Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Can we please have it remove chill? Otherwise whats the point of having it if some movement impairment effects won’t be removed by it.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


it also just doesnt work well in general. I mean when you get snared in the middle of a movement ability it doesnt proc and when you use bulls it doesnt proc either. just rly buggy and overall russian roulette when you get snared

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Mobile strike work perfectly fine for me when I get immobalize. o_o

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Harkan.9017


Mobile strike work perfectly fine for me when I get immobalize. o_o

Yes it works fine when you’re immobilized before using a movement skill. However, the problem he’s referring to is when the Warrior gets immobilized DURING a movement skill. It will not break immobilize.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: DarthMohax.2593


And it doesnt work with Bulls Strike… and sometimes it doesnt work with whirlwind attack too, when you get immobilised just before you get your evasiuon status but animation already started… all in all, it was working a little better before last patch, more reliable.

Darth Mohax, Charr Warrior in Underworld

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I was just referring to it not removing chill. It removes immobilize and snare but not chill. Kinda defeats the purpose of the skill.

And yes..snare/immobilize during it is not cleansed.

Having it frees us from being forced to take dogged march. Even with dogged narch we still need melandru etc just to be able to close gaps while the other classes in the game don’t need that at all.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Warhorn. Bad. Use. Greatsword.


Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


You fail to see the point. The trait doesnt work half the time. its buggy and bad. I have mashed buttons like a kittening kitten 10 year old hoping that it will proc and yet im standing in place taking the full force on like 3 different AOES

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Mobile strike does not make you immune. It just removes on skill use. immune would imply you couldn’t be immobilized. Warhorn is no offensive (Weakness I guess) and passive defense (movement impair clean and vigor generation).
Shield is offensive and active defense (blocking).

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Mobile strike does not make you immune. It just removes on skill use. immune would imply you couldn’t be immobilized. Warhorn is no offensive (Weakness I guess) and passive defense (movement impair clean and vigor generation).
Shield is offensive and active defense (blocking).

I just finished explaining it doesnt proc and you repeat what countless other users have input. please leave.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Do you use warhorn in spvp? I’d love to see you destroyed even faster than a regular warrior. Judging from your posts you seem to be playing a thief..mesmer too? Hmm guess warrior isn’t fotm.

Yes, mobile strike does not give you passive immunity to movement impairment effects. Read my post please.

1.It should remove chill as well because it is a movement impairment effect.
2.WHILE using movements utilizing mobile strikes, you should be immune to said movement impairment effects. Not asking for a passive immunity..

We play the warrior class and that is why we want it fixed.

(edited by XII.9401)

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I wouldn’t mind seeing it function better in WvW as well. At the moment I’m already a bit hard to keep conditions on, but our movement skills are crap when it comes to being cripples or chilled, which is just silly given that other classes don’t seem to suffer this. Why does Ride the Lightning get to just ignore this sort of thing (ignoring its most recent nerf), but our already “meh” skill of Rush doesn’t?

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Do you use warhorn in spvp? I’d love to see you destroyed even faster than a regular warrior. Judging from your posts you seem to be playing a thief..mesmer too? Hmm guess warrior isn’t fotm.

Yes, mobile strike does not give you passive immunity to movement impairment effects. Read my post please.

1.It should remove chill as well because it is a movement impairment effect.
2.WHILE using movements utilizing mobile strikes, you should be immune to said movement impairment effects. Not asking for a passive immunity..

We play the warrior class and that is why we want it fixed.

Looks like someone just learned how to use the forum’s code!

Achievement Unlocked: Make a full post in bold.


… Anyway…

Yes, I play Thief. And Mesmer. And Warrior. And Ranger… And… I have one of every class. I play them all.

No, I don’t use warhorn in PvP, or in WvW. Then again my problem with Warrior isn’t “OMG I GET CHILLED OR CRIPPLED”. If it was, I probably would, since it’s a Warrior’s best source of condition removal. It’s more along the lines of “we don’t have sufficient sustain/defense, even when accounting for our damage”. In PvP my warrior is currently geared as a condition build with dual swords and longbow, which has had moderate success (mostly due to the abundance of terrible players…).

Additionally your post said nothing about being a PvP specific post. In WvW warhorn is even more valuable given the larger maps.

And yes, I know you didn’t directly ask for actual immunity to those conditions… Much like Mobile Strikes currently doesn’t literally grant you immunity to immobilize… But it does. Because if you’re taking that trait you’re taking at least 3 skills that work with it, and there aren’t exactly a lot of classes or builds with more than 3 immobilizes readily available and practical to land… No, Mobile Strikes is fine as is. It’s already one of the best skills, and you have plenty of ways to remove chill and cripple. Those aren’t the problem.

Warrior has a few issues that need to be fixed right now. Movement impairing isn’t necessarily one of them.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Do you use warhorn in spvp? I’d love to see you destroyed even faster than a regular warrior. Judging from your posts you seem to be playing a thief..mesmer too? Hmm guess warrior isn’t fotm.

Yes, mobile strike does not give you passive immunity to movement impairment effects. Read my post please.

1.It should remove chill as well because it is a movement impairment effect.
2.WHILE using movements utilizing mobile strikes, you should be immune to said movement impairment effects. Not asking for a passive immunity..

We play the warrior class and that is why we want it fixed.

Looks like someone just learned how to use the forum’s code!

Achievement Unlocked: Make a full post in bold.


… Anyway…

Yes, I play Thief. And Mesmer. And Warrior. And Ranger… And… I have one of every class. I play them all.

No, I don’t use warhorn in PvP, or in WvW. Then again my problem with Warrior isn’t “OMG I GET CHILLED OR CRIPPLED”. If it was, I probably would, since it’s a Warrior’s best source of condition removal. It’s more along the lines of “we don’t have sufficient sustain/defense, even when accounting for our damage”. In PvP my warrior is currently geared as a condition build with dual swords and longbow, which has had moderate success (mostly due to the abundance of terrible players…).

Additionally your post said nothing about being a PvP specific post. In WvW warhorn is even more valuable given the larger maps.

And yes, I know you didn’t directly ask for actual immunity to those conditions… Much like Mobile Strikes currently doesn’t literally grant you immunity to immobilize… But it does. Because if you’re taking that trait you’re taking at least 3 skills that work with it, and there aren’t exactly a lot of classes or builds with more than 3 immobilizes readily available and practical to land… No, Mobile Strikes is fine as is. It’s already one of the best skills, and you have plenty of ways to remove chill and cripple. Those aren’t the problem.

Warrior has a few issues that need to be fixed right now. Movement impairing isn’t necessarily one of them.

Looks like I touched a nerve when I pointed out you play a fotm class or Two. It’s ok..I would need a class to carry me, too, if I ran a sword/sword warrior. The fotm player mentality shows, too. Almost stereotypical

Just a point about mobile strikes..not many classes throw immobilize..but some spam if you use those’many ways’ to remove chill and cripple they are on cool downs and are not worth losing valuable slots. Dogged march is crap and you sacrifice important traits in that line. Your better off using melandru+food in WvW.
In spvp you will sacrifice a lot just to close a gap and then have the target stealth or teleport away.

You are obviously an experienced warrior player since you run sword/sword in WvW. But just a pointer for warhorn being valuable in wvw because of the ‘big maps’..keep it in your bag slots 1 and 2 along with sword..slot them in to travel, slot out of them to fight. Don’t tell me you don’t use that in spvp as well?

I don’t blame you since you are playing a thief/mesmer most of the time but please don’t keep attacking posters who are trying to fix the class and not take a crap on it in-between their hot join matches with their thieves/mesmers.

Great talk!.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

I dont believe that Mobile Strikes should remove chill. I believe it should give imunity to immo while the movement skill is on. Its no sense to use a movement skill, lose the immo and right after you are immo again.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I dont believe that Mobile Strikes should remove chill. I believe it should give imunity to immo while the movement skill is on. Its no sense to use a movement skill, lose the immo and right after you are immo again.

Why do you not think it should remove chill? Your not having problems being kited around in tpvp?

I have no idea why people playing the warrior class are against the obvious buffs and fixes. Just stick your head in the ground till you just realize how weak you are against every other class if well played and then leave the game or play fotm like whats his name above.

I bet you if I post a similar post about a thief or mesmer ability to be buffed in their forums you wouldn’t have someone say oh no..were fine.. and they are some of the most op classes.

Mind boggling =/

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: McFribble.2349


I have to agree. I don’t have the most experience with my Warrior (only started him a few days ago, but with hours of PvP since), and being rooted/kited is no doubt one of the bigger (many) issues with the class.

Coming from a Thief to a Warrior has been quite the jump to say the least. While the Thief is right where it needs to be, the Warrior is in a huge need for some kind of rework to get him on par with just about every other class in PvP.

People say it “balances” by having Warriors some of the best PvE classes in the game, but PvE is already kitten -easy, so that really isn’t a huge claim to fame.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Strong in one game mode is zero excuse to be poor in another. That’s not balance. That’s the moronic propaganda that players of other classes use to try and justify warriors not being fairly balanced against them in competitive play.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Do you use warhorn in spvp? I’d love to see you destroyed even faster than a regular warrior. Judging from your posts you seem to be playing a thief..mesmer too? Hmm guess warrior isn’t fotm.

Yes, mobile strike does not give you passive immunity to movement impairment effects. Read my post please.

1.It should remove chill as well because it is a movement impairment effect.
2.WHILE using movements utilizing mobile strikes, you should be immune to said movement impairment effects. Not asking for a passive immunity..

We play the warrior class and that is why we want it fixed.

I disagree with the remove chill aspect. Should it remove cripple too because that’s also pretty kitten strong man. I feel they need to fix it when you get imobed. The immunity on a movement skill can be okay if you make our movement skills also evade, like bulls charge, and savage leap.

On a side note, have you ever got imobilized at the peak of your savage leap? When you’re literally a person high in the air? It bugs out so hard that it could shatter attoms. You get this weird bug on your fee that lets you use literally no skills, no stun breaks, no blocks, it juggles you on the ground and in the air like you’re jumping a million times lol. you can’t even attack. This happens with entangling roots a lot. It’s pretty sad. You’ll hear a sound that reminiscent of a jet engine as you touch the ground ten thousand times.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Mobile strike does not make you immune. It just removes on skill use. immune would imply you couldn’t be immobilized. Warhorn is no offensive (Weakness I guess) and passive defense (movement impair clean and vigor generation).
Shield is offensive and active defense (blocking).

I just finished explaining it doesnt proc and you repeat what countless other users have input. please leave.

If you read, there is no similarity in our posts. But thanks for the insults. People like you must be balancing this game; don’t read anything that is written.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Night Sentry.3902

Night Sentry.3902

/signed. Fix warriors skill bugs k thx.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Sigh… Some people…

No, you can’t have it remove chill or cripple (we both know you’d go there after) as well. No, you don’t get to be immune to all movement impairing conditions. Mobile Strikes is one of the best skills as is. It lets you be immune to arguably the strongest movement impairing condition – immobilize. If you want to deal with chilled better, then that’s what your warhorn is for. Use it.

Do you use warhorn in spvp? I’d love to see you destroyed even faster than a regular warrior. Judging from your posts you seem to be playing a thief..mesmer too? Hmm guess warrior isn’t fotm.

Yes, mobile strike does not give you passive immunity to movement impairment effects. Read my post please.

1.It should remove chill as well because it is a movement impairment effect.
2.WHILE using movements utilizing mobile strikes, you should be immune to said movement impairment effects. Not asking for a passive immunity..

We play the warrior class and that is why we want it fixed.

I disagree with the remove chill aspect. Should it remove cripple too because that’s also pretty kitten strong man. I feel they need to fix it when you get imobed. The immunity on a movement skill can be okay if you make our movement skills also evade, like bulls charge, and savage leap.

On a side note, have you ever got imobilized at the peak of your savage leap? When you’re literally a person high in the air? It bugs out so hard that it could shatter attoms. You get this weird bug on your fee that lets you use literally no skills, no stun breaks, no blocks, it juggles you on the ground and in the air like you’re jumping a million times lol. you can’t even attack. This happens with entangling roots a lot. It’s pretty sad. You’ll hear a sound that reminiscent of a jet engine as you touch the ground ten thousand times.

It should remove chill. Anet agrees in a way because dogged march affects chill. If they thought chill shouldn’t be affected by mobile strike like abilities then why did they include it in dogged march?

No it is not op to include it. If you were right about chill not having to be included in mobile strikes then why did Anet say they will give warriors more mobility?

Can you teleport away and remove stun/chill/immobilize/cripple? No. Other classes can so why can’t we have it? You might not realize how important it is to combat chill with mobile strikes because you wvw mostly but in spvp where there is 40% reduction food and necros/rangers spamming chill you will have a hard time. Do you think mesmers and thieves said teleport/shadow step is too op when it breaks stun, removes chill/immob/cripple? Even if it does not remove the chill/immob/crip it still teleports them a long distance so by the time you reach them immobilize is gone or almost gone thus serving the purpose of combating any kind of snare/stun. It is better than stability and is a weapon skill!

Our problem is we think basic fixes are OP while thieves/mesmers troll the forums trying to prevent balances to their broken/OP mechanics.

We sacrifice a utility skill or a traited one to get stability and another for dogged march or mobile strike so that is two slots/traits. They have it on their weapon skill with zero cooldown sometimes. The mesmer blink is on 30s cooldown while our stability is 40 sec. The thief sword skill has zero cooldown. With all due respect but I fail to see how adding chill to mobile strikes is OP.

I truly believe it is an oversight that the devs were not aware of or did not get a chance to fix.

Mobile strikes should be like dogged march in the snares it affects. This opens up the class so people can choose the skill that matches their weapon style.

And yes I saw your video about roots and yea it always happens to me. Also any kinda immobilize/cripple will hit you DURING your movement ability with mobile strikes on. It is just pure silliness that that happens.

(edited by XII.9401)

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Would it be considered OP if the idea behind Mobile Strikes just got rolled into the profession as a whole, so that all Movement skills break immobilize without the need for a trait? After all, it’s not like you can constantly use Movement skills; there ARE cooldowns.
Warriors ARE supposed to be the frontline melee class after all, and this would really help that.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Please Fix Mobile Strikes.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Would it be considered OP if the idea behind Mobile Strikes just got rolled into the profession as a whole, so that all Movement skills break immobilize without the need for a trait? After all, it’s not like you can constantly use Movement skills; there ARE cooldowns.
Warriors ARE supposed to be the frontline melee class after all, and this would really help that.

No it wouldn’t. The more recent mmorpg warrior classes have instant gap closers via leaps -and other classes in those game don’t stealth/teleport hack or kite as much-.

We are the only class in the game that has to chase our target around while being DPSed:
-Thieves have zero problem with repeated stealth, teleport hacks a
-Guardians in spvp don’t give a kitten because they are supposed to bunker and force the target to run away -plus they have an instant teleport to their target as well as the OP circle of warding!- .
-Hell..even ranger’s leap has a 1100 range!!
-Guardians can teleport to their targets instantly with a 1200 range!
-Mesmers are a ranged class and they have far superior mobility than us.
The other classes are the same.

Notice that all the above classes don’t need that much mobility at all.

-All our leaps are 600 range. The GS 5 is 1200 but it is so slow and buggy and you can be CCed/immobilized/crippled/chill during it (mobile strikes is buggy so this happens) and it makes you miss your target 30% of the time.

Da kitten, Anet..

(edited by XII.9401)