Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


I mean I got on to try warrior again tonight cause it’s been a while and warrior WAS seriously my fav class.

But idk why I torture myself like that….

I mean playing this broken as kitten class is so ungodly frustrating that after maybe one or two tourneys (one match in hotjoins dealing with the massive about of morons on both my own team and the other team would be enough as well) I give up again and go to one of my other classes.

And I’m LITERALLY worse at them….. idk if it’s just my muscle memory from the warrior kicking in when it shouldn’t or if I’m just so frustrated from the warrior play that I can’t properly play any other class…..

If I START as another class I can steam roll hotjoiners like it’s my job and perform my role in tourneys like I should (don’t always win but hey, as long as I did my job the best I could then all I can do is admit the other team was better, I don’t necessarily find losing in general to be frustrating), but only if I haven’t recently played warrior.

Guess I’m making this thread to make a plea to Anet to PLEASE FIX THIS FREAKING CLASS! There have been THOUSANDS (maybe not that high…) of reasonable suggestions just on these forums on ways to make the warriors viable again without making them “unstoppable forces” as you all seem to freaking worried about! But hey don’t bother nerfing eles cause they aren;t unstoppable at all!…..

I guess I’m also making this thread to vent…. yeah I’m definitely venting… again….

I should really just quit GW2 in general if I can’t seem to stop myself going back to warrior for whatever reason…. :/

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Playing Hot Joins and Stun Locking a Thief usually makes me pretty happy. I have honestly thought about switching classes many times now, but I am going to wait out this long winter in hopes that some day we will see the sun.

The only suggestion I have is to not join the 16 size Hot Joins. The Warrior gets worse the more people he faces. Also, the number one rule of Hot Joins: Your team will more than likely not help you. So never get in a place as a Warrior that will require your team mate to actually defend and help you, because that is not going to happen 9/10.

To prove the point, something that happened to me not but 10 minutes ago. Elementalist went down to a Guardian and Thief, I jump in and rez the Elementalist popping my Balanced Stance + Endure Pain to survive and get the rez. Low and behold the Elementalist Rode the Lighting Out as soon as he was up :/. Left me in the dust with my strongest utilities on cool down.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


Lol yeah I completely agree.

That’s why I usually don;t like playing my bunker guardian in hotjoins simply cause everyone will focus you like mad cause they almost always tunnel vision on the big heavy armored charr shining in the middle of the fight and in any decently sized fight instead of standing in my symbols to heal themselves and me or even get into my bubbles they’ll ALL bail out of the fight to live and go try to cap another node.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been left alone to fight a full team of 5-8 people for a couple minutes or more just to come away with zero points while my team runs around with their heads chopped off looking for more cap points :P

Ofc I get lots of praise and rage alike in hotjoins…. “THATS a bunker build!” all the way to “GUARDS ARE OP kittenING CHEATERS!” lol

But yeah anyway as I said in the OP it’s usually after a few tourneys cause I won’t bring my warrior into hotjoins for those reasons. So I get ya.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Grounder.7381


from what i gather at these forums,..
other class views warrior as “easiest to defeat”, “a noob that’s beating warrior at wvw shouldn’t get to full of themself”, “afraid we will be nerfed so we will got no other option like the warrior”, “easiest class to play” , “never been defeated by a warrior in wvw”, “boring profession that press 2222 all day” etc2..
I myself views warrior as a farmers (cof p1) and chearleaders (offensive boon support).
well… we have 2 evolved form of warrior ready btw..
1. guardians. by trading large health and offense we get, toons of boons, dmg mitigation, heals.
2. thief. by trading health and armor we get, mobility , stealth, shadow steps.
soo.. rolling another class that’s on the other side of the plains are a kinda legid thing to do..
sorry if i said anything wrong .. =)

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


Although in hot joins warriors are fine.. they just take a little bit more skill then other classes. It’s only in high level organized play that the real lack of warriors are starting to show.


Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Actually warriors are one of the strongest classes on WvW if (and that’s important) you play in an organized group.

Melee-trains couldn’t perform the way they are doing currently without their warriors tanking and throwing CCs everywhere.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: HARRELSONNN.4872


I steamroll people with my warrior pve AND pvp. It might just be the fact you play multiple classes or have little interest in the class.

Self honesty leads to wisdom.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


^^ if you streamroll on warrior, you will reign supreme on a better class

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I’m guessing your warriors was a DPS/glass cannon. Focusing on bursting people down.

Warrior is not that class anymore. Hate to be the one to tell you that!

Just another noob thief…

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


The worst spvp class killing the second worst spvp class (thief). lol

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Warriors are far from good in WvW. The only reason why people think they are doing something is due to everyone having almost 0 impact on the zerg of 100+. You can not gauge a professions strength in a group of 100+ when your skills are limited to affecting 5. Thief is not the second worst by any means in Hot Joins (maybe in tPvP). Thief is one of the better classes for Hot Joins considering they can go invisible and run the course of the entire map and spike a person without a stun breaker from 100% to down in less than 2 seconds without haste.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


Strange, I feel the exact opposite. Running a Warrior full-time has made it so playing my alts is like a vacation!

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Warriors are far from good in WvW. The only reason why people think they are doing something is due to everyone having almost 0 impact on the zerg of 100+. You can not gauge a professions strength in a group of 100+ when your skills are limited to affecting 5. Thief is not the second worst by any means in Hot Joins (maybe in tPvP). Thief is one of the better classes for Hot Joins considering they can go invisible and run the course of the entire map and spike a person without a stun breaker from 100% to down in less than 2 seconds without haste.

Warriors are good in WvWvW. You probably think they suck because you’re comparing them to an overpowered D/D elementalist or a favored ranger.

Also, the Zerg, as much as anyone hates it, is a viable strategy and relies heavily on the Warrior. The sheer amount of Knockdowns and the high base stats of the Warrior are key to a Zerg.

Furthermore, a well-played Warrior in WvWvW can play a great role in both roaming and group play.

Now, if you were to argue that the Warrior was limited in his selection of viable builds… I would agree.

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


I steamroll people with my warrior pve AND pvp. It might just be the fact you play multiple classes or have little interest in the class.

Then you don’t competitively play pvp….. or you think wvw is the same as pvp……

I’m guessing your warriors was a DPS/glass cannon. Focusing on bursting people down.

Warrior is not that class anymore. Hate to be the one to tell you that!

That was my warrior role in my tourney team, yes, cause at high lvls of play it is the ONLY thing a warrior was to effectively do better or as good as any other class. Playing ANY other kind of warrior was gimping your tourney team.

So yeah I know warriors aren’t that class anymore and that’s part of the issue, cause THAT WAS THE ONLY CLASS THEY COULD BE. Without that now warriors are literally completely useless to a team.

I play hammer in hotjoins still cause there’s less blinds and AoE stuns rock the crap out of hotjoiners, but again hotjoins mean nothing.

(edited by Vicarious.3047)

Playing a warrior makes me worse at GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


I steamroll people with my warrior pve AND pvp. It might just be the fact you play multiple classes or have little interest in the class.

Then you don’t competitively play pvp….. or you think wvw is the same as pvp……

I’m guessing your warriors was a DPS/glass cannon. Focusing on bursting people down.

Warrior is not that class anymore. Hate to be the one to tell you that!

That was my warrior role in my tourney team, yes, cause at high lvls of play it is the ONLY thing a warrior was to effectively do better or as good as any other class. Playing ANY other kind of warrior was gimping your tourney team.

So yeah I know warriors aren’t that class anymore and that’s part of the issue, cause THAT WAS THE ONLY CLASS THEY COULD BE. Without that now warriors are literally completely useless to a team.

I play hammer in hotjoins still cause there’s less blinds and AoE stuns rock the crap out of hotjoiners, but again hotjoins mean nothing.

amen to this

The Black Tides
Èl Cid