Possible Peak Performance bug

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


I had wrote this in the bug reports section but no one replied so it got pushed right to the back so i am gonna try here. I am curious if any one else has noticed this so as the title says peak performance is bugged, it is not scaling with adrenaline.

Before the patch you could see the damage increase in the skill tips as your adrenaline went up, but now you can not. Also i have tested this in combat and with rampage as well and as far as i can tell the damage is not scaling at all.

So what that means is when we take that trait and use kick bulls charge, stomp. rampage as listed above, we are not getting the 30% damage bonus. Which in my opinion is a huge bug that should be fixed asap and i can not believe no one has noticed. Now if i am wrong please let me know. Otherwise i would like all other warriors to test this to make sure that i am not missing something.

So if i am correct in this for the last 2 weeks the peak performance trait is totally useless and that is pretty much the main trait that has been taking with most builds for the most part. thank you and i hope this doesn’t get pushed to the back because this is something that needs to be talked about and i really hope i am missing something or anet has dropped the ball big time for warriors on this one. thanks again if you read this.

(edited by degoking.1482)

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: phokus.8934


Did you go to HotM and test this or are you just looking at the tooltip?

Tooltips are more often than not bugged and not an indicator of a trait/skill not working.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Yup i tested it on the test dummies and as far as i could tell no damage increase what so ever, because i thought the same thing i thought ah maybe they just broke the tool tip as they do a lot of in this game. So ye i am pretty sure it is not just a tool tip issue. But what i can say is before this last patch it was showing on the tool tips and u could notice the damage increase significantly.

But now nothing on tool tips and no noticeable difference while using the moves in combat. i tried the ability’s first like kick and stomp, then rampage with full adrenaline and then with out it and i did not see a difference in damage.

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


yeah i notice less damage with rampage as well…..like LESS.

pls fix

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ye i just seen another post on this well similar post so i think people are finally noticing. And this has been going on since the last patch how this escapes anets attention just tell you how much they care about warriors they probably did it on purpose lol. Just kidding but really this is a major bug it makes that trait useless so now we have 2 tier 1 trait’s to choose from, needs a quick fix for sure. unless we are all missing something. What we need is someone good with numbers and the formula they use to test this.

(edited by degoking.1482)