Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


Rush: This skill now has a recharge time of 25 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
Pin Down: This skill now has a telegraph animation and has a cast time of 3/4 second, up from 1/4 second.
Impale: This skill can no longer be used against targets behind the user. This skill now applies 8 seconds of torment, down from 12 seconds.
Healing Skills
Healing Signet: This skill now passively heals for 8% less.
Defiant Stance: This skill’s initial base heal now heals for 20% more.
Utility Skills
Bull’s Charge: This skill now dazes foes it hits for 2 seconds and now only knocks down foes hit from the back or from the side.
Berserker Stance: This skill now applies berserker stance for 6 seconds, down from 8 seconds.
Defense I—Shield Master: This trait now increases toughness by 150 when wielding a shield.
Defense II—Dogged March: This trait no longer grants regeneration.
Tactics IV—Stronger Bowstrings: This trait no longer modifies longbow skills in unintended manners.

I will feel the nerfs to my passive regen, both with Dogged March and HS passive. No increase to the active it seems though. However, I feel it’s in good place. I would like to have the regen but it was too little to sacrifice for the amount of regen we got.



N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jett.1239


I guess it’s a question of who are we balancing around? This puts your average warrior in a more reasonable place versus other classes, but the meta-level continues to hurt.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


I guess it’s a question of who are we balancing around? This puts your average warrior in a more reasonable place versus other classes, but the meta-level continues to hurt.

True. I’m quite curious about the Shield Trait(I) vs Dogged March now that the regen is removed. Dogged March will still be superior in most builds since it’s great combined with the right set of runes and food, but It’s definitely moving towards a balance.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: ClansFear.2597


Generally speaking it is alright nerf, but I dislike bull’s charge change. The skill is easily dodgable right now, and soon there will be even less reason for struggling to place it correctly.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Some of these nerfs seem really nonsensical. 25 second CD on Rush is only understandable if they made it actually HIT when you use it to attack because it can hit hard, perhaps they speed it up. This whole “warrior 2 gud at running” thing always seemed ridiculous to me. Thieves and Mesmers can stealth/teleport for long periods of time in order to escape yet I see that is untouched unless I missed something.

Any good player will probably easily avoid Pin Down now, I’m fine with obvious animations but why does only Warrior get them while other casting classes have the same animation for several spells or the tell is so subtle, especially on Asura, that you’ll end up guessing what they’re using. This is yet another hit to bow, the last being Combustive shot being nerfed because someone thought that it refills it’s own adrenaline bar when it doesn’t.

Unless I’m missing something obvious, outside of Dhuumfire nerf conditions didn’t take that heavy of a hit to justify nerfing Zerker Stance. Already I bring the stance, Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, and Lyssa runes (sometimes even Signet of Stamina) and find myself having to use my cleanses perfectly or I WILL lose to conditions. Nobody used Zerker Stance at 6 seconds and while we probably will now I foresee conditions being able to overwhelm Warriors now. What role will they serve if this is the case?

Did anyone really believe that Bull’s Charge was too strong? This makes it function like it did in GW1 but it was already very easy to avoid as it is now. Granted all this is going to change is that you’ll have to run behind someone after you’ve already stunned/KD them but it just doesn’t seem necessary.

I feel like they have totally abandoned the idea of “shaving” and just gave into the forums and went full destruction mode. I can deal with the Healing Signet nerf, but nerfing dogged and zerker stance in the same patch seems like possible overkill. It would have been wiser to just nerf HS and see what happens. Small changes may anger people but throwing out so many nerfs at once has never worked in the past (Ele).

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jett.1239


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


this looks kinda real… not that bad btw!

now I will use shield master over dogged march :-) overall I think they are good nerfs/buffs.. kinda agree with rush cooldown also.. but I think they could still do something about the hitting part

Not sure about bulls.. dunno why they changed that, but still I am happy with this!

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jett.1239


As far as rush goes, what if they changed it from a point-strike to a 360* cleave? Alternatively, does fiery rush from the ele flamesword suffer the same problem? If not just institute that mechanism.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

You realize that Dogged March was basically a better (in all ways lower tier grant regeneration) version of an elemenalist trait (master tier not adapt)

So not total destruction mode yet….

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

You realize that Dogged March was basically a better (in all ways lower tier grant regeneration) version of an elemenalist trait (master tier not adapt)

So not total destruction mode yet….

Good God, I am SO tired of responding to these kinds of statements.


Each class has many different factors to take into consideration when talking about balance. For example, Warrior’s have high HP/Toughness/Regen but have very little to no access to Protection/Evades/Stealth/Etc. Something that’s balanced on one class would be wildly OP if it was the same on another class. Comparisons like yours prove nothing when talking about balance.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I am fine with pretty much all of these. Just wondering what the effect of losing 8% to signet + regen with dogged march will have on survivbility.

I’m also unsure about the changes to bull’s charge, it’s mediocre at best ATM and I don’t see how these changes will help it.
It kind of sucks that pin down gets a 3/4 activation plus a telegraph. As long as there isn’t a super long after cast due to the animation I’m ok with it.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


for the most part i’m fine for the most part.

however the change to impale is a little overboard it only hits 1 person and can have most of it’s dps cleansed even if it’s a bit harder to cleanse (although warriors lack a lot of cover conditions so I personally figured it wasn’t a bad idea)

pindown i’m fine with as well although I don’t think they should went to3/4 a second instead it should went to 1/2 sec but that’s my personal opinion.

the issue is this will really have a nasty impact on sword sword / longbow builds. (i’d rather had a longer cd on impale then out right nerfing the dps like this)

bullscharge now dazes instead of knockdown except from the side or back kinda mixed feelings about this as well. bulls charge does lead you to believe this is more or less how it was intended but the issue is how all our hard cc is being handled.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: aaakm.4290


what the hell … warriors are so bad … just nerf healing signet.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xurse.8267


I am seriously okay with the nerf TBH, but please kittening fix bull charge and rush, at least make it hit. Now its gonna be more epic when we use bull charge and just dash past the person without hitting anything, before the patch it was dash past and the person got knocked down and we’re like “DUDE YOU’RE TOO FAR FOR MY HB”. Seriously make it a double cast skill so we can press it once for activation, and press it again upon impact so the AOE beside us will be hit and knock down or dmged.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Joonks.7501


The patch notes are fake. There’s a sticky in the prof balance forum.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Deserved nerfs. Pin down has always screamed for an animation, something that the more powerful warrior skills have usually had.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Confirms what I have always said. When we get told nothing is written in stone, it is written in stone. There is no changing it. Even if honest feedback and good points are presented, all we get is silence. The notion of ‘play as you want’ is better stated as, ‘Play as we want you to.’

Especially after the song and dance about ‘looking for a really good active for healing signet.’ Seems like the really good idea just do nothing and no doubt not answer or retort any conjecture about it after the fact.

My login times are near non existent these days..just too much wrong, Not being handled properly and all delivered in a painfully slow fashion. Games are by design meant to be fun..gw2 has just lost the fun factor to me these days.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


Time to re-roll engineer.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


The patch notes are fake. There’s a sticky in the prof balance forum.

All leaked patch notes to date have been correct.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


The patch notes are fake. There’s a sticky in the prof balance forum.

All leaked patch notes to date have been correct.

But ArenaNet said they’re fake… ArenaNet wouldn’t lie to us now would they?

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

You realize that Dogged March was basically a better (in all ways lower tier grant regeneration) version of an elemenalist trait (master tier not adapt)

So not total destruction mode yet….

Good God, I am SO tired of responding to these kinds of statements.


Each class has many different factors to take into consideration when talking about balance. For example, Warrior’s have high HP/Toughness/Regen but have very little to no access to Protection/Evades/Stealth/Etc. Something that’s balanced on one class would be wildly OP if it was the same on another class. Comparisons like yours prove nothing when talking about balance.

Why not when all you can say is I am not broken they [other professions] have protection, stealth, or evades. You don’t even know your own profession that well Oh look there protection, where according to you there is none.

And yet again, evades where did that come from.

So if I understand you correctly you all those exactly the same traits (same trait same tier) across all the profession are in fact not balanced, but warrior can have a better version of a trait at a lower expenditure of trait points and that is ok.

I for one am just as time of, but it won’t be warrior if it…. doesn’t get be over-tuned.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

You realize that Dogged March was basically a better (in all ways lower tier grant regeneration) version of an elemenalist trait (master tier not adapt)

So not total destruction mode yet….

Good God, I am SO tired of responding to these kinds of statements.


Each class has many different factors to take into consideration when talking about balance. For example, Warrior’s have high HP/Toughness/Regen but have very little to no access to Protection/Evades/Stealth/Etc. Something that’s balanced on one class would be wildly OP if it was the same on another class. Comparisons like yours prove nothing when talking about balance.

Why not when all you can say is I am not broken they [other professions] have protection, stealth, or evades. You don’t even know your own profession that well Oh look there protection, where according to you there is none.

And yet again, evades where did that come from.

So if I understand you correctly you all those exactly the same traits (same trait same tier) across all the profession are in fact not balanced, but warrior can have a better version of a trait at a lower expenditure of trait points and that is ok.

I for one am just as time of, but it won’t be warrior if it…. doesn’t get be over-tuned.

Way to pick and choose what I said, and clearly you don’t know the class at all if I don’t know it well. Quick Breathing, warhorn in general is hardly used outside of WvW zerging and even then most builds don’t invest the 20 points for the trait. It’s also not something you can control reliably. Not everyone uses Vulnerability, and even then most of the time you end up getting more vigor than anything else. The duration is also not that long on top of that. I’ve tried many times to make Warhorn work but in the end I would rather have those points in Defense since you can’t afford to have points in both if you want to actually kill something.

Also, Whirlwind Attack is the ONLY source of Evade Warriors have and it’s on a pretty mediocre weapon. Not to mention I said “very little to no,” not just no. One evade every 10 seconds doesn’t make a Warrior a Thief all of the sudden. Basically, you’re argument is flimsy as hell and your examples are as well.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

The patch notes are fake. There’s a sticky in the prof balance forum.

All leaked patch notes to date have been correct.

But ArenaNet said they’re fake… ArenaNet wouldn’t lie to us now would they?

For fear of being “warned” for the hundredth bajillionth time. Most of the “leaked” patch notes I read from game to game about 90% of the “leaked” changes make it into games.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The patch notes are fake. There’s a sticky in the prof balance forum.

All leaked patch notes to date have been correct.

But ArenaNet said they’re fake… ArenaNet wouldn’t lie to us now would they?

For fear of being “warned” for the hundredth bajillionth time. Most of the “leaked” patch notes I read from game to game about 90% of the “leaked” changes make it into games.

In the past they never came out and said they were false though. It would do them no good to lie about it because we’ll know as soon as the patch hits and the blowback for lying would be pretty darn big.

Although I would have liked to get 150 toughness with a shield though.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


True or not, this would be bad.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


These aren’t the actual changes.
Remember a while ago when balance was being discussed they said they would change the passive of HS ONLY after the active is reworked to something useful. I see no active change in these patch notes.
Also – bull’s charge change? What was wrong with it? It was literally one of the few things that nobody complained about.
Why would they nerf it?

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


they are fake…

norn warrior

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


I listed the source so people could criticize it, it’s not like it’s a reliable one. I have no idea if these are real or not. What really gave it away when I read it was the HS regen nerfed with 8% without the active being upped. However, these changes will most likely come into effect. Maybe not this patch, but soon. And we will have to deal with it. Just a sneakpeak on what we will become.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bran.7425


Way to pick and choose what I said, and clearly you don’t know the class at all if I don’t know it well. Quick Breathing, warhorn in general is hardly used outside of WvW zerging and even then most builds don’t invest the 20 points for the trait. It’s also not something you can control reliably. Not everyone uses Vulnerability, and even then most of the time you end up getting more vigor than anything else. The duration is also not that long on top of that. I’ve tried many times to make Warhorn work but in the end I would rather have those points in Defense since you can’t afford to have points in both if you want to actually kill something.

Also, Whirlwind Attack is the ONLY source of Evade Warriors have and it’s on a pretty mediocre weapon. Not to mention I said “very little to no,” not just no. One evade every 10 seconds doesn’t make a Warrior a Thief all of the sudden. Basically, you’re argument is flimsy as hell and your examples are as well.

Why so hostile? It really comes across to ‘I want all the options, without giving up anything’ so very much if it does not stay over-tuned it won’t work for you. Look on the bright side the passive effect on Signet of Stamina is one of the few endurance recoveries that are not on the chopping block like so many others across all the professions.
Just because you do not run/like an option does not mean it doesn’t exist. All and all it could always get worse, the developer could destroy the condition meta that gave rise to the current state of many profession and I wonder which one would be the first to get re-tooled….

I am just here for discussion, and I don’t really have dog it this fight, so I am really just trying to understand what is going on with this profession and it’s vocal supporters.

I listed the source so people could criticize it, it’s not like it’s a reliable one. I have no idea if these are real or not. What really gave it away when I read it was the HS regen nerfed with 8% without the active being upped. However, these changes will most likely come into effect. Maybe not this patch, but soon. And we will have to deal with it. Just a sneakpeak on what we will become.

That reduction on the passive without the active being adjusted is far from the giveaway there as I really doubt they have found a balance change that would make using the signets active worth-while.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Gee, you accused me of not knowing the class I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing and you say I’m being hostile. You tired to take 2 very specific aspects that offer very little of the mechanics I mentioned having little to no access to and acted as if that invalidated my statement. The small possibility of getting 3 seconds of Protection doesn’t make Warrior’s survival skyrocket and neither does having a single evade on GS.

Most of Warrior sustain comes from high regen and stats and nothing else. Meanwhile, other classes rely on boons, stealth, what have you. They’re all so different that comparing two traits that are similar in function is meaningless because there are so many other factors in play.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: chronometria.3708


They had best be fake.

I mean, “rush”, seriously? I`d go for it if it became like ride the lightning and had some sort of aoe burst at the end, but as it is, I mainly use it for travel as it is an unreliable distance closer in the extreme. People pick greatsword up for its mobility and if that is taken away then there are much better choices in any situation where a cooldown matters (ie pvp and wvw).

In fact, until I actually took a close look at rush the other day I had forgotten it even had an attack built into it. It is so rare that the thing actually connects and I usually switch to a ranged weapon rather than trying to use it as a gap closer.

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


I listed the source so people could criticize it, it’s not like it’s a reliable one. I have no idea if these are real or not. What really gave it away when I read it was the HS regen nerfed with 8% without the active being upped. However, these changes will most likely come into effect. Maybe not this patch, but soon. And we will have to deal with it. Just a sneakpeak on what we will become.

That reduction on the passive without the active being adjusted is far from the giveaway there as I really doubt they have found a balance change that would make using the signets active worth-while.

They said, citation marks: “We will NOT reduce the PASSIVE REGEN UNTIL we hade REWORKED THE ACTIVE.” Can’t remember where, but I’m pretty sure it was in the “future patch notes” they release a while ago, might have been stated in a podcast. Since it hasn’t in this patch it’s the only definitive thing that gives it away really.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


I listed the source so people could criticize it, it’s not like it’s a reliable one. I have no idea if these are real or not. What really gave it away when I read it was the HS regen nerfed with 8% without the active being upped. However, these changes will most likely come into effect. Maybe not this patch, but soon. And we will have to deal with it. Just a sneakpeak on what we will become.

That reduction on the passive without the active being adjusted is far from the giveaway there as I really doubt they have found a balance change that would make using the signets active worth-while.

They said, citation marks: “We will NOT reduce the PASSIVE REGEN UNTIL we hade REWORKED THE ACTIVE.” Can’t remember where, but I’m pretty sure it was in the “future patch notes” they release a while ago, might have been stated in a podcast. Since it hasn’t in this patch it’s the only definitive thing that gives it away really.

ArenaNet says a lot of things… They also said there would be no gear grind…

Patch notes leaked. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: lchan.2169


I’ve always been of the opinion that nerfs/buffs should be done in small increments and not all at once; clearly my opinion does not intersect with reality…

I feel like they keep caving in to the forum/E-Sports crowd way more than they should. Not that good ideas don’t occasionally come from those groups, it’s just that throwing them all into one patch leaves so many ways for things to go wrong.

I would much prefer a small balance patch every 2 weeks than one giant one every few months. That way if the Healing Signet nerf alone wasn’t enough THEN you take away the regen from Dogged March. Not to mention that supposedly big rune changes are coming and if Lyssa gets hit hard then Warrior’s sustain will take another big hit.

I’m looking at running something like this if these notes are true. Not really sold on Bolas and I may end up needed Signet of Stamina but this will let me still throw down a lot of control just in a different form. Also, with the buff to Shield Master and with Dolyak Signet I’ll have some good toughness even with Zerker gear (shame those bonuses don’t stack with Armored Attack). Between that and having a block hopefully I’ll maintain decent sustain. The problem is I won’t be able to deny stomps as often with no hammer.

EDIT: I guess one benefit is that we’ll hopefully get less people overblowing how powerful Warrior is…but then again probably not. Some won’t be satisfied until we’re back to being free kills like at launch.

You realize that Dogged March was basically a better (in all ways lower tier grant regeneration) version of an elemenalist trait (master tier not adapt)

So not total destruction mode yet….

Good God, I am SO tired of responding to these kinds of statements.


Each class has many different factors to take into consideration when talking about balance. For example, Warrior’s have high HP/Toughness/Regen but have very little to no access to Protection/Evades/Stealth/Etc. Something that’s balanced on one class would be wildly OP if it was the same on another class. Comparisons like yours prove nothing when talking about balance.

I agree…..comparing an ele’s traits with a warriors’ trait?……wtf…..might as well i compare’s ele’s skills against warriors too!….