Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: zTales.4392


I hate it when people call their builds “perfect” or “the best”. The build you posted isn’t bad, but it’s not perfect. I don’t think any build is perfect.

Personally, I like Sword/Axe and Rifle. It’s extremely effective. Right now my offensive stats are a Power/Condition Damage balance ‘cause I’m still figuring out which way to go with it, but still, it works. There are MANY viable builds in WvW.

Also, don’t take Rifle or Longbow??? What? I played with a Longbow all the way to 80 and recently switched from Longbow to Rifle. They’re both amazing WvW weapons. The Rifle is a killer single-target/piercing weapon in WvW because there’s so much chaos going on people won’t know what they’re getting hit with. It’s also great for 1v1s and smaller fights, especially if you know how to use it. The Longbow is perfect for situations where you want AoE (sit on a tower wall and pew pew at everyone who’s stacked on a gate).

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: Kendu Kuzal.3985

Kendu Kuzal.3985

Phaeris, the mace, hammer and shield are all team oriented as well. They all provide control or weakness that ultimately effects teammates if being attacked or pursued.

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


I like the hammer and mace 5, great skills. I an with that a while, but ultimately i kept returning to greatsword simply for its manouverability and ranged cc ability.

But yeah, my ultimate spec for small man WvW is a toss up between GS /sword/shield

or greatsword/ mace/shield.

Problem with hammer is it gets negated by stability entirely and doesn’t synergise well with frenzy and rush for a burst. Also i like to keep my adrenaline at level 3 all the time for the heal tick and damage bonus. The only time i use my adrenaline is to peel off a player with the sword adrenal if someone is in trouble.

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: aleiro.8521


mmm Lohen, I think your build has potential!
I tried this, yes you dont stack defense but I used this some parts of knight gear to stack some toughness, and it works really well in my opinion. All of you guys condemning this build should try it.
Of course you suck 1v1, but that’s not what it is intended for, this is intended to be on point with the zerg behind you.
Start whirling in your team’s combo fields and watch stuff go down.
Real good build in my opinion.

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: krakenstar.1674


When a thief or another warrior rushes you and your endure pain is down, or a ranger starts peppering you with a haste + bow 1, watch how you wish you had a shield+reflect projectiles on instead of a horn to toot.

I’m not sure about that Phaeris – When I die it isn’t one warrior+ ranger or whatever. It is snares, stuns, freeze/immo etc then a gangbang. Your shield won’t stop that either. Horn on the other hand gives you a chance to back out into your own line of battle. Horn4+sword2. Unless you have balance from somewhere else your shield will only delay your death by a few seconds in most WvW situations.

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: Lohengrin.8573


ple4ase to read that there are smart players too

[OSC] Lohengrin Fenrir – Norn Warrior
Seafarer’s Rest

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


you should be aware lohengrin that the internal cooldown of the sigil of rage will affect the proc of the sigil of energy (ie once rage procs, you will not get a recharge of endurance on weapon switch for 45 seconds)

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: bakared.9284


I like how the OP calls you all children, yet he types like a 12 year old… although I guess the possibility exists that English is his second language so i’ll leave it at that.

The only thing I agree about with your build is that we should be using two sets of melee weapons while engaged in the battle, but even that is just preference since I always carry several sets of weapons on me depending on the situation. Nothing is wrong with using a ranged weapon, if the situation calls for it. Nor is there anything wrong with your build… that is until you call it perfect.

You seem to be touting this build for it’s ability to break battle lines, but any slightly organized push will break an unorganized battle line in WvW… I’ve personally managed to break a bridge chokepoint by running in with stability and fearing everyone… Not saying it always works, but there are plenty of ways to “steam roll” the opposition when they’re not in a keep, like flanking them with 5-10 people… y’know things that require leadership which is what i’d be looking for if/when i decide to commit to a “hardcore” guild.

I also dislike how you look down on PUG’ers since that’s basically what this game runs on… sure there are highly organized guilds out there, but the majority of players are people who just want to hot join a warzone, and bust some heads.

Finally i’d like to point out that your server is currently ranked 17 so much for all your hardcore guild and your perfect build, I apologize to all you ring of fire people that aren’t snobs of course, but seriously this guy…

Rawr Da Charr – 80 Warrior
Crystal Desert