up kitten creek.

Here’s your problem.

As soon as I saw the animation (big giant shoulder heading my way) I evaded.

You have to evade when it goes to HIT you. Not while he’s charging. Timing is everything in this game.

My suggestion to you would be to roll AT him when he gets close instead of running away. You’ll trigger the BR hit while evading and you won’t be knocked down.

Haha…the image I have in my head right now is some guy dodge rolling while a warrior is mid-charge going, “No, no, no, no, no, {BAM!} THIS IS Ooooooooh Peeeeeee!!”

Sorry, I crack myself up sometimes…