Protection Warrior Build ?
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian
No, but thanks for the feedback.
Anyone else?
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian
inb4 links to warrior shout builds
Delete Warrior
Make a Guardian
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian
Glad to see this community’s so helpful! :P
Never mind then.
you’ll thank us in the end
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian
Sorry, I have to jump on this one.
Best Build:
Guardian – Aegis, reflect projectiles, group healing, stability, retaliation, swiftness and might. Strong survivability.
Warrior – Can hit braindead mobs really hard and share a few stacks of might, fury and swiftness. Worst survivability of all classes.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
To be more constructive, guardians have access to protection and regen which is more support to your allies than being a meat shield on the warrior who has limited ways to absorb damage. The best thing to do for your warrior, if you want to support your allies, is to rock full berserker gear and a GS and go to town on your targets while dodging heavy hits. Warrior’s 100B is pretty solid damage on NPCs.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
Delete Warrior
Make GuardianSorry,
I have to jump on this one.
Best Build:
0/10/0/30/30 is more solid for group support for shouts + boons + energy sigils on weapons and cleric gear. Dodge rolls heal for 1.5k and mild crit chance will give you decent vigor up time. Pick up a mace + shield/focus and staff for decent healing, might, and protection.
Daecollo’s build is like the solid self preservation build. Except I would move 5 from radiance to Virtues for the boons on activation. (procs AH)
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
Imagine all 5 Guardians with the same build.
Gaining 5 Stacks of Might every second, 5 protections every second… that is all procing AH for everyone… it would be like having 1000 hp/s Perma 25 might/protection!
Warriors as tanks are in a sad place :\
I think I understand what you guys are trying to tell me: You want me to delete my Warrior and make a Gaurdian. Is that it? I wasn’t sure! :P
All Lolz aside!
Is it beneficial to have both a Warrior and a Gaurdian? Cause I’m fairly invested in my Charr Warrior, but I would really like a group type PvE character that can keep my friends protected. I always thought of such aspects to belong to Warrior AND Guardian type character, not either or.
You can do anything in pve but for group type support the guardian will be better especially in stuff like high lvl fractals and any new content anet decides to put out.
Warrior => Dmg
Guardian => Support
Ideal settup for most dungeons: 1 support guard 3 dmg warriors 1 dmg mesmer
For fractals 2 guards 2 warriors 1 mesmer
I had no idea about that. So basically a Protection Warrior is a double negative?
I’ll have to ponder this. Thanks guys!
I saw all the “Delete Warrior make Guardian” posts and as sad as it may’s true.
Do high level fractals twice.
Once with a shout heal Warrior and once with a Guardian. You’ll see that the group with the guard is much more protected and supported.
Warriors are great for many other things, but protecting a 5man isn’t one of them.
If you wanna be a Warrior tank you won’t be as good as a Guardian but I think everyone knows that, you can still be pretty good at it. I’d use something like this if I were to try and tank
Hammer is a good weapon choice too
Warrior tank is definitely not a popular choice. Though I’ve had a lot of fun on mine in PvP and PvE. I need to make a Guardian to see why so many people discard war tanks at face value. I haven’t been interested in high level fractals, so perhaps the reasons are apparent there as the character loadouts seem to need to be specific for groups to succeed.
Here’s roughly what I run.|7.1c.9c.e.1c.9c|3.1c.9c|1c.9c.1c.9c.1c.9c.1c.9c.1c.9c.1c.9c||a5.0.u59b.u57b.0|0.0|5y.6c.63.6i.6l|e
In dungeon explorables I’m usually the one that can pick people up if they go down due to high health and armor. Rampage is great to boost your health up past 45k for a limited time.
You can generally stick nearest to the biggest threat to keep it away from the party or stay in front of an ally to block ranged shots meant for them.
The longbow as a secondary has a good self combo by using the burst and then Arcing Arrow when adrenaline is high. Otherwise keep the adrenaline full to get benefits from the Healing Surge ability and the Berserker’s Power trait.
Warriors need massive survivability buffs. If I put 30 trait points down the defense tree and equip my character with soldier/cleric/shaman or giver armor I think it’s pretty reasonable to be more survivable than another class that spent all its resources in offense. But no, the only way to play a warrior is berserker and it’s very frustrating and disappointing if you’re like me and like playing tanks.
I nearly stopped playing the game because of that. I hate playing glass cannons but if I don’t I’m miserable, plus I’m sick pretending to be a tank when even elementalists are tougher than me without sacrificing half the damage I do, not to mentions that guardians spend 0 points in their defense trait lines and they’re tougher than me 30 defense/tactics AND have better damage. I’d play a guardian but I found them boring during the beta so I’d rather just play another game.
This isn’t a “QQ” or “I quit” post, I’m sure this will get fixed eventually, and since warriors have at least one very, very good spec (DPS) there’s probably other professions that are more in help than us right now, but until then I don’t find my character as fun as I wish she was and I’ll be mostly leveling alts casually or playing other games.
Another thread that highlights perfectly how extremely limited class roles are able to be in this game.
I think you best shot would be to constantly knock down a foe. Problem is that it doesn’t work on bosses and only works on one target.
Something like mace-shield+hammer with physical utility skills.
Might work for pvp though…. Maybe… if you don’t get kited or the opponnent brings stun breakers or stealth or clones or Deathshroud or stability or…. ya know… nevermind.
Keep warior
make gaurdian.
Here is the wiki page for Protection. It tells you what can give Protection, what skills are modified because of protection, etc. etc. Warrior’s don’t even make an appearance. Sadly, if you are wanting to primarily defend your allies through a method which doesn’t focus on CC or bursting targets down, you’ve rolled the wrong profession.
Our strongest defensive “Guardian-like” support comes from going 30 into tactics and using shouts or banners.
However, we do give great offensive support through some of those same shouts and offensively geared banners. In the interest of preserving your investment, it may be worth your time to quickly investigate offensive banners or shouts combined with 30 points into Tactics for Inspiring Battle Standard or Vigorous Shouts.
(edited by Veritas.6071)
Generally I would think to make it work you’d need HIGH toughness to attract the right attention and a HIGH health regeneration build with banner and high defense to up toughness, similar to the build shown above. Also, you need vitality in your equipment.
So you’d get adrenaline health from defensive line, the signet for the heal regen that improves the higher adrenaline you have, the banner trait to give additional health regen, and some runes like Dwayna. Then you can keep yourself up. The key though is shield and I would think mace for the double block – one from shield and one from 2.
The challenge though is guardian just rocks with it – shield mace guardian with hammer is sickly good.
Delete Warrior
Make Guardianinb4 links to warrior shout builds
LOL I have a buddy who’s got 80 with almost all classes and he likes to find broken specs. He told me he was able to stack over 5 minutes of protection on his guard if he sat there with perfect skill chains…. just lol. Naw best you can do with warrior is stack p,t, crit. or cav trinkets and a mix of valk/p,t. crit dam armor from fractal. That and lyssa runes make you hard to kill.
LOL I have a buddy who’s got 80 with almost all classes and he likes to find broken specs. He told me he was able to stack over 5 minutes of protection on his guard if he sat there with perfect skill chains…. just lol. Naw best you can do with warrior is stack p,t, crit. or cav trinkets and a mix of valk/p,t. crit dam armor from fractal. That and lyssa runes make you hard to kill.
The lack of boon duration nerf in pve just screws us over in WvW. Boon Guardians are just out of control in WvW.
I dunno why they didn’t fix it as they did in spvp.
LOL I have a buddy who’s got 80 with almost all classes and he likes to find broken specs. He told me he was able to stack over 5 minutes of protection on his guard if he sat there with perfect skill chains…. just lol. Naw best you can do with warrior is stack p,t, crit. or cav trinkets and a mix of valk/p,t. crit dam armor from fractal. That and lyssa runes make you hard to kill.
The lack of boon duration nerf in pve just screws us over in WvW. Boon Guardians are just out of control in WvW.
I dunno why they didn’t fix it as they did in spvp.
I don’t know why they took rings, accessories and back pieces out of sPvP as well either. There’s no dynamics in building for spvp which is why I don’t play it. I play wvw because you can gear stack more and there’s not much they can do against gear stacking. I kind of encourage it. At the same time If you see a 5 minute protection guardian you know to just swerve around him like roadkill on in the middle of the road lol….. let him swing at the air.
Warrior => Dmg
Guardian => SupportIdeal settup for most dungeons: 1 support guard 3 dmg warriors 1 dmg mesmer
For fractals 2 guards 2 warriors 1 mesmer
You mean;
Warrior > Mobility
Guardian > Survivability
In the end i’ve seen my fair share of greatsword guardians dishing out insane amounts of damage.
You’re just limited and aren’t as mobile as a warrior, yet you have alot of abilities to grant you more survivability even though you feel extremely glassy in most scenarios.
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian
PS: We may be getting sustain and support buffs come the end of june.
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian+1
PS: We may be getting sustain and support buffs come the end of june.
Why im sceptical about that?
Is it beneficial to have both a Warrior and a Gaurdian?
Cause I’m fairly invested in my Charr Warrior, but I would really like a group type PvE character that can keep my friends protected.
But not for that.
You do get quite a good amount of group support skills, but they’re far stronger for offence and mobility than defence. They’re also things with a lot of uptime, so they’re not massive in-your-face noticeable stuff, which I think makes warriors a bit less popular for group buffs when people compare that to seeing you HB something into sliced ham.
Nonetheless, in a situation where you have the full 5 people to buff and they’re working together, a warrior can cumulatively add some pretty significant overall damage output to a group. Even the banner of strength alone is 850 power (and condition damage) if it’s applied to 5 people – and it creates a blast finisher when it lands, can make another one with its #5 skill, and grants AOE swiftness which with a warhorn or someone with the brainpower to operate a spare banner you’ve placed can become permanent (warhorn can do this by itself too if traited, but redundancy is nice, you spend less time casting). Likewise disc banner and FGJ can keep a group in permanent fury.
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian+1
PS: We may be getting sustain and support buffs come the end of june.
Why im sceptical about that?
Probably because I used the word may in bold, the laughable state of warrior sustain both currently and historically, and finally the devs unwillingness or inability to balance all their classes properly without creating one that is somehow both OP and UP at the same time.
PS: I just hope that wasn’t rhetorical!
PSS: ‘skeptical’
PSSS: ‘Why am I’
For PvE? Not really a point when you can kill everything pretty easily. But a warrior with good protection uptime is possible and viable for small group play.
With banner of tactics down you have at least 6.6s of protection every 30s, with each conversion of vulnerability which is flying around everywhere in WvW adding 5s to that. I’ve run this to great success, the 10 points in arms may also be adjusted to any other line, 10 to defense for defy pain or last stand, 10 to tactics for banner regen if you want to go the route of tanky support (goes without saying you should change gear in that case), 10 in discipline for burst mastery. With 6 boons (you will have that in most fights with no issue, two of which I used are 5 stacks of might and fury), and a full 25 stacks of bloodlust even without the buff from Merciless Hammer you are looking at 4700 effective power.
So here is a tanky, hard hitting warrior with group utility. Here ya go people, have fun.
Protection warrior is possible with some doing. Warrior needs some help, totally but in the mean time people get creative.
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
(edited by Tetra Bug.7134)
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?
Protection from the runes of the earth (6s every 30s) and converting vulnerability to protection. Condition removal from warhorn, heal can be swapped to mending and and banner to Signet of Stamina.
Play it in a group. Trust me, it is effective. Just because warriors need buffs don’t think there are no effective ways to play them.
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?Protection from the runes of the earth (6s every 30s) and converting vulnerability to protection. Condition removal from warhorn, heal can be swapped to mending and and banner to Signet of Stamina.
Play it in a group. Trust me, it is effective. Just because warriors need buffs don’t think there are no effective ways to play them.
So basicly you rely on a long cool-down gimmick of a rune that only gives you protection at a certain point, and a completely unreliable condition conversion based on luck and relies completely on your enemy’s condition applying?
Might as well just label yourself as: Free Kill.
I laugh at anyone who uses those, because I know I can precast my boon removal/steal just for when it pops up. Your entire rune set wasted because it relies on your OPPONENT. Vulnerability is a rare condition as well, You would remove bleeds/poison way before it just because of how fast its applied over Vulnerability. Warhorn only converts the newest boon, even if you see vuln and use it, chances are bleed/poison will tick over it.
Not even that, with how classes work, its fairly easy just to move away from you and kite you with protection. I can tell you don’t SPVP much.
Don’t Rely on Gimmicks
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?Protection from the runes of the earth (6s every 30s) and converting vulnerability to protection. Condition removal from warhorn, heal can be swapped to mending and and banner to Signet of Stamina.
Play it in a group. Trust me, it is effective. Just because warriors need buffs don’t think there are no effective ways to play them.
So basicly you rely on a long cool-down gimmick of a rune that only gives you protection at a certain point, and a completely unreliable condition conversion based on luck and relies completely on your enemy’s approval.
Might as well just label yourself as: Free Kill.
I laugh at anyone who uses those, because I know I can precast my boon removal/steal just for when it pops up. Your entire rune set wasted because it relies on your OPPONENT. Vulnerability is a rare condition as well, You would remove bleeds/poison way before it just because of how fast its applied over Vulnerability. Warhorn only converts the newest boon, even if you see vuln and use it, chances are bleed/poison will tick over it.
Not even that, with how classes work, its fairly easy just to move away from you and kite you with protection. I can tell you don’t SPVP much.
Don’t Rely on Gimmicks
I stated it was a build for roam groups in WvW. I know the limitations of a warrior in structured and that’s why I didn’t say “in structured”
It’s not a gimmick. Try running it for a while. It;s a nice builf and will see some amazing sex
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
LOL I have a buddy who’s got 80 with almost all classes and he likes to find broken specs. He told me he was able to stack over 5 minutes of protection on his guard if he sat there with perfect skill chains…. just lol. Naw best you can do with warrior is stack p,t, crit. or cav trinkets and a mix of valk/p,t. crit dam armor from fractal. That and lyssa runes make you hard to kill.
The lack of boon duration nerf in pve just screws us over in WvW. Boon Guardians are just out of control in WvW.
I dunno why they didn’t fix it as they did in spvp.
I don’t know why they took rings, accessories and back pieces out of sPvP as well either. There’s no dynamics in building for spvp which is why I don’t play it. I play wvw because you can gear stack more and there’s not much they can do against gear stacking. I kind of encourage it. At the same time If you see a 5 minute protection guardian you know to just swerve around him like roadkill on in the middle of the road lol….. let him swing at the air.
I think its to make spvp easier to balance. Once they introduce 12-16 items instead of one then it will be impossible to balance builds given the track record with balancing so far.
I think they took out the tougness from the knight’s amulet, runes of altruism and sigil of impact for balance reasons as well.
Yea regarding the guardian. That’s why I want boon stripping so I have a chance. Its just silly how tanky boon guardians are in wvw.
Delete Warrior
Make Guardian+1
PS: We may be getting sustain and support buffs come the end of june.
Why im sceptical about that?
Weren’t you impressed by destruction of the empowered and the signet of might?? =p
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?Protection from the runes of the earth (6s every 30s) and converting vulnerability to protection. Condition removal from warhorn, heal can be swapped to mending and and banner to Signet of Stamina.
Play it in a group. Trust me, it is effective. Just because warriors need buffs don’t think there are no effective ways to play them.
So basicly you rely on a long cool-down gimmick of a rune that only gives you protection at a certain point, and a completely unreliable condition conversion based on luck and relies completely on your enemy’s approval.
Might as well just label yourself as: Free Kill.
I laugh at anyone who uses those, because I know I can precast my boon removal/steal just for when it pops up. Your entire rune set wasted because it relies on your OPPONENT. Vulnerability is a rare condition as well, You would remove bleeds/poison way before it just because of how fast its applied over Vulnerability. Warhorn only converts the newest boon, even if you see vuln and use it, chances are bleed/poison will tick over it.
Not even that, with how classes work, its fairly easy just to move away from you and kite you with protection. I can tell you don’t SPVP much.
Don’t Rely on Gimmicks
I stated it was a build for roam groups in WvW. I know the limitations of a warrior in structured and that’s why I didn’t say “in structured”
It’s not a gimmick. Try running it for a while. It;s a nice builf and will see some amazing sex
The problem with quick breathing is you usually have more than one condition on you. When you convert the condition, it tends to favor the kittenty condition like bleeding or poison etc. Also, it is just stupid..I mean it converts fear into stability..tell me how you will convert your own fear to stability? kittened.
They should shift it around so it focses on giving you protection 1st then stability etc. Things we desperately need as warriors.
Also by taking those runes you sacrifice a lot that you can obtain from superior runes. It is totally unacceptable that we have to sacrifice our rune set just to deal with the poor design/shortcomings of a warrior. The majority of warriors run melandru just to deal with conditions while other classes don’t have to.
The problem with quick breathing is you usually have more than one condition on you. When you convert the condition, it tends to favor the kittenty condition like bleeding or poison etc. Also, it is just stupid..I mean it converts fear into stability..tell me how you will convert your own fear to stability? kittened.
They should shift it around so it focses on giving you protection 1st then stability etc. Things we desperately need as warriors.
Also by taking those runes you sacrifice a lot that you can obtain from superior runes. It is totally unacceptable that we have to sacrifice our rune set just to deal with the poor design/shortcomings of a warrior. The majority of warriors run melandru just to deal with conditions while other classes don’t have to.
Errr…. I think you are downplaying the warhorn. A traited warhorn is one of the best condition removals in the game. My only real complaint with the skill is that #4 charge is not an instant
I like warhorn for WvW. I usually don’t use it for the sake of getting protection. I use it for the sake of dumping the numerous or huge stacks of damaging conditions that I get piled on me when flying in and out of a large group of people.
And then you actually play-test and realize how horrible it is…
Pretend for one second that warriors aren’t supposed to be the same as guardians. What this build does is exactly what you always talk about. It has protection, condition removal, (minor, but with our health pool we don’t need a ton) sustain, while still putting out solid burst coupled with in fight mobility.
I have played this build for about a month and had great results. I have over 1000 hours on warrior primarily in WvW. For playing in small group zerg busting groups this build has been very rewarding to me. So yes, I have play tested it. Yesterday I succesfully pulled off a 3v1 against 2 elementalists and a thief (admittedly, the eles were staff eles divorced from the zerg) and have for a change found my warrior being the last one standing in a small scale WvW group frequently. Warrior is kitten, yes but whining about that in every thread is just annoying. Save your “WARRIORS SHOULD BE GUARDIANS” for the threads about improving warriors.
Nice, so how do you gain protection?
And how do you remove conditions?Protection from the runes of the earth (6s every 30s) and converting vulnerability to protection. Condition removal from warhorn, heal can be swapped to mending and and banner to Signet of Stamina.
Play it in a group. Trust me, it is effective. Just because warriors need buffs don’t think there are no effective ways to play them.
So basicly you rely on a long cool-down gimmick of a rune that only gives you protection at a certain point, and a completely unreliable condition conversion based on luck and relies completely on your enemy’s approval.
Might as well just label yourself as: Free Kill.
I laugh at anyone who uses those, because I know I can precast my boon removal/steal just for when it pops up. Your entire rune set wasted because it relies on your OPPONENT. Vulnerability is a rare condition as well, You would remove bleeds/poison way before it just because of how fast its applied over Vulnerability. Warhorn only converts the newest boon, even if you see vuln and use it, chances are bleed/poison will tick over it.
Not even that, with how classes work, its fairly easy just to move away from you and kite you with protection. I can tell you don’t SPVP much.
Don’t Rely on Gimmicks
I stated it was a build for roam groups in WvW. I know the limitations of a warrior in structured and that’s why I didn’t say “in structured”
It’s not a gimmick. Try running it for a while. It;s a nice builf and will see some amazing sex
This is why you don’t drink and post. You start off fine, then you type yourself around a tree and take out a car full of teenagers with you.
But the point of the warhorn in the build I posted is not to simply convert vuln into protection. You should be giving preference to damaging conditions if possible given the nature of the boons it removes. I was just pointing out that you can gain a good amount of protection this way.
I run like to run in groups of 10-20 people. That almost always includes guardians with pure of voice, D/D eles and all kinds of condition removal flying around. The thought with the runes of the earth was that it will always proc on initiation with an enemy group, providing a reduction in direct damage for that initial barrage, while being able to keep moving and aid in the group condition removal while using all those extra boons generated coupled with good boon duration buffs to get a high % increase in damage.
It’s a build that is meant for group play, (in before WE NEED TO BE CARRIED, when playing in a group it’s a simple fact you build around your allies strengths and weaknesses) so if it does not fit your purposes that’s fine. I just saw a thread about protection and warriors so I decided to throw in my two cents.
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
ThetaJ, these folks are right. If you want to play a char with a protection build, roll a Guardian. I have a 80 Guard and 80 Warrior and I’m here to tell you that there’s no way a Warrior can ever match a Guardian for protection and group support. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Warrior but the class’s best function is DPS, not protection/support.
And my only complaint about the Guardian is weak ranged abilities and poor mobility.