Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I’d like the physical utilities to have shorter cooldowns though.. kick is cool, but all it does is knock your opponent back a little bit every 20 (16 traited) seconds. If it had half cooldown, 10 (8 traited), then it would be a bit more useful to keep interrupting opponent combo chains.

Bull rush and stomp have a really, really long cooldown, I only use bull rush cuz it’s cool, fun to use and gives extra mobility, tho it feels a bit buggy when the animation doesn’t end the moment I reach my target.

I did like kick on my pve rifle warrior, nice to get some distance, and it looks awesome.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Thats funny because i actually love the low cooldowns of the physical utilities. I could imagine myself being incredibly insane with an 8 second kick though, especially stacking up confusion insanely high, i think one time i got it to 12 stacks on a guy and he killed himself insanely fast

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrdthane.6801


been there done that

honestly i completely agree with you, except 0/0/30/30/10 is a better build for this.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


and yes bulls charge can be buggy, i find it most often has a delay in connecting with a target so i have to be careful when switching for my hammer to prepare the stomp+ground spike combo because it might interrupt the charge

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


been there done that

honestly i completely agree with you, except 0/0/30/30/10 is a better build for this.

what traits would you need from defense? and it seems worthless to go into tactics

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


and yes bulls charge can be buggy, i find it most often has a delay in connecting with a target so i have to be careful when switching for my hammer to prepare the stomp+ground spike combo because it might interrupt the charge

The traits i use for the first trait slot i change on what im fighting in the PvP match, but trait 2 in strength i use Confusion stacking whenever i interrupt as this weapon set and build interrupts A TON and ive seen people take up to 1k reflect damage when i stack it high enough. the third trait is obviously physical utility dam increase and CD reduction.

I go 10 into precision for more crit and to pick up the 50% crit increase on stunned targets that i have tested to increase cumutively with base crit on the mace’s daze, adrenaline stun, and shield stun.

i go 30 into discipline because of all the movement based abilities so my opponent can never escape me

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Mace + Shield and Axe + Mace is better considering the moment you land skull crack, you want to be able to burst people down on top of that utility. The crowd control from the off-hand mace should be enough considering Mace + Shield can force out stun-breaks easily already. Now you just want focused damage on a single target. Warrior doesn’t really AoE that well.. unless you have sword + shield and a GS for a weapon.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Kicking… stomping… bashing… cracking… breaking… staggering. It’s all pretty fun, I do kind of wish the Physical Training trait was a master level trait – also wish Bull’s Rush and Stomp had shorter cooldowns.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Hadouken.4209


yup. I love the kick, stomp, bull rush combo. I use the sword though. I use it with a condition build. Stack some bleeds, then keep em knocked em on their butts and let the bleeds tick away in safety.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Kick would be nice if it didn’t root you in place. On a perma-Swiftness kiting targets it’s very easy to just hit the air and end up out of the melee range.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: elithrar.7143


Kick is “good” but not great. There’s too many other great utilities that are more useful more often.

I run a Hammer + Axe/Mace build for the stuns & control. Fear Me, FGJ & Shake It Off for utilities in a 10/0/30/30/0 build with shout heals.

[TKG] Mollify

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



Where is your condi removal? Where is your stability?

I mean, I can totally see how it’d be a fun build for sure, but in your opening statement you mentioned something about searching for “viable pvp builds”…

Of course you also mentioned sword and longbow after that so, lol.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


Use healing shouts with hammer / Mace+Mace or Mace+Shield. Preferrably Mace x2 so the trait for it applies to both weapons instead of just the primary. Shield basically just does the same thing less effectively in exchange for a little defense, which isn’t the point of such a build. Also, Tremor is awesome.

Adrenal Shouts, of course. You’ll want to abuse the Mace and Hammer burst skills (one of the few in the game that do something useful). Now, instead of building a glass cannon, build a tank. Your focus is disruption, after all, not damage. Also, look at it this way: the gain in stats from attributes is fairly small. Most of it is coming from equipment. Just supplement it to your liking with whatever kind of equipment you’d like. I can run 30 tactics, 30 defense and still have over 3,000 attack this way.

All shouts, of course. Soldier runes. This allows you to actually hit your target. Using a glass cannon physical skill build will not. Enjoy being frozen, immobilized and so on. Forever.

I like the idea of physical skills. But they’re not too great right now.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Physical utilites are amazing at locking down enimies that are going to down your teammates or even finish them. Ive played healing shouts for 2 months and if its not for Pug teammates running off without you, those 6k heals that you can only throw off every 20 seconds wont really make or break most confrontations. Usually in a massive skirmish its heavily one sided in favor of one or the other.

And instead of trying to rush into said skirmish you should be ninjaing bases anyways. And control can be good for group fighting by finding the piss kitten annoying mesmer and stomping him into a bloody Pulp. I’ve even been able to squash whole bunker guardians once i wait for their defenses to fall down, tanking their petty damage, which lets us take the node.

On healing shout builds, you wont even hope to come close to taking down some of the more durable builds even with control. No one is going to fear you knocking them down if your axe chop hurts 500’s. You need to maximize your damage in those short duration CCs to maximize the ability of your massive bar of CC.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Kick is “good” but not great. There’s too many other great utilities that are more useful more often.

I run a Hammer + Axe/Mace build for the stuns & control. Fear Me, FGJ & Shake It Off for utilities in a 10/0/30/30/0 build with shout heals.

People need to stop walking in Taugrim’s shoes. He’s not the best at everything, he pools together some vids of his best performance which is usually ganking 2 on 1 on a guy or killing people at low health.

Even his SWTOR videos are lame because he’s showing his Ironfist build while wearing full Purple PvP gear squashing lowbies in greens.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: elithrar.7143


People need to stop walking in Taugrim’s shoes. He’s not the best at everything, he pools together some vids of his best performance which is usually ganking 2 on 1 on a guy or killing people at low health.

Running a Hammer + Axe/Mace build isn’t “walking in Taugrim’s shoes” (in fact I didn’t realise he was running such a build). It’s an effective tPvP build that brings a lot of control with it.

Avoid jumping to conclusions. There’s only so many “good” builds and it’s therefore likely that any half-decent player will end up making something 90% similar to what’s been popularised by an e-celebrity.

[TKG] Mollify

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


0/0/30/30/10 healing shout hammer/mace+mace

Soldier amulet and runes, i hate Healing power because its 1/3 of your stats for 1.5K healing every 20 seconds, so like 5K HP it is instead!

I can last for ages against enemies, and i control like a mutha, in SPvP i run as a martyr, or group control. Group control is self explanitory, i jump at people constantly and annoy them because of my massive stun chains while others kill, martyr i run to the enemies single point, and survive for stupid amounts of time to keep them off my other points, in SPvP they all seem to be attracted to killing one one solo warrior, and forsake their own bases chasing me. Probably a different story in TPvP =P

Probably not the best, but i don’t get controlled a lot, and i have a lot of fun fighting with it. Compared to GS glass cannon where i was simply shut down when i encountered by guardian guildies.

Now my guildies fear going against me! I am a force of annoyance, a fight with me lasts ages ankittenep stunning you! I can last so long its probably going to end up with one of us getting back up! My Mesmer friend called me annoying! My Guardian friend told me to just kittening die! I felt smug

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The problem with the Physical Utility skills is (as it has been pointed out already) their long cooldowns, but also the fact that if you want to take all 3 then you give up either balanced stance or shake it off. No stun break/stability can really screw you over. If you do go Hammer/Mace+Shield you will have a ton of CC and with kick/bulls you will keep people on their butts but you lose that survivability that heal shots gives. No condition removal outside of your long CD heal and you don’t kill as fast or have the mobility of a GS.

This doesn’t make it a bad build, but it does mean that in situations like 5v5 you’ll probably be targeted down. I ran something like this a while ago but now that I got a better handle on PvP I may try it again.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I don’t feel the weakness from 5’s because I dont play tournaments, because i dont beleive i should lose because someone playing a guardian can do 1-10 and be 30 seconds of immortality or that certain classes with their metas are in demand.

In response to stun breaker and and stability lacking, you have dodge and 2 blocks on mace and shield for a reason. Ive never seen a warrior use mace blocks effectively as they are on a 10 sec CD (8 if traited). This can ruin a gs warriors day when they rely on bulls charge or bola or can stop the 30k onslaught of a pistol whipping thief.

EVERY physical utility has an intense purpose, just few people can see the purpose and utility it offers. Most people just want to see pvp as a game of Numbers so they run to gs for max damage or Control Shout heals to see how much defense/hp/healing they can stack.

the reason to use hammer mace/shield is to give you all the tools you need combined with physical utilities to counter almost every scenario.

mace+ shield: 1 Parry Block, 1 3 sec. Dur Block, Daze, 1 sec Stun and weakness, Adrenaline stun
Hammer: Aoe fast cast Cripple, Knockback, Knockdown, adrenaline stun

Now combine this with a fast cast kick that has priority over most moves in the game since its a fast cast at 1/2 sec, and a bullscharge to knockdown kiting foes and Stomp to instantly punt ant DPS berserking going on you.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


And if you are too lazy to hide Line of Sight or dodge effectively when people use Stability, then use the sigil that Removes Boons on your weapon to strip them of their lame counter.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


The problem with the Physical Utility skills is (as it has been pointed out already) their long cooldowns, but also the fact that if you want to take all 3 then you give up either balanced stance or shake it off. No stun break/stability can really screw you over. If you do go Hammer/Mace+Shield you will have a ton of CC and with kick/bulls you will keep people on their butts but you lose that survivability that heal shots gives. No condition removal outside of your long CD heal and you don’t kill as fast or have the mobility of a GS.

This doesn’t make it a bad build, but it does mean that in situations like 5v5 you’ll probably be targeted down. I ran something like this a while ago but now that I got a better handle on PvP I may try it again.

Give up things that you can compensate for, like condition purging and stun breakers by dodging stuns and not going kitten Shout builds that give you so many boons that other classes use that to stack conditions against you.

And i scoff when you say gs can do more damage than i. GS will almost never connect with a competent player but with proper CC alignment and closing in with blocks they wont be able to escape, and GS will only be able to get off its insane damage once every 1 minute. with 2 Full bars of control and very high damage with 100% crit on stuns you are always dishing out the pain.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049


Regardless of whether or not this is the most effective (I’m not even going to get in on the argument), there is no doubt that the physical utility Warrior is THE MOST FUN build in the entire game including all other professions. I think we can all agree on that.

Myrmidon Elite [ME] – Arkham [Ark] – Maguuma
PvP/WvW videos –

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Yea, kick/stomp/bulls charge feels like a natural extension of my weapon skills. Its like going from a large bulky sword to putting a counterweight on it so it feels like an extension of your arm, something you already do naturally.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


The reason I don’t use axe or bolas is because you are only kittening the build by lowering you defenses and allowing your opponent to retaliate. Heavy artillery of blocks and control used re-actively as a counter to your opponent’s moves lets your opponent seldom have the chance to land decent blows.

Recently ran into the infamous backstab 30k damage combo that thieves used. Was able to pop defensive stance right after i was pistol whipped and took 18k damage and blocked the remaining hits, leaving the thief vulnerable for a control combo that ended in his death.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Also killed about 4 meta warriors yesterday with the same basic re-active defense i employ for bulls charge-frenzy hundred blades.
Mace Parry Blocked his bulls charge, #3 pommeled his hundred blades and had 4 seconds of delicious 50% bonus damage against him

(edited by AlfredKlios.9657)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Also killed about 4 meta warriors yesterday with the same basic re-active defense i employ for bulls charge-frenzy hundred blades.
Mace Parry Blocked his bulls charge, #3 pommeled his hundred blades and had 4 seconds of delicious 50% bonus damage against him

100b Warriors aren’t exactly difficult to beat 1v1 if you can avoid the combo.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

100b Warriors aren’t exactly difficult to beat 1v1 if you can avoid the combo.

Good 100b Warriors don’t let you avoid the combo.


Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Stability = No win for you. You’ve put all your eggs into one basket and stability just smashes them all.

Everyone runs some form of stability in pvp. Your build is really only good for killing some thieves and Hb glass warriors who open with Hb rush combo.

Physical utilities are pretty trash. Only bullsrush is worth taking. Kick is just not good, i’m sorry, but it isn’t worth giving space to on your bar. Why would I take kick over endure pain, or stability or frenzy or..well anything.

You don’t run any stun breakers on your bar = instant lose.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Nice post OP. I have run something similar some time back and enjoyed it as well.
As for all you other haters!
This is one build, yes, against some it doesn’t work, against others it does. With the multitude of build types, I would argue you can not make one build to rule them all.
To say, in this situation your build is trash there for it is trash, is being a bit….
Also wanted to add, kick doesn’t just knock back, it also interrupts.
Thanks again OP for sharing your experience.

(edited by Stynard.8914)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


because I dont play tournaments,

Well at least you were honest upfront and early about why you support such a bad build.

With the multitude of build types

See the thing is, there aren’t a multitude of build types. If you’re playing competitively, because of the way the game is balanced atm and with the gametype promoting the meta it does, there are only a few viable builds for each class. For some classes there’s really only 1 type of build with a subtle variation here or there.

First thing, in true competitive PvP, for warriors at least stability is a must have. Arguably frenzy is a must have as well, but stability is just the very first thing that should go on your bar. There’s room for one physical skill but all three is just an exercise in self kittenage.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Stability = No win for you. You’ve put all your eggs into one basket and stability just smashes them all.

Everyone runs some form of stability in pvp. Your build is really only good for killing some thieves and Hb glass warriors who open with Hb rush combo.

Physical utilities are pretty trash. Only bullsrush is worth taking. Kick is just not good, i’m sorry, but it isn’t worth giving space to on your bar. Why would I take kick over endure pain, or stability or frenzy or..well anything.

You don’t run any stun breakers on your bar = instant lose.

Yea, that’s why I have boon removing sigils. Stop being such a defeatist like there is no way out.

Yes everyone has stability but they rely on that 1 stability to save their lives for them, relying on 1 ability for their play style to follow through. Everyone i have removed it from is utterly helpless and cannot continue to fight me because they have accepted stability is necessary for PvP and cannot fight without it. Only class i have problem with is guardian because they almost always have other boons up that get purged before with my 10 second internal. Thats ok, they arent a class that can wipe the floor with me in the 8 second durations that stability lasts.

And yes, i would take Kick over endure pain because it does 2k damage and interrupts the opponent with a 1 1/2 second pseudo stun created from the knockback. I mitigate far more damage being able to kick people 5 times in the time it takes for endure pain to recover.

And if i didnt have any stunbreakers and i would be instantly losing, how am i winning all the 1 on 1 engagements I encounter with stun heavy classes like Earth Ele’s, Guards Rangers and other Warriors? You can see stuns coming, dodge them or block them, thats why i use mace/shield. Stop being a defeatest and being lazy not to avoid it and then just rely on a utility.

It’s called skillcap, using non-ability related methods like Line of Sight, evading or dodging and predicting your opponent’s move. I can tell when a longbow ranger is going to punt me or fearbomb me. i know when an elementalist is going to rush me to groundpound me or a mesmer blow his position swaps and vanishes. I know where a thief is going to go when he stealhs, hell i usually Earthshaker right after they stealth and they get downed from expecting to be able to flee.

Stop kittening yourselves by accepting the fact you HAVE to have stability or HAVE to use endure pain or HAVE to use frenzy. Relying on abilities and tooltips only weakens you and doesnt give you the options and utilities that things like Warrior Physical Utilities can give you. I’m sorry you feel that way.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


because I dont play tournaments,

Well at least you were honest upfront and early about why you support such a bad build.

With the multitude of build types

See the thing is, there aren’t a multitude of build types. If you’re playing competitively, because of the way the game is balanced atm and with the gametype promoting the meta it does, there are only a few viable builds for each class. For some classes there’s really only 1 type of build with a subtle variation here or there.

First thing, in true competitive PvP, for warriors at least stability is a must have. Arguably frenzy is a must have as well, but stability is just the very first thing that should go on your bar. There’s room for one physical skill but all three is just an exercise in self kittenage.

If you rely on Frenzy, Endure Pain, Bull’s charge or Balanced Stance to play the game for you, people with half a brain will easily see ways to counter it. Frenzy, some CC. Endure pain, you can still be CC’ed and avoided being dealth with. If bull’s charge is your only opener, then you will never be able to touch kite-heavy classes. A big reason i dont even think about getting stability is because its worthless if i cant be touched, which is exactly what happens with the correct combination of block and intensive CC this build has. The only way i ever get killed in matches is if i let myself get warrior vision and not watch the red names closing in on me or if i’m at the wrong place at the wrong time and get 4 people on me.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Stop making outlandish claims, false data on posts just to be heard. Dont waste my post space if you’re just going to lie for the sake of arguing,

(edited by AlfredKlios.9657)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Stop making outlandish claims, false data on posts just to be heard. Dont waste my post space if you’re just going to lie for the sake of arguing,

Whoa, cool the rage there roidy. Sorry that you think your opinion is perfect, but yea, it does seem extremely strange that you rely on a sigil to strip stability. I think it’s stupid. He thinks it’s stupid. That’s how opinions work. You don’t think it’s stupid – and that’s great. Keep running your build then, and we’ll just keep running ours.


Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Stop making outlandish claims, false data on posts just to be heard. Dont waste my post space if you’re just going to lie for the sake of arguing,

Whoa, cool the rage there roidy. Sorry that you think your opinion is perfect, but yea, it does seem extremely strange that you rely on a sigil to strip stability. I think it’s stupid. He thinks it’s stupid. That’s how opinions work. You don’t think it’s stupid – and that’s great. Keep running your build then, and we’ll just keep running ours.


There’s more to an opinion in that post. Keep it clean and condescension-free. Already run into enough of gamers here with extreme elitism thinking themselves the almighty superior being of everything and must trample on everything like its a pile of kitten.
I don’t want that in my posts.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Stop making outlandish claims, false data on posts just to be heard. Dont waste my post space if you’re just going to lie for the sake of arguing,

Whoa, cool the rage there roidy. Sorry that you think your opinion is perfect, but yea, it does seem extremely strange that you rely on a sigil to strip stability. I think it’s stupid. He thinks it’s stupid. That’s how opinions work. You don’t think it’s stupid – and that’s great. Keep running your build then, and we’ll just keep running ours.


There’s more to an opinion in that post. Keep it clean and condescension-free. Already run into enough of gamers here with extreme elitism thinking themselves the almighty superior being of everything and must trample on everything like its a pile of kitten.
I don’t want that in my posts.

You make a very grave mistake in assuming that people on the internet care about what you want. This is a world of opinions. Get used to it. Your opinions on the build and what to use is, in my opinion, silly. The fact that you come on here, act like you’re some little billy bad kitten and then go off when someone disagrees with you, shows that you, for whatever hilarious reason, seem to think that your opinion is the only one that matters.

And THAT, little alfred, is why you’re used to seeing your posts trampled. It’s you and your attitude. Not your opinions.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Haha, crazy stuff man. You’re a strange one.

You really are relying on that sigil to strip stability? Most classes have about 5 boons on them at any given instant, myself included as a warrior, and you think that with a 30 percent chance to remove a boon on crit is a reliable way to remove stability?

Just amazing.

60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Stop making outlandish claims, false data on posts just to be heard. Dont waste my post space if you’re just going to lie for the sake of arguing,

Whoa, cool the rage there roidy. Sorry that you think your opinion is perfect, but yea, it does seem extremely strange that you rely on a sigil to strip stability. I think it’s stupid. He thinks it’s stupid. That’s how opinions work. You don’t think it’s stupid – and that’s great. Keep running your build then, and we’ll just keep running ours.


There’s more to an opinion in that post. Keep it clean and condescension-free. Already run into enough of gamers here with extreme elitism thinking themselves the almighty superior being of everything and must trample on everything like its a pile of kitten.
I don’t want that in my posts.

You make a very grave mistake in assuming that people on the internet care about what you want. This is a world of opinions. Get used to it. Your opinions on the build and what to use is, in my opinion, silly. The fact that you come on here, act like you’re some little billy bad kitten and then go off when someone disagrees with you, shows that you, for whatever hilarious reason, seem to think that your opinion is the only one that matters.

And THAT, little alfred, is why you’re used to seeing your posts trampled. It’s you and your attitude. Not your opinions.

I know people generally don’t care about my opinions, but thats not rational to back up lying about statistics to flame a post. I don’t need your judgement and i don’t need your flaming Mr. Ph.D in Psychology who knows everything about everyone and thinks he can pass divine judgement upon them.
Go back to your youtube comments where everyone is a master in everything and can act like a hotshot talking down to people like they’re children.
Stay out of my posts, you’re just crapping them up

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: elithrar.7143


60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

So, with 50% chance to crit—maybe 70% on a good day with Frenzy—you’re going to have a 25-35% chance to remove just the one boon. Even if the enemy has only three boons you’re still having to sacrifice a goat to the RNG gods.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

They don’t need 100% boon uptime. When they are in a fight, they are likely to have more than 3-5 boons on them. It’s that fight that matters: because it’ll significantly reduce the chance of removing Stability when you need to.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Who says they won’t do the same to you? At least give credit to your opponents.

[TKG] Mollify

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


60% chance to remove on crit, learn your sigils before being a kitten troll.

So, with 50% chance to crit—maybe 70% on a good day with Frenzy—you’re going to have a 25-35% chance to remove just the one boon. Even if the enemy has only three boons you’re still having to sacrifice a goat to the RNG gods.

No, not even guards come close to 5 boons 100% uptime. Only Wars that pop signet of rage have 3, mesmers only have Might up mostly, Thieves pretty much never have boons except for vigor, but they lack stability. Only warhorn rangers have other boons up for a short time. Eles? No. Necromancers have boons but no stability, just watch for plague form.

They don’t need 100% boon uptime. When they are in a fight, they are likely to have more than 3-5 boons on them. It’s that fight that matters: because it’ll significantly reduce the chance of removing Stability when you need to.

Warriors are guards are the only ones who are boon based, and guards are easy to deal with and warriors too easy to dodge, ill run circles around you and just wait for it to fall off.

Who says they won’t do the same to you? At least give credit to your opponents.

It’s just a counter to stability. Im not relying on it to save my life. Mainly i just let the stability fall off when i utilize my blocks or temporarily kite around a pillar or some other obstruction. After 6 or 8 seconds, depending on their boon duration bonus im good to go again.

Just saying there’s ways to counter stability, shouldn’t just condemn a build because one thinks there is no other way around it

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049


This is a team game, play this build with a friend running a Necromancer with boon removal…GG bunker builds. I’m betting the people hating on this build haven’t even tried it out. I tried it. It’s not bad. It also takes A LOT of skill to use as well as coordination with your teammates. It’s also the most fun build I’ve ever used. And isn’t that the real reason why we play? Don’t expect to just “try this build out for a little and be good with it.” You’ve really got to work with it. Give it time. Learn the abilities. Learn when to and when to not use them. Learn the appropriate moment to begin chaining CCs so a target is helpless for a 8-10 second duration…if they don’t die first. Learn how to work with your teammates to shut down bunkers who rely on their boons instead of their skill. I can see this build becoming very viable in tPvP in the future. Probably not right now simply because people aren’t really synergizing their builds cross-profession with their teammates to maximize effectiveness and come up with ridiculously powerful combos. People are just finding builds that are generally effective in any tPvP environment with any team and using them. Synergizing builds cross-profession with teammates is what will happen in the future. It will take time for the playerbase to reach that skill level though. Same thing happened in GW1. It just takes a little while.

Myrmidon Elite [ME] – Arkham [Ark] – Maguuma
PvP/WvW videos –

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604



You’re saying if you team up with someone else you can beat someone 2v1 with this build?

That’s pretty great advice man. I’ll remember that when I play next time.

You know what would be better to team up with a necro running boon removal spec? A Hb warrior!, you’d kill the bunker in 1/4 of the time. Or even better a thief, or an offense guardian, or any class which can dps.

I amazingly saw a few warriors running this in spvp (i assumed it was similar as they were hammer/mace/shield) last night and you know what?, after the first knockdown, my stability kicked in and i absolutely wrecked them. We were in a 4v3 fight, they had 2 hammer warriors, 1 thief and 1 guardian (hammer as well), we were me (warrior) and ele + thief, and again, we won. Stability kills those builds

Apply one snare and leave the guy alone and focus on a bigger threat, he has 0 closers and 0 get out of jail cards. It isn’t a skillful spec, it’s a spec which relies on your opponent being bad to do well with.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


100b Warriors aren’t exactly difficult to beat 1v1 if you can avoid the combo.

Good 100b Warriors don’t let you avoid the combo.

That’s the thing about Warriors. It’s not so much how good they are, but how bad their opponents are.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GabrielD.9582


You mean the true boring warrior?

I see topics now and then of people asking for a change in warrior because they are almost a auto attack class. Dont get me wrong, i really love my warrior, its my only class and i really dont want another. But like you said yourself,l ongcooldown just kills it for me. So yeah i love warriors, and yeah i use 5 signet build, not because i am lazy but because i dont want to cast some crap that lasts 4 seconds and have 60 cooldown.

Ps : on one topic a guy even explaned something about warriors in beta and now,and what led to this ‘’boring skills’’ so they might change something.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049



You’re saying if you team up with someone else you can beat someone 2v1 with this build?

That’s pretty great advice man. I’ll remember that when I play next time.

You know what would be better to team up with a necro running boon removal spec? A Hb warrior!, you’d kill the bunker in 1/4 of the time. Or even better a thief, or an offense guardian, or any class which can dps.

I amazingly saw a few warriors running this in spvp (i assumed it was similar as they were hammer/mace/shield) last night and you know what?, after the first knockdown, my stability kicked in and i absolutely wrecked them. We were in a 4v3 fight, they had 2 hammer warriors, 1 thief and 1 guardian (hammer as well), we were me (warrior) and ele + thief, and again, we won. Stability kills those builds

Apply one snare and leave the guy alone and focus on a bigger threat, he has 0 closers and 0 get out of jail cards. It isn’t a skillful spec, it’s a spec which relies on your opponent being bad to do well with.

The 100B spike will only kill that fast once every 60 seconds. Get real man. What teamfight do you know of where your team doesn’t focus down one target at a time? I’m not talking about 2v1s, I’m talking about teamfights and how ridiculously effective this combo can be in them when synergized with other teammates builds. 100b is capable of more burst damage but this build is capable of more sustained damage and more control. BTW, this build actually does really good damage too. You don’t have to 100B to kill people fast.

As for your comment about beating the Warriors running this build, this build is extremely difficult to use. The amount of skill required to play it properly is very high. That said, it may have more potential than run-of-the-mill builds. Simply beating someone who uses this build doesn’t mean the build is bad…more than likely it means the player is bad. I kill 100b Warriors every time they try to fight me…does that mean the 100b build is bad? No. I don’t expect ANYONE to be at a high enough skill level to use this build to its potential yet. The game has simply not been out long enough yet. (and i doubt anyone running this build has been running it for very long at all) Yes stability can kill this build. Which is why when using this build you have to play smart and skillfully. See your enemy use stability? Better kite em around, LoS, dodge, or block until it goes down. Then guess what? Chain CCs perfectly so that the enemy literally can not hit you. When you get good enough, you can. You said you simply snare them and leave them alone? LOL Now I know you were playing against bad players. A good player will avoid the snare (especially one like bladtrail which is telegraphed big time) 0 gap closers? Shield bash + Bulls Charge + Earth Shaker….not sure what build you were looking at.
Team Builds are the way of the future. 5 professions all rolling buillds that specifically complement eachother to maximize effectiveness. These builds will not be viable individually. They will be entirely reliant on your teammates’ builds and effectiveness to work. But when they come together, how powerful they will be will be amazing. The community hasn’t reached that stage yet. Everyone is still focused on coming up with individual builds that will work with any team composition. I’m not saying this will be the BEST build out there when people get to that stage or anything of the sort. I’m saying it’s an example of one of the possible options out of hundreds that will develop in the future. And even then I only mentioned what synchronizing with one other person will do. Imagine synchronizing with 4 other people. Once again I say, the EXACT same thing happened in GW1.

Myrmidon Elite [ME] – Arkham [Ark] – Maguuma
PvP/WvW videos –

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Physical Utility spam is pretty solid. Tried it out last night. Has some obvious weaknesses (Aegis, block, blind, stability), but you work around those and it’s pretty fun.

Helps to have team boon shredding. In the build I tried I didn’t have much (any) precision, so the Sigil was unusable.

I looked at a similar build briefly a long, long time ago, but never actually messed with it. Good to see it getting some playtime.

The build I ran with last night was basically: 30/0/30/0/10, with Hammer and GS. I used GS since I was lazy and didn’t want to think too hard about a weapon swap. That said, I think it works pretty well for various reasons. Couple observations:

1. I used the kitteny elite that transforms, and it’s pretty fun to chain CC off of Hammer cooldowns. I just have to remember to turn it off after I cycle through the abilities, because my Hammer CC will probably be available again. That elite still needs a shorter cooldown, but ohwell what can you do?

2. The inclusion of Kick on a short cooldown means that the enemy is eating a lot more knockbacks than the traditional Hammer build which only has the Hammer4 kb. I like to use GS as a filler here (when Hammer burst is not available) to Bladetrail and WW. HB is also very useful to use as bait for enemy CC, or to force them off of certain positions. The extra mobility off of GS5 is also helpful. That said, Sword/x may be more effective strictly speaking.

3. 30 in the toughness line was fun, and I suck so the Endure Pain proc was helpful, and I continuously ran into the enemy team forever, so again it was useful. However, I think that 20 in the toughness and 20 in arms for the break-kittening-Immobilize-kittening-kitten trait would be a good alternative. Immobilizes gave me the most problems overall. That and chill. May need to consider the trait in the power line for ‘slow’ condition removal on heal.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Oh Argis, once I reach that incredibly high skill level then I too will see how a build which is completely negated by stability, a buff which seems to be present on basically every class, is superior.

I too will play tpvp, and instead of defending points everyone will run around as a 5 with complimenting skills to take points from the one guy defending.

How did I not see those gap closers! Shield charge, in case you don’t want to take 2 steps forward, or earth shaker! (because I always have full adrenal bars when i start a fight), bullsrush I give you, but I love that, because it doesnt work on stability.

I too want to play a build where I have to blow every utility to kill someone, and the utility timers are 60 seconds.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049


Oh Argis, once I reach that incredibly high skill level then I too will see how a build which is completely negated by stability, a buff which seems to be present on basically every class, is superior.

I too will play tpvp, and instead of defending points everyone will run around as a 5 with complimenting skills to take points from the one guy defending.

How did I not see those gap closers! Shield charge, in case you don’t want to take 2 steps forward, or earth shaker! (because I always have full adrenal bars when i start a fight), bullsrush I give you, but I love that, because it doesnt work on stability.

I too want to play a build where I have to blow every utility to kill someone, and the utility timers are 60 seconds.

Oh, you already think you’ve reached the max skill level. I don’t even know why I even bother arguing with you any more. Why bother to learn when you can just call everything you don’t use bad even when others are having success? Once again it seems you completely ignored what I actually said and just restated yourself by saying the build gets kittened by stability. I never said everyone run around as 5 zerging. If you don’t understand build synergizing across a team so that wherever you are, you are accompanied by at least 1 teammate who will be able to create devastating combos with, then I can’t really help you. I also love how you seem to think that stability has 100% uptime even after boon removal….Shield bash is a relatively short gap closer, but its still a gap closer. Who on earth would want to open a fight with Earth Shaker anyway? (not to mention you don’t need FULL adrenaline to use it. A good Warrior knows there are advantages in certain situations to using burst skills before they are fully charged) Oh by the way, your beloved 100B build only has 3 gap closers as well, although using Rush as a gap closer is idiotic. Some 100B Warriors may have 4 (hammer or shield secondary) but the shield is almost only pulled out to escape (notice i say ALMOST) and 100B Warriors with hammer usually drop bulls charge because they are using earth shaker to take advantage of the unsuspecting foe trait. And Rush is pretty much only used to escape. So yeah…3 gap closers. And what are you even talking about at the end? The utility timers on this build are 16s kick, 32s bulls charge, and 48s stomp. By the way, saying this build is completely useless because everybody has 100% uptime on stability is one of the most contradictory things I’ve ever seen anyone say. If everyone had 100% uptime on stability, 100B Warrior would be useless too, so obviously that’s not true. Both builds rely on a lack of stability to be effective. You know what advantages this brings over 100B? #1. If 100B misses you are forced to either run away or attack them with your other abilities which at that point you are just playing a damage over time glass cannon…which can be done with many other builds. With this build, they may dodge or block a couple of your stuns…but how long can they keep it up? You have so many to use which are on relatively low cooldowns…and if you’re good, you will learn how to chain these abilities so that your enemies are literally helpless…All while dealing some pretty huge damage. The damage from hammer and the utilities is nothing to be laughed at. People die…quickly. #2. There is no “downtime” in between being able to effectively engage one enemy to another with this build. You are never waiting on cooldowns to come back up before you feel confident to engage. All in all your argument that this build is bad because enemies have stability is irrelevant because 100B relies on the exact same thing. All the things you’ve mentioned that will kill this build will also kill the 100B build. I don’t see how you can possibly defend that build while condemning this one.

Myrmidon Elite [ME] – Arkham [Ark] – Maguuma
PvP/WvW videos –

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Not purely physicals but I’m gonna play around with it for a while. The stats are a bit off because I generally PvE and WvW but that’s about the gist of it. It’ll be crap for bosses but in events with loads of enemies I should be able to fling stuff all over the place, and in WvW I can sacrifice something for the falling dmg = throw trait and leap off walls into zergs stalled against the gate. Should be amusing.

I call it… ‘The Dispersifier’ >8|

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


Tested this, thought it was good.

I see many people claiming that ‘everybody’ has 100% stability uptime.

False, and even those that can spam the boon usually have a greater downtime than uptime.

Does stability hit this build hard? Yes it does. Can it outlast the stability or strip it with luck? Yes it can. Does the 100b glass spec have the capability to outlast stability? Only if premeditated, blowing your closer to bait stability and then kite until it’s down. You just have to deal with the long cooldown of your setup skill. This is remedied by going greatsword/hammer, but you lose out on your block (the one that covers your glassy behind) and a major part of your burst potential.

It’s not a bad build, but it doesn’t really have a place in the current meta yet (like most control builds: it’s either bunker, portal lackey or burst at the moment.)