Please fix blind thread #3086

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Daily blind complaint posted. continuing to do so until you decide to unnerf a melee anything.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Even those NPC scouts in WvW are extremely obnoxious now. What the hell were they thinking with blind?

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I can’t even solo a tower anymore without those kitten ed scouts ruining my day.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


just got owned by blinds, i lasted 2 secs lol.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

It’s just like the players that can solo a dungeon run. Any class can do it, but you have to be a VERY good player and you REALLY have to know the mechanics of the fights you’re partaking in. If you watch the video of the thief soloing the lord you’ll notice a couple of things. 1) he isn’t running one of the “OP” builds that has everybody upset. 2) He has to disengage a couple of times and he knows when he needs to dodge. 3) the tower has no one in it and its not upgraded. He is definitely a good player and someone who has spent the time to learn the mechanics of the tower lords. He also timed his attack when there were no other players to come and kill him. It seems like this scenario is very situational and i would even say that the same player could solo the lord under the same circumstances with any other class he is very comfortable with.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


Daily blind complaint posted. continuing to do so until you decide to unnerf a melee anything.

The only difference i can see to blind is: you have to actually be in range of your weapon for it to clear it, which is how i imagine blinds were intended to work all along. Swiping on air and clearing a blind doesn’t seem fair to me, but my wvw build is also built around blinds so i could be completely biased here. After some testing in my guild’s custom arena we realized that you can clear blinds by striking most solid objects, whether they have a health pool or not. We tried it on the stairs and walls around the mid point on Foefire and found the blinds were removed. Just something that might help you against players like me!

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

Actually that has little to do with blinds and can be done with any condition speced thief (pre patch it was the same). Mind you condi spec for thief doesn’t do nearly the damage it does for engineer, necros, or even guardian due variety and burning. Its a tanky spec for thief so there are quite a few trade offs including mobility and burst.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

It’s just like the players that can solo a dungeon run. Any class can do it, but you have to be a VERY good player and you REALLY have to know the mechanics of the fights you’re partaking in. If you watch the video of the thief soloing the lord you’ll notice a couple of things. 1) he isn’t running one of the “OP” builds that has everybody upset. 2) He has to disengage a couple of times and he knows when he needs to dodge. 3) the tower has no one in it and its not upgraded. He is definitely a good player and someone who has spent the time to learn the mechanics of the tower lords. He also timed his attack when there were no other players to come and kill him. It seems like this scenario is very situational and i would even say that the same player could solo the lord under the same circumstances with any other class he is very comfortable with.

thanks really didnt know that, ill say again thiefs need removing from game asap, nob class no skill fact, o no.

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.

It’s just like the players that can solo a dungeon run. Any class can do it, but you have to be a VERY good player and you REALLY have to know the mechanics of the fights you’re partaking in. If you watch the video of the thief soloing the lord you’ll notice a couple of things. 1) he isn’t running one of the “OP” builds that has everybody upset. 2) He has to disengage a couple of times and he knows when he needs to dodge. 3) the tower has no one in it and its not upgraded. He is definitely a good player and someone who has spent the time to learn the mechanics of the tower lords. He also timed his attack when there were no other players to come and kill him. It seems like this scenario is very situational and i would even say that the same player could solo the lord under the same circumstances with any other class he is very comfortable with.

I disagree. That kitten would never happen in a decent tier server. The thief, though I haven’s seen him in particular, I’ve seen my friend, and all you need to do is keep a dagger pistol and perma blind them. It does decent damage and can bleed out almost anything. That is except 3 people… right

Please fix blind thread #3086

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Daily blind complaint posted. continuing to do so until you decide to unnerf a melee anything.

The only difference i can see to blind is: you have to actually be in range of your weapon for it to clear it, which is how i imagine blinds were intended to work all along. Swiping on air and clearing a blind doesn’t seem fair to me, but my wvw build is also built around blinds so i could be completely biased here. After some testing in my guild’s custom arena we realized that you can clear blinds by striking most solid objects, whether they have a health pool or not. We tried it on the stairs and walls around the mid point on Foefire and found the blinds were removed. Just something that might help you against players like me!

Are you a warrior yourself? Doesn’t sound like it to me if you’re encouraging it. Blind was strong already, it was one of the best interrupts. You could blind an earthshaker mid air before it hit you, you could blind a bull’s charge before it hit you, and you could blind a backbreaker or shield bash before it hit you. Now you don’t even have to use it in that way, you just put that kitten on them and kite. Go play a sword board warrior/hammer and tell me that kitten isn’t broken strong.

Strike solid objects as in kitten that has health pools like a wall? Yeah that totally makes sense. I mean in most scenarios I’ll be standing in the middle of no where. I guess i’ll go chop the grass to remove it. Thanks.

I don’t spvp, but I can imagine that kitten is broken there too lol. A condition should never be that strong and so easy to apply at the same time. It takes away any skill needed to play the class.