Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: NormalNormy.4261


I find that using a phalanx warrior increases group dps and dungeon speed by a lot and can make up for what lower levels are lacking if there are any in the group.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s true, the trait is ridiculously strong. In fact it’s the #1 reason for taking a warrior now due to several reasons, the main ones being that their personal damage isn’t really relevant anymore anyways and because staff eles are just SO. GOOD.

When the trait first came out I wasn’t very much convinced it was better than scepter+LH and staff ele, but after many months of time and lots of testing it’s painfully obvious at this point that it is the overall best.

However it’s really important to note that it’s not always optimal to run 05063, nor is it always optimal to run 06062, nor always 44060. It all completely depends on the team comp, what’s needed, etc.

Scholar runes are sometimes the best to use with fried golden dumplings or whatever they’re called, and otherwise strength runes are best. Strength sigils are often wasteful and not needed.

There’s a lot to take into consideration here but one thing’s for sure and that’s that Phalanx Strength is currently warrior’s saving grace that redeems itself for what it lacks.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


the other side to it is that any more than 1 warrior in your party is totally useless. As someone who pretty much only plays warrior in dungeons since i started almost 2 years ago i’ve never been so bothered to see other warriors join me as i am now.

i already provide 25 might, good fury, banners, vulnerability, empower allies all on my own, taking a second warrior in dps build or even worse another phalanx is just a big drop in dps, if you run the same dungeons and fractals everyday you become quite keen at noticing how X would have been faster with another thief/ele instead…

warriors really are in a sad state in pve. (not like they are the worst, but really i’m “sad” to see what they have become)

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


the other side to it is that any more than 1 warrior in your party is totally useless. As someone who pretty much only plays warrior in dungeons since i started almost 2 years ago i’ve never been so bothered to see other warriors join me as i am now.

i already provide 25 might, good fury, banners, vulnerability, empower allies all on my own, taking a second warrior in dps build or even worse another phalanx is just a big drop in dps, if you run the same dungeons and fractals everyday you become quite keen at noticing how X would have been faster with another thief/ele instead…

warriors really are in a sad state in pve. (not like they are the worst, but really i’m “sad” to see what they have become)

“Sad state” You are kidding right?
Half the nerfs we received were necessary. Class is easy to play, forgiving about not dodging and rotation mess ups thanks to high stats. You bring 1000 power to the party with phalanx build. All this while cleaving surviving and appliying constsnt vuln. Sure ele is god now but look at mesmers necros and rangers. If warriors are in a sad state, I dont know what those guys are classified as…

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


i did mention warrior not being the worst, what is sad about it is that we’re just a might drone. damage rotation is a joke, our support is either passive or comes form dropping a banner every once in a while and we have no “tricks” to make us feel useful to the party (reflects, blinks, blinds, condi removal, cc, whatever)

most “interesting” trick i can think of is signet of might -> immobilise on vulcano boss on fractal and it’s not saying much.

also doesn’t solve the fact that 2 warrior in a party suck.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


Well mesmer and necro rotations arent that fun either. You press 1 90% of the time. Either in the shroud, lich form or dagger. It is true that most buffs are passive but my point is you can’t have it all. Although ele is just too OP in all aspects and needs some changes.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


i’d gladly trade back some support to some more active playstyle and more meaningful damage to be honest.

at least mesmer (which i enjoy very occasionally) with all it’s issues can think about having to time a feedback right, can do some portal/blink play in skips, has mass invis or time warp which are interesting elites, stuff like that, it doesn’t make you fall asleep during the dungeon.

if my girlfriend didn’t complain that we never have might when playing with pugs if i’m not on my warrior i’d likely just drop it for something else as it is today.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


I guess it is a matter of preference. You like more active gameplay so you should go for guard, I too like hard rotations and situational skills. But some people may enjoy laying back and supporting thr whole party. For instance I never play bunker builds in pvp because I think it is boring (except d/d ele to some extent). But others like surviving all that crap being thrown at you and rez allies. We are getting off topic here so I wont comment anymore. Any class can do damage on their own, some also provide utility and support more than others. Some are hard to pull off and some are noob friendly. The warrior is definitely not bad when you consider all this. Honestly, it is just a consequence of not having the trinity system (which we are better off without). Balancing a class between pve and pvp, that uses same skills and traits is tough.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: hybrid.5027


i’d gladly trade back some support to some more active playstyle and more meaningful damage to be honest.

Warrior has a very active playstyle if you are trying to have perfect rotations. Also, I’d rather have mediocre dps and be allowed in dungeon runs due to my utility than have great dps and be excluded like engineers.

The hardest part of dealing with PS is getting yourself out of the mindset where you care about your 100b numbers. OMG I CANT HIT 50K HUNDRED BLADES ANYMORE THIS SUCKS. You have to stop looking at hundred blades damage numbers and focus on the number that actually matters: boss kill times.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

i’d gladly trade back some support to some more active playstyle and more meaningful damage to be honest.

Warrior has a very active playstyle if you are trying to have perfect rotations. Also, I’d rather have mediocre dps and be allowed in dungeon runs due to my utility than have great dps and be excluded like engineers.

The hardest part of dealing with PS is getting yourself out of the mindset where you care about your 100b numbers. OMG I CANT HIT 50K HUNDRED BLADES ANYMORE THIS SUCKS. You have to stop looking at hundred blades damage numbers and focus on the number that actually matters: boss kill times.

While I agree with you here and this is what I do, I still can’t help but feel uncomfortable when on my warrior nowadays. It used to feel so relevant, so powerful, but it’s really underwhelming now.

However if we’re talking about boss kill times… they technically are slower than they could’ve been a while ago by a lot. :x

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: NormalNormy.4261


The downside to it being so good is that you’ll most likely have more than 1 warrior on a team using the same exact thing like empower and phalanx which nullifies the effectiveness as they don’t stack and 1 warrior can already rack up 25 might with ease.

If I have a chance, I try to get a bunch of dps eles on my team when I run phalanx lol the dungeons runs are amazing.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The downside to it being so good is that you’ll most likely have more than 1 warrior on a team using the same exact thing like empower and phalanx which nullifies the effectiveness as they don’t stack and 1 warrior can already rack up 25 might with ease.

If I have a chance, I try to get a bunch of dps eles on my team when I run phalanx lol the dungeons runs are amazing.

Whatever what the Warrior run, more than 1 warrior is a waste.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


The downside to it being so good is that you’ll most likely have more than 1 warrior on a team using the same exact thing like empower and phalanx which nullifies the effectiveness as they don’t stack and 1 warrior can already rack up 25 might with ease.

If I have a chance, I try to get a bunch of dps eles on my team when I run phalanx lol the dungeons runs are amazing.

Whatever what the Warrior run, more than 1 warrior is a waste.

So you would pick a party of 4 condi necro over 4 zerker warrior?

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Whatever what the Warrior run, more than 1 warrior is a waste.

So you would pick a party of 4 condi necro over 4 zerker warrior?

I guess you’re having trouble following the conversation.

He said having more than one warrior in the party is a waste. What you said is not even in the least bit relevant to what he said.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


Whatever what the Warrior run, more than 1 warrior is a waste.

So you would pick a party of 4 condi necro over 4 zerker warrior?

I guess you’re having trouble following the conversation.

He said having more than one warrior in the party is a waste. What you said is not even in the least bit relevant to what he said.

Nah I’m just teasing his statement. I never see another warrior as a waste, not optimal but not a waste, but 4 condi necros now I consider that a waste.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


4 condi necros is a BIGGER waste, doesn’t mean 2 warriors in a party isn’t one as well.

the whole post is just a non-sequitur.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Molch.2078


Then name more than one class where having more than one isn’t a waste. That’s not really an argument for or against warriors.

It’s only proof that eles are ridiculously op.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


ok so let’s say i call “stacking” having from 2 to 3 of a same class (4-5 is likely bad on almost anything because you start lacking stuff)

ele, thief, guards can all stack 2-3 nicely, mesmer sort of ok to stack too, they just need to rotate skills.

(if we ignore the fact that 1 power necro is useless stacking them doesn’t really do anything to each other’s effectiveness)

ranger is in the same state as war, 1 is great, 2 is too much.

also i have no clue wtf is an engi even supposed to do so i won’t have an opinion there.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Molch.2078


Ele? Yes. That’s my point.

But 2 warriors is a BIGGER waste, doesn’t mean 2 thieves in a party isn’t one as well. Or two guards.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

After you get all the utility that’s needed for a path, then the last class shouldn’t be anything other than what deals the most damage. Two thieves does more damage than two warrior does, so despite it being more wasteful than two eles it’s better than two warriors.

Though if for whatever reason I can’t have a 2nd ele I think I’d rather have a ranger fill in the spot personally

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Quin Marino.6384

Quin Marino.6384

Then name more than one class where having more than one isn’t a waste. That’s not really an argument for or against warriors.

It’s only proof that eles are ridiculously op.

Double ranger, double thief, and double mes have all been used to great effect in record runs.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Pandemonium.6453


I was looking at meta battle and I dont fully understand how to use the Phalanx build. Can anyone elaborate further.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


I was looking at meta battle and I dont fully understand how to use the Phalanx build. Can anyone elaborate further.

Phalanx means providing your party with might, everytime you gain might yourself.
Your sources of might:
Signet of Rage will give you AND your party 5 stacks
For grest justice will give you 3 stacks while giving party 6 (3 from standard shout effect and 3 extra cause you yourself gained 3 stacks)
Forcecul Greatsword Trait is your biggest source which will keep the party at permanent 25 stacks. Everytime you critically hit with GS, yoir party gains a stack. This gets OP when you are cleaving.

Sounds good right? But you need to sacrifice your first traitline which is about 35% personal DPS loss?

How to use it? Use FGJ and SoR at the beginning of the fight. Mostly camp GS and never stop attacking.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Then name more than one class where having more than one isn’t a waste. That’s not really an argument for or against warriors.

It’s only proof that eles are ridiculously op.

It depend on what the profession bring to the table. Does it stack or not?

Two warrior is a waste because the second warrior can’t bring more buff, he can only bring more dps and he have a bad dps.

Two Ranger is also usually a waste because Frost Spirit and Spotter don’t stack.

but other than that?

Two guardian will make your life easier with giving twice as many reflect, condition removal, aegis, blind, etc. Not optimal, but what they bring can stack. Two guardian is twice the amount of defensive support, twice the warrior is the same amount of offensive support.

Two thief will have twice the stealth and single target dps. It’s not a good choice in dungeon where you have little use of stealth and most enemies are group, but it’s not a waste.

See that’s maybe just semantic. But for me waste is only about : does what that profession bring can stack?. For most profession the answer is yes. For ranger and warrior, the answer is no.

The fact that only Elementalist is worth using more that once in a party doesn’t mean that it’s a OP profession. That just mean that he’s the highest dps.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Molch.2078


Two warriors can share banners and take an extra 180 power. Sure, it’s not much, but it’s something you can’t do with 1 warrior.
So, yeah. It probably comes down to your personal definition of waste.

And I think eles are op not because they have good dps, but because they also have an almost unfair amount of support and utility on top of their dps. But that goes off topic.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If eles didn’t have extremely good offensive utility and damage there’d be no reason to take one because they’re as squishy as possible and get aggro from just about everything. It’s not unfair, it’s completely justified imo.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well I always found the vulnerability capability of the Elementalist a bit too much. They already are the best at giving fury, pretty good at giving might and have the best AoE and Burst damage. Party don’t have much problem maxing vulnerability because they usually bring 1 warrior and 2 elementalist.

It’s my option, but I always though they should remove the vulnerability from the elementalist (the minor trait in air and maybe the glyph of storm in air).

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


best at blinding trash mobs too (very relevant in some fractals for example)

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Brokenangel.1389


I was looking at meta battle and I dont fully understand how to use the Phalanx build. Can anyone elaborate further.

Phalanx means providing your party with might, everytime you gain might yourself.
Your sources of might:
Signet of Rage will give you AND your party 5 stacks
For grest justice will give you 3 stacks while giving party 6 (3 from standard shout effect and 3 extra cause you yourself gained 3 stacks)
Forcecul Greatsword Trait is your biggest source which will keep the party at permanent 25 stacks. Everytime you critically hit with GS, yoir party gains a stack. This gets OP when you are cleaving.

Sounds good right? But you need to sacrifice your first traitline which is about 35% personal DPS loss?

How to use it? Use FGJ and SoR at the beginning of the fight. Mostly camp GS and never stop attacking.

Combine that with Sigils & Runes of Strength and the Might never leaves 25.

I tend to swap between GS and A/M to help maintain Vuln. stacks as well as the utility of a knockdown. The adrenaline ability for A/M is fair as well.

I’m curious, does anyone deviate from the “standard” PS build? 05063? If so, any luck?

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: NormalNormy.4261


None of you followed what I said!!!!!! I said more than warrior [USING THE SAME EXACT BUILD] lol! Warriors are nice but most likely everyone will run phalanx with empower which do NOT stack so it’s a waste. So far my best team setup was me (phalanx/empower) with 2 staff eles, a guard, and a thief. We did all paths of 2 dungeons in under and hour and it was amazing

I’d also like to note than it only takes 1 warrior to keep the whole groups might at 25 stacks without using the tactics banner.

Phalanx Warrior Best Dungeon Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d also like to note than it only takes 1 warrior to keep the whole groups might at 25 stacks without using the tactics banner.

Yes, we know this.