[PvP] Healing Skill

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Steinpilz.5078


Why does every warrior build on Meta Battle use Healing Signet instead of Healing Surge or Mending[?
The regeneration of the signet is not so much if you don’t stack healing power.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


Because its the best heal out there, 362/s.

Healing Surge heals for 327/s, to be able to surpass healing signet, your healing power must be at least 694.

And of course you need a Full Adrenaline bar too.

BTW with 694 healing power, Healing signet will heal for 396/s way better than healing surge

Healing Surge really need a fix, at least get rid of the Full Adrenaline bar requirement.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Healing signet is just so strong compared to the others

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

healing signet may have the best stats on paper but without the correct ways to Migrate damage the Hp-persecond won’t mean much.

it all depends on how much Adrenaline you gain from activating skills or how your traits are set up , if you use 6 in burst mastery with a set up that uses some blocks or improved Vigour for dodges also if the build in question is a damage soak type where those blocks are not needed as much and only used to push lines or get to a postion through Aoes.

healing surge is powerful in that sense as the damage taken and given builds up in the Area of damage , then using the block to take the Brunt of the damage only to appear out the other side with full Adrenaline , its also a much better at spike/burst recovery and allow a much more aggressive play style but as said you need to back that up with decent hp and toughness , not scrimping on hp just because you’ve got 22k does not mean its enough.

the Major down side to healing singet is that it has no Spike/burst recovery so it relys on lots of blocks/dodges/kiting to gain the most effective use of the hp per second but doing so means you are not hitting as much or taking as much damage due to said down time blocking or dodging, which in turn effects your adrenaline level from not recharging quickly.

the most effective way of killing a warroir using a healing signet is to just poison+3-5 bleeds and it pretty much counters anything under a 400hp persecond gain.

its not that healing singet is strong , its just the easiest to use and easy to most effective in most warroir builds but i did point out that its major flaw is Spike damage followed by supporting condis.

so that metabattle build really really needs that CI and shouts or condi clearing effects to cover the healing signets weakness , where was surge can just take the damage then use it for full effect though you may need Restorative Strength instead of Mobile Strikes and dogged march, so you can quickly recover to a more advantageous postion or enable you to follow through with a kill.

where is you used healing signet in a situation, you’ll have to use dogged march and or mobile strikes using a skill to enable that final killing blow but it also puts the user at risk due to its longer cast time and by then you’ve missed your chance , then also most likely dead on the floor or forced to kite to recover hp for a vastly long amount of time.

1.healing signet bring to the board the , Time vs damage vs survival scenario the longer the fight the better off but is situational to the target not being good at surviving the damage output.

2. surge allows more aggressive play style but needs Hp and toughness to back it up , blocks and dodging only reduces how fast your Adrenaline recovers but lacks in the Longer fights of time vs damage vs survival, so Damage vs time becomes the builds top priority.

though it is fun running 0,2,6,0,6 rampage build with Rousing Resilience and 26khp healing surge gets me back to max and the hp lasts a lot longer than the hp per second i gain from healing signet.

its a different choice though i’d say its not the strongest or the best , surge is just for different build types.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Taken from my guide:


Comparisons between our heals to show how much hp/min you heal with them:
Healing Signet – 362 hp every 1 sec * 60 = 21,720 hp/min
Mending – 5240 hp every 20 sec * 3 = 15,720 hp/min
Healing Surge – 9820 hp every 30 sec (with full adrenaline) = 19,640 hp/min
Defiant Stance – varies too much

Healing Surge has little use now due to the fact that adrenaline is lost quickly when not in combat. Mending is also typically a poor choice as well because it heals worse HP/sec than everything else does.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Taken from my guide:


Comparisons between our heals to show how much hp/min you heal with them:
Healing Signet – 362 hp every 1 sec * 60 = 21,720 hp/min
Mending – 5240 hp every 20 sec * 3 = 15,720 hp/min
Healing Surge – 9820 hp every 30 sec (with full adrenaline) = 19,640 hp/min
Defiant Stance – varies too much

Healing Surge has little use now due to the fact that adrenaline is lost quickly when not in combat. Mending is also typically a poor choice as well because it heals worse HP/sec than everything else does.

all build defined , healing signet is user friendly.
though 60secs for 21k hp:p
or 30secs for 19k , if your Pvp role is capping side points avoiding larger fights healing singet is better suited.

though for a Role of damage , CC and KDS using a rampage type build surge is better as you won’t be out of combat for long at all.

and that out of combat tip for healing signet " Healing Surge has little use now due to the fact that adrenaline is lost quickly when not in combat" only really effects WvW.

For the strong hold and or conquest in a good rotations you’ll never be out of combat for any longer than 15secs, unless again your team role is to camp home and +1 support between points then the hp persecond becomes more useful as you recover while traversing between points.

a warroirs healing skills a highly dependant on the type of build and how you use it.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Only affects WvW? I’d really like to face a warrior using healing surge in PvP tbh. They’d be ridiculously easy to kill.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Only affects WvW? I’d really like to face a warrior using healing surge in PvP tbh. They’d be ridiculously easy to kill.

clap clap what a great retort, results in boasting , i don’t care for opinions or stats when stats on paper mean nothing against other human players.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s nothing to debate about, it’s that you’ll get absolutely murdered by conditions which PvP is filled with. You can take cleansing ire and spam longbow F1’s all you want but you’re not going to be doing anything but struggling to survive, and the worst part is healing surge heals way less if you do this because it depletes your adrenaline every time you cleanse your conditions.

So considering this, you can heal only 11,770 hp/min with 0 adrenaline. That’s so bad that an ele using arcane brilliance with 0 healing power and 0 targets selected can match the amount of hp/min that you restore. That’s horrible.

Paper or not, you’re arguing about something that’s been obvious to the warrior community for years – healing signet is one of our biggest advantages overall in all game modes. There are situations where it can be our downfall, but other classes would love a luxury like this.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

It’s nothing to debate about, it’s that you’ll get absolutely murdered by conditions which PvP is filled with. You can take cleansing ire and spam longbow F1’s all you want but you’re not going to be doing anything but struggling to survive, and the worst part is healing surge heals way less if you do this because it depletes your adrenaline every time you cleanse your conditions.

So considering this, you can heal only 11,770 hp/min with 0 adrenaline. That’s so bad that an ele using arcane brilliance with 0 healing power and 0 targets selected can match the amount of hp/min that you restore. That’s horrible.

Paper or not, you’re arguing about something that’s been obvious to the warrior community for years – healing signet is one of our biggest advantages overall in all game modes. There are situations where it can be out downfall, but other classes would love a luxury like this.

all situational , also healing surge does not deplete adrenaline.
its skills is Heal and regain all Adrenaline , and playing yin yan between two healing sources does the class no good, im not good a math with paper Calcualtions but i know for sure near 100% uptime on adrenaline for use with Adrenal Health is only somthing like 20% less than the passive on healing signet , and yes i know its been talked over and over because you all bowed down the numbers you see on paper .

I’ve played a Ranger long enough to understand a Warroirs weakness while using a healing signet and i’ll tell you those warroirs are the easiest to kill , dogged march or not all the healing signet does is delay it does not solve the problem unless you manage your hp through shouts and CI , using a surge just means you don’t have to waste your f1 on condi clears or use a shout , you can just heal back to max use one (untraited shake it off and finish the fight).

the best defence is Aggression on a warroir and using a passive heal defeats its purpose it forces you to play a kiting style combat and that is what a Shout/bow is Kite>damage let healing signet recover you while the target dies to condis+AA damage attacks buying time.

its no wonder i’ve Trashing warroirs in Pvp using this build type the healing signet provides nothing but sustain and no recovery vs well time attacks or CC lock, with a build using utilties to recover from condis also means you have less Stability now so be prepaired to be Stun locked because that is how Pvp is going to end up when HoT gets released , i;ve seen it happen in gw1 and when the expansions came out the same kind of Healing signet/ passive regen per second builds got wiped out and replaced by W/mo’s with mending for Spike heals.

no need to all defensive , times are changing so maybe you long time warroirs need to just try these different heals and get out of your comfort zone , it might shed light on things that have been forgotten.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Torqiseknite.1380


If you’re going to try and be all anti-meta with your logic and pretend that numbers don’t matter, that’s fine, but please don’t spread misinformation if you don’t know how to calculate simple sums.

Healing Signet is 21,720 health per minute. Healing Surge is 19,640 health per minute, not 19,640 health every 30 seconds, and that’s assuming that you have 100% adrenaline when you use it (and saving your adrenaline for your heal skill instead of burst skills is a waste). That also happens to be what Purple Miku means with regards to depleting adrenaline – using Cleansing Ire to clear conditions uses up adrenaline. Also, you’re wrong about Adrenal Health – 360 health every 3 seconds is roughly 66% less than Healing Signet.

The problem with Healing Surge is that it requires you to conserve one of your most important resources – adrenaline – in order to get its full effect, AND that full effect is still less than what you get with Healing Signet. Furthermore, it has a cast time of 1 second and can be interrupted, unlike the signet. Going off your posts, I assume you think that Healing Surge is somehow better against conditions, even though it requires that you split your adrenaline between your heal skill and your burst skill. Sure, it’ll restore your adrenaline when you use it, but the heal amount when you aren’t at full adrenaline is about half of what you would get otherwise so you’ll just die from direct damage instead.

But, whatever. If you think Healing Surge is better than Healing Signet, feel free to message me in-game for a duel – I’ll use the signet, and you can use whatever kitteny adrenaline-wasting build you want.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

If you’re going to try and be all anti-meta with your logic and pretend that numbers don’t matter, that’s fine, but please don’t spread misinformation if you don’t know how to calculate simple sums.

Healing Signet is 21,720 health per minute. Healing Surge is 19,640 health per minute, not 19,640 health every 30 seconds, and that’s assuming that you have 100% adrenaline when you use it (and saving your adrenaline for your heal skill instead of burst skills is a waste). That also happens to be what Purple Miku means with regards to depleting adrenaline – using Cleansing Ire to clear conditions uses up adrenaline. Also, you’re wrong about Adrenal Health – 360 health every 3 seconds is roughly 66% less than Healing Signet.

The problem with Healing Surge is that it requires you to conserve one of your most important resources – adrenaline – in order to get its full effect, AND that full effect is still less than what you get with Healing Signet. Furthermore, it has a cast time of 1 second and can be interrupted, unlike the signet. Going off your posts, I assume you think that Healing Surge is somehow better against conditions, even though it requires that you split your adrenaline between your heal skill and your burst skill. Sure, it’ll restore your adrenaline when you use it, but the heal amount when you aren’t at full adrenaline is about half of what you would get otherwise so you’ll just die from direct damage instead.

But, whatever. If you think Healing Surge is better than Healing Signet, feel free to message me in-game for a duel – I’ll use the signet, and you can use whatever kitteny adrenaline-wasting build you want.

I can Calculate well just not well on paper and i may not be the best at maths but im dam well not stupid as you’d say.

1. im not saying surge is better or worse
2. healing signet is situational depending on the build same as surge.
3. If i wanted to state things as a fact , I’d Type it as fact using the WORD FACT 0./

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: witcher.3197


It’s not only about the stats. Healing Signet can’t be interrupted, keeps healing you even when you are CC’d and while a well timed 1-2 seconds longs Poison can be enough to reduce the effectiveness of other heals by 33% (this means thousands of HP) its impact on HS is much less significant.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

It’s not only about the stats. Healing Signet can’t be interrupted, keeps healing you even when you are CC’d and while a well timed 1-2 seconds longs Poison can be enough to reduce the effectiveness of other heals by 33% (this means thousands of HP) its impact on HS is much less significant.

i dont’ see much of a issue when it comes to interrupting a warroirs heal skill .
Healing signet is 1-1/4 sec cast more than enough time to stop it , it can be done same goes for surge though thats 1sec cast time.

interruption is not a issue at a higher skill level and most of the time a heal burst is a life saver as the signet will not save you from a co-ordanated burst or CC lock spike.

even if healing signet does heal you while your stunned it makes no difference in the outcome unless you use its active which you won’t 0./ because your too scared of loosing the passive.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


362 HPS may not mean a whole lot but when it is on 100% of the time, never requires you to press a button, and is on a heavy armor profession therefore making the most of the regen, it’s no competition. There are ways to tear up healing signet (poison :X) but on the warrior profession, healing signet is very powerful compared to any of the other options. They look nice and it’d be great if they gave some actual return for their long cooldowns but they just don’t make the cut.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: witcher.3197


It’s not only about the stats. Healing Signet can’t be interrupted, keeps healing you even when you are CC’d and while a well timed 1-2 seconds longs Poison can be enough to reduce the effectiveness of other heals by 33% (this means thousands of HP) its impact on HS is much less significant.

i dont’ see much of a issue when it comes to interrupting a warroirs heal skill .
Healing signet is 1-1/4 sec cast more than enough time to stop it , it can be done same goes for surge though thats 1sec cast time.

If you are ever using Healing Signet for the active then there are problems.

[PvP] Healing Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: vespers.1759


I do love seeing healing signet on perma poison ranger.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.