Power/Precise Infusions

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

Hey guys!

Some time ago I started crafting “Precise Infusions” for my asc trinkets and weapons. I remembered them being the best for maximizing DPS on your warrior (I think Nike mentioned them in one of his videos). Since lately I haven’t been playing GW2 I had some time to theory craft and came to the conclusion that “Precise Infusions” aren’t the optimum anymore. Since the meta for solo/group playing warriors now almost always include traiting 6 into arms (previously only 5) it seems to be better to use “Power Infusions”.
In my following examples I’ll calc with 6,6,0,0,2. If you want the numbers for the EA builds just take away 100 power (2 traitpoints from strength) and that’s it.

Build with precise infusions: http://tinyurl.com/mpanykd

Build with power infusions: http://tinyurl.com/od3nu6f

Both builds only use sharpening stones but no buff food and are based on ascended berserker gear + weapons + trinkets!

Power build has 2648 power and a 66% chance to crit. With active fury (20%) + banner of disci (170 prec/21=8% and some leftovers) it comes down to 94% chance to crit. If we add Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash Soup (+100 prec, +70 fero) we get +5% crit chance giving us 99% crit-chance in total. If we use Plate of Truffle Steak (100 power, 70 prec) we get +3% crit-chance resulting in 97% crit-chance in total.

Prec build has 2578 power and a 69% chance to crit. With active fury (20%) + banner of disci (“…”) we get a total of 97% chance to crit. Adding Curry Butternut Squash Soup would result in too much crit chance (102%). Using Plate of Truffle Steak with prec infusions gives us 4% instead of 3% of crit chance due to rounding up/down issues – resulting in having 101% crit chance (wasted prec again). We would end up using food like Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (+100 power, +70 fero) without any precision because we would always get too much crit-chance.

The cap for critting is, correct me if I am wrong, at 99% (at least it is below 100% since even when you have way more than 100% crit-chance you still sometimes don’t crit).

I didn’t calculate the pure DPS and only measured power vs crit chance – leaving out ferocity.

If someone has the DPS formula including power/prec infusions please be so kind and link them here!

Please share your thoughts on Power vs Precise Infusions including different foods (there are some new ones, too) and what you think would be best (including some numbers maybe).


Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


There is very likely no crit cap. I have yet to see any evidence of a non-crit against level 80 target with 100% critical chance.

Against level 81 and above your critical chance gets reduced.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Either way you will always benefit from power infusions.

I’m at the same dilemma as you are with being uncertain about what infusions I want. I currently have 6 precision infusions; one on my back item and the rest on all my jewelry. I’m probably gonna just leave it at that.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

There is very likely no crit cap. I have yet to see any evidence of a non-crit against level 80 target with 100% critical chance.

Against level 81 and above your critical chance gets reduced.

Are you sure about that? I’m not certain myself – just remembering having read that somewhere.

@Miku, if you had to decide: What would you chose? Maybe taking the new buff-food into consideration (100 fero, 33% chanceo to get might on crit)?

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The new buff food is only at its full potential when you’re using scholar runes, and considering how negligible the infusions are for any purpose other than soloing I think precision infusions would probably be best to get (assuming you’re going to be making use of 65003 fast hands build with strength runes and either curry butternut squash, candied dragon rolls or truffle steak).

If you’re 66002, you always should be trying to acquire more and more power.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

Yep, was talking about running with scholar runes instead of strength… At least in arah it’s not that hard to maintain 90%+ health as you know^^
And except for lupi I always run 6,6,0,0,2… everything else is just wasting dps :/

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I completely disagree actually. 66002 is not ideal for solos because the reality is that camping GS is only the best DPS if you’re able to maintain your rotation with GS. If you for whatever reason can’t bladetrail or rush or especially whirlwind, you’ll be doing a lot less than with GS + axe. Not to mention, with fast hands it opens up the opportunity to have a block or an extra dodge.

By the way even with scholar uptime at 100% of the time you still do slightly less than with strength runes and that’s assuming perfect rotations. The reality is you won’t ever maintain 100% hp without frequently breaking out of your 100b chains with a whirlwind or a dodge. Try it on something like Berserker Abomination to see what I mean :P

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

I completely disagree actually. 66002 is not ideal for solos because the reality is that camping GS is only the best DPS if you’re able to maintain your rotation with GS. If you for whatever reason can’t bladetrail or rush or especially whirlwind, you’ll be doing a lot less than with GS + axe. Not to mention, with fast hands it opens up the opportunity to have a block or an extra dodge.

By the way even with scholar uptime at 100% of the time you still do slightly less than with strength runes and that’s assuming perfect rotations. The reality is you won’t ever maintain 100% hp without frequently breaking out of your 100b chains with a whirlwind or a dodge. Try it on something like Berserker Abomination to see what I mean :P

Not having GW2 installed atm but while reading your comment I thought: I do maintain my rotations especially on abo! I hardly have to ever cancel 100b. Bladetrail is a DP loss if used while in close combat (imho). And it’s only a dps loss if you can’t maintain the same amout of mightstacks as with the strength runes. Maybe the new food makes it more likely to get over 20+ stacks?

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


There is very likely no crit cap. I have yet to see any evidence of a non-crit against level 80 target with 100% critical chance.

Against level 81 and above your critical chance gets reduced.

Are you sure about that? I’m not certain myself – just remembering having read that somewhere.

@Miku, if you had to decide: What would you chose? Maybe taking the new buff-food into consideration (100 fero, 33% chanceo to get might on crit)?

I have tested 2700 hits with 100% critical chance. Zero non-crits.

So if you want to discuss this you better come up with some evidence.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Bladetrail is only a DPS loss if the attack is obstructed and the sword doesn’t return for the extra hit.

I brought up the example with berserker abomination because even if you don’t get hit even once you are still ever so slightly lower DPS than you would be with strength runes in a solo situation. So with that in mind, you aren’t able to afford taking a single hit from either the abomination or the inquest adds that spawn meanwhile never messing up your rotation with GS.

My point is that isn’t realistic due to both RNG and because chances are you, like me and anyone else, will probably goof up at some point. Your comment about how you always stay 66002 because of 65003 being a major loss in DPS is a little bit of a contradiction to me because in actual practice outside of a vacuum setting, that’s not true. 65003 not only can camp GS as well with slightly lower output over time, but enables you to swap if you need to without being stuck on a secondary weaponset for too long.

I can say from lots of personal experience that if you’re constantly staying on GS in a solo, you’re probably going to fumble a lot when things get hairy (bad RNG, human error, NPC being a pain in the kitten and aggroing trash mobs).

You’re free to do what you want, but I feel the need to share my insight in hopes of it opening you up to my perspective. I have both an ascended strength and ascended scholar set now, by the way. I’ve tested scholar on a few bosses in Arah solos (abom included) and Strength is very very much noticeably better.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

As I said – I just remembered having read that somewhere and wasn’t too sure myself aynmore. Thanks for your insight with your test. Do you happen to know how much crit-chance one loses if the boss is 1-2 lvls higher than yourself (fighting as lvl 80 a lvl 81 champ for example)?

Mhh, might have just been my personal feeling then. I have seen Luca and Goku run 6,6,0,0,2 in arah for almost every boss except for Lupi and tried it myself and I felt quicker (talking solely about strength runes now). I should’ve probably done some more testing with actual numbers than just relying on my feelings there :P

So far, thx for the replies!

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I haven’t tested it very much but it simply seems to use “Precision->Critital Chance” ratio of the target.

At level 80 it is 21 Precision per 1 Critical chance. At level 81 and 82 it’s 22 and at level 83 and 84 it’s 23 (based on wiki).

Against level 81 target your 100% becomes (100% -24.5% [Base + Fury])*21/22 + 24.5% = 96.5% Critical chance.

Against level 83 it becomes 93.3% Critical chance.