PvE Only - whats the best build ?
I am also interested in this subject. So far i am going condition warrior sword/shield. My goal is to be tanky, selfsustainable slow (condition) killing machine
I’m only level 49 at the moment and I struggle on this subject as well as most guides seem to be aimed at level 80’s rather than the path to getting to 80.
So far I’ve tried dual axes, shield/axe, hammer and greatsword. I tend to just go with whichever is the best weapon I have at the time. I’ve been using GS for the last 5 levels or so, then I found a hammer that was loads better so I swapped to that to mix things up a bit.
My traits so far are 19/20/0/0/0 I think. I’ve been using the Signet build with the precision perk but I don’t know if this is most effective anymore. I still seem to kill things pretty quick but I was pretty useless at a champion battle last night when I figured I should be using skills the FJG and banners, etc rather than useless signets.
I tend to just buy power and precision for now Just do what you think is best? I don’t think there’s any ‘best’ build for pve as pretty much any options will work. Even without using a shield or pumping into defence you’re likely to have more survivability than most classes.
As for ranged combat, I like the longbow. Great for AoE damage and condition damage. I think the rifle may have better single target damage but I don’t think it outweighs the versatility of the bow which can be used in all situations IMO.
from what ive seen and experienced a year ago and nowdays aswell, anything but Greatsword is bad in PvE , to much AoE mob agro so it makes certain weapons useless.
it was called Cookie cutter build or something like that.. but with so many changes after a year im wondering if its still viable or if theres a different & better build
from what ive seen and experienced a year ago and nowdays aswell, anything but Greatsword is bad in PvE , to much AoE mob agro so it makes certain weapons useless.
it was called Cookie cutter build or something like that.. but with so many changes after a year im wondering if its still viable or if theres a different & better build
Main hand axe is better than greatsword.
For leveling: Get “For great justice!”, Sigent of Fury and Signet of might as soon as you can; unless you like carrying a banner around, then you can opt for banner of discipline aswell (instead of one Signet, really doesn’t matter which).
As weapons I would recommend Greatsword and for the other set Sword and Warhorn, to get the highest amount of mobility (bullcharge has way too much cd IMO). Your first 10 points should go into arms, for the extra precision per signet trait (lots of crits). Afterwards I would recommend getting 15 points into discipline to unlock your secret class mechanic, 5 second cooldown for weaponswap (really useful later on) and 20% reduced signet cooldown. Once you reach lvl 30 unlock Signet of Rage (damage+swiftness=profit).
I usually recommend switching out the weapons (at least greatsword) every 5 levels, blue stuff is absolutely fine, and the armor every 10 levels. Go for Power mainstat and Precision offstat (it is called either “strong” or “mighty”). You don’t really need accesories, but I think taking them from lvl40+ is also beneficial (cheap stuff of course).
Another thing you might want to do is skip some areas by crafting a profession to 400. Last time I checked, cooking, jewelcrafting and artificier were relatively cheap to get to 400, although artificier might give less exp now (idk if that is the case). – A zone I usually try to skip is the Straits of Devastation; Even though you might fair relatively well there, because you are ze mighty warrior, the zone is still a pain.
Assuming you want to go for dungeons:
Once @Level 80 I would recommend going for the 30/25/0/0/15 build. In terms of Armor you can start of with more defensive armor (Knights, Soldiers) until you are familiar with the stuff you want to do later on (basically you need to learn what skills to dodge, aswell as how to spot them). Reading guides & watching videos helps aquiring that skills faster)
Skills that are a MUST have under any circumstance are: All the banners , For great Justice, Shake it off!, all the signets, Balanced stance, Endure Pain. The other skills are not as important and can be unlocked later.
30 25 0 0 15 best build period.
I’ve been using Greatsword for a while now but I begun to get bored of it. I swapped to Axe/Mace yesterday and it’s a whole lot better. The auto attack damage is insane, add a fire sigil and sigil of force to that and it’s even better. Can constantly apply 8 stacks of Vulnerability and even more if you take the 33% chane on crit +1 vulnerability. It’s also great for the likes of kiting champions while still attacking, and not being rooted to the one spot (gs #2) for large damage.
I use 30 10 0 0 30
I’m currently in love with Axe/Mace
(edited by Zach.3264)
Do you mean open PvE only or do you want to do dungeons, too? The top builds for them are different.
I’ve been using Greatsword for a while now but I begun to get bored of it. I swapped to Axe/Mace yesterday and it’s a whole lot better. The auto attack damage is insane, add a fire sigil and sigil of force to that and it’s even better. Can constantly apply 8 stacks of Vulnerability and even more if you take the 33% chane on crit +1 vulnerability. It’s also great for the likes of kiting champions while still attacking, and not being rooted to the one spot (gs #2) for large damage.
I use 30 10 0 0 30
I’m currently in love with Axe/Mace
You should use 30/25/0/10/5. That is the superior pure axe build.
Hexom is asking what to use while levelling guys.
I’d recommend staying away from GS at low levels. Even with power prec gear hundred blades and the autoattack simply does not do enough dps and you often get overwhelmed by enemy mobs and the occasional veteran mobs which hit like a truck.
I’d recommend axe/mace and longbow, and full power precision crit gear. Slot signet of fury, fgj and endure pain for oh crap moments. Start fights with full adrenaline by activating the signet if you’re low. Combustive shot → arcing arrow, then hack away with your axe if there’s anything still left alive. Combustive shot + arcing arrow is just so powerful for clearing trash mobs, they literally melt away from that simple combo. The AoE is powerful and very large so it’s great for tagging mobs for loot and exp too.
If you have trouble with stronger/numerous mobs, stay in longbow a while longer and kite inside your combustive shot fire field until they have lower health/fewer numbers.
Carry a GS around though if you want to jump in a dungeon or two to swap out with your longbow. Also, get healing signet asap.
I haven’t used Healing Signet after the patch, but before it was the second worst heal skill (my opinion). Healing Surge is much more efficient for me, and you can trait for regen.
Hexom is asking what to use while levelling guys.
I’d recommend staying away from GS at low levels. Even with power prec gear hundred blades and the autoattack simply does not do enough dps and you often get overwhelmed by enemy mobs and the occasional veteran mobs which hit like a truck.
I’d recommend axe/mace and longbow, and full power precision crit gear. Slot signet of fury, fgj and endure pain for oh crap moments. Start fights with full adrenaline by activating the signet if you’re low. Combustive shot -> arcing arrow, then hack away with your axe if there’s anything still left alive. Combustive shot + arcing arrow is just so powerful for clearing trash mobs, they literally melt away from that simple combo. The AoE is powerful and very large so it’s great for tagging mobs for loot and exp too.
If you have trouble with stronger/numerous mobs, stay in longbow a while longer and kite inside your combustive shot fire field until they have lower health/fewer numbers.
Carry a GS around though if you want to jump in a dungeon or two to swap out with your longbow. Also, get healing signet asap.
That’s the best advice so far, considering the OP is asking about levelling. However, rather than Axe/Mace, I’d usually run with Axe/Horn, because when you’re levelling, you spend more time travelling than fighting, and you can’t fight travel time with a mace, but you can with a horn!
Alternatively if you have Warrior’s Sprint, and remember to keep the Axe/Mace equipped whilst moving, that’s almost as good.
For levelling – craft it.
Dont have the gold then use gw2spidy and make it.
Champ train in Goldshire/Queensdale – boring but fast karma/gold/xp
Craft some more with said gold.
Did I mention craft to level up?
DPS Warrior Guide Updated for 10/15
Top PVE DPS guide by Brazil.
All you could need.
(edited by Cefiro.9372)
For levelling – craft it.
Dont have the gold then use gw2spidy and make it.
Champ train in Goldshire/Queensdale – boring but fast karma/gold/xp
Craft some more with said gold.
Did I mention craft to level up?
This, on the other hand, is really questionable advice.
Crafting armour or weapons in the current patch is a massive, massive gold sink. Do not, if this is your first character, craft weapons or armour. If you need weapons and armour, blues and greens are available on the AH. They will cost less than you could sell the crafting materials for, far, far less.
If you really want to level up super-fast, for some reason, don’t do it by crafting weapons or armour. Do it by levelling cooking 1-400 (which can be done very cheaply, that’s 10 levels right there), and maybe levelling Jeweller 1-350-ish (maybe 375 – you won’t have the ectos to go higher), or perhaps Leatherworker (but that’s no direct use to a Warrior so less of a good idea). 1-350 will get you 8 levels or so with Jeweller, and whilst it will detract from how much gold you could have at 80, it won’t do so in the same way something like WS or Armoursmith would.
The Queensdale Champ train is also truly incredibly boring, and on a lot of servers, it’s not actually running right now a lot of days/nights, because the same people are often the Labyrinth instead. Both of them will get you fairly steady XP and good rewards, but you are repeating the same few events over and over and over, and you will be doing literally nothing skilled or involved, just mindlessly zerging bosses whilst seeing the same scenery. You gain a level about once every kitten minutes on the Queensdale train (and 95% of the XP is from the Champs being “events”, so XP boosters do almost nothing to that), which is good but not great.
It also means that you won’t have any WPs around the world, so once you do level up, you’ll just have to go get all of them. Scarlet events are also much faster XP than the train (especially with boosters – even without I’ve gained three levels in those 45 minutes before) but you won’t be able to get to them if you only have WPs in Queensdale or the like.
So unless you actually enjoy boredom and repetition, I’d stay away from that. Especially as at 80 you may want to do the Frostgorge train, which is vastly more profitable, and don’t want to already be 100% bored of trains!
DPS Warrior Guide Updated for 10/15
Top PVE DPS guide by Brazil.
All you could need.
Great at level 80, not much use whilst levelling.
Actually using the dps guides as a base for lvling is very effective. When i was lvling my warrior i was using GS, axe mace and switch to sword warhorn sometimes for mobility. Traits were basically copied as I unlocked them from the build I was going to use once I hit 80. Facerolled the content no problems. Warrior has a very easy time lvling if you stick to dps traits and dps weapons. Thats all you really need to know.
Hexom is asking what to use while levelling guys.
I’d recommend staying away from GS at low levels. Even with power prec gear hundred blades and the autoattack simply does not do enough dps and you often get overwhelmed by enemy mobs and the occasional veteran mobs which hit like a truck.
I’d recommend axe/mace and longbow, and full power precision crit gear. Slot signet of fury, fgj and endure pain for oh crap moments. Start fights with full adrenaline by activating the signet if you’re low. Combustive shot -> arcing arrow, then hack away with your axe if there’s anything still left alive. Combustive shot + arcing arrow is just so powerful for clearing trash mobs, they literally melt away from that simple combo. The AoE is powerful and very large so it’s great for tagging mobs for loot and exp too.
If you have trouble with stronger/numerous mobs, stay in longbow a while longer and kite inside your combustive shot fire field until they have lower health/fewer numbers.
Carry a GS around though if you want to jump in a dungeon or two to swap out with your longbow. Also, get healing signet asap.
Thank you! Just stumbled upon this and this is great advice.
GS/LB is great for PvE overall. GS/Axe-Mace for some dungeon speedruns.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I leveled using Hammer/Longbow back at launch day, I would recommend however to just test weapon combos out and use a 5 signet build.
I leveled using Hammer/Longbow back at launch day, I would recommend however to just test weapon combos out and use a 5 signet build.
Signet build isn’t that great anymore. It has no real advantage over other utilities.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
BUMP! Can I ask for the latest guide? Which is which?
u might get some more weapons with +10% dmg agains x monster for even more dmg
Is that for leveling? Cause i am still level 28 atm
no its the max dmg build atm for lvl 80 but u can lvl with anything u want just clear maps and lvl up
cause i was asking for what gears, traits, skills should i use for better leveling
Problem is, it can be hard to be “incredibly tanky while still dealing incredible damage.” You could pidgeon hole yourself into a Hammer build that relies on stunning enemies and then using a specific trait (forget which one, but I think it’s Unsuspecting Foes; 50% crit chance increase against stunned targets) switch to another weapon that has high damage like axe or greatsword and deal some deepz. You could then have the freedom to build soldier’s gear for power, toughness, and vitality.
But in all honesty? The best build is the one you enjoy the most. I got Axe/Axe and Longbow. Is it the absolute best possible dps combination? Heck no. Is it fun for me, though? Heck yes!
I was using sword/sword back then because it suits my name “Kirito” well But I was having a trouble leveling with it back then.
Id say the best build is a balance of both wich can use any weapon and be optimal in any situation without having to constantly buy a respect in the middle of the dungeon to assume the various role. Technicaly this means i dont think going full dps is actualy the wisest move.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
unable to edit for some reason (oh well) at this point i run all weapon on a 0 25 (20) 15 (20) 30 0 build and adapt between banners healing and shout healing depending on the situation. Heavy dps maniacs rage a lot against it but hey im doing fairly good damage and supporting the whole team without constantly dying (i can run 30 25 0 0 15 but i think its to self centered)
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Hello all I’m new to GW2
I’ve probably only put in maybe 5-10 hours tops so far, but I love the mechanics and the variety of this game. Although most likely some combinations of weps don’t work well. I think it’s really cool how each has their own skills. That makes it worth at least TRYING all weapons not just for their dmg..
So I rolled a WAR today, and I am loving the dps quick action
I’m going trying to capitalize on DMG rather than longevity of life :P
I’ve only started unlocking a few weapons, currently Horn, 1H Sword, 1H Mace, 2H Sword, 2H Mace. It was obvious before I looked this up on the net that the 2H Sword is going to constantly hold one slot in my swap. I had an idea in mind, but I haven’t seen anyone suggest it, unless I overlooked it… anyway here’s what I was thinking for a good combo:
1H Sword/Horn & 2H Sword. I’m thinking I can Jump attack into battle throw on speed buff, and MAYBE endurance buff, swap to 2H use a bunch of attacks and keep switching back for that speed. Is this ridiculous? Keep in mind I’m new :p I’m sure I’ll know soon!
sword/warhorn is a garbage weaponset except for skipping. you need to have a mainhand axe to maximise DPS because of the extremely strong AA which you use after using your 2h sword burst (HB-rush-WA); good offhands are mace and sword (to lesser extent warhorn).
shoutheals and banner heals are kitten and won’t save your team. go with a good 30/25/0/0/15 meta build and help your party by providing good DPS and all the support (save weak heals) as those inferior builds.
if you’re intent on more support run a build with 20 tactics for EA. 30/0/0/20/20 (kitten crit chance) or 20/30/0/20/0 (no 15% modifier) all of which lack fast hands are decent options though the heavy DPS loss may not be worth it.
The guy’s like level 2, let him run whatever wants.
sword/warhorn is a garbage weaponset except for skipping. you need to have a mainhand axe to maximise DPS because of the extremely strong AA which you use after using your 2h sword burst (HB-rush-WA); good offhands are mace and sword (to lesser extent warhorn).
shoutheals and banner heals are kitten and won’t save your team. go with a good 30/25/0/0/15 meta build and help your party by providing good DPS and all the support (save weak heals) as those inferior builds.
if you’re intent on more support run a build with 20 tactics for EA. 30/0/0/20/20 (kitten crit chance) or 20/30/0/20/0 (no 15% modifier) all of which lack fast hands are decent options though the heavy DPS loss may not be worth it.
Greatsword + Sword/Warhorn is awesome for leveling in open world.
Longbow is also nice. Lvl mobs have rly low health and u can pull masses with your bow. F1 3 probably 4 and a few hits with your axe/gs and u killed another 5-10 group of lootbags.
Tratis will be the same, there is no need to trait tactic longbow traits in PvE.
I lvled my second warrior this way and it feeled stronger then gs/axe. And it´s something diffrent, u will play GS+Axt enough if u hit lvl 80 and go dungeons…
For leveling I really liked sword/axe + GS. The longsword gives great mobility and far more dps than the warhorn, plus its adrenaline function is an AoE immobilize. Axe 5 is also a great AoE. Use longbow for champs or tagging mobs. Longbow has a great AoE and some nice blast finishers.
Also for leveling buy some cheap runes or sigils with good power or crit and put them on your armor to get set bonuses. Sometimes you can get great runes for dirt cheap (major runes of divinity). These bonuses can really help you blast through mobs. Cheap food and potions or stones are a must as they provide bonuses to experience.
Go up the power trait line. Add a couple of points in toughness or vitality if you’re too squishy or trying to uplevel in wvw. As you approach 80, start speccing more into the pve meta build (30/25/0/0/15) or one of the various wvw builds.
As mentioned in earlier posts, spend some silver to get new weapons every 5-10 levels. You don’t need anything fancy as you’ll just replace it. You can buy armor, but it’s easy to get decent armor from crafting or karma. You can also pick up some weapons in wvw using karma. These are a bit expensive in terms of karma, so save your karma for the heart vendors and just upgrade as you go. Your weapon is your primary means of damage, so focus on keeping them up to level.
For easy leveling, someone mentioned crafting. This is great if you have the coin or materials already. Best leveling is doing the first 5-6 heart quests in each starting zone. They go fast and there are 5 starting zones (Asuran one is worth skipping). The Queensdale champ train gives a lot of exp, especially if your server does the bandit and occasional wasp kills. While the train is boring, you do get up-to-level gear as well as materials for crafting or profit. WvW is ok for leveling but the conditions have to be right: karma train and camp flipping work best. Some people don’t like uplevels running in wvw, but I never had any trouble with it as long as I didn’t stack poorly.
(edited by Exquisitor.5076)
sword/warhorn is a garbage weaponset except for skipping. you need to have a mainhand axe to maximise DPS because of the extremely strong AA which you use after using your 2h sword burst (HB-rush-WA); good offhands are mace and sword (to lesser extent warhorn).
shoutheals and banner heals are kitten and won’t save your team. go with a good 30/25/0/0/15 meta build and help your party by providing good DPS and all the support (save weak heals) as those inferior builds.
if you’re intent on more support run a build with 20 tactics for EA. 30/0/0/20/20 (kitten crit chance) or 20/30/0/20/0 (no 15% modifier) all of which lack fast hands are decent options though the heavy DPS loss may not be worth it.
Greatsword + Sword/Warhorn is awesome for leveling in open world.
that’s true, I guess gs burst is enough to kill most PVE mobs instantly. I don’t like the GS root much (some annoying mobs like to move out of HB range) so I went axe/mace sw/wh when doing map completion.
currently I’d recommend axe/wh and GS as well.
As far as dungeons are concerned, is there anyway to work a rifle into the mix?
Perhaps a GS/Rifle build for high burst and high AoE damage with GS?
Does anyone know of a build that includes a Rifle for dungeons or is this just an under performing weapon as far as dungeons go?
This is something I just threw together.
If anyone here has the time to look at it and critique it, I would greatly appreciate it.
(edited by Jossa.8301)
PvE Only – whats the best build ?
Confusion condi build.
Can you be more specific mini?
Can you be more specific mini?
He is trolling you.
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