Poll: Should other players be able to pick up banners?
Nope, other players should get their dirty hands off of banners. It’s pretty crap.
Banners should also not have a cd or disappear, they should act like engineer kits. A permanent bundle you use strategically as needed.
Yaks Bend
i’m fine with it.
I don’t mind people picking them up, unless they’re just using it for swiftness and running off.
I’d like it if they functioned more like Totems from WoW’s Shaman.
I’d be fine if they lowered the effects, lowered the cooldowns, and maybe added some sort of “call banner” function.
As it stands they’re too clunky unless you’re in a deep defense or siege situation.
—Fort Aspenwood—
I would say yes, they ought to be able to, at least if they’re in the same group.
In dungeons my warrior friend will drop one or two banners, and I’ll help manage them while he’s busy swinging his greatsword at anything that moves. I’ll pick them up and move them along with the fight, use the heal from the tactics banner, use the whirl from the defense banner, and use them as a blast combo finisher when I’m done. I think it’s a good thing that everyone can help out in this way.
If they’re in a party with you. Otherwise it gets annoying…
Northern Shiverpeaks
An opposing faction, at the very least, should not be allowed to pick up a warrior’s bannner and run away with it. I don’t feel anyone but the warrior setting the banner should be allowed to move said banner unless, as Leo and zTales stated, they are in the warrior’s war party.
I’m fine with party members picking it up.
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
Party members? Sure.
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior
@Braxxus: I had to check timestamps, and you posted that about banners 1 minute after I posted in the sPvP forum thread about banners.
Long story short, I agree completely about banners.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Party for sure. Others no. And I agree on their kit-like nature… I’d much rather they last forever. Rather than making them less effective for the sake of this, I’d also go with having only one up at a time, or one + the elite thing (which may still be timed, as it’s pretty powerful).
I’d say limit it to party members only.
I’ve accidentally picked up banners during the heat of battle as I tend to spam my “f” key a lot in WvW. Whenever I do pick one up I immediately press 5 to plant it again.
It seems the general consensus is to modify banners so as to only allow party members to carry them?
As a warrior I am fine with it, but as any other profession I am not.. Smetimes I take it by accident in the heat of battle (WvW) because I hope it is a looting back, that can be kinda annoying-__-’
I think it would be cooler if they lowered the over all CD, made it stationary (I know even more lack of mobility), widen the range and made it dmg without trait:D
A bit like the spirits for rangers, so yo could in theory have the banners up permanent:) cool for node defence.
should be an option.
Banners should spawn in your hands and should be only handled by party members.