Pure Ranged Warrior

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cempa.5619


I began with the idea of a pure ranged warrior for WvW and PvE which meant I had to choose between Power (Rifle) or Condition (Long Bow), I choose Power.

As you all know Long Bow #1 auto attack scales well with power so it seems like a good fit as the rest of Long Bow is for CC and AoE.

Here is what I came up with, though not sure about Utilities and gearing:


Effective Power 3747.39
Effective Health (EHP) 32611
Damage Reduction 35.26%
Toughness 1625

Critical Chance 45.29%
Damage 29.36%
Critical Damage + 40%

Mix of Knight/Soldier/Beserker

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


been fooling around in wvw for some time with dual rifles.
Before you say, it’s stupid, just consider the following:
Max power, max crit damage, max tough or vit, ~20%(40 with fury) crit chance. Every rifle gets a sigil of intelligence. Basically, what you do is throwing max damage killshots left and right.
It’s some sort of cheesy build, but you can build it with pretty defensive trait choices and it will still land those huge killshots.

Actually, with the 5 second cd on swap trait, you might ditch the second riflw for a bow.

@ your build: You NEED stronger bowstrings. It’s a mandatory trait when going for longbow.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406




gonna try that xD

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: autoduck.2837


I’ve seen some pretty cool wvw videos on youtube of rifle warriors sniping enemy commanders. Seems quite effective!

Kaineng 11/2012-04/2013
Sanctum of Rall 04/2013-

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Spifnar.4712


Given the buff to bow #5 recently,you’d be a fool to not use it instead of a second rifle.

Just be careful of on-swap sigils and the 9s cooldown with fast hands

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


do you guys think you can elaborate on the play style for this build? I know that the rifle main atk has a bleed attached, and the last time I played a warr (4-5 months ago) the long bow arrows did not impress me… were kinda slow and meh.
Thank you.

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: graverr.6473


Bow is a beast since it got buffed.Projectile finishers no longer 20% chance and 6 stacks of bleed on 4 sec immobilize is great.I loved bow from the start but now i just can’t drop it from any build.

What is more awesome about it is that even when specced full power you can still get to use that condition damage because of the nice might stacking we have going on.I played fulll condition for a while but realized is just wasted.Full power ftw for 6 k crits from nr3.Burning and bleeds will still be high if u stack might like you should on a war.

Also Best d/d ele counter known.But i don’t wanna spoil it all for you :P

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


sounds cool. I never played a warr except in the mist when I tried the weapons and skills. Will maybe start a warr this days, if I figure out a balance for the above build regarding power/cnd dmg priority.

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


Given the buff to bow #5 recently,you’d be a fool to not use it instead of a second rifle.

Just be careful of on-swap sigils and the 9s cooldown with fast hands

Well, I’d probably get either powerstacks or crit chance as a sigil in the bow anyway to make sure, they don’t get in the way of my sigil of intelligence.
Critchance is actually a solid choice, as we will have almost no precision with maxed out crit damage, so it will be equal to a flat 6-7% damage increase.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

(edited by naphack.9346)

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cempa.5619


do you guys think you can elaborate on the play style for this build? I know that the rifle main atk has a bleed attached, and the last time I played a warr (4-5 months ago) the long bow arrows did not impress me… were kinda slow and meh.
Thank you.

Since I put that build together I have been trying to learn, now some people have already posted how to combine Rifle+LB to lock-down and burst…Rifle is for the 3 burst abilities and an emergency knock back, you really don’t want to be using Rifle 1 outside of 1 stack of bleed for the 10% extra damage. Long Bow is for locking down while you land that ‘slow arcing arrow’ AE attack and then LB 1 is a beast in a power/crit build.

Basically its a build that has you using both weapon ALL the times…its like I want Rifle for x3 abilities and NOT #1 and I want LB for CC and #1 auto attack.

Not sure how well I wrote that :/

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: graverr.6473


do you guys think you can elaborate on the play style for this build? I know that the rifle main atk has a bleed attached, and the last time I played a warr (4-5 months ago) the long bow arrows did not impress me… were kinda slow and meh.
Thank you.

Since I put that build together I have been trying to learn, now some people have already posted how to combine Rifle+LB to lock-down and burst…Rifle is for the 3 burst abilities and an emergency knock back, you really don’t want to be using Rifle 1 outside of 1 stack of bleed for the 10% extra damage. Long Bow is for locking down while you land that ‘slow arcing arrow’ AE attack and then LB 1 is a beast in a power/crit build.

Basically its a build that has you using both weapon ALL the times…its like I want Rifle for x3 abilities and NOT #1 and I want LB for CC and #1 auto attack.

Not sure how well I wrote that :/

You know u can crit 6 k AOE with arcing arrow right ? and f1 skill is maybe best of any warrior weapon.Smoldering arrow blind is also far more usefull than Rifle Brutal Shot.I yet need to learn about 1 arrow skill that is not extremely good at something.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

Pure Ranged Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cempa.5619


The more I play both weapons the more I like the mix of control, burst and sustained I just am no longer sure of the build and gear!